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WoW Lockpicking FAQFollow

#127 Feb 12 2007 at 8:19 PM Rating: Decent
I would just like to ask if anyone could help me on this one.

I have the Pick Lock skill (from Rogue Trainer), the Thieve's Tools and still don't have the skill on my Character Sheet (the skill one), this way i can't up my level, is this a bug ? Have i missed anything ? Any sugestion to fix it ?
#128 Feb 14 2007 at 12:38 PM Rating: Decent
These are all great and the info is awesome, but if you go to the rogue trainer and ask them about lockpicking, they will tell you where to go. I did do LP while i was leveling so here I am a lvl 61 rogue that can't open locked chest in Hellfire Ramparts. After 3 runs of wasted loot, that was enough. I went from 178 to 310 LP in 2 hours and 14 min buy talking to the trainer. I didn't open my first lockbox until 310 in Honor Hold. So this is just another roue you can take in your journey to 300 LP. As an added bonus, Dark Leather Gloves will be your friend ( I added +5 to skinning as I am a lvl 346 skinner). Every little bit helps.
#129 Feb 15 2007 at 12:27 PM Rating: Decent
509 posts
I sneak into BRD and Scholo to skill my lockpicking up. The doors in BRD I think are 260 minimum (Lvl 52) and Scholo is 280 (lvl 56). You can easily sneak to these doors and pick them. Then leave the instance, lather-reset-repeat. (Scholo's door locks behind you so you can re-pick it on the way out.) If you're daring, you can also sneak up to the undead guys in the first room in scholo and pick their pockets--they can contain junkboxes for extra picking fun.

Once you get to 60, I would recommend you start picking the orcs' pockets in Hellfire. I picked a couple of strong junkboxes and I still can't open them because I'm only 59 and you need a skill of 300 to pop them. If you're an imp sap rogue and just need easy cash, sappem and pickem, then move to your next victim (they do not aggro when coming out of sap). They're pretty perceptive though so use distract if they grunt at you. Easy peasy.
#130 Feb 17 2007 at 12:17 AM Rating: Decent
539 posts
Plenty of lockboxes around the murloc camps in the wetlands...right outside harbour.
At skilllevel 135-140 they were a mix of green and orange to me,and I got the satisfaction of killing some murlocs in the process :D
#131 Feb 20 2007 at 12:14 PM Rating: Decent
924 posts
For Horde:

The chest you get your poison quest from will give you skillups to 170 or 175. It's on autorespawn, so it's a good way to go. You will still get the Curse of Zhengi or whatever, debuff. When you've hit 175 go find a pally/shaman/priest to cure it, and you're golden.

Dunno what the coords are. It's up past the mirefens.
#132 Feb 22 2007 at 8:57 AM Rating: Decent
I read parts of this post, its really cool to read some of the LP strategies, unfortunately most of them dont work or are not accurate anymore. 140-150 LP can be worked to 170 at durnhold keep from random boxes. The scarlet Monestary doors outside the instance can no longer be picked, it requires the key. Im going to assume the same issue with the doors in other places. Blizz has fixed this. I am going to attempt the poison quest at lvl 20 in the barrens since Im told it works untill your 175 in skill, I already have a number of sturdy junk boxes that are picked from bloodsail pirates near BB (Booty Bay)that are red at 150ish LP. A guide from 1-300 needs to be updated IMO, because Blizz is patching alot of these snipets.
#133 Feb 23 2007 at 10:01 AM Rating: Decent
I want to confirm something with this post as well, after reaching 160 LP from Durnhold, go to Desolace the boxes in the water located in naga infested waters are at the very North West part of the map off the shore. The average Naga is 32-35 however i did come accross a few that were around 37 but every once in a while. The boxes near the shore are orange at 160 which is great, they turn yellowish at 180-190, however if you go deeper underwater to some of the wreckage there is moss covered boxes that turn orange at that LP level. There are bubble fizzures to give you breath, however if you arent an undead rogue I highly recommend getting underwater breathing pots, because its a long swim down and up, in some cases you have to fight naga to get to the bubblers.
#134 Feb 24 2007 at 11:10 PM Rating: Decent
202 posts
I want to confirm the Desolace spot also. just leveled there from 169 to 225 today.

basically the way i did it so far was

1-70 in the original lockpick quest spot with tons of chests that repop fast

71-150 is a bit blurry but i think i did the beginning in the boat near Ratchet
and then went to Durnholde in Hillsbrad which is a very good spot

150-169 was from several random chests i PPd or came along

and then i was a bit at a loss but as stated just went to Desolace and leveled
169-225 fairly rapidly (1-2h give or take)

hope this helps
#135 Feb 27 2007 at 8:46 AM Rating: Decent
924 posts
Yeah, confirmed. Those damn chests are kinda hard to find until you know what you're looking for, but I took mine from 169 to 192 there before I got sick of waiting for the chests to respawn. But it's high enough to take care of the level 40 lockboxes, so that's prolly how I'm taking mine to 225.

