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Bored Druid ThreadFollow

#902 Oct 14 2009 at 6:55 AM Rating: Excellent
3,272 posts
Heh, yeah someday I hope. I don't want to get stuck with this staff the whole time.

We've had about 8 death's verdicts drop for us.

On a plus side I'll be able to bust out on the t9 4 set bonus now.

Edit: In a totally fun note.

I was doing uld 10 last night since I couldn't sleep and our hunter was going on his brand spankin' new feral druid. He has a ton of epics already for just dinging 80. We've also got our main feral druid with us as well.

We start up on xt and we're doing the hardmode and killing light sparks and all of a sudden you hear this.

"Curse (our main feral druid) I am never going to ask you to target switch ever again in raids."

I of course laughed and so did curse.

Edited, Oct 14th 2009 8:00am by ArexLovesPie
#903 Oct 14 2009 at 8:32 AM Rating: Good
I must be missing a joke there...or are you referring to the ridiculous sums of dps that can be done when you aren't having to run around/waste cp?
#904 Oct 14 2009 at 9:04 AM Rating: Excellent
3,272 posts
I'm referring to how terrible feral druid ramp up is on mobs.
#905 Oct 14 2009 at 9:50 AM Rating: Good
676 posts
Horse, you would gain ~50dps from switching to agility, it would make your rotation slightly easier due to more crit meaning more cp's. Honestly, it's not worth spending money on as an offset and since a lot of the upgrades from ToC as well as the Tier pieces have ArP, it's really not worth it to you to re-gem for the time being since you'll end up upgrading to more ArP anyway in the future.

The point where ArP is better than Agil is around 700ish now, so you're still a little under but the gain as I said was minimal in switching back.
#906 Oct 14 2009 at 11:26 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
I'm referring to how terrible feral druid ramp up is on mobs.

Or how bummed I get when I'm trying to get off a savage roar. Then the mob gets to 20% and everyone throws out Kill Shot/Hammer of Wrath/Execute and I watch it die with 5CP on it. Sad day.
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#907 Oct 14 2009 at 12:17 PM Rating: Good
676 posts
someproteinguy wrote:
Or how bummed I get when I'm trying to get off a savage roar. Then the mob gets to 20% and everyone throws out Kill Shot/Hammer of Wrath/Execute and I watch it die with 5CP on it. Sad day.

This is why I prep myself with a Savage roar as the mob gets to 20% and just go back to killing the boss. Of course this depends on how fast it went to 20%, but if it's quick, I like to let ranged finish it off while I go back to the boss with my 5cp savage roar up so I can get my rotation set back up faster.

Fights like Emalon irritate the **** out of me. I don't even bother switching on Jaraxxus :P
#908 Oct 14 2009 at 1:37 PM Rating: Good
676 posts
Horse I'm lazy...fix the druidsock for meh. The ArP section is wrong now that they upped the ArP cap.

1415 ArP is the new cap...meaning it takes over 700 passive ArP (Closer to 800) with a Grim toll or Mjolnr Runestone to make it better than/equal to agility. If you're under 700 (having Gemmed for armor pen) then yes, gemming agility is currently better.

Pre 3.2.2 if you don't spend a decent amount of time above 700ish ArP, then ArP isn't as good as Agility.

Post 3.2.2 this number jumps to about 900ish.

This means:
If you don't have a Mjolnir Runestone or Grim Toll working for you, you should get your passive ArP up to 700ish (meaning you have 700+ AFTER GEMMING). Post 3.2.2 this is somewhere closer to 900ish as posted above.

If you DO have one of those 2 glorious trinkets, then you should easily be able to achieve or get close to their "soft caps", and you should do that, pre-3.2.2 and post 3.2.2 (although the "soft cap" will be substantially higher post 3.2.2).

Edited, Oct 14th 2009 3:39pm by Galenmoon
#909 Oct 14 2009 at 2:25 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
I'll update the sticky this after noon. have to run into town for a bit.

Was hoping you would lie and tell me it was ok to keep gemming ArP. I'll hold off on gemming those shoulders for now and see if I get some new DPS stuff in the next few weeks. I likely wont have to DPS where my DPS matters any time soon. Hopefully I can get some big ArP stuff so I can be lazy and keep gemming ArP.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#910 Oct 14 2009 at 3:38 PM Rating: Good
676 posts
Horse on the sure you wanna be updating the sticky after that?

