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WoW Lockpicking FAQFollow

#77 Mar 19 2006 at 2:26 AM Rating: Decent

Doors in the normal world (aka not in instances) are usually on some sort of timer. In other words, you can't repeatedly pick the same door over and over again for skillups. The mechanism of the timers are not well known. Some people say if you pick something else (anything else) inbetween attempts that it will reset some timers. Others say that if you pickpocket a mob, or kill a mob, or so something else, that this will reset the timers. It may be different for every door. Suffice to say that reset an instance always (to my knowledge) resets any doors inside, so use that method when you can. I am leaning towards the pickpocketting theory for now.

went to gnomer to level my LP a bit off the door, 165 at the time.

pickpocketing = door not reset
picking junkbox = door not reset
killing = door not reset
enter Gnomer = door not reset
wait 20 minutes = door not reset

after 30 min in gnomer at the door, I left at 166
back to green boxes in Stonetalon to 175

as for the poster above me, you are at right ship, wrong floor. those are the practice boxes for the horde LP quest not the polly box.
#78 Mar 19 2006 at 7:05 AM Rating: Decent
1,606 posts
I was standing around in SM today waiting for the rest of my group to show up and I figured I'd ***** around with the doors. I'm currently lvl 39 and when I got there my LP skill was 190. I picked the arm door (orange to me) and got a skill up. Then went to the cath door (again orange) and skilled up. I then proceeded to the armory where I was going to zone in. Low and behold it was locked again. I went back and fourth picking them until I got to 195. They locked after each pick. I could even stand there and pick the same door. The area was kinda busy, and I did already have a member of the group in the instance. I don't know if this had anything to do with it, or if it was a glitch, but definitely let me skill up fast. I'll be going back when I hit 40 for some more quick skillups.
#79 Mar 29 2006 at 9:05 AM Rating: Decent
Got most of this elsewhere, but I can say that I tested each one of em from the moment I got this list (I was at skill 66 back then) upto where I am now (skill 230)

1 Battered Junkbox - Pickpocket
75 Iron Lockbox - Drop
75 Sturdy Locked Chest - Fishing
75 Waterlogged Footlocker Redridge Mountains (bottom of the lake)
125 Strong Iron Lockbox
125 Worn Junkbox - Pickpocket
175? Scarlet Monastary gates (got here a bit later, not entirely sure)
175 Sturdy Junkbox - Pickpocket
175 Steel Lockbox - Drop
175 Ironbound Locked Chest - Fishing
200 Mossy Footlocker - Swamp of Sorrows
225 Dented Footlocker - Tanaris: Lost Riggers Cove
225 Reinforced Steel Lockbox
225 Mithril Lockbox - Drop
225 Thorium Lockbox - Drop
225 Eternium Lockbox - Drop
225 Searing Gorge Gate
250 Heavy Junkbox - Pickpocket
250 Blackrock Depths - Prison Cell Door
280 Scholomance Door
280 Blackrock Depths - Shadowforge Gate

As for leveling up your skill: it doesn't cost you a thing to open something, so just advertise your abilities in a busy capital, and you'll often find someone with a box that needs opening. Once you get it to 225, some people will even pay you to open the bigger lockboxes for them.

Edited, Wed Mar 29 09:09:58 2006 by ElGargoyle
#80 Apr 04 2006 at 3:54 AM Rating: Decent
i would like to update the location of the lock boxes in desolace, they are more precisely located north-west of ethel rethor amongst all the naga
#81 Apr 13 2006 at 5:34 AM Rating: Decent
Hi, I'm a total n00b, but can anyone give me any advise on lock picking, I'm a level 18 Orc Rogue, I was lock picking the ship near Ratchet on the bonus locks, and managed to get to about 83. And then went and unlocked the polly chest. However my rating will not go up any higher than 83 at this chest, and everytime a reopen the chest Polly re appears, can anyone shed any light on the matter?
#82 Apr 16 2006 at 8:27 PM Rating: Decent
Here is one place that I did not see in the above posts that will take you to 170 lock pick skill. In the barrens near Sludge Fen at location 54 5 is a structure with a 30 elite at the top, Grand Foreman Puzik Gallywix. The way up is guarded by groups of 2 25 level drones. At the top is a footlocker that you can pick till you hit 170. I soloed my way up there, but was level 35. So take some friends if you are much lower. Even at 35 he got me down to about 50% health each time I fought him, he respawned 3 times in about 15 minutes. I took by skill from 144 to 170. I don't know the low end of the box, but it was green when I started.
#84 Apr 24 2006 at 11:32 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks to the author of this thread! Really helped me, never knew there was a LPing quest. Just made Engineered Lockboxes ..
#86 May 10 2006 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent
I tried running around angor fortress and unless i am in the wrong place, the small fortress is crawling with nme's. hardly a place to raise lp'ing without major fighting. plus didnt see (m)any boxes to pick. Otherwise, my lp experience (as alliance):

