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#1227 Nov 29 2009 at 2:01 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Horsemouth wrote:
Fuc& it, lets go bowling.
Nothanks, I HATE bowling.
Seriously, retarded game.
#1228 Nov 29 2009 at 3:48 PM Rating: Good
I don't mind bowling, but I love bowling movies (at least those I have seen so far!)

The Big Lebowski & Kingpin FTW!!!!

#1229 Nov 29 2009 at 7:24 PM Rating: Good
222 posts
Avatar test!
#1230 Nov 30 2009 at 12:23 AM Rating: Good
222 posts
#1231 Nov 30 2009 at 2:31 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts

Completely unrelated.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#1232 Nov 30 2009 at 5:16 PM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
The Big Lebowski & Kingpin FTW!!!!

You just got Monson'd.
#1233 Nov 30 2009 at 9:58 PM Rating: Good
222 posts
#1234 Dec 01 2009 at 3:41 PM Rating: Excellent
255 posts
OK, bored at work.... question:

Who has the best new Avatar?

#1235 Dec 01 2009 at 4:07 PM Rating: Good
676 posts
Walter is a pimp
Kate is teh hotness
Bears are Ubar
Aethien's is just O.o
#1236 Dec 01 2009 at 5:07 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Walter is a role model for the kids.

Bears are awesome, fail drood is one of teh bestest.

Kate is sexy but

Aethien's is just well, sauce plox.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#1237 Dec 01 2009 at 5:10 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
To be fair, my avatar isn't really new, but I dare not remove it until I find a suitable replacement. Looking at my avatar in full size, I'm going to have to say that it might take a while longer.

How about this cropped?

Edited, Dec 2nd 2009 12:13am by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#1238 Dec 01 2009 at 11:22 PM Rating: Good
222 posts
Mazra that picture is umm.... Excuse me for a moment I'll brb
#1239 Dec 02 2009 at 2:50 AM Rating: Excellent
140 posts
Mazra wrote:
To be fair, my avatar isn't really new, but I dare not remove it until I find a suitable replacement. Looking at my avatar in full size, I'm going to have to say that it might take a while longer.

I found the full size one last week and it is win! *drools*

On a completely (sorry) different and totally unrelated topic we finally went back into Uld and got Mimi 10 man hard mode done :) Just Vezax and Yogg hard modes to go for the drake :)

*continues drooling*
#1240 Dec 02 2009 at 3:32 AM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts
ice cube said it best folks; "@#%^ tha police."

for those of you who may or may not remember, a few months back i got removed from my job at a school nearby, ostensibly because of something i had posted or said over facebook that was inappropriate.

well, flash back to about a month ago, where i got a letter from the LAPD (thats los angeles police dept.) asking me to call them in regards to a "poice" report.

thats right, the police department mispelled police. and this typo, well, it was the LEAST of the errors on this letter.

but apparently the detective i had to call was actually a real person (i had my doubts, given the, shall we say, unprofessionalism of the letter) and apparently worked for the sexual assault unit (no, i didnt do anything). and earlier today i finally managed to talk to her, after a few weeks of some engaging phone tag.

turns out, shes a ***** and the police, well, they suck (no offense to any officers who may read this). according to this detective, what i apparently allegedly did was send a message to a girl at the school talking about how i was drunk, lonely, and wanted company or some such bullsh*t. im not sure, it all could be a lie, because according to a lawyer friend of mine, THE POLICE DONT HAVE TO TELL YOU THE TRUTH! yeah, thats right, they will lie, cheat, and sometimes even steal (in the form of illegal search and seizure, which is permissable in administrative court) in order to "get" someone. everything you say can and will be used against you, always, every time.

in the words of my lawyer friend, "it's never helpful to help the police."

im going to wax philosophic here for a moment and ask...what...the....fuck....happened to "innocent until proven guilty?"

