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#52 Jul 21 2005 at 9:39 PM Rating: Decent
Ratchet isn't that hard to get to. I went through there with a warlock on the sucubus quest and had no real problems. I went up the cost from Theormore to ratchet. The quest lead me to the Barrens. I even crossed into ashenvalle from the barrens. I was only lvl 20 at the time. I did this solo. The only way I can see a problem would be if you are on a PVP server.
#53 Jul 26 2005 at 11:00 AM Rating: Default
Ratchet is NOT Horde Territory. Ratchet is Neutral Territory. Always has been, likely always will be.

On a PvP server, it is fair game to all who enter as I understand it... but the town itself is neither Horde, nor Alliance ruled.

I just started my Rogue, so I'm not sure about this ship either, but you can bet that I'll be there tonight looking around! :-)

Ratchet is Horde Territory. If you are an Alliance player I invite you to come and try to kill Horde when you're there. You'll get surrounded by 15 level 20's and die. unless you're uber. or lvl 60.
#54 Jul 26 2005 at 11:29 PM Rating: Decent
29 posts
Not knowing, I went on the boat docked at Booty Bay. I was never here and was adventuring to my own demise. No one was on the boat so I hoped on it. Boat docked at Ratchet and saw some alliance fighting. I jumped off boat to help them only to see them jump on boat and I was surrounded by Horde. Will never go there again, unless a guild function. That was with my Pally, who I have retired cause they suck. I will go there now because I am a higher level Rogue.
#55 Aug 10 2005 at 7:25 PM Rating: Decent
For anyone that is curious. I was wondering when the lockboxes in Pirates Cove became available to pick. 225 skill they became orange to me. I used them to get to 250 (while pickpocketing pirates for sturdy junkboxes to help). Only took about 45 minutes to run around kill everything and pick em open.
#56 Aug 15 2005 at 5:50 PM Rating: Decent
252 posts
Just to add some info on the Desolace chests...

I went to the Desolace chest area at LP lvl 156 and they conned orange to me so I'm assuming they are first LPable at 150 (155 at the max). I got all the way from 156 to 225 very quickly (30min or so). The chests turn green at 200 but still give good skill-ups up until 225. At 225 they still con green, but I wasnt able to get a single skill-up off of one.

The majority of the chests are located around the underwater naga-infested ruins between the two lil islands that appear on the map. The exact position of the ruins is (37,21). There are a few chests in the ruins themselves but the majority of chests can be found all around in the surrounding areas (all are found in easy to see sandy areas, none in the jagged rocks). There are so many in fact that as soon as you're done LPing one section more in another section have spawned.
The following is a lost of locations where waterlogged footlockers appear:
34,20 (x2)

If you're hellbent on getting all the chests in the area go ahead and use the precise locations, but I think generally it's easy enough to find em just by swimming around. The footlockers go all the way down the coast line until the wrecked ship where I found one chest, but nothing more beyond that.

Also, a lil side-note for the chest in the lone house at the Venture Co Mine in STV: I went there at LP lvl 130 and wasnt able to open it. I returned at 156 and still was unable to open it. Someone had posted before that it conned green to them at 161 so I dunno what's up. Maybe Blizz has upped its skill level recently. /shrug
#57 Aug 31 2005 at 5:58 PM Rating: Decent
652 posts
If anyone's still looking for the ship near Ratchet, then it's location is shown on the map below.

It's part of a rogue quest to get your thieves tools.
#58 Sep 09 2005 at 9:57 AM Rating: Decent
For my lockpicking, here is where I went higher levels:

1-75: Redridge up at the farm building. Keep hitting those till you get up past 75 or so.

75-175: Hillsbrad and Arathi. Durnhold Keep in Hillsbrad has lockboxes that spawn to level you quickly. Stromguard in Arathi you can pickpocket the guys for junkboxes to unlock.

175-225: Badlands Angor Fortress south of Uldaman. There are boxes within here to get up to 225 pretty quickly.

225-280: Tanaris Pirate Cove on the East coast. There are dented lockboxes that you can picks that can get you to 280 easily.

280-300: EPL at Tyr's Hand from what I have heard, although I haven't gotten that far yet.

I have hit 280 and there are lockboxes in EPL. If you get stuck, ask your rogue trainer and they will give you areas to level your lockpicking. Of course they go by your current level and not LP level, so if you are level 55 like I was, they tell you to go to EPL when my LP was only 150ish at the time.

Edited, Fri Sep 9 11:03:26 2005 by Clox
#59 Sep 28 2005 at 6:33 AM Rating: Decent
just wanted to add that there is also lockboxs to practice on in tanaris in the lost rigger cove with the pirates...they are baterded footlockers i think they are called...but they are lockpicking 225+ or 250+..go for the higher lvls having trouble finding a new place to raise skill
#60 Sep 28 2005 at 7:58 PM Rating: Decent
Can I just say you are my hero? This is a wonderful post. Will you marry me? ;)
#61 Oct 13 2005 at 1:31 AM Rating: Decent
for the Horde

In Desolace, just south of the pass from the Charred Valley (Use Sun rock retreat as your starting point) is a fort of Burning Blade bad guys who carry lots of Worn Junkboxes which are grey to me at 165. I retuned to the ship near Rachet, but that is grey to me and does nothing after 20 tries. I am not going to stand there and waste me time any longer.

