Duel Wield is a Skill not a tallent.
Brief explination:
Skills = Normal ability. You get better skills, and more skills as you level. These all cost $$ and can get pretty expensive, but once you learn a skill it is yours forever.
Tallents = Why are you so special. Tallents give you the ability to really customize your character. Beginning at level 10 you gain one tallent point per level. As you apply these tallent points more tallents are un-locked giving you more choices.
You may get a Skill (Duel-Wield) at level 10, and after spending some tallent points become much more efficient at duel-wielding than your rogue counter parts. (yes there is a penalty to duel wield that is mitigated with tallents)
Edited, Tue Nov 16 12:51:10 2004 by jonsmthree