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[Rogue] MoP changes!Follow

#27 Apr 06 2012 at 4:32 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Some interesting stuff just got posted on MMO-Champion:

  • Crimson Tempest Finishing move consumes combo points on any nearby target to slash at the flesh of all enemies within 8 yards, dealing Physical damage and causing victims to bleed and suffer an additional 30% of the initial damage over 12 sec: 1 point : [445 + 2.5 + 2.8% of AP + 148 + 2.5 + 1.4% of AP] damage 2 points: [445 + 5 + 5.6% of AP + 148 + 5 + 4.2% of AP] damage 3 points: [445 + 7.5 + 16.5% of AP + 148 + 7.5 + 7% of AP] damage 4 points: [445 + 10 + 22% of AP + 148 + 10 + 22% of AP] damage 5 points: [445 + 12.5 + 27.5% of AP + 148 + 12.5 + 27.5% of AP] damage 5 yd range, 35 Energy, Instant
  • Fan of Knives now generates 1 combo point if it strikes your current combo target.
  • Shadow Blades *New* Draw upon the surrounding shadows to empower your weapons, causing your auto-attacks to deal pure Shadow damage and your combo-point-generating abilties to generate an additional combo point when used. Lasts 12 sec. 3 min cooldown, Instant
  • Throw *New* Hurl a dagger at an enemy target. 30 yd range, 0.5 sec cast

  • Inscription: Glyph of Backstab changed - When you Vanish, you leave behind a brief illusion that very closely resembles you.
  • Inscription: Glyph of Revealing Strike replaced with Glyph of Detection - Focus intently on trying to detect something.
  • Inscription: Glyph of Mutilate replaced - When you Pick Pocket a humanoid enemy, you also copy their appearance until cancelled.

FoK generating CPs is really nice, Crimson Tempest sounds great for trash and for AoE in general, Shadow Blades will get removed from the game because it'll be OP in PvP, and idk what Blizzard is doing with the glyph changes. Glyph of Detection sounds nice for PvP, and the new glyph of BS (?) sounds like a cool effect but hardly worth a prime slot.

Oh well, it's beta after all.

Interesting note: there's a JC land mount in MoP; it costs 500,000 gold. You buy 5x "Something Expensive" and make a little panther, and after you make four different ones, you can make the "Jeweled Onyx Panther" which is basically a NE cat with gems on it.

Each "Something Expensive" is 25,000 gold.

Anyone have some gold I can borrow? Smiley: grin
#28 Apr 06 2012 at 6:32 AM Rating: Good
I have 500 lol... Guess it's time to farm heroics and stuff for gold. Can usually make at least a couple hundred during one run
#29 Apr 06 2012 at 1:15 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
xNocturnalSunx wrote:
I have 500 lol... Guess it's time to farm heroics and stuff for gold. Can usually make at least a couple hundred during one run

I transferred my 85 hunter to Fenris last night, so I've got my farmer on the server now. Smiley: grin
#30 Apr 06 2012 at 1:24 PM Rating: Good
Awesome! I think my sub ended today so I'll need to reactivate when I get paid next week. Been too busy dealing with getting my car fixed and doctors right now Smiley: frown
#31 Apr 07 2012 at 12:27 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Overlord Theophany wrote:
idk what Blizzard is doing with the glyph changes. Glyph of Detection sounds nice for PvP, and the new glyph of BS (?) sounds like a cool effect but hardly worth a prime slot.

Oh well, it's beta after all.

As far as I know Prime glyphs are going away in Pandas.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#32 Apr 07 2012 at 3:18 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
Horsemouth wrote:
Overlord Theophany wrote:
idk what Blizzard is doing with the glyph changes. Glyph of Detection sounds nice for PvP, and the new glyph of BS (?) sounds like a cool effect but hardly worth a prime slot.

Oh well, it's beta after all.

As far as I know Prime glyphs are going away in Pandas.

Oh, so they're taking away the primary functionality and just making those effects baseline? That's awesome.

I always thought glyphs should just be fun stuff that does cosmetic and solo stuff for your class. We shouldn't have to theorycraft glyphs too.
#33 Apr 07 2012 at 4:49 PM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
Overlord Theophany wrote:

Oh, so they're taking away the primary functionality and just making those effects baseline? That's awesome.

