Let me add my 2 coppers.
I play on Azgalor, pvp server. 24 Night Elf Hunter.
If you play on a pvp server the best thing for you to do talent-wise is not to put any points into any ranged talents, period. Anyone that isn't a hunter, worth thier salt, is going to run up to you and melee. 0(>.<)0 My response. So what? Hunters _CAN_ melee very very very well. I repeat, hunters can melee very well. As a level 22 hunter, I out dps a 25 rogue, easy. Killing the same mobs, I can take down almost 3 before he took down 1. *pauses dramatically* Melee talents, melee talents, melee talents. Thats to say, Survival talents. If you want to bypass some things like trap talents, nice, pump them into the beast talents then. Pump that pet up cuz he'll be attacking what you are, should be attackin at any rate.
1 vs 1 PvP: Scenario: 27 Troll Shaman, Me = 22 Hunter with a mottled*sp* raptor (Claw 3, Growl 3, Bite 3, Cower 1) I was sitting by the gryphons when I saw him trying to sneak outta Darkshire, a contested zone (on my server, its rare to see Horde there unless they are raiding) I immediately jumped up, had pet attack, and ran after him. He had something like Aspect of the Cheetah on as did I. Great thing about hunters, you can cast on the fly, you can SHOOT specials (ie, snare, dot) on the fly. Snared him, dot'd him, stopped to fire normal till snare wore off. Rinse and repeat. He didn't stop, didn't turn to fight. I'm smackin him with 100's and very very nice crits into 150 - 200's. He kept running and I kept shooting (very nice gun btw) I chased him quite far actually and killed him. Sprinted back to Darkshire, satisfied.
Hunters are very very versitile. In pvp, get used to melee cuz thats what you'll do mostly anyways. You can set traps on the fly as well, don't have to sit there till yer done crouching and if yer running and set a trap, its set :)
My line-up is: Mark, send pet in, snare, dot, fire shots till melee range. Use yer power attack (will be fast cooldown with survival talents), cripple em, and make sure to use your dodge abilities after every dodge. If yer survival talents are buffed, you'll crit a helluva lot, dodge alot, etc and be able to use the skills to the fullest extent.
There is a few skills in the ranged area that affect the power of both ranged AND melee weapons, might want to get those as well, but blah on the rest.
My 2 coppers.