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WoW Lockpicking FAQFollow

#1 Dec 22 2004 at 10:06 PM Rating: Excellent
949 posts
This give you some ideas on where to level up your lock picking and what level certain items are to open.

Found a chest that is 100-175 (goes gray). Its south of ratchet on the boats where all those pirates are.

Here is the post

Hi, since it's been asked so many times I was hoping to compile a list of what items require what skill in lockpick and when they become trivial. This is still not complete, I NEED input from everyone.

Q. How do I get the skill lockpicking?
A. A rogue trainer (a major city one) will give you a quest at level 16 that gets you thief tools (for free) and teaches you the skill.

Q. Okay, I have the quest, but my skill is super low I can't complete the quest, what now?
A. In the same area as your lockpicking quest, there should be some chests you can level up on. These chests are orange at skill level 1 (see below for color explanation) and don't go grey until about 100. Also, see down below for a 1-300 skillup guide.

Q. What do these colors mean? Red? Orange? Grey? I'm colorblind!
A. Every lock you pick has a 'skill level'. Just like with tradeskill items, they are color coded.
Red = can't pick the lock at your skill level
Orange = guarenteed skill up
Yellow = good chance for skillup
Geeen = low chance for skillup
Grey = no chance for skillup
There is a list down below for commonly items and their skillup numbers in reference to lock difficulty.

Q. Do I have to visit a trainer to get journeyman/artisan/safecracker rank in Lockpicking?
A. You don't. Your skill scales with level: every level you gain as a rogue translates into 5 extra points to your lockpicking cap.

Lockpicking Guide from 1-300
1-100 - Keep picking the instant respawn chests near the lockpicking quest.

100-175 - You can pick the Polly quest chest (Horde LP Quest chest), OR you can use either of the chests in the Poison quests (Alliance OR Horde) you get at later levels. You will have to click on your lockpicking skill first, then click the chest. (If you have the reading and inference skills of a legaly "mentally deficient" person: YOU HAVE TO READ BELOW IN THE TRIVIAL LIST.) (I have just insulted retarded people everywhere, I've seen mentally retarded people with more smarts than half the people in this board.)

For the Polly/Poison Tower chests: You NEED to activate (CLICK) your lockpicking skill icon first, then (CLICK) on the chest as your cursor will not change automatically like it did during the quest or before it.

175-225 - Pickpocket mobs for Sturdy Junkboxes. Several mobs drop them, check thottbot and pick the best location for you. I recomend mobs in instances, that way you can pick it clean, reset the instance, then go to town again. You can also pick doors in instances at this range. I personally picked the door in the Scarlet Monestary cathedral from 180-225 one day by repeatedly resetting the instance.

225-280 There is no real easy way that I've found to skill this range other than to keep doing junkboxes. You can use the gates in the NE corner of Searing Gorge, but there is no reliable way to reset them (see notes below for more information). Also opening lockboxes in your faction's major city will get you skillups.

280-300 There are 3 doors in Blackrock Depths that are very close to the zone in that you can use to skill up this.

Trival list
If your skill is lower than "orange" number, you won't be able to pick the lock (It won't even let you try). If your skill is higher than the "grey" number, you won't get a skillup from that item. A "?" marks information that might be wrong, multiple "???" mark missing information.

Pickpocketted stuff:

Battered Junkbox (Orange: 25? Grey: 100?)
Worn Junkbox (Orange: 100? Grey: 175)
Sturdy Junkbox (Orange: 175 Grey: 275?)
Heavy Junkbox (Orange: 250 Grey: never?)

Dropped Chest - These are extremely random, so don't try to camp them.

Please see note above

Heavy Bronze Lockbox
Ornate Bronze Lockbox
Iron Lockbox (Orange: 75? Grey:???)
Strong Iron Lockbox (Orange: 125 Grey:???)
Steel Lockbox (Orange: 175 Grey: ???)
Reinforced Steel Lockbox (Orange: 225 Grey: never)
Mithril Lockbox (Orange: 225 Grey: never)
Thorium Lockbox (Orange: 225 Grey: never)
Eternium Lockbox (Orange: 225 Grey: never)


Doors in the normal world (aka not in instances) are usually on some sort of timer. In other words, you can't repeatedly pick the same door over and over again for skillups. The mechanism of the timers are not well known. Some people say if you pick something else (anything else) inbetween attempts that it will reset some timers. Others say that if you pickpocket a mob, or kill a mob, or so something else, that this will reset the timers. It may be different for every door. Suffice to say that reset an instance always (to my knowledge) resets any doors inside, so use that method when you can. I am leaning towards the pickpocketting theory for now.