I always thought glyphs should just be fun stuff that does cosmetic and solo stuff for your class. We shouldn't have to theorycraft glyphs too.

The stated plan is glyphs that were required Primes become baseline. Most glyphs become fun or impact play style more than boost spells.

An example is Riptide with no CD but no initial heal either. Would be a wash in healing done but impacts play style or reflects the needs of a specific encounter.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#34 Apr 07 2012 at 5:08 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Horsemouth wrote:
Overlord Theophany wrote:

Oh, so they're taking away the primary functionality and just making those effects baseline? That's awesome.

I always thought glyphs should just be fun stuff that does cosmetic and solo stuff for your class. We shouldn't have to theorycraft glyphs too.

The stated plan is glyphs that were required Primes become baseline. Most glyphs become fun or impact play style more than boost spells.

An example is Riptide with no CD but no initial heal either. Would be a wash in healing done but impacts play style or reflects the needs of a specific encounter.

Hence Hemo getting the bleed effect baseline, gotcha.

Oh, and reading on ArenaJunkies the other day, I heard that on beta ShS enables you to ShS to friendly targets.

Yeah. So amazing. I'm praying that that goes live.



Boom. PvP spec. ShSing to healers is going to be loltastic. Also, free Redirects at any time? That's what I've wanted since that ability was introduced. I'm going to focus-KS-blind-sap so many healers they will literally ragequit life.

Also I just remembered that Deadly Throw is a 6 second lockout at 5 combo points. That'll get nerfed really really hard.

Edited, Apr 7th 2012 4:20pm by Theophany
#35 Apr 09 2012 at 9:05 AM Rating: Good
1,450 posts
I can't tell you why, but Theo getting excited about this expansion is totally getting me psyched.

I also can't tell you why I am kissing his behind as much as I am. I guess I am just happy to have him back.
#36 Apr 09 2012 at 10:56 AM Rating: Excellent
Because for once, you have someone on for the rogue side of things that knows what he's talking about and is one of the only people that theorycrafts the rogue's skills for us.
#37 Apr 09 2012 at 2:11 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
It's probably because I'm intensely excited for the rogue changes coming, even though it seems like they've worked on rogues the least in terms of MoP content.

They've made a couple new abilities, changed how some stuff works (Envenom, poisons) and basically made it so that you basically choose your play style. Talents will be kind of up to the situation you're in, but it's all really exciting.

I actually foresee myself going Assassination once MoP goes live, as with ShS being a talent that any spec can have (and with Prep being unusable if you have ShS), they've removed basically everything that made Sub great and given it to Assassination. You'll basically have Assassination's burst and sustained damage with Sub's mobility, which should have people peeing in their pants.

I have changed my mind a bit on what level 90 talent I like the best, because Anticipation is pretty incredible. Being able to stack up to 10 combo points and use two finishers in a row is pretty awesome.

Oh, and in case anyone didn't know, Envenom is basically a nature-damage Eviscerate on beta at the moment. Doesn't require poisons, doesn't consume poisons, just does damage that goes through plate.

Popping two Envenoms in a row with Vendetta up is going to be kind of OP, so we'll see how that works out.
#38 Apr 09 2012 at 5:13 PM Rating: Good
I need to start taking a look at the changes and the combat side of things. With the way things are headed, I may for once enjoy something other than combat. I could never get into the Mut spec or anything. I loved my Blade Flurry/ Adren Rush combo too much. Guess I was just used to that playstyle since it's what I've been since 10.
#39 Apr 09 2012 at 6:16 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
xNocturnalSunx wrote:
I need to start taking a look at the changes and the combat side of things. With the way things are headed, I may for once enjoy something other than combat. I could never get into the Mut spec or anything. I loved my Blade Flurry/ Adren Rush combo too much. Guess I was just used to that playstyle since it's what I've been since 10.

Eh, you should be able to play really anything. You may not like it, but you should be able to. I hated playing combat in TBC when that was the go-to spec for raiding, but I did it (pre-dual spec of course, spending asstons of gold) because that's what you did.

