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WoW Lockpicking FAQFollow

#152 Apr 20 2007 at 6:25 PM Rating: Decent
Klaven(the poison chest) i got him down to about 5%-10% health at 32 with the -15 Agi poison still on( I forgot to use stoneform to take it of(it does work but)),so he can be done by a dwarf at 32....any lower will prob kill you, have fun lvling your Lockpicking.
When my lockpicking is 175, i will start going to desolace and quest/pick there(my lockpicking is my lvl s if the trainer says go to there I GO to there).

Edited, Apr 21st 2007 2:38am by HymirDAcreepy
#153 Apr 21 2007 at 9:51 PM Rating: Decent
if you were 19.. how did you get your skill up to 103?
#154 Apr 24 2007 at 5:37 AM Rating: Decent
no wonder i couldnt get my lockpicking above 130 at level 26... ha ha :D
#155 May 15 2007 at 8:53 PM Rating: Decent
At level 21, I had a max lock picking of 105, but my lockpicking was only at 90 (from earlier practice). I returned to the Pirate Ship north of Ratchet, thinking I could skill up to my max 105.

Wrongo. Those pirate chests in the ship's cabin are easy to use (just right-click on them, or use the skill icon). But they only took me (sloooowly) to 100. And then they went gray.

I went downstairs to Polly's chest (a separate chest entirely that I'd remembered from the Polly quest earlier). It was not active, had no "gear" to show I could do anything with it. It didn't respond to my lockpicking at all. (And a good thing: I didn't feel like fighting Polly.)

I went out, did a little killing and got up to level 22. Back to the Pirate Ship. Nope, chests still gray, no more experience from picking them. So 100 apparently is as far as the Pirate Ship chests go.

I suppose I'll have to go to that tower (Klaven) where the Poison Quest sends you. Hate that, those guys are tough, and at 22 I'll probably still aggro that guy upstairs who walks near the chest. So I'll have to bring some higher level along to protect me. But that's the only place I can see that will bring me up to my new 110 max level.

So, if you expect to get over 100 at that Pirate Ship, forget about it. And Polly's chest won't be of any use at all unless you maybe still have the Polly quest (and you don't kill her).

Darned shame that there's one lousy locked chest in the whole world you can use to skill up over 100 :-(
#156 May 16 2007 at 1:16 AM Rating: Decent
surprisingly enough this works perfectly :)

#157 May 16 2007 at 12:43 PM Rating: Decent
Just an FYI, If you do this quest at 16 (alliance), you can only skill up to 80 on the boxes be fore you max out for level. Guess I'll have to come back here and practice some more in a few levels...
#158 May 19 2007 at 6:58 PM Rating: Decent
a great place to level lockpicking...along the coast of desolace in the sartheris strand, i leveled from 158 to 225 lp in less than an hour, no lie great lping.
#159 May 21 2007 at 9:01 AM Rating: Decent
Anyone have lockpicking advice past 300? I got from 290 to 330 in under an hour at Tyr's hand in ep between looking for the boxes and pickpocketing. No idea where to go next.
#160 Jun 07 2007 at 9:30 AM Rating: Decent
185 posts
A few good places for Dented Foot Lockers, which require LP level 225, is Lost Rigger Cove on the Eastern shore of Tanaris and The Cauldron in Searing Gorge. I don't know how high they will get you but I'm still yellow at max level of 260.
#161 Jun 22 2007 at 4:55 AM Rating: Decent
7 posts
I'm still relatively new to WoW (coming from EverQuest). I've chosen a Night Elf Rogue as my "Main" so far (my "Main" in EverQuest is a 75 Human Wizard) and as I can see from the posts here, I'm not alone in my quest for "dependable" sources for raising my Lockpicking skill. I'm presently 33 and have raised my skill to 165 - max for my level and I've seen no mention of Zoram Strand(sp?). I've been going here since approximately level 18 or 19, I think. There are "Waterlogged Chest"'s all over this area. I probably was at 100'ish in Lockpicking at this time (depending on when the practice chests were trivial in Redridge). They depawn when picked, but they respawn (rarely in the same place as before) and there are probably 10+. I think they went "Green" at 150'ish, but they still gave a skill-ups at a fair rate for me. At 165 they're still "Green", so if when I get level 34, I can't find a different and reliable spot, I'll go back to them until they "Gray" out. Also, they don't respawn immediately, but by the time I did all the ones I could find around Zoram Strand, they had started to reappear. I hope this helps some of you and I apologize for the lengthiness of my post. I tend to ramble a little when I write.

