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#202 Mar 29 2008 at 12:06 PM Rating: Good
2,826 posts
DING! Level 40!!! (actually I got to 41 before I got around to posting this, but you get the idea)

Plate armor, summon charger, and HOLY SHIELD goodness.

I am easily taking on 4-5 mobs at a time now and end the fight over 80% on both mana and HP.

Being able to kill the 10 mobs I need for that annoying kill quest in 2 big pulls is so nice.

I really can't wait to get to Outlans so I can tank some Ramparts and Blood Furnace.
#203 Mar 31 2008 at 2:38 PM Rating: Excellent
Finally got my Stormherald now!!! Now I'm farming up the mats to slap a nice sexy Mongoose enchant on it.
#204 Apr 01 2008 at 5:18 AM Rating: Good
343 posts
After 13 runs in Mech I finally got my Jade Brestplate!!!
That about sets my gear up for Heroics/Kara!!! Woot!!!
#205 Apr 04 2008 at 6:55 AM Rating: Good
3,801 posts
So I finally got around to running a Heroic Magister's Terrace.

All in all, the run was pretty crappy. We wiped once on the big arcane boss guy. We wiped 4 times on the 5-mob bosses. We wiped 3 times on Kael himself.

However, I managed to pick up the Commendation trinket, as well as picking up the +12 defense to cloak enchant, so I never have to go there again. :)

EDIT: Had to roll against a retarded Holy Pally to win that trinket too, was worried when I rolled a 30 but then he rolled a 24.

In all honesty, I was ready to ninja it (they run with FFA loot for some reason) if I lost, cause damnit, I'm the tank, it's a tanking trinket.

Edited, Apr 4th 2008 9:58am by Ialaman
#206 Apr 05 2008 at 5:33 AM Rating: Good
310 posts
I'll give a short overview of what the last 2 weeks has been like for my Pally.

On Tuesday of last week 2.4 was opened and naturally after Kara 5 of us went into the new 5man. At around the time of the 2nd boss our server crashed. When the server reset, so did the instance.. so we called it a night as it was getting late.

The next day we went in again. At about the time of the 3rd boss the server crashed yet again. The instance, was as well reset. And thus, with it being late, we called it a night once again.

The next time we ran it which was Saturday night we had all melee DPS, pally healer, and myself. Needless to say, considering it was new and our DPS wasn't well geared, we didn't get to kill Kael.

This week - Tuesday. We try this again, still on normal, we make our way to the last boss, Kael. At close to midnight, my internet connection goes out... Call it a night..

2 days later, I have 2 hours before I have to leave for some dinner plans. Someone in guild asks me to tank MaTe before I have to go. I promptly reply with a yes. Then the server crashes..........

At this point it's a joke that me + MaTe = INTERWEBZ OF DOOM

Last night we had ZA, and a few didn't show, so we called it. And, as me being MT for our raids who isn't keyed for heroic MaTe yet, we decided to run it. Went through normal without a flaw, took about an hour. Setup heroic. Ran through with pally healer, priest healer, rogue, lock and me. Everything went smoothly until the 3rd boss. Too much healy, not enough CC. So after 4-5 tries the priest drops and gets his mage. Still a little too much healy, not enough CC, everyone decides to call it a night. The pally wants one more go with it, but says he'll drop his pally for his mage. We give it another shot with, oh yes ladies and gents - me as the only healer. We ended with everyone at sub-par life, me with 24 mana left and.... THIS

Payback for all the probs with that place.
#207 Apr 11 2008 at 7:26 AM Rating: Excellent
3,801 posts
I successfully main tanked phase 3 of RoS in Black Temple! WOOT!

It's fun tanking a boss that mana burns.
#208 Apr 12 2008 at 2:04 AM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
Dinged 60 on my paladin, having trouble deciding specs of course =/

- I love to tank, be in control of the group tempo
- AOE grinding certain quests with a healer is super fun
- PVE my favorite thing to do is tank for sure

- I would love to be a kick *** PVP healer
- Never spec'd it in my life though
- Thinking about it, but probably wait until 70

- Honestly lots of fun questing
- I miss the group portions though
- I did some PVP leveling ret 30-50ish, fun stuff

End game, OMG I don't know. I think I'll PVE tank which is awesome fun. And PVP heal and get serious about holy arena. Worried I'll be good at PVE healing too. Guild pressures me into PVE healing, all of a sudden I blow my tier tokens on healing set, I get replaced as a tank and bam, I'm a healer. Seen it happen before, easy to slip into that mode. All it takes is a day where you're late for kara, in holy spec, they don't need a tank and bam you can heal. You do a good job, pats on the back, handed some holy gear and guild asks you to stay that way.

