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#52 Dec 28 2007 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
85 posts
I just healed my first Heroic over Christmas break; Ramps. I was playing with friends who really know what they're doing and we had alot of CC, so I didn't have to work too hard. Nonetheless, it was no cakewalk and doesn't seem like it would be much fun to PUG.

After New Years, my raid group is going to try Prince. It'll be a learning experience. Wish us luck with that. ;)
#53 Dec 28 2007 at 1:29 PM Rating: Decent
32 posts
Went to Kara for the first time yesterday... we did much, much better than I expected, since it was the first time for 6 of us.

Downed Attumen, one-shotted Moroes and Maiden, and downed Romeo and Juliet.

I got Moroes' Lucky Pocket Watch (yay!) and Libram of Repentance, which made me officially uncrushable! =D
#54 Jan 01 2008 at 9:03 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
Partly just to keep this bumped up, and partly an "acomplishment".

I went into Scholomance escorting a level 60 Lock to get her to the Lich's room for her mount quest, and after that I decided to dink around and solo some bosses. I killed all the mini-bosses needed to summon Gandling, but left some of the trash up. Well, I proceeded to fight Gandling, and at about 90% he teleported me for the first time. I didn't think anything of it ya know, so I killed the 3 undead in the room he ported me to, and RIGHT when the gate opened, he got to me and ported me again ...

This happened continually: right as he'd get to me, he ported me, not allowing me to get more than a swing or 2 off. A couple times I'd have enough time to do some damage with a Consecration, but he'd port me before it finished.

I don't know exactly how long it took, but I did have to re-buff myself with Righteous Fury once, which I put up right before engaging Gandling as well (shoulda payed attention to how much time was left on it when he died, oh well). Yea, finally I took him down getting the Valor Helm, some wand, and;source=live which I looked up on the AH is going for about 50g right now. Not the most profitable use of my time, but I wanted to see if I could do it.

I wouldn't recommend anyone to do it though, unless I really don't like them :) Was annoying as hell, lol.

Edited, Jan 1st 2008 9:05am by Maulgak
#55 Jan 02 2008 at 9:12 AM Rating: Decent
648 posts
monday i finally got Camila to 70. just need 100g more to get my flying mount. should only take an hour when i get to get back on. already at around 1350 AP and 25% crit, so i should be comfortable going to some heroics soon :) enjoying my ret so far.
#56 Jan 02 2008 at 6:50 PM Rating: Decent
37 posts
Had a great run of my first time in Kara today.
Got the tank belt from Moroes, belt AND libram from Wolf, the druid heal shoulders from Curator (Only because I was using Righteous spaulders, and it had more healing), also got 9 more heroic badges, and got my prot libram (of repentance).

Very excited, too bad had to go after Curator =/
#57 Jan 03 2008 at 4:35 AM Rating: Decent
56 posts
My prot pally being a reroll, I didn't think I would go so far with her.

In fact, due to the lack of tanks in my guild (a raiding guild with few tanks who are leaders and don't play their tank outside of 25-men raids), I'm really often asked to tank. This becomes crazy as I've finished more heroic/raid quests (like nightbane summoning in Kara) than I did with my main (healing priest).

The first time I tanked the prince in Kara, I wasn't prepared (lol) and not very well geared, seeing me as an off-tank at that time. when I realised that no other tank was in the raid, it was too late, my guildies pushing me to tank him (lol). Hard time but I did it!

After that I got all the stuff from heroics badges, the T4 pieces from Kara, the blacksmith boots (from SSC plans), so this character has become a really solid tank, finally aoe tanking shattered halls in heroic as I once did in normal. Even a good friend playing a feral druid asked me to switch to this palatank in heroic shattered halls (I tryed to negociate to bring there a dps reroll but finally he gave up tanking lol).

I enjoy aoe tanking a lot, but maybe the new popularity of palatanks is beginning to be a problem for me!!! As a reroll, this tank is not allowed in 25-men raids, so her stuff is now caped, or may be should I try to bring her in ZA.

Kara rushes become really jokes with this kind of tank, as 5-men instances, skipping all crowd control strategies, trying to pull the maximum mobs possible to get a little mana regen via heals! lol.

