I decided to do alchemy/herbalism. (had a hunter friend doing skinning/leatherworking) The skills were easy to get up, but there didn't seem to be much money in it. I had my herbalism up to 160 before lvl 20 and my alchemy at 145. The potions do have their benefits, but being a druid and having spells doing many of the same things, and the fact that I like to horde things in my inventory and not use them, I didn't like this profession very much. With all the linens I collected with my main, I mailed them off to an alt to start tailoring. I found this profession to be a little more fun making pretty good money just selling to vendors. (6 slot bags sold for 2 silver which is pretty good at the lower lvls) So now i'm debating on whether to stick with alchemy at launch or do tailoring instead. (I would probably do leather working if my hunter friend wasn't)