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Rogue TalentsFollow

#1 Nov 14 2004 at 1:03 AM Rating: Decent
Does anyone have a guide written out or is in the process of one right now on what is the best combination of getting the talents? Thanks.
#2 Nov 14 2004 at 4:04 AM Rating: Decent
244 posts
man, not to flame, but HAVE FUN... you worry about being the absloute best thenit really takes all the fun outta the game.
#3 Nov 14 2004 at 6:43 AM Rating: Decent
i totally agree with fallacist. same with cheats, they ruin games! just find out for yourself or ask people in the game.
#4 Nov 16 2004 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
There isnt a "best" build. It is about your preference, what makes you different than the rogue standing next to you?

Combat = general fighting / damange mitigation

Assination = Massive damage from behind / suprise, poisions etc

Sublety = stealth. moving without being seen. Striking by suprise etc.

You CANT have them all, you MUST choose.

Some will focus in one area, others will take a few skills from one area, and some from another.

What do you what your rogue to do? What role are you going to play?

Another side note, you can 'unlearn' your talents (for a fee - which increases everytime you do it) so if you get into level 20 -30 and decide you really screwed yourself with your tallent selection... dont worry you can redo them.
#5 Nov 16 2004 at 4:34 PM Rating: Decent
I apologize. Maybe my wording is bad or u guys misunderstood what i mean. I agree with u guys that cheating is not fun and there is no best way of combination.

What i'm looking for is some options because i don't know much about talents and how good they are at higher lvls. I am in Beta but i don't have a lot of time to play so I only have a lvl 17 rogue and a few other teens. I am trying out all three talent areas, Combat, Assassination, and Subtley. The other reason why i asked is I don't want to waste my talents on something i don't need. For example, i just found out after my friend telling me yesterday that my playing style i should focus on Assassin and Combat. I haven't checked how much it cost to unlearn the talent from the trainer but I don't want to waste too much time and money to untrain talents.

So i'm basically looking for opinions only...i am not a uber player seeking the best out of everything and counting DPS and attack speeds or wat type of armor do me best etc...just want to see what everyone thinks.

#6 Nov 17 2004 at 1:34 PM Rating: Decent
Depends if you waant your Rogue to be robust or sneaky. Robust put more talents in your killing moves, sneaky put talents in you stealth moves. But alas I am still learning and practicing before beta ends. I will say this the Rogue is way better than the thf and nin put together in FF11 so I am happy. Rogue-Darkgudda lvl 12 Cooking 45, First Aid 50
#7 Nov 21 2004 at 1:38 PM Rating: Decent
Like everyone is saying...there is no's just a matter of play style. However, you are right that you may want to choose the path you want to go before you even start putting points in your talents. I know in beta you were able to unlearn your talents so you can redo your talent tree, but I believe that I heard Blizzard say that this was only available during the beta and you will not be able to relearn your talents after release. I am not sure if this has changed so correct me if I am wrong. You can always go to WoW Vault to create your own talent build and view other people's ideas for builds.
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