Gnomeregan (Orange: 150? Green: 200)
Scarlet Monastery (Orange: 175 Green: 226 Grey: 275?)
Searing Gorge Gate (Orange: 225 Grey: never)
BRD Shadowforge Gates (Orange: 280 Grey: never )
BRD Prison Cells (Orange: 250 Grey: never )
Scholomance (Orange: 280 Grey: never )

From Fishing:
Battered Chest
Small Locked Chest
Reinforced Locked Chest
Sturdy Locked Chest
Ironbound Locked Chest (Orange: 175 Grey: 250?)

Other Stuff:

Most of these are chests used in quests that you can pick after you complete the quest. Note that you will probably need to activate your picking skill first, then click on the item as your cursor will not change automatically like it did during the quest or before it.

Insta-chests from respective lockpicking quests (Orange: 1 Grey: 105)
Main chest in lockpicking quest (Orange: 75 Grey: 175)
Poison quest chest (Orange: 90 Grey: 175)
Polly chest (Orange: 90 Grey: 175) (See note 5 below)
Engineered Practice Locks (Green: 1 Grey: 90?) (You can only pick these ONCE, so they are WORTHLESS)
Cozzle's Lockbox (house by the Venture Co. STV, it's on a ~20m timer) (Orange: 150? Grey: 250?)

Links for lockpicking quests with respective insta-chests:

List of things that increase Lockpicking:
Dark Leather Gloves (+5 LP) (

Various notes and other information:

1. Alliance rogues using the Klaven tower (Posion quest) chest: I just did this at 39, go to Westfall to where the poison quest is at, top floor, Klaven can take me down to half health at 39 if I don't dual-ambush so he kinda hurts. Hopefully you can also be outside his aggro range to practice. To do this just go behind his table (after he spawns he walks around the top of the tower, wait until he is done and ends up a bit away from you), there should be two chairs, jump over the chair closest to the chest and from behind the chair pick the lock. Don't worry about Touch of Zanzil: a death or Jungle Remedy from STV or cure poison from a high enough player should make it all good.
You must be of a high enough level not to aggro Klaven!

2.You can skill up 8 times on the doors to SM, there are 4 doors, 2 inside instances and 2 outside. They are on timers which can be reset.
(See confirmed information 1, above)
Only about half the chests are pickable and are trivial at 175.

Library: Chest in a cubby before the Gallery of Treasures, guarded by 3 mobs. Another chest that spawns in one of the hallways close to Doan himself, guarded by typically 2 mobs + one roamer.

Armory: Chest either in the Training Grounds (guarded by 2 mobs + 1 roamer) or inside the first part of the armory (guarded by 2 mobs + 1 roamer.) Can't remember location of other chest off the top of my head.

Cathedral: Chest on either the left or right side of the fountain. Another chest that spawns either by the monk guarding Fairbanks' hiding spot, or spawns on the other side of the cathedral (guarded by 3 mobs + 2 that roam close but may or may not aggro.)

5.South of Ratchet along the coast a short way is a beached pirate ship. No pirates around ship, they are camped south of it. Bit tricky getting the jump up onto the prow of the ship so you can get onboard, but can try repeatedly with no hassles. The chest is by itself downstairs in the back. Just keep opening it til you hit 175. No fuss, no muss and NO FIGHTS! (This is the location of the Horde lock picking quest and is in Horde controlled territory. Not recomended for Alliance characters on a PvP server).

Thanks to: Too many people to list so I thank: The Rogue Board!

You should thank Tyknee because he has like 10x more patience to deal with you guys than I do and reworked the whole post so that it's really idiot proof.

Thanks for the sticky Blizzard

For the Polly/Poison Tower chests: You NEED to activate (CLICK) your lockpicking skill icon first, then (CLICK) on the chest as your cursor will not change automatically like it did during the quest or before it.

Edited, Fri Apr 29 19:20:00 2005 by Aen
#2 Dec 26 2004 at 9:58 AM Rating: Decent
82 posts
Just wanted to add a little more information on the beginning Alliance lockpicking quest.

