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#1 Jun 13 2004 at 5:50 PM Rating: Decent
What would you recommend as good trade skills for a Druid to know?

Currently I focus on leatherwork. ^^ It's nice to be able to just make my own armor. Is there anything that might enhance this skill I currently have?
#2 Jun 15 2004 at 1:35 PM Rating: Decent
64 posts
I had originally planned on taking up Herbalism and Alchemy with my Druid. But the more I thought about it, why would I want to use potions when my skills/abilities do the same thing?

Leatherworking seems to be a very logical choice since a Druid can only wear cloth and leather. You should also take up Skinning, which is a gathering skill like herbalism. This will make leatherworking cheaper since you won't have to buy (most of) the materials.
#3 Nov 18 2004 at 11:41 PM Rating: Decent

Herbalism and alchemy are good ones too.

Herbalism is one you'll need early on to get earthroot for your cure poison spell quest -- you can learn it and dump it.

Earthroot trivials, for havesting, low end at 15 so I had to harvest a bunch of other stuff in the mean time. A stack of lesser herbs sold to a vendor for 2sp (10cp each) for level 1 herbs... That's not to bad.

Myself, I went with tailoring and enchanting. Why?

Tailoring is an "end product" tradeskill with no "collection" tradeskill needed up front. You collect by getting drops from monsters as you hunt.

Enchanting allows you to add stats and bonuses to equipment.

The 2 went hand and hand pretty well. Some of the fiarly early on tailoring items (~90 range skill at it) is magical so you can disenchant it to harvest materials to work your enchanting skills and in the 150ish range you can make "blue" class items tailored so disenchanting gets you some higher end components -- also you can enchant some materials you make to skill up with enchanting.

Bags (6 slot ones) are easily made before you hit 12th level so you can get your own bags plus sell some. 8 and 10 slot bags are creatable by 20th level just doing quests and hunting also so tailoring is pretty decent.

It all depends on what you are going for though. Leathers are a good branch to go with also. You can make bags and make armor that you'll use.
#4 Nov 19 2004 at 2:31 PM Rating: Decent
I decided to do alchemy/herbalism. (had a hunter friend doing skinning/leatherworking) The skills were easy to get up, but there didn't seem to be much money in it. I had my herbalism up to 160 before lvl 20 and my alchemy at 145. The potions do have their benefits, but being a druid and having spells doing many of the same things, and the fact that I like to horde things in my inventory and not use them, I didn't like this profession very much. With all the linens I collected with my main, I mailed them off to an alt to start tailoring. I found this profession to be a little more fun making pretty good money just selling to vendors. (6 slot bags sold for 2 silver which is pretty good at the lower lvls) So now i'm debating on whether to stick with alchemy at launch or do tailoring instead. (I would probably do leather working if my hunter friend wasn't)
#5 Nov 19 2004 at 6:30 PM Rating: Decent
Myself i did herblism and alchamy in the beta. My dwarf hunter was doing letaher. but im starting to think i may make a NE hunter still im not sure. dwarf's get tresure hunting uses the search skill so mining or herblism would not be able to be im kinda torn here.....Never really thought of tailoring thou. that may actually be my choice....That's what makes reading these forms so useful ideas kinda fly around and it's not for eveyone but some of us weren't thinking in those lines and it works for us.

Thanks for help folks :)

good luck on relase.
#6 Nov 19 2004 at 6:51 PM Rating: Decent
My NE Druid was an herbalist and alchemist and it came in handy for my situation. My wife plays a NE Hunter and we are always grouped, the potions came in handy for her when she was getting beat up and I was not able to get a healing spell off. The rejuvination potion helped me many times when my HP and manna were low and we had an add come into the fray at the last minute.

She was a skinner leather worker so hide collection and herb collection was an ongoing task.

Many of the buffs you get from the potions the druid does not have and its far easier drinking a potion sometimes then remebering to rebuff and since they last for an hour the potions are well worth chugging in mass.

Of course there is that cooldown time before you can down another potion.

All in all the alchemy /herbalist combo has been very good to us and a perfect trade for druids.

don't get me wrong I think armor crafting be it leather or metal is more fun and at first I did take enchanting, then changed it to alchemy to make healing potions for the hunter.

As a lone druid though I could see persueing tailoring and enchanting.

Grassland Windwalker
RIP Open Beta 15th level Night Elf Druid

Sorry this post is so long but posting seems to ease the withdrawl symtems.. come on Tuesday..hurryyy can't hold on much longerrrr

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