ZF ftw!
#136 Mar 02 2007 at 4:57 AM Rating: Decent
Desolace footlockers are great. Had got stuck in the lockpicking dead-zone at 160-ish and then read the guide re Desolace. First went back to the poison quest box in the tower near Sludge Fen and levelled till 170-ish then it was off to Desolace.

Swam directly north from the flight master in Shadowprey, saw the ship and then swam past there till I found the Naga. Soon saw the boxes on the sea bed and began picking. Just hit 200 as a 40 rogue and the boxes have just turned green on me. As an undead rogue, didn't need any breathing aids as the air pockets you can find bubbling from the sea-bed suffice.

At 40 the Naga are easy grind but it's always worth having a weapon smeared in Crippling Poison just to stop adds as the Naga do run at low health.

Also be prepared for a slow grind in lock-picking should other rogues be about -I went there this morning nobody around and bang flew from 182-200. Took lot longer to get from 170-182 last night due to competition from one other rogue.

I'm a happy bunny now and thanks everyone for the guide and comments - it's lovely to see a thread that doesn't have childish comments splattered all over it and has really helped me.
#137 Mar 02 2007 at 5:48 PM Rating: Decent
I am so happy i was able to find this. I have been looking for the lockpicking skill required for everything for a very long time. This has been very useful to me. Thank you. =]
#138 Mar 12 2007 at 6:21 AM Rating: Decent
300-350 Feralfen Village in Zangarmarsh, the wicker lock boxes around 43,62 are orange at 300 and become yellow about 330, there are about 10 boxes here and respawn about 5 minutes. The junkboxes you can pickpocket from the village are also yellow until 350.
#139 Mar 12 2007 at 9:12 PM Rating: Decent
I am level 85 lock picking and I need a place to improve my lock picking. All I need are the coordinates and location to keep it simple, I still don't know much about WoW yet. Thank you.
#140 Mar 12 2007 at 10:49 PM Rating: Decent
202 posts
i suggest you read the post
#141 Mar 14 2007 at 2:41 AM Rating: Decent
225 posts
Another great place for skillup. Lake near the Sunken Temple dungeon (eastern part of Swamp of Sorrows). there are a lot of chests underwater.
Chests become orange on 190 skill and respawns pretty quick. Just take some water breathing potions and swim circles around the temple.
When they will be grey, you will be able to open most high-level lockboxes including Mithril, Eternium etc.
#142 Mar 14 2007 at 2:50 AM Rating: Decent
225 posts
P.S. I reached 300 LP Skill by /y Opening lockboxes at the bank of Darnassus
I was working for free but many rogues on my server demands donation for unlocking
#143 Mar 16 2007 at 1:39 AM Rating: Decent
23 posts
The horde poison quest chest is grey for me at lockpick 139, so I surmise that it turns grey long before 175 :P
...and I was hoping for an easy up...
#144 Mar 21 2007 at 5:45 PM Rating: Decent
apparantly im at a lil barrier.

my lvl 46 rogue has only 145 LP so wuts the best place to lvl up to 175 cuz the strand is def the place to go for footlockers to lvl from 175-200 atleast...

