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Sorry newbie question.Follow

#1 Nov 21 2004 at 3:51 AM Rating: Decent
324 posts
Hi everyone, I've been looking up on WoW and decided to quit FFXI for this game. I've basically determined that I want to be a Night Elf rouge, except I'm just curious to what class and what kind of weapon is in this picture from the Blizzard Website.
#2 Nov 21 2004 at 11:43 AM Rating: Decent
Is this Killik, a RDM tarutaru, that was on the carbuncle server as well? This is Dourden.

About the pic, I haven't actually seen that weapon in the game. But it wouldn't surprise me to see it in there. I've seen everything else he was wearing.
#3 Nov 22 2004 at 1:41 AM Rating: Decent
Seems like there are a lot quiting FFXI to play WoW(including myself)

But that weapon, I have never seen, and I can't find it in the lists here. But I would be suprised if it's not in the game. But I wouldn't expect somehting like that to be under lvl 50. I made it to 20 in the OB and everything then was still kind of plain. But it gives you something to look foward to
#4 Nov 22 2004 at 3:25 PM Rating: Decent
Hey there, nobody I know has seen that weapon yet, but that doesn't mean it's not there.

However, it might have been taken out sometime during the 11 months of testing.

And there's no need to be sorry. There's no such thing as a noob, or newbie, or whatever... in a game that isn't being released until tomorrow.


Welcome aboard... this game is great!
#5 Nov 22 2004 at 5:36 PM Rating: Decent
hehe yea everyone leaving FFXI... This game just makes ffxi so lame when you look at it. I was a 75 pld on valefore, sold my char like 5 months ago and the game was getting unbareable then.. I can only imagine what people are going through in vana diel now... LFG for 47 hours, then get in a party without a bard/rdm/whm and spend another 52 hours looking for one, then take 2 hrs to travel to a camp, some1 dies, group disbands... start all over again... Anyway, WoW is much more 'people friends' and 'no group friendly' which is a HUGE plus over ffxi.. And i like the post above mine, your not a newbie if the game hasnt even been released yet man...
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