Combat isn't going to change much, really. You'll still be SSing, you'll still be looking at OH procs for energy and extra damage via Main Gauche, the only difference is that you may be looking at slower OHs since Combat Potency is scaling with weapon speed now.
#40 Apr 10 2012 at 7:20 AM Rating: Good
I'm sort of wondering, how things work now "spec" wise since there really is no actually Mut spec or combat spec, etc. Since I haven't read up on it yet, I'm assuming it's to where abilities are now trainable no matter what (minus what's actually on the tree that you pick)?
#41 Apr 10 2012 at 11:58 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
xNocturnalSunx wrote:
I'm sort of wondering, how things work now "spec" wise since there really is no actually Mut spec or combat spec, etc. Since I haven't read up on it yet, I'm assuming it's to where abilities are now trainable no matter what (minus what's actually on the tree that you pick)?

Basically anything spec-defining is automatically given to you based on whatever spec you are, same as—for instance—Blade Flurry, Ambidexterity, Vitality, and your Mastery are when you choose Combat as a rogue.

The best way to see this is by going to wowhead's MoP talent calculator and selecting a spec down below and then filtering the abilities by spec; that'll tell you what exactly you learn in each individual spec that's unique (and also show you the new tooltips for some abilities, like Envenom).

From what I've seen, talents can be changed like glyphs, with Dust of Disappearance, on the fly. I believe that it only changes one talent rather than making you choose every talent again, but I could be wrong.

Your spec, to the best of my knowledge, cannot be changed on the fly except via dual-spec (which becomes infinitely more valuable now, since you can basically have 2/3 of the available specs and just change your talents when you PvP/PvE).

Anyway, it's worth the read. I learned a lot from it, but make sure you read everything carefully, because a lot is changing.
#42 Apr 11 2012 at 1:07 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
  • Crimson Tempest - Damage amounts changed, see tooltip for detail.

Rogue - Assassination
  • Seal Fate - Now only works when you critically strike with a single-target attack.
  • Venomous Wounds - Now has a 75% chance to deal additional damage, up from 60%. Garrote will not trigger this effect if the enemy is also afflicted by your Rupture.

Rogue - Minor Glyphs
  • Glyph of Disguise - When you Pick Pocket a humanoid enemy, you also copy their appearance for 5 min. Your disguise will unravel upon entering combat.

Rogue - Major Glyphs
  • Glyph of Cheap Shot - Reduces the Energy cost of your Cheap Shot by 50%. Replaced Glyph of Rupture.
  • Glyph of Stealth - Reduces the cooldown of your Stealth ability by 4 sec. Replaced Glyph of Shadow Dance.
  • Glyph of Shiv - Reduces the cooldown of your Shiv ability by 2 sec. Replaced Glyph of Slice and Dice.

Some nice stuff there, love the Stealth glyph, same with CS. Guessing Seal Fate was changed because FoK was giving combo points and it'd give a combo point for every crit you got with FoK. Smiley: lol
#43 Apr 11 2012 at 5:49 AM Rating: Good
I'm a noob anywho. I had gone to the calculators early to mess around with them. Scrolled down far enough to just see the bottom of them that I didn't even see the spec selection Smiley: lol

I'm stupid.
#44 Apr 20 2012 at 2:21 AM Rating: Excellent
13,048 posts
So I got into MoP beta at long last, so I'll be posting my experiences here to keep all of the rogues updated.

I've been messing around with some stuff, and at the very least the new poison system (plus the removal of throwing weapons) is a godsend. I'm really enjoying assassination, but I still have to test out sub to see how it performs as well. I'll be testing on Tol Barad daily mobs, since that's what I kill the most (and know what I normally hit for).

Not having addons kind of sucks, though. :(

EDIT: Messing around with the specs, I think Assassination is going to be by far my favorite. It has a really nice and easy rotation (mutilate to 5 cp, envenom, mut to 5, rupture, rinse, repeat; throw in crimson tempest if you're AoEing).

Sub is kind of disappointing me now that I can get mut's damage with shadowstep. Dispatch is a really cool mechanic, and I'm loving the new glyphs.