Aeliandra Level 33 Night Elf Rogue - Area52
#162 Jul 29 2007 at 9:24 AM Rating: Decent
Just picked the box in the tower of Sent. Hill and i maxed the box out at 170 not 175, not sure if anyone else has seen this but its just what happened to me.
#163 Aug 01 2007 at 9:59 AM Rating: Decent
Pickpocketing....had a bit of a read through this guide and found it very informative...only thing i didn't see mentioned in much detail is that if you pickpocket mobs (humanoid) around your own lvl they will quite often have locked junkboxes which will give you skill ups and loot (cash and rogue items).

Sorry I can't remember the lvls for the earlier pickpocketing but i am currently pickpocketing in the lvl 58 to 65 mob bracket and am usually getting heavy and strong junkboxes.
I'm now lvl 64 and my skill is 320/320 the heavy junkboxes are now green to me and the strong junkboxes are orange...I've been able to open the orange from sill lvl 300...still getting the occasional fail with them but a guaranteed skill up each time (lvl permitting obviously).

I hope this has been of some use to you all....HAPPY PILFERING....The Frogg.

EDIT....just hit lvl 70 and can confirm strong junkboxes will lvl you the whole way to 350/350 where they eventually turn green.
Edited, Aug 1st 2007 2:06pm by frogglymohaw

Edited, Sep 8th 2007 2:45pm by frogglymohaw
#164 Aug 19 2007 at 6:29 AM Rating: Decent
OMG This guide helped so much thanks!
#165 Sep 05 2007 at 1:22 AM Rating: Decent
On the Klaven Tower (Poison Quest) the chest turned grey on me at LP 170 -- but I did successfully go from 108 to 170 in about 40 minutes. (It went green on me at LP 125, but I kept getting skill-ups every time until around 155, then it took a bit of time to get to 170, when it finally went grey.) Hiding behind the chair, like the FAQ suggests, did keep me out of Klaven's aggro-range, so I only had to kill him when I first got to the top of the tower. At my current lvl (36) it wasn't too terribly hard to kill him. Got a pally to heal me of the poison after I was done -- no problems.

I have some quests in Desolace -- can I pick those underwater locks at LP 170? Or do I need to go somewhere else to get a higher LP skill before I go to Desolace?

#166 Sep 07 2007 at 3:59 AM Rating: Decent
29 posts
I got past 170 also by opening underwater chests at Desolace.

Btw, I can't open Khorium lockboxes at level 225 as this quest suggests.
#167 Sep 14 2007 at 8:16 PM Rating: Decent
61 posts
A good way to go from 170 to at least 200 is Angmar Fortress in the northern Badlands. Lockboxes around there will get you to 175, where the dented footlockers become orange. There are around 5-9 spawns if it's fresh, and by the time you get them all, the first ones will have respawned. Just did this today. 170-200 in about 40 minutes.

Edited: Spelling and punctuation.

Edited, Sep 15th 2007 12:17am by omnisorrow
#168 Oct 24 2007 at 6:34 AM Rating: Decent
RE: Lvling lockpicking from 265 to 300+

Being a 61 rogue stuck at 265 LP and unwilling to sit in Orgrimmar for 5h a day spamming /2 for LPing, I decided to read all the forums, guides, etc to lvl my lockpicking. The biggest snag seems to be 265-300.

I tried the gate in searing gorge, and yes if you pickpocket a few mobs on either side it will reset the gate and allow multiple skill-ups, but it is very inefficient.

Forgot the footlockers in EPL, they are to scarce. You can PP mobs in Tyr's Hand, but they move alot and make you run around to get good positioning in order to avoid PP resists/stealth detections.

The most efficient way I found was to PP in LBRS - just the mobs through to the troll rooms, then reset. These mobs are stationary for the most part, and you can weave in and out of them with ease. Make sure that you have 5/5 Master of Deception and 2/2 Dirty Tricks. I was able to get enough Heavy Junkboxes to lvl LP from 265-301 in less than 1 hour (and made 5g)! I only had two PP resists (vanish ftw). It helps on some mobs if you are deep sublety for Shadowstep, but it isnt' required.

I hope it helps - saved me alot of frustration and time, and now I can open wicker chests in Zangamarsh to continue the LP lvling.