I am still browsing this thread for something that will get me from 165 to 175.

#62 Nov 01 2005 at 12:03 PM Rating: Decent
"You go to Ratchet... there is a pirate ship on the beach, in the bottom of that ship is a series of practice locks and a main quest chest at the VERY bottom (towards the Beach), this main quest chest will take you to lvl 175.... now here's the trick... "

Tried this didn't work. I'm 135.

sorry I had not read far enough in the post.

Thanks all for contributing I'll be in the poision quest tower.

Edited, Tue Nov 1 12:27:25 2005 by djprimeight
#63 Nov 09 2005 at 2:47 PM Rating: Decent
This Isn't a lockpicking comment, but more of a pickpocketing one - sorry to waste space here but I just thought i'd share the info...

As Horde...
Around level 35 or so, goto Desolace. One of the people in Ghost Walker Post will tell you to gain a friendly rep with either the Gelkis or Magram Centaur, by killing the other one. Before you gain friendly / hated with them, they will both be yellow, meaning they will not attack you until you attack them first...

Many of them (mainly the Gelkis) are tightly-packed together. I think you know where I'm going with this.

Take 5 minutes to clean out every single centaur's pockets in the area - it may not seem like you are getting much money, but averaging around 1 silver / cent, you will get LOTS if you do both clans. This is also an opportune place to farm for a mount. (although you wont be getting drops to sell / use, the money helps immeasurably)
#64 Nov 11 2005 at 11:55 PM Rating: Decent
i got from 253 to 300 in about an hour and a half (i have those gloves with +5 LP)


the 3 doors ofc, but actually i mean the arena - i pickpocket every mob in there about 3 times - giving me about 40 boxes, 8 gold and 2 star rubies :)

they drop the highest level box (i got exactly TWO of the next level down juk box while i was there) you dont need to worry about people killing your mobs and you can reset it as much as you like (since it'll take you 20 mins + to rob every mob)

made it a breeze :)

Edited, Sat Nov 12 00:14:07 2005 by Jaszon
#65 Dec 01 2005 at 3:06 PM Rating: Decent
The waterlogged footlockers in Desolace are green to me at 230 with very little skill-up past 225. They are orange at 160, but not sure if you can get them even lower. One suggestion is that if you're planning on doing these footlockers, get a warlock to cast undending breath on you or buy a potion for water breathing from an alchemist as that will speed up the process significantly.

Edited, Thu Dec 1 15:16:50 2005 by Zemytri
#66 Dec 12 2005 at 5:12 AM Rating: Decent
In Swamp of Sorrows. Around Sunken Temple went from 135 to 220 in about 40 minutes. Just circle the bottom and first level of the temple. Easy. I bought a bunch of underwater breathing potions thinking it would take a while. Just needed one.
#67 Dec 12 2005 at 6:58 PM Rating: Decent
I found a dozen or so locked boxes underwater in Lake Everstill in Redridge (east end of lake) and was able to get from 105 to 160 in about 20 minutes. the water is quite shallow and the boxes respawn quickly.

I probably could have gotten more than 160 out of them but being underwater it would have been more of a chore than it was worth.

Edited, Mon Dec 12 19:02:19 2005 by LiquidC
#68 Dec 15 2005 at 3:40 AM Rating: Decent
Swamp of Sorrows lock picking info

I didn't see much information on upping your LP skills in Swamp of Sorrows, so here's the info that is valid as of tonight, 12/14/05...

WARNING: dont get too adventurous on the edges of the Pool of Tears because there are quite a few 40+ elite dragon-kin mobs on land, and a very pesky level 60-62 elite dragon named Somnus who prowls around the eastern edge of the Pool...

(1) If you're NOT undead, do like someone said in one of the messages above reguarding under-water LP boxes: get some potions that allow you to breath underwater!! I can't emphasize this enough -- I was spoiled having two undead characters who can stay underwater sooo long, that I forgot about this part. My 43 Troll Rogue could barely reach the area on the bottom of the Pool of Tears and had about half of the breath left to pick the lock and get back up to the surface!

(2) Your mini map must say "Pool of Tears" at the top, if it says the "Temple of A.....whatever" swim around until the mini map says the correct thing...

(3) There are some level 38-40 fish that will aggro if you get too close and you don't want to start a fight underwater if you're NOT undead, drag any aggroing fish up to the surface and fight them there...

(4) All of the lock boxes I found were inside the DARK BROWN area on the mini-map of Pool of Tears, but your mileage may vary... I just swam around to the same four pops and they would be back up by the time I got back around, so I didn't spend too much time looking elsewhere...

