I will do my best to post the quest for the herd, I mean, Horde, side.
Ok, so basically, you go to elder rise as soon as you get to TB (Thunder Bluff) and talk to main most druid. You get xp for talkin to him, so that is fun! Get port, blah blah. Port, talk to main most drood there, and go find bear to NW from him. Bear says: Blah blah blah, go fight Lunaclaw. If your hearthstone is charged, I suggest gating back to TB (if you are bound there) cause the flight is like 10 minutes. Btw, personal note... That was the first time I flew, and OMFG, it was worth the price of the game! Scroll your mouse wheel all the way back and you can look at the scenery. TURTLES, the giant turtle submarines that we all know and love are visible! I almost fell out of my chair after seeing all the cool things from Warcraft and such that I spent years playing. Ahem! Moving on. Ok, so, you gotta go up to the Southern Barrens at this point. It is past Blood Hoof village away from TB. Stay on the road when the grass starts to turn to sand. It was me at 11 and a 10 warrior. Go up the road when you get the Southern Barren message. Look to your right, and you will see a building/tee pee thingie. Watchout for the giant Barneyrejectpurplestegosaurusplatehavingthunderspitting kodos. They are atleast level 18 that I saw. You gotta be sneaky sneaky desert commando like. Anywho, the tent to the right has a little road behind it. It is more like an alley way... except open.. which wouldn't be an alley, anyway, there is a stone back there. Go up to the stone, and it has a moon on it. M-O-O-N! Do your thing and right click on the thing you got from the guy in the moonglade place. Lunaclaw will come out of the house you passed enroute to the stone. The ugly bear/cow/freak with feathers was no match for the 2 of us. After you take it out, talk to it, and go back to TB and talk to main drood at Elder Rise. Grats, you are now a cuddly grizzly from hell. With bull horns. (That was a bad *** little addition btw) Now the ladies will love you cause you are a cuddly widduw bear. With horns...
Edited, Tue Dec 7 12:15:54 2004 by Madkow