We've seen what it can do to your karma :P
#911 Oct 14 2009 at 4:49 PM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts
drunk sticky updates is exactly what this forum needs. itll weed out in insipid, likely because theyre afraid horse is going to come beat them while in his drunken stupor while i hold them down.

cause we're hardcore like that.
#912 Oct 14 2009 at 4:54 PM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
Yeah, you can see the difference from staying on one target vs switching to a target that lives for less than 15 sec on ToGC Northrend Beasts and Jaraxxas. On Beasts, me and the ret pally stay on Gormokk while everyone else switches to Snobolds. If it's on a ranged DPS or healer, they run to the melee DPS. Oh, and I get Hysteria. 7k+ DPS.

On Jaraxxas, I'm mid 5s at best. Portals, volcanoes, and maidens don't live long enough for bleeds to run their course. And it's a pain in the *** to find the "back" of a "mob" that's either a 2d door or a circle. As best I can tell from Feral Charge - Cat, the "rear" is wherever the hell it feels like being. Losing 2-3 seconds so I'm at the right range for FC or while I circle-strafe the target really sucks.

Losing 1500 DPS made my GM realize just how much of a PITA Feral DPS can be, so I get more slack to just focus the boss.
#913 Oct 14 2009 at 7:19 PM Rating: Excellent
63 posts
Updated the ArP section. Was involved and I had to read up on ArP again. For like the 5th time.

Anyway what does everyone think about Haste?

I have my opinion on its usefulness as a DPS stat and I am curious as to what others think.

Also as part of the haste opinion poll pick a gem +10 Agi/+10 Haste or +10 Agi/+10 Crit.

#914 Oct 14 2009 at 7:44 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
You should ask Arex if haste is a useful DPS stat for Boomkins. Smiley: nod

Just for the fun of it.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#915 Oct 14 2009 at 8:05 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
I meant haste and feral DPS.

Haste is great for boomkins.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#916 Oct 14 2009 at 9:06 PM Rating: Excellent
676 posts
Ok Haste....

Haste is our lowest contributor point for point of all the dps stats that we stack.

Stat order would be

Agility/Armor Pen* > Feral AP** > Strength*** > Crit > Hit**** > Expertise***** > Haste > AP

*------ Agility and Armor pen are both first and are interchangeable depending on your current ArP levels on gear.
**----- Feral Attack Power is found on weapons and upgrading a weapon has a huge impact on your dps.
***---- Strength, although point for point creates more dps is typically not found on leather anyway and is not recommended to be stacked.
****--- Hit rating is low because we take less of a drop in dps due to low hit than other classes.
*****-- Expertise is also low because we can only be dodged since we'll always be behind the bosses(ok 90% of the time) and just like low hit, we take less of a drop in dps due to low expertise than other classes.

Haste does increase our white damage which tends to be ~30% of our dps. It also increases Omen of Clarity procs which creates more opportunities to use yellow damage abilities, namely shred.

That being said, Haste becomes slightly more attractive as we become hit capped and expertise soft capped. Since strength isn't something we find in large quantity,if at all on druid gear and Feral Attack power only pertains to weapons, then Haste ranks just below Crit which becomes less attractive at crit levels due to diminishing returns and crit hard cap.

Haste is never something to be sought out, enchanted or gemmed for, but in terms of stat ranking, increased haste when compared to hit rating or expertise which is already capped or crit which is already hitting hard diminishing returns(or capped) is an upgrade and should be seen as such.

(Just FYI, crit cap is typically seen as provided you are hit- and expertise-capped, there's still 24% chance of a Glancing Blow that you cannot push off the white hit table. That gives you a crit cap of 76%)

Edited, Oct 14th 2009 11:08pm by Galenmoon
#917 Oct 14 2009 at 9:31 PM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
More opinions. Anyone?


idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#918 Oct 14 2009 at 9:48 PM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
10 Agi / 10 Crit every time. Also regarding the crit soft cap, after 75%, FB is a guaranteed crit with 5/5 Rend and Tear. Not huge, but it's there. If I can ever get a trophy or 4, I'm going to get 4t9 and look at regemming Agi.