Good info about the starter boxes.

When pickpocketing folks in Durnholde I got junkboxes as well as emblems and that raised it some.

Then swam around the lake in Red Ridge for a while.

Then went and picked the boxes in Durnhole. There is pretty much a pattern to follow around the whole of the keep and a vendor to sell junk off to as you pick pocket the mobs as you go. (I could imagine a mob going "i know i brought my luch, but I dont have it" then they go to vendor to buy food and pick out what they had packed for lunch and it is in the packaging they put it in. lol)

Then swam around Desolace for a bit. The coords listed about are accurate but found the respawn to be random, but at coords listed above.

Then swam around Pool of Tears a good while. There is a circular pattern if you are alone under the water the boxes usually respawn by the time you make it back around to them, if not keep swimming the pattern. Plus if you alliance you can possibly grab a lost supplies keg on the way, get some human influence and a chance at some good items.

Worked on the doors at Scarlet Monestary for awhile, not much luck. Skill ups seemed inconsistent.

Found skill up boxes when pickpocketing pirates in pirate cove in Tanaris.

Am thinking of heading back to Swamp of Tears to max out lp, currently level 44, lockers in pirate camp in Tanaris red to me at current.

#87 May 11 2006 at 5:32 AM Rating: Decent
310 posts
Not sure if anyone else has found this(and honestly I dont care to read through all the dribble to find out), but In The Sludge Fen (Very North East corner of Barrens) in the skinny tower north of the sludge pits there is a chest(Gallywix's Lockbox to be exact) gaurded by Grand Foreman Puzik Gallywix(a lvl 23 elite). If you can beat him every 5 mins or so you can get your LP lvl from 124-153 in about 10 mins(much faster than the Polly Box). The only drawback is you get that damned Touch of Zanzil... I know in the quest for what's in this quest you get the cure, but I'm not sure how to get it at lvl 45. But! Ill hopefully find out!
#88 May 12 2006 at 10:36 AM Rating: Decent
im a lvl 17 and i got that skill but i didnt have to do a quest to get anythiing but it is hard to find thos places and thos boxs if ur in vek'nash plz help me my name is xxflippenxxn plz help
#89 May 21 2006 at 7:16 PM Rating: Decent
I saw me frend cruzinbill pick a lock on a box on time.
#90 May 23 2006 at 11:19 PM Rating: Decent
24 posts
When I had 263 lockpicking I headed down to Tanaris and the Shipyard along the eastern coastline (Lost Rigger Cove or something like that) and skilled all the way up to 300.
#91 May 25 2006 at 2:19 PM Rating: Decent
Here is what I did (currently Night Elf Rogue Lvl 28 with LP 105).

Purchased LP skill from Rogue Trainer in Darnassus when I was approx Lvl 20. Didn't know what to do with it.

Eventually got to Astranaar and purchased lockpicking tools from a vendor at the Inn.

Discovered (by accident) that I could pick pocket Thistlefur's at/around the Thistlefur Village location just NW of Astranaar for Battered Junkboxes (and money). Went through most of the roaming Thistlefurs there over a period of several days, picking pockets until my LP reached about 75 or 80.

Went back to Darnassas as a Lvl 28 Night Elf Rogue, visited the Rogue Trainer, who told me I could increase my LP skills by going to The Zoram Strand (a medium hike NW of Astranaar near BFD). Those chests/footlockers had been previously unlockable for me...but as soon as I got there, I could open all of them. I immediately sought them out, and got above LP 100 very quickly. I anticipate being able to return there and get LP to at least 150, perhaps higher. I also know that there are chests strewn all over The Barrens in the Venture Mining Co. area, so I'll probably head there next to see if I can get into those!

