First, about the agility difference... it's next to zero. I know you see a difference on that chart above, but that difference doesn't scale up with level. By the time you're level 10 there's virtually no statistical difference between a troll hunter and an orc hunter.
As far as racial traits go, either would be good for a hunter. The dev team has already stated that racial traits are minor things that are there for flavor, not game-changing in the least. It is my firm belief that you will be happy no matter which race you choose, so choose whichever you like better. Are you into savagery and honor or are you more of the creepy type?
Finally, hunters need both strength and agility. Strength boosts melee damage, while agility boosts ranged damage (not as much, though). While agility is the preferred choice, since you obviously prefer to stay away from your foes, you will sometimes be engaged yourself (intentionally or otherwise), and you'll want strength.