not only was this detective me, but when i asked her for a copy of this "evidence" she basically told me to stfu and gtfo, but in slightly nicer words (something about trusting me as far as she could throw me). when i tried to present a counterpoint (i.e. if this facebook message is real, it could have been done by someone posing as takes all of five minutes to find a picture on facebook and make a new account pretending to be someone) she shut me down, accusing me of saying she's stupid and warning me that i wasnt in trouble now, but if i continued i *would* be in trouble.

and these people are supposed to protect and serve? @#%^ that sh*t man. and @#%^ tha police.

so there you have it folks; let this be a warning to you....never trust the police, at least the LAPD. my hope is that, elsewhere, there are honorable officers who actually uphold the ideals they have sworn too, who try to do good policework instead of using subterfuge and verbal browbeating in an attempt to get someone to say something you can "get" them on.

sorry to hijack the happy-go-luckiness thats happening here, but im suitably angry at this, and i just had to get it out. i doubt ill sleep tonight.

so maz, uh, hows life over in your neck of the woods? any overzealous law enforcement officers trying to make a name for themselves or anything? i dont know any foreign languages, but im a quick study!

Edited, Dec 2nd 2009 1:35am by Quor
#1241 Dec 02 2009 at 3:44 AM Rating: Good
222 posts
The LAPD is a particularly bad police force from what I have read, sometimes being referred to as the biggest gang in LA. I mean they don't exactly have the best track record or anything, but it is far from just them. Police will generally use any underhanded technique to get you to confess to things, or to "bust" you. I myself have been arrested before for a "warrant" and thrown in jail only to find out that when I got to court that there was no warrant and no charges against me. I have a particular distrust for the people that we trust to serve and protect us.
To lighten the mood back up

Edited, Dec 2nd 2009 4:56am by DrunkDrood
#1242 Dec 02 2009 at 4:09 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Quor wrote:
fuck the police

I have felt that the police are next to worthless for years.

Except the one time I was getting crunk in Boston some 10 years ago. Got all drunk, lost some time for a bit and came to around government center. Thought the building I was near was my hotel and it was closed and that my friends ditched me. Kinda fought/trashed a mail box and kicked in part of a glass wall. Wandered off, realized where I was , saw a cop and they dropped me off back at the hotel in the back of a paddy wagon.

my new sig wrote:
so there you have it folks; let this be a warning to you....never trust the police


idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#1243 Dec 02 2009 at 8:08 AM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
I'm not a fan of police, especially new officers out to make a name for themselves.

I'm from a small town, went to college in a small town, and now I live in the biggest town in North Dakota, but it's still pretty small.

Back in college I was at an "Ugly Sweater Party" and I had literally been there for... 20 minutes? The cops ended up busting the party and I was standing in the kitchen and had just recently discovered some apple suckers and was using one to get a girl. Two beers in. I'm a big guy, two beers doesn't do **** to me.

So the officer walks up to me and my buddy and asks to smell our breath. My buddy is **** faced, I'm only 2 deep... He lets my buddy go and says he can smell something fruity on my breath and wants to give me a breathalizer. I say ok and I blow.... drum roll please!!!!!! 0.024. The officer looks at me and says "turn around please." Slaps cuffs on me and leads me out to the cop car.

He arrested me on the only fact that this ******** was only 2 months out of the academy and was looking to make a name for himself. I got to the jail and all the other cops sat and shot the **** with me telling me that they thought it was kinda bogus I got arrested. A bunch of my friends who I played football with worked at the jail and ended up taking off my cuffs and booking me. I come to find out later, they douchebag cop only brought 7 breathalizer wands, and was only going to be able to arrest 7 people. I was one of the seven.

It was quite possibly the dumbest thing thats ever happened to me.
#1244 Dec 02 2009 at 8:48 AM Rating: Good
222 posts
I think the only "fans" of police are the police themselves, and perhaps victims of violent crimes, but even then some hate them because the police will do next to nothing about it.
#1245 Dec 02 2009 at 9:11 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Sorry to hear you've had some bad experiences with the law enforcement. A couple of months back I was training to join the police academy, but I ended up failing the admission test (lung capacity isn't what it used to be) and decided to go the elementary school teacher route instead (better to catch them while they're young enough to not wield weapons).