Also not looking forward to constant respecs. I'm not just talking the once a week 10 games a week thing. Thats not for me, I like to arena 3-5x a week running battlegrounds in between. Respecs are absolutely going to kill me with my playstyle of heavy PVP + PVE. Sigh, I could very well end up a healer at 70 =/

Maybe I should just quest as ret till 70. Who knows. Staying prot for the time being, stay tuned for more another day...
#209 Apr 12 2008 at 10:11 PM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
Downed Durn and got my glowing purple candy sword. (yay!)
#210 Apr 14 2008 at 4:31 AM Rating: Decent
310 posts
Last night I ran Gruul's for the first time, it was just like the old 40man days - loved it. I got to replace my BLUE shoulders with Tier 4 shoulders!

After Gruul's I had 98 badges! So some guildies and I ran Heroic Ramps, got my last 2 tokens and I got to replace the LAST blue I had with the Chestplate of Stoicism!

Because of all the extra avoidance from these 2 pieces I was able to put on my Tier 4 Gloves that had been rotting in my bank as well.
#211 Apr 16 2008 at 7:27 AM Rating: Good
3,801 posts
Offtanked Mother Shahraz last night! No pally libram. :(

#212 Apr 16 2008 at 9:06 AM Rating: Good
One shotted Mag last night, my guild have me Ret Tanking the first warlock, and primary on cube clicking. guess thats the penelty i pay for proving myself reliable, ^^. so we have another 2 hours left in our guilds 3 hour raid window. Everyone is all hyped up because we just one shotted a 25 man.

what do we do? we go to gruuls . . . and if not for weird lag making us reset high king, we would have one shot him. and then proceeded to down Gruul on our second try.

So now our guild is pretty stoked, downed 2 25man raids in 3 hours, and we dont have anything to raid today (normally our gruul run is on wednesday). so of course the guild wants to try their hand at "Loot Reaver".

do we have a chance in hell? ive seen the fight, Void Reaver seems terribly easy to tank, its the DPS who get thier **** ruined. and what about melee DPS, isnt there a PBAOE that he spams the whole fight? too many questions. . .

oh yeah, point of the post, 2 25mans in under 3 hours! woot!
#213 Apr 17 2008 at 1:25 AM Rating: Decent
56 posts
I've not tanked Loot Reaver yet, I previously raided with my holy priestess. But raiders said it was hard to tank, as it seems to switch its target among several tanks, and sometimes switching to a melee dps (chaman most of the time ^^). So hunters helped tanks for aggro.

I've found a guild needing a tankadin, and definitively swaped from my main priestess to my glorious protection paladin... Raid content shows me my limits, new things to learn, heroïcs are quite different environment ^^.

But I knew it would come one day... I love that character ^^

oh... and now that it's no more a reroll, I have a fun stuff, all great epics, with t5 gloves and... t3.5 shoulders!!! You can laugh ^^
#214 Apr 17 2008 at 7:12 AM Rating: Decent
hey guys... last night exodus on thorium brotherhood dropped "lurker" for the first time... WOOOT. I got the breastplate !!!
#215 Apr 17 2008 at 8:25 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
egraynn wrote:
I've not tanked Loot Reaver yet, I previously raided with my holy priestess. But raiders said it was hard to tank, as it seems to switch its target among several tanks, and sometimes switching to a melee dps (chaman most of the time ^^). So hunters helped tanks for aggro.

Doesn't "seem" to, that's how the fight is designed: you NEED multiple tanks fighting to outaggro everyone else. It is tough for a Paladin to off tank unless you have a very high amount of spell damage, lots of mana pots, and a Shaman and/or Shadow Priest. You will need to spam the hell out of Consecration, Judgement, and Avenger's Shield every cooldown, and when he knocks you back (reducing your threat, this is where he changes tanks) pop your wings to get back on top.
#216 Apr 17 2008 at 7:26 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Illidan down, birches!
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#217 Apr 17 2008 at 7:55 PM Rating: Decent
63 posts
gratz on illidan kill
#218 Apr 18 2008 at 10:46 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
Just want to first say my guild got their second Illidan kill tonight ^^ Had their first kill last week, but I wasn't home to listen in (obviously I'm not geared enough yet for end BT). Tonight I was, and even not being able to see what was going on, it was incredible. The level of excitement was so high, probably cause they had to throw basically all strategy out the window at the very end and just frantically burn him down as key people had died :) Anyway, gratz guys!

So, the point of posting: we also went back into Hyjal. Previously I had seen Rage and Anetheron and that's it, but I got to be in for Kaz and Azgalor as well! Was pumped, and came away with Girdle of Hope and more importantly from the trash Hammer of Judgement!!!