(5) NOW, for the part that people who DO NOT use UI MODs is going to hate... the Cosmos LOC (or other UI mod's I've been told) of the four places I found that you can swim around to with respawns up by the time you get back to the first:

69, 45 (northern part of Pool of Tears)
72, 45 (just east of the above box, also norther part of PoT)
73, 55 (due east of the bottom of the ToP picture on M Map)
66, 58 (south and west of the bottom of the ToP picture on M Map)

And that's all the info you need to get your LP skills up (to at least 215 which was where my Rogue was needing at Level 43). The boxes were Orange in the low 200's where my rogue was at, and were still yellow at 214 or so, but i've read this will get you to at least 250.
#69 Dec 23 2005 at 7:24 PM Rating: Decent
755 posts
1. If you're doing the Desolace run, and find you have a lot of underwater breathing capability left over, swim to the far south, and you'll see some cages underwater. Lots of lvl 35-37 lobster mobs (some of which spawn out of a cage you just opened), but these cages are where the Big Iron Fishing Pole drops. It's +20 to fishing, and can sell for silly money on some servers (like 20 g or so).
2. What lvl do the Dire Maul doors turn orange at? I went there, only because someone said they'd pay 5g to someone who could open the doors... no dice at 265 (still red). She paid me 1 g for my trouble tho, so not a completely wasted trip:)
#70 Jan 12 2006 at 1:14 AM Rating: Decent
Hit a snag.

for a while my lockpicking was x/250, then it bumped to x/260, now 260/260. i've been picking thorium boxes and other yellow & orange things, but it won't go past 260. am i missing something obvious like training or a quest or something that will allow for skill over that amount?

#71 Jan 12 2006 at 9:44 AM Rating: Decent
You aren't level 60 yet. You get 5 points per level.=-)

260 cap = Level 52
#72 Jan 26 2006 at 12:28 AM Rating: Decent
goncraft wrote:

The rogue trainers tell you to go somewhere based on your characters level, not the level of lockpicking. So if you're level 40, it'll tell you to go somewhere, but if you haven't got 195 lockpicking, you might not be able to open them.

This is not true, i'm a lvl 48 rogue and i just talked to my trainer about lvling my LP(which was at 130ish) they told me to go to Durnholde Keep i'm at 161 LP right now because i got disconnected, but tomorrow i'm going to get it to at lest 175 there. The battered footlockers for me right now are green, but every now and then for some reason they turn yellow. But those are usaully off the beaten path.
#73 Jan 29 2006 at 4:55 AM Rating: Decent
24 posts
First of all lockpicking sucks major XXX. It's a pain to level and it's no fun at all, but it is useful once you have 300 (at least saves you 15g on the Scholo key not that you care that much about money once you have your epic mount, but most people won't too happy if you can't pick a lock in DM ;p).

My suggestion would be that you wait to pick it up until you're lvl20. Then head to the pirateship south of ratchet. Skill up to 100. Then I suggest you wait with lockpicking until you're early 30s and head to Stonetalon Mountains. I don't level there since it's bad grinding, but if you do you can take a few boxes as you're killing loggers etc. First you need to get to roughly 110+ skilling in the logging area and then you can start opening the boxes in Windshear Mine. I just went around in circles in Windshear Mine boosting lockpicking to 170 (I'm lvl34) and at the same time got a good amount of Tin and some Silver since I'm a miner. The reason for not taking it in small steps is for the simple reason that travelling takes time from leveling, but to each his own ;p
#74 Feb 24 2006 at 4:40 PM Rating: Decent
not sure if this is already said... i didn't feel like reading all comments but Ratchet is NOT horde territory... it's Neutral(i could run around as alliance without being attacked there)
just a small thing i wanted to say :)
#75 Mar 15 2006 at 2:01 AM Rating: Decent
1,606 posts
Just to clarify for anyone reading this. The beached ship is in fact not IN ratchet, and thus IS in horde lands. It is south of ratchet along the beach. You can easily get there by running down the coast or swimming, your choice (this was covered above... didn't read the second page).

Also, if you're on a PvP server and you take a boat into a Ratchet as an aliance member I believe you WILL be flagged automatically as soon as the boat comes out of the "crossing the ocean" screan. I know that as a horde memeber if I'm not flagged in ratchet (which I wouldn't be in most cases as I'm horde and the barrens are horde) I am flagged when I take the boat and enter STV, even though I'm going to BB which is neutral. It wouldn't make sense that this would happen and an aliance member wouldn't be flagged when going into a neutral city in horde lands. Furthermore, I have never seen an aliance member that wasn't flagged in Ratchet.

Edited, Wed Mar 15 02:22:19 2006 by LordMeridus
#76 Mar 15 2006 at 12:48 PM Rating: Decent
I'm 157 in lock picking and so went to that ship in ratchett, got to the boxes and they're all grey !!
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