Anyway, I've never had issues with the police, but yeah, new guys and especially the big ones (bulky ones, I guess), tend to be a little rough.

Our court system works a bit differently over here and while the police gets to do some crazy stuff once in a while, arresting someone at a party for having a blood alcohol level of 0.024 or whatever definitely wouldn't fly. People would end up suing each other left and right. By the way, you live in the US, why didn't you sue them? I hear you guys get away with crazy lawsuits, Arex.

Quor, had this been over here, you could've demanded to speak with her superior officer in which case you could file a complaint. Being threatened, harassed and denied service isn't something they get away with here. And if she tells you that you can't speak to anyone else, you can send a letter to the Ministry of Justice and file a complaint directly to the Minster of Justice.

Yeah, we're a small country. We get away with stuff like that.

If people are complaining about the police here it's usually because:

a) They're left-wing activists (or the parents of left-wing activists) and find it endlessly unfair that the police dares arrest 13-year-olds just because they're throwing Molotov cocktails at people, or want to live in a building they don't own.

b) They feel that they don't get enough service which is not the police's fault as much as the politicians' due to budget cuts.

c) They've somehow been involved in police activity and found the Law to be hard on people who break it.

We don't exactly have issues with the police here, but they're not as dominant on the streets as they are in other parts of the world, I guess.

Edited, Dec 2nd 2009 4:14pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#1246 Dec 02 2009 at 1:29 PM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
I dont want to perpetuate the stereotype of the US's amazingly ****** up legal system.

But, on the other hand I do applaud the Fargo Police Force. I've seen them in action at the bar I work at.

Kid ran, cops tackled, cop grabbed the kids hair and shirt and then proceeded to pound the kids face and chest into the concrete. Quite hilarious.

Plus Fargo cops wouldn't have arrested me, they'd have told me to just go home.

Fargo police = win.
#1247 Dec 02 2009 at 1:40 PM Rating: Excellent
255 posts
The One and Only ArexLovesPie wrote:
Fargo police = win.

OBOY, that is pretty close to home. What small town college did you go to Arex? I'm assuming it wasn't NDSU or Concordia.
#1248 Dec 02 2009 at 1:42 PM Rating: Excellent
255 posts
Mazra wrote:
To be fair, my avatar isn't really new, but I dare not remove it until I find a suitable replacement. Looking at my avatar in full size, I'm going to have to say that it might take a while longer.

How about this cropped?

WOW, props to the worksite for allowing that to pop up on my computer. Damn Maz, where do you find those pics? Wait, maybe I don't want to know. You Avatar is fairly new, it's better than the rampaging bear...
#1249 Dec 02 2009 at 2:06 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
browningguns wrote:
Mazra wrote:
To be fair, my avatar isn't really new, but I dare not remove it until I find a suitable replacement. Looking at my avatar in full size, I'm going to have to say that it might take a while longer.

How about this cropped?

WOW, props to the worksite for allowing that to pop up on my computer. Damn Maz, where do you find those pics? Wait, maybe I don't want to know. You Avatar is fairly new, it's better than the rampaging bear...

Maz has had the Kate avatar for years.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#1250 Dec 02 2009 at 3:15 PM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
OBOY, that is pretty close to home. What small town college did you go to Arex? I'm assuming it wasn't NDSU or Concordia.

I went to Jamestown College, originally from Fargo.

I was at NDSU for a semester when I transfered and I hated everything about it. So glad I didn't decide to play football for them.

Otherwise I'm starting up at Moorhead Tech beause they're the only school other than Jamestown in this area that offers IT as a major.
#1251 Dec 02 2009 at 3:30 PM Rating: Excellent
255 posts
Ah yeas, Jamestown. Many of our locals go there. Fargo is a lot bigger than my local towns however, Bemidji is the biggest town town around and even then I think it's like what? half the size?

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