Clymidea, 61 Rogue <Serenity> Cho'gall
#169 Oct 27 2007 at 5:12 PM Rating: Decent
great info thanks
#170 Nov 30 2007 at 7:23 AM Rating: Decent
755 posts
Slight update - or really just an FYI - to the lockpicking FAQ.

At 170 the poison quest chest will go gray. So:

170 - 175: Go to the Badlands. There's a fortress there of dark dwarves. On the second floor of the fortress on one side you'll find two locked Strongboxes. Open them and go around to the other wing of the upper floor where there's another strongbox. Open it. By the time you get back to the original side those two chests should respawn shortly. I've also heard from a friend of mine that plays a dwarf rogue (I know, I play Horde and should hate him but I can't! :P) that you can go to the Wetlands (I did NOT try this myself). What he said was look for the boxes that are inside the camps of the gnolls there. They'll also level you to 175. The ones outside the camp WILL NOT. They gray at 170.

175 - ??: SM Catherdral. BUT before you go into Cath, pick the locks on both Cath and Arm inside SM for +2 LP. THEN go into Cath to the big doors. Sap one of the guards closest to the door, pick the lock, restealth and walk out the instance. Reset and repeat. Works 5 times an hour. What I do is do that 5 times, then go back to Undercity and advert that I am opening lock boxes Steel and below (I'm working on getting to 225 as I am level 45 right now).

Hope this helps someone!

Edited, Nov 30th 2007 8:24am by vyodar
#171 Dec 31 2007 at 7:54 AM Rating: Decent
71 posts
More details on Angor Fortress in the Badlands for that critical 170-175 interval.

There are 2 lockbox spawns that happen on the ground floor and upper floor that can arrive in any of about ~10 different spots. They are yellow to 175 (nicefor that 170-175 gap). The humanoid (sap ftw) mobs in this area are around lvl 38 and lots of times you have to kill 2 and sometimes 3 (I did this at 47 so it was easy to stealth around and kill when I liked).

There are 3 lockbox spawns on the lower level with the pit and fireplace. These are orange starting at 175 and green at 225. Again, there are about 8 different places they can spawn in the lower level. The level is so small (2 side rooms and 1 main room) that it is easy to see them. There seems to be an aggro free area at the top of the stairs leading down to the fireplace area. The kicker is that many of the spawns are in range of the 42 elite fire elemental boss mob. He does cast some nasty fire spells so keep your kick/gouge up to interrupt his spells.

In many cases you can get almost instantaneous repops of the boxes (like getting 3 to start and 2 immediate pops) or in just a few minutes they repop. Chasing the 2 boxes as they spawn all over the ground/upper level is a pain but you get used to it for the 170-~190 range and then just go to the lower level.

Even after the basement/fireplace boxes turned green they still gave skillups quite frequently.
#172 Jan 02 2008 at 12:54 PM Rating: Good
286 posts
225-275 was easy as hell for me as a Lv. 61 rogue. I went to Searing Gorge into the Slag Pit. There are tons of Dented Footlockers spread around the area where Overseer Maltorius and Obsidian are. Got from 225-275 in under an hour. You can also pickpocket the mobs there for footlockers, but that will probably reduce your efficiency since it's quicker to just go to the next locker.

Edited, Jan 2nd 2008 3:55pm by duvar
#173 Jan 12 2008 at 5:26 PM Rating: Decent
Current Patch 2.3.2

As a 70 rouge who has slacked off a little bit, I took some time today to level it...

First I tried the chest in The Barrens (above the Sludge Fen) and leveled it from 120 to 170.

Coordinates: 53,7 (or similiar, you can easily see

After that I took a shot at Angor Fortress, which I discovered that it can't be used as an area for lockpicking at this level, EVEN though the trainer suggests it. I actually brought this up with a GM and he suggested that I should look around the fortress for other lockboxes than those I had tried to pick... Anyways, it was the boxes sitting around the Infernal-elitemob.

I however took the other option the trainer gave me and made my way to Desolace, which ended up being probably the best place for leveling 170+.

Coordinates: 35,25 (the area around that spot)

More to come, I'm gonna try to level it to 350.

Edited, Jan 12th 2008 8:43pm by Deliberation

Edited, Jan 12th 2008 8:44pm by Deliberation
#174 Jan 14 2008 at 5:25 AM Rating: Decent
my lp is 170 and i tried everywhere you guys said to try to get it to 175 but there all grey
#175 Feb 06 2008 at 12:54 PM Rating: Good
36 posts
Make sure you pickpocket mobs in the area of the lock boxes you are opening, they often give you more boxes to pick.
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