I think you'll find that there's no single answer to your question, and with good reason: Hunters are versatile characters.
Depending on your group size and configuration, Hunters can help fill in gaps that might otherwise be present. Sure, Hunters are great at ranged attacks -- this is obvious, but a good player will try to push beyond this role.
I should probably preface these remarks with the fact that I did not play in the beta (damn work!) and am currently playing a Hunter in the mid-teen levels at the time of this posting.
* Puller: Pretty obvious. Ranged attacks, ability to zoom in for a better peek, etc.
* Damage Dealer: Also obvious.
* For a group where every other character is a caster, you and your pet will basically be "the tank". Because there are two of you, it allows you to do some crowd control in case you pull too many, or spawns come up while you're beating your current victim down. Sure, you're not wearing mail, but you can melee a lot better than, say, a priest or a mage. And, if you have a priest as one of your tissue-paper groupmates, you'll be able to tank mobs with room to spare.
* For a well-rounded group, you'll probably be helping with crowd control. Extra adds will get your pet (or you!) to distract it off your caster groupmates. You'll also be helping put things down faster with your gun or bow, and snaring critters so they don't run away and bring back some friends before you're ready for them.
* Camp breaker: Two Hunters in a group with a healer makes for a <i>fantastic</i> spawn breaking group. Recently, another Hunter, a priest and I were bumming around in the human lands, and the camps we were needing to hit for our quests were spawning 3-5 mobs in close proximity -- and were 1-3 levels higher than the average level of the group. Putting pets on the lower level mobs while the two hunters shot, then tanked, the higher of the spawn camp, had us clearing these camps in short order with few concerns about the our safety. Sure, sometimes one of the pets bit it -- but hey, that's what pet rez is for!
So, for a class that doesn't seem to get buffs or heals or uber-tanking capabilities like the warrior, Hunters seem to do all right. The less you get into a mindset that Hunters are "only" supposed to do one or two things, the more you'll have fun, and the more you'll contribute to your group's successes. Versatility is a powerful weapon in the hands of the right player!
Sureshot, Dwarven Hunter
Aegidis, Dwarven Paladin
Silver Hand
Edited, Sat Nov 27 21:59:41 2004 by vikeshta