God I love fighting Hyjal trash.
#219 Apr 19 2008 at 5:12 AM Rating: Good
Well im not sure if this is an Accomplishment or not, but thought i would share my adventure in KARA.

Doing our normal guild kara run, which consists of Attunman, Moroes, Maiden and Opera event. We can't down curator yet :(

Anyways, we ready to start Attuneman and Bam our Warrior MT disconnects, of course he had already engaged the horse, Im the OT most of the time. Well I grab horse and proceed to spam out just keep me alive I will tank BOTH. Which I did do successfully. Never got below 5k health.

I haven't heard of anybody doing it this way. Actually seemed easier to me, but then again i just stand there and block and hope the healers keep me alive.

#220 Apr 19 2008 at 8:43 AM Rating: Good
Paladin tanking both isn't uncommon, grats on it though.

Some paladins after reaching a certain gear level tank all of the mobs on Moroes at once too. Gouge is usually removed instantly by someone else smacking you.
#221 Apr 19 2008 at 12:51 PM Rating: Excellent
146 posts
I am quite proud to say I tanked heroic mech with me (prot pally) one retri pally, one holy pally, one enhancement shaman and a rogue, so thats 1 CC and all melee dps and nothing went wrong! Was tanking 4 in the tunnel with no problems.

This has set in motion the idea of the "all pally run", sometime soon we're doing Heroic SP with me, 2 retri pallys, a holy pally and a shockadin, should be fun!

Edited, Apr 19th 2008 4:52pm by Tinyknight
#222 Apr 23 2008 at 8:43 PM Rating: Decent
Well, last week our guild decided to try something new after months,months and months of Karazhan and Gruul's lair (had only got HKM down so far, several times tho.)
So, we went in to SSC and got Lurker down in our 3rd try.
A couple days after that we went to see Maggy, got him down in our 3rd attempt also.
And the day after that, we finally got Gruul down, which we have tried for so long.
So it was a progressful week for us, hoping to get those ones down again soon.
#223 Apr 24 2008 at 1:02 AM Rating: Excellent
2,183 posts
So, I've decided to try and make myself more prominent in my fairly new guild and advance my rank. To do that, and get any real playtime in (since there are 2 other Prot Paladins ahead of me in the "pecking order"), I reluctantly agreed to spec Holy when going to BT. I'll still tank in Hyjal though, YAY! Anyway, went into BT for the first time, and since I've never been Holy before, I was quite nervous. My gear, as you can tell from my Armory, isn't all that great: the scraps I've picked up from Kara mostly, but I think I did a pretty decent job at healing. No one died that was under my watch except on the Shade of Akama when WoW crashed >.< The raid still managed to get the kill, but our Druid tank, having lost one of his healers, went down.

All in all was great to finally see 3 bosses in BT, and I came away with a shiny new shield: Felstone Bulwark!

And I still am expected to bid on tanking gear even while Holy, so I'm pretty excited. Finally starting to get out of this "gear rut" I've been in!
#224 Apr 26 2008 at 7:19 AM Rating: Good
2,826 posts
Ding level 70 last night!!!

I put on all the gear I had purchased/had crafted:

Felsteel Gloves
Felsteel Helm
Felsteel Leggings
Crystalforged Sword
Bracers of the Green Fortress

and I was a fresh 70 pally tank that had 490 def, 88% avoidance, and 11.7k HP.

Time to start grinding some instances now baby!!!!

Edit: Just did all the prequests to the Arc Key quest so hopefully I can get that done today and get my Sha'tari Vindicator's Waistguard today.

Edited, Apr 26th 2008 10:21am by Bigdaddyjug
#225 Apr 27 2008 at 3:45 AM Rating: Good
91 posts
Small potatoes compared to what a lot of you are up to, but big for us is that we're finally making good progress through Kara. After weeks of spending all kinds of time just trying to down Moroes, our last two runs have seen us handle him easily. We've also downed Curator for the first time; last night we were able to work up through Chess for the first time. No good loot for me this week, but last week's haul included the Libram from Romulo and the Maiden's Mace.

One thing I find interesting is that when we first started, we were using three healers. On last week's run we went with two, me and a druid, and did much better with only two. Our second healer DC'd after Curator last night, and I got to solo heal a fair amount between Curator and Shade. That was a bit of a challenge!
#226 Apr 27 2008 at 5:37 AM Rating: Good
3,801 posts
I snagged the shield from ZA finally, and am now sufficiently geared to go AFK while soloing Garr. :) The auto-boot-offline feature doesn't kick in if you're autoattacking a mob. The fight took quite a bit longer (2:20 instead of my usual 1:40. That's hours and minutes by the way) but that's no big deal because I also managed to vacuum my house, clean my kitchen, do laundry, and sort a bunch of old paperwork all at the same time! :)
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