When your rogue turns 16, the local rogue trainer in goldshire tells you to go see Kirex "the Shiv" in the old town section of stormwind. (the lil goblin dude next to matthias shaw, leader of SI:7.

Kirex sends you to see Lucius, on the dock in Lakeshire (redridge mountains zone.

Lucius (a dwarf) sends you to Alther's Mill. Take the road north out of Lakeshire, take first fork to the east. At level 16, all the mobs along the way are 19 to 21 so stealth is recommended, I personally did not get to redridge to do the quest until I was level 19.

At the mill, you will see 5 practice chests and Lucius' Lockbox. The practice chests are red from skill 1-40, yellow from 41-55, green 55-105 (although skill-ups get rare after about 90) and Lucius Lockbox goes green at 75 or so.

I started the quest with 1 skill in lockpick, took me about 30 minutes of continous clicking to get to 103, by then I had enough and opened the quest chest to get it done.

As a side note, as you open the chests you can be randomly turned into a rat or zapped with a frost hold spell that holds you in place for 10 seconds. Neither do much damage to your character so don't be surprised when it happens. I found that I was still able to activate the lockpick skill on the chests while in rat form.

Edited, Sun Dec 26 09:59:11 2004 by mjvecellio
#3 Feb 19 2005 at 9:44 PM Rating: Decent
I just wanted to bring this thread back to the front page. Tired of digging through pages of the same posts over and over trying to find this one.
ANd thanx for the info for those of you that supplied. This thread was alot of help.
#4 Feb 23 2005 at 9:41 AM Rating: Default
Just to point out that pickpocketing mobs have a high chance to reset doors, even empty mobs. Easiest way to level up lockpick for alliance:

1-100: Newbies quest in Redridge
101-175: Poison quest in Westfall
176-225: 2 doors outside SM, simply stealth and pickpocket nearby scarlet mobs between picking the 2 doors
226-300: Searing gorge gate, dwarf camp not too far from there for pickpocket
#5 Feb 23 2005 at 12:43 PM Rating: Decent
Skill ups in trade window are working now, btw....
#6 Feb 23 2005 at 4:10 PM Rating: Decent
>> As a note:

With the lastest patch, Blizzard allows this now :-)

Lvl 38 Rogue
#7 Mar 02 2005 at 11:50 AM Rating: Decent
An Easier Solution for non-PVP servers.

101-175: > There is a MUCH, MUCH, MUCH easier and quicker way to skill up to 175 then this (elite) quest. No poison (Touch of ..), it's simple as long as you follow my instructions.

You go to Ratchet... there is a pirate ship on the beach, in the bottom of that ship is a series of practice locks and a main quest chest at the VERY bottom (towards the Beach), this main quest chest will take you to lvl 175.... now here's the trick...

READ THIS CAREFULLY... If you've done the eariler/beginner lockpicking quest, then you are used to right clicking away on those practice boxes. For the main quest box (101-175) you will NEED to click on your LOCKPICKING icon first, each and every time (so drag the Lock Picking icon from your spell book to your action bar). Click the Lockpicking icon, click the box, repeat until you're maxed out for your level.

It's not too busy a place and the inside of the ship is usually empty, so you can take your time and there are no freeze traps. It is however in a neutral town, so it could be a little more challenging for those on a PvP server.
#8 Mar 02 2005 at 6:08 PM Rating: Decent
Good Guide
#9 Mar 14 2005 at 10:13 PM Rating: Decent
586 posts
In Stranglethorn Vale, in the Venture Co. Base Camp, in the lone house, there's a manually pickable box. I'm not sure on the levels, it was green to me at...about 160 I believe it was.
#10 Mar 17 2005 at 4:39 PM Rating: Default
Aen the Braindead wrote:
As a note:

This is not true. If you can skill up on the item, it does not matter if they hand it to you or if you pick it in the "will not be traded" slot. If the item that you are picking is Orange, you will always get a skill up, yellow most of the time and green infrequently.

It works the same way as it does for enchanters putting enchantments onto gear that is placed in the "will not be traded" slot.

Level 58 rogue, Lockpicking skill 264
#11 Mar 20 2005 at 6:37 AM Rating: Decent
If you can skill up on the item, it does not matter if they hand it to you or if you pick it in the "will not be traded" slot.

