Im afraid I do not know why there isnt one for warlocks here, but fear not, here they are in order by race according to
Horde Undead Strength: 19
Agility: 18
Stamina: 22
Intellect: 20
Spirit: 27
Armor: 41
Melee Attack: 1
Power: 9
Orc Strength: 23
Agility: 17
Stamina: 23
Intellect: 19
Spirit: 25
Armor: 39
Melee Attack: 1
Power: 13
Alliance Gnome Strength: 15
Agility: 23
Stamina: 20
Intellect: 26
Spirit: 22
Armor: 51
Melee Attack: 1
Power: 5
Human Agility: 20
Stamina: 21
Intellect: 22
Spirit: 23
Melee Attack: 1
Power: 10
hope this helps until a more official one is put into place, but unless anythings been changed this should be accurate
Edited, Mon Nov 22 06:00:27 2004 by Minitiki