What I'm using right now:

Major: Garrote, Recup, Smoke Bomb
Minor: Safe Fall, Blurred Speed, Detection (SWIRLY BALL IS BACK!)

I may be switching out the Bomb glyph for Shiv, Shadow Walk, or Expose Armor depending.

I can't test combat right now unfortunately, as specs are stuck once you pick them.

Anyway, rogues should be really stoked about the changes coming. I'm loving the specs and play style choices in MoP.

EDIT2: Forgot the most important change: SHADOWSTEP CAN BE USED ON ANY TARGET.



Edited, Apr 20th 2012 2:37am by Theophany
#45 Apr 20 2012 at 9:09 AM Rating: Good
Was reading through you post waiting to see something about combat. That makes me sad that you can't test it out right now. I have assassination as my OS, so at least I can read up on your adventures with that. Can't wait to see about combat once you're able to test it out (if you can lol).

#46 Apr 20 2012 at 2:07 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
As far as damage goes, I think it's trended downward a slight bit; normally I'm ambushing for ~20k crits, and now it's critting a lot less.

Same with my other sub abilities; I've found that mutilate has been killing a lot faster than sub has (and it's also more fun).

I spent literally half an hour freaking people out in Stormwind by shadowstepping onto them; I was laughing the whole time. REALLY like the change.
#47 Apr 21 2012 at 7:28 AM Rating: Decent
Since I haven't played WoW in a while, testing out these changes is going to be fun for me I think! My main is a rogue by the way. Looking forward to trying the blind, whilst still in stealth (always thought that would be a good idea.)

Overall I'm quite pleased with the changes, apart from the fleet footed and kick? Also, not really seeing the point of shadow walk, can't really see when that would be of use to me.

I don't think I'm the shiz, I'm just pretty good Smiley: wink, took a while to get there though

#48 Apr 21 2012 at 6:42 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Jimastion wrote:
Since I haven't played WoW in a while, testing out these changes is going to be fun for me I think! My main is a rogue by the way. Looking forward to trying the blind, whilst still in stealth (always thought that would be a good idea.)

Overall I'm quite pleased with the changes, apart from the fleet footed and kick? Also, not really seeing the point of shadow walk, can't really see when that would be of use to me.

I don't think I'm the shiz, I'm just pretty good Smiley: wink, took a while to get there though

Shadow Walk is for stealth vs stealth comps in arena, obviously. Rogues should never get opened on by other classes, hence Shadow Walk.

Also, helps in dungeons (there are places I'd vanish while in stealth to get a sap at the back of a trash pack, since sub wasn't a decent PvE build at the time).

Fleet Footed and Kick changes are to bring them more in line with what other classes get. 20% healing buff on live is pretty OP when you take all of the Recup talents.
#49 Apr 27 2012 at 6:09 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts

I thought we were gonna get better looking gear when MoP came out?!

Seriously, WORST SET EVER.

Oh, and Mind-numbing poison slows casting speed by 50% on NPCs and 25% on players, now. Smiley: rolleyes
#50 May 01 2012 at 6:21 AM Rating: Good
Why can't we get a neat looking hood that doesn't make us look like human-geists or... I don't know... Something rogue-like?
#51 May 01 2012 at 10:15 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
More Sub nerfs; they're either idiots, or trying to nerf Sub into the ground:

  • Honor Among Thieves now can only occur when you're in combat.
  • Sanguinary Vein reworked slightly - You deal 25% additional damage to targets afflicted by your Rupture or Garrote.
  • Major Glyphs
  • Glyph of Cheap Shot now increases the duration of Cheap Shot by 5 sec instead of reducing its energy cost.

It's gotten kind of frustrating, playing Sub on the beta. Basically everything that made Sub really unique (Prep, ShS, Cheat Death) is a talent now. If I don't have to spec Sub to get Sub's best abilities, why would anyone spec Sub?

Also, when you nerf Sub's burst output, the only thing it's good for (burst in Shadow Dance with 100% Ambush crits) is completely removed. That combined with the nerfs to Recup's (talented) healing makes me really grumpy when I PvP on beta.

At this point I might as well plan on making my hunter my main in MoP for PvP. Hunters, at least, aren't getting completely ****** in the *** for their only PvP build.
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