Unless I see an ArP trinket in ICC.
#919 Oct 15 2009 at 1:25 AM Rating: Good
You have the 75% for FB, 76% for white hits (24% glancing blows) and 100% for your other yellow attacks. All assuming you are Hit & Expertise capped.

Unfortunately, your crit% is a hard thing to pin down. If you have things like DC:Greatness or Deaths Choice/Verdict then you need to factor their procs in. Also, there are plenty of buff/debuff factors as well. Way too much maths for me :)

Astrylian is working on implementing factoring in the various crit caps into a future version of Rawr as it certainly appears we will be riding these caps in Icecrown. I myself go with the Agi/Crit for a couple of reasons - (i) More combo points makes the rotation easier to maintain and also allows more FB usage (ii) I love big numbers :)

Edited, Oct 15th 2009 7:26am by RareBeast

Edited, Oct 15th 2009 7:26am by RareBeast
#920 Oct 15 2009 at 1:31 PM Rating: Excellent
3,272 posts
Haste is awesome up to about 400. After that it loses its luster and becomes secondary to crit and spell power.
#921 Oct 16 2009 at 4:48 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
People that have made answers to my feral haste question, what gear level are you at? It matters.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#922 Oct 16 2009 at 6:22 AM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
i232-258. Still have a couple pieces from Uld and my DMC:Greatness trinket. I can't get a trophy to save my life, and going from 2t8/2t9 to 4t9 is a wash or a slight DPS loss unless I get the 245 gear. What I'm noticing right now more than anything is my low hit rating. After I got Death's Verdict and something else, I lost over 100 hit rating. Now I really feel it when I get a bad run of misses and non-crit specials when I work FB into my rotation.
#923 Oct 16 2009 at 11:42 AM Rating: Good
676 posts
I'm teh king brah, there is no number high enough for mah gear rating.
#924 Oct 16 2009 at 11:52 AM Rating: Good
Finally remembered to logout in dps gear/spec so wow-heroes could pick it happy to see ToCr right in yellow band, I was worried I was gimping it up Smiley: glare

Now if guild would just stop bumping me from raids Smiley: motz
#925 Oct 16 2009 at 1:27 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Just curious as the relative value of haste increases as gear improves. Especially when you start getting all ToC geared out for DPS.

Mainly do to the fact that crit will be pushing the cap when exiting Ulduar. This is do to the additional 6% chances that OoC will proc on white attacks. OoC procs are in general a huge DPS increase. This also gives hit/exp a higher gear rating when compared to lower gear levels.

When I was bored and reading up on cat stuff the other day I came across the updated FbN rankings and they had haste above crit. I had been wondering about the power of haste for a little while before coming across the data. Mainly due to slapping a +something or other haste enchant on my PvP back, my enchanter was leveling and made some scrolls and my normal enchant guy wasn't on. The question had started to cook in my brain also when I was seeing myself having a high crit chance even in relatively sub-par gear compared to a feral that focused on DPS gear.

The slow but inevitable push towards the crit cap eventually forces crit downward as a valued stat while pushing haste/hit/exp higher. Hit/exp get pushed up mainly to force crit and glancing blow as the only 2 options on the attack table. When that starts to happen or even when the regular hit section becomes small, the relative value of adding crit becomes lesser do to DRs. This forces another stat to emerge, haste being the main option. Haste has the added benefit, as previously stated, of pushing out more OoC procs.

As the proc is a flat 6% per white attack increasing haste will increase procs. OoC is in general the equivalent of 42 energy. This energy can then be used on finishers as opposed to Shred. It becomes even more valuable when trying to cram FB into a tight rotation. Crits on OoC procs become even more powerful and with a high crit chance more likely.

So in summation. Haste is your friend. While at my current DPS gear level I would go with +agi/+crit if I had focused on DPS gear more throughout Ulduar and was continuing to do so as I acquire ToC gear I would likely pick +agi/+haste.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#926 Oct 16 2009 at 10:13 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
haste to me seems a lot like ArP is; the more of it you have the better it gets.

thats not entirely true in every sense, but for druids, thanks to how OoC works, it seems to be more or less a good investment assuming you have all the basics covered. i suppose if you really wanted to see how much its worth youd have to see how much 42 energy is worth in terms of potential dps gain.
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