I got into the Phase 3 beta for WoW, and have been playing a Rogue myself for a while. I have a lvl 29 Night Elf Rogue.
Rogues are indeed damage dealers. As far as soloing goes, Blizzard has stated numerous times that it is their goal to make every class in the game soloable to the lvl 60 cap. Each class does so in a different manner. Warriors can solo because they are tough as nails and can outlast any single similar lvl mob. Rogues, on the other hand, solo by dealing large amounts of damage and killing mobs before they have the chance to deal much damage. We can't last too long in a toe to toe because we do get hit pretty hard. However, our skills allow us to end most fights very quickly, and downtime is typically very short. I can pretty much walk through mobs a couple lvls lower than me, and still solo mobs a couple lvls higher than me with minimal downtime (Half a minute or less in most cases, depending on whether I can use first aid, healing potions, or have to sit and eat food)
Ambush, Backstab, and eviscerate do indeed have their uses, and are potent skills, but they are not the end-all of rogue abilities, for one primary reason. Their damage is mitigated (or reduced) by armor. Against heavily armored mobs, these skills are of limited use. However, we are given other skills to use in these scenarios, and those are our DoT abilities. Garrote is a stealth back position opener and Rupture is a combo point finishing move, both of which apply DoT damage to mobs that is NOT mitigated by armor.
So, against soft targets direct damage skills will be very useful, while against harder targets you'll either have to start out with an Expose Armor finisher (which decreases target armor), or fall back on our DoT skills. I personally switch to the DoTs due to the initial setup of Expose Armor to get the armor down for backstab or eviscerate.
As for lockpicking, the last patch removed that as a tradeskill learnable by all classes and made it a rogue only class skill. Poisons are also seperate from Alchemy, and are only usable by rogues (contrary to the Rogue page on worldofwarcraft.com, rogues cannot apply poisons to other players weapons or give other palyers poisoned weapons) Alchemy is a useful skill that allows you to make an assortment of beneficial potions though.
Edited, Tue Aug 24 11:48:24 2004 by jRaskell