All of this was done without going on any lockpicking quest...yet! Smiley: grin
#92 May 28 2006 at 5:22 AM Rating: Decent
Polly chest turns Grey at 125 now FYI. Normally you can't see it's color if you've already done the quest, but if you do the click pick trick as it fades back in you can see it, and yeah, was just gonna level up my lockpicking there. Off to check the tower and see if it works to 170.
#93 Jun 08 2006 at 4:19 PM Rating: Decent
Angor Fortress upstairs ~160 orange, 175 yellow, 200 green
Angor Fortress downstairs 175 orange, 200 yellow, 225 green

The upstairs might be orange at 150 already, LP was 160 when I got there. Both were still green at 242.
#94 Jun 16 2006 at 11:45 PM Rating: Decent
i just started WoW and chose to be a undead rogue, i read all you said about lock picking and have a simple noob question lol...lock pickin opens doors and chest..but wut is the real point of it? are there items in these boxs? does spending all this time lvlin ur LP make a huge differnce and is worth the time? wut do i get from it lol? sorry to be such a noob but im new and i want to understand :P thx
#95 Jun 19 2006 at 10:24 AM Rating: Decent
24 posts
You get items and silver in the lookboxes you find on mobs and in locked chests in instances. When you're starting to do endgame instances you don't need keys (even though they now finally will implement a keychain for all the keys so they don't take up lots of inventory space anymore). Other players will assume you have 300 lockpicking when you are lvl 60 and some players are even nice enough to pay you for opening their lockboxes so you should definitely get it.
#96 Jun 23 2006 at 9:42 AM Rating: Decent
ok...looking for boxes to lockpick in Desolace and I did search all over in Sar'Theris Strand and only find shellfish traps. The location y'all keep giving us doesn't mean a thing to me. I don't have the key for the location. One of ya say its in the northside. Bah...not enough information to find those blasted boxes. Sooo since some of ya know where it is could ya at least give the right information where those blasted boxes..otherwise its a waste of my or others time to look for this.
#97 Jul 17 2006 at 8:28 AM Rating: Good
34 posts
As many have stated, the box on the ship south of Ratchet (Polly's chest) goes grey earlier than the 175; I went there at 160 to skill up, to find it already grey. So, I ran north to the tower from the poison quest, where the chest is at the top of the tower. It will take you up to 170, and then it will go grey. You will have to kill the 23 Elite that spawns at the top of the tower though, and you will get poisoned from picking the lock (it automatically opens it when you pick it), but it can be removed by shamans/druids, or first aid's Anti-Venom.

Mainly, I just wanted to report that the poison quest chest goes gray at 170.
#98 Jul 25 2006 at 2:59 PM Rating: Decent
509 posts
Mazra wrote:
gregrout wrote:
You go to Ratchet...

gregrout wrote:
It's not too busy a place and the inside of the ship is usually empty, so you can take your time and there are no freeze traps. It is however in a neutral town, so it could be a little more challenging for those on a PvP server.


Ratchet is Horde territory (=death for low lvl Alliance guys).

UPDATE As we all know, Ratchet is a Neutral town like Booty Bay. edit I saw how someone thought they got PvP flagged upon entry to Ratchet if they were Alliance...if they saw only flagged allies there it was probably because they were recently in the vicinity of XRs, which is very nearby? I see allies there all the time who are unflagged, and I go to Ratchet quite a bit.

Edited, Jul 25th 2006 at 4:11pm EDT by oblivione
#99 Jul 31 2006 at 6:45 PM Rating: Decent
The dented footlockers in Lost Rigger Cove in Tanaris turns yellow at 250 LP skill.
#100 Aug 02 2006 at 12:41 PM Rating: Decent
142 posts
I just thought I would mention that the "Polly" chest in the Barrens will go grey to a rogue once you reach 125 in skill. I personally found this out the other day. It says in this guide that you can reach 175, but this is not true.

#101 Aug 17 2006 at 4:30 AM Rating: Decent
509 posts
I was at just above 150 when I started on the Desolace footlockers. I steamed away at my engineering so I could make Artisan at exactly level 35, then worked it up to 230 so that I could make and use the Deepdive Helmet. (FTW!!!) I could unlock the Desolace lockers but sometimes it took more than one try, but with the DDH there was no breath issue. Highly recommended for rogue engineers.
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