so where should i go w/ 145 LP?
#145 Mar 22 2007 at 8:21 AM Rating: Decent
Lockpicking makes a LOT of money in tips, but once you reach 225 skill in it, the only reasons to up it further are picking dungeon doors and junkboxes. But if you cared about junkboxes, you'd still be at an equivalent level of lockpicking for mobs at your range. ;) I can even open outlands junkboxes from level 60-something players with 300 skill (295 red, with +5 from dark leathers orange) so as far as I know, I can open everything that can be opened in /trade :p
#146 Mar 23 2007 at 3:24 AM Rating: Decent
76 posts
I did the lockpicking quest and the poison quest at an early stage and skilled up to 133. After accumulating enough lockboxes to become annoying, I set off to skill-up my lockpicking skill. First, I read through this entire post before setting off again. First, I went to the ship by Ratchet. I didn't think that it was capable of skilling up to 175 and, indeed, it was grey to me with skill 133. So, I took off to go check the chest for the poison quest (gillywix's chest) sp? Anyway, that one was green and I used it to skill up to 170, not 175. It went grey at 170. Also of note, I got the disease again -40 agility or something like that - a little annoying. So from there, I went to the trainer to see if I could be cured - no dice. Then I took off for SM. I picked the lock of the two doors and got a skill up for each and ran into the instance, hoping that this would reset the doors - no dice. I ran into the other side - no dice. I ran outside - no dice. Ran back outside, killed a mob and tried again - no dice. I remembered that there were a bunch of waterlogged footlockers in Sarethis Strand in Desolace and so I went there. The footlockers conned orange at 172 and I used them to skill up to 224. Had to quit there 'cause I was late for work and I figured the lockboxes I have in my bank would take me to 225. Anyway, those waterlogged footlockers spawned very rapidly and had a very high % to skill-up even when they turned green, like 80-90%. Took about a half hr to go from 172 to 224. Hope this helps. I think some minor changes have been made since BC came out.
#147 Mar 29 2007 at 3:19 PM Rating: Decent
And now there's a new area for starter lockpicking, Ghostlands thanks to the XPac. Amani Catacombs is the site for starter lockingpicking and can get you to 80+, and two Ghostland Troll villages, Zeb'Nowa and Zeb'Tela have primitive lockboxes, and are the destination for the follow-on Rogue quest.
#148 Apr 07 2007 at 4:59 AM Rating: Decent
BTW the poison quest chest go gray at 170 not 175 and Strong Iron LockBox also goes gray at 170. I can confirm because my skill is at 170 and I'm having to find another way to up my LP to 175 for a Steel LockBox that i got.
#149 Apr 11 2007 at 6:14 AM Rating: Decent
644 posts
Maybe things have changed since the time when it was hard to level lockpicking, but I have personnaly found it very easy (I am currently at 270).

I used the information above to level until about 220 and then only did I realize that I could effectively pickpocket all humanoids that have pockets ;) (and some non humanoids as well, like the slime-like monsters which btw look like they have tons of things in them as you can see arrows and other items in them).

SO, pretty easy: before using cheap-shot/ambush on any monster, pickpocket it first (mobs tend to detect you extremely rarely if you do it properly, i.e. coming from behind). You mostly get money, sometimes other cool stuff (namely rogue components) and sometimes chests. These are not as common as the other stuff, but still fairly common. If you do that on mobs of your level, you'll get green/yellow/orange chests, so not each will guarantee a skillup but most will give you one. According to my experience, about 10 chests will do for the 5 skillups you need at each level. And getting 10 chests from lockpicking is very easy. That's it.

Hope this will help others (try to be smarter than me and do it from the very beginning, you can occasionally also drop some cool stuff from lockpicking).

N.B. This lockpicking habbit helped me a LOT with some quests where you have to drop items from mobs... especially in Ashara when you have to drop scroll pieces from the slime-like creatures since a) there are very few of them and b) the drop-rate is ridiculously low: I pickpocket MORE pieces from the mobs than I got from looting them... and sometimes I got 1-2 from pickpocketing AND 1-2 from looting... SO, always pickpockets mobs from which you are expecting a specific loot.

N.B. bis: This is a bit obvious, but I still wanted to reply to one poster who said that, strangely, the doors of the Scarlet Monastery were green to him with about 170 lockpicking or something: this is because you character carries the key to the monastery, thus it is green. Otherwise it would be red.

#150 Apr 13 2007 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
I have a lvl 38 rogue that even though I'm picking orange and yellow lockboxes I can't get to lvl past the lockpicking skill lvl of 185. I've tried to lvl in the Badlands and Desolce to no avail. Any advise would be helpfull.
#151 Apr 18 2007 at 4:37 AM Rating: Decent
644 posts

Nothing to worry about here it seems.

Remember that your lockpicking skill is capped at 5 x your level. You say you're lvl 38 now, I assume that you've just leveled up and when you were lvl 37, your lockpicking skill was capped at 37 x 5 = 185.

When you successfully open an orange lock, you get an automatic skillup, guaranteed. For yellow ones, you most often do get one as well. For the green ones, it varies. Just like other skillups.

Now that you're lvl 38, try lockpicking more orange/yellow chests and you'll reach 190, no worries.

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