As Feldyre and Dragmoor pointed out, that has only been the case since the most recent patch. And a very welcome bugfix it was, too.
#12 Mar 22 2005 at 12:44 AM Rating: Decent
If you have a really good friend who is willing to help you kill off Klaven in the Westfall tower each time he spawns, you can get through your skill ups fairly quickly. You might even pay someone to to be your assassin while you skillup.
#13 Mar 28 2005 at 7:47 PM Rating: Good
357 posts
Post patch, I was able to LP the 2 gates and door in BRD at 258. You'll get a couple of fails here and there, but it's a great place if you can buddy up with someone to help reset the instance.
#14 Apr 01 2005 at 5:16 PM Rating: Decent
Where is Ratchet and the ship located at exactly?

Edited, Fri Apr 1 17:17:33 2005 by jetracer
#15 Apr 10 2005 at 10:22 AM Rating: Decent
The "Main-quest" lockbox in ratchet(guessing it should be the same as the main-quest box in RR) as mentinoed to be grey at 175, was
already grey for me at 160 when i thought i was gonna get 15 easy skill ups x.x

just fyi.

(maybe it was recently changed?)
#16 Apr 12 2005 at 3:15 AM Rating: Decent
One huge major place people are forgeting! Ive read a bunch of these and ive never heard anyone talk about this place. The Lockers under water in desolace. North or maraudon in the western waters there is a bunch of lockers all over the ocean floor that will easly take you from 175 to 215 in 30 mins.
#17REDACTED, Posted: Apr 12 2005 at 1:04 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i see no menchun of the footlockers in any of these post if ur not using the footlockers you are wrong like a fat chick in a bikini contest these give small amounts of cash and can be found in areas where u quest making them easy to acess while lvling rather then making blank trips to places just to lvl picking skill
#18 Apr 13 2005 at 7:00 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
gregrout wrote:
You go to Ratchet...

gregrout wrote:
It's not too busy a place and the inside of the ship is usually empty, so you can take your time and there are no freeze traps. It is however in a neutral town, so it could be a little more challenging for those on a PvP server.


Ratchet is Horde territory (=death for low lvl Alliance guys).
Where's the beached ship? The only ship I've seen in Ratchet was the one I came on and the one at the bottom of the sea about 100 yards off the coast.

Maybe you meant Booty Bay?

Don't go to Booty Bay unless you're level 30+ or so. There are a lot of lvl 30+ mobs on your way AND if you're on a PvP server, there will be lots of ganker Hordes.

I play Alliance of course so I don't know how it's like for Horde players.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#19 Apr 15 2005 at 4:17 PM Rating: Decent
I looked all over for the lockers in desolace and i could not find them anywhere. Can you please post a more descriptive location (i dont have cosmos).

Also, in tanaris there are dented lockboxes that are red to me (lvl 178 lp) What lvl are they? And are they a viable way to skill up?
#20 Apr 16 2005 at 11:39 AM Rating: Decent
3 posts
This is a very good guide, exactly what i needed :)
#21 Apr 16 2005 at 2:13 PM Rating: Decent
The ship is SE of Ratchet. If you swim south along the coast, you'll come right to it. It's kind of on the beach.

On a another note, I took my lvl 29 rogue there the other day, and the box only got me to 125 before it went grey.

Someone mentioned another place to go, so I'll go check it out. Great tutorial, btw. ^_^
#22 Apr 20 2005 at 5:40 PM Rating: Decent
With the patch yesterday, your trainer will now tell you where to go to up your skill. So if you are in game and near one, you wont have to tab out to find out.
#23 Apr 21 2005 at 4:08 AM Rating: Decent
there is a sunken ship at the coast of Desolace (north-west) with lots of Naga Scum in the north and human crabs (can't remember their name) around the Ship.

Should be easy to find, just enter the zone from the north(stonetalon) and head west until you reach the beach.
Then jump into the water and be careful with the snakeskinned Naga guys. Head south along the shore and look for the chests.

Good Luck
#24 Apr 22 2005 at 5:11 PM Rating: Default
i have a 150 in lockpicking but i cant pick a simple iron box with someone needs me to
#25 Apr 24 2005 at 9:28 PM Rating: Default
I dont see no lockpicking thing in a trade window. can someone explain please?
#26 Apr 25 2005 at 8:22 AM Rating: Default
Sezo wrote:
I dont see no lockpicking thing in a trade window. can someone explain please?

They put the lockbox in the not to be traded area, you pick the lockbox, there you have it.
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