Playing a healer as main and a tank a secondary character, I believe I will never manage to stuff my dps rerolls. People who know me always ask for my palatank when I'm on another char!

After all those months of low popularity, this new situation is mad!!! And I see a lot more palatanks everywhere... What will become of us in nexts patches? Blizzard used to design weak palatanks, and now I see why: when the palatank becomes solid enough for a fight, he becomes the most valuable tank among all, I believe.

Edited, Jan 3rd 2008 7:42am by egraynn
#58 Jan 03 2008 at 4:45 PM Rating: Decent
35 posts
I farmed up enough honor to buy the S1 chest in just two days by doing AV from the time I got up until I went to bed two days later. The queues on my battlegroup were about 15 minutes for every match, though. Whew. Got my +35 resilience bonus with the S3 gloves and should have S2 shoulders by next week. After that, I'm aiming for the S1 helm or S3 helm depending on which goal I meet first. My 2v2 with an MS warrior is sitting at 1530 currently, 21-19 overall for the season. We're both in the process of acquiring PvP gear, so we can only get better from here on out!

Edited, Jan 3rd 2008 7:48pm by cnewlin

Edited, Jan 3rd 2008 11:24pm by cnewlin
#59 Jan 04 2008 at 12:56 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
I just got enough Badges for this:;source=live

With that chest and my +6 stats enchant and gems I am now just over 14k health unbuffed, woo hoo! Also bumped me up 40 spell damage (1 socket I used a Glowing Nightseye) putting me at 286.
#60 Jan 05 2008 at 4:40 AM Rating: Decent
My first Kara run.

Well I did my first kara run last night with my guild. Which was only there 2nd run. We did manage to take down the first boss, I tanked the horse so I was the off tank in that fight. I got no upgrades which kinda sucked but i was excited to do my first run, we did wipe twice. Once a bad pull and 2nd was on boss.

My group had

2 pallies - healer and tank
2 warrior - tank and dps
2 warlock -
1 druid
2 mages - fire
1 priest- healer

Fights seem to last pretty long, and 2 of the dps's were below me on the damage charts. I know im still below the 102.4 avoidance so I was getting hit with some big shots, only twice i remember seeing anything over 1.5k. But our group seemed to be lacking in DPS?

Are warlocks really good at dps? i have none and never read the forums about them. I would have thought a hunter would have really helped us.

I know this is accomplishment thread but i did both in it.

#61 Jan 05 2008 at 1:20 PM Rating: Good
Well, figured this was a good place to drop my first official post. It is as follows:

I have a 63 Holy pally and was getting bored grinding, so I decided to run a couple BGs for fun. So I went into AV, and was basically spamming FoL the entire time, and Holy Lights when it was necessary. Easily outhealed anyone on our team, but Horde had a priest who smoked me in healing, but that's beside the point.

Anyways, I ran headlong into a 67 Rogue and a 66 Warrior. I dismounted after stunning the rogue (figured he was my biggest threat, as he was dagger specced). Anyways to keep this from a play by play, I kept the rogue out of stealth via consecration, and killed the Warrior pretty easily. Bubbled and healed, and at that point 3 of my teammates came down and we pretty much sodomized the Rogue something dirty. I had a few fights like that where I held off 2-3 people just healing through damage and playing smart (or so I would think was playing smart). We won that BG rather decisively.

On a bad note, ran up on two Elemental Shammies, and they both hit me with LBs at the exact same time, with Elemental Mastery up...I think we all know how that turned out.
#62 Jan 07 2008 at 12:35 AM Rating: Decent
528 posts
Yesterday was the first time my guild has done the Chess event in Karazhan. I don't know why - it's right next to Terestian and Shade, to whom we've wiped on previous occasions, but so much easier. I have to say, the Chess event left me baffled. As far as I could work out, it free badges and loot with no chance of dieing, let alone wiping.

I was assigned to a horsey and when that died, I took hold of a pawn. Strangely I got him to the end but couldn't "queen". Oh well, I then took on the role of a rogue, taking the king from behind, fnar fnar. Success was soon achieved.

Got a shield upgrade for my troubles.
#63 Jan 07 2008 at 1:44 PM Rating: Decent
135 posts
Over last two weeks finally got a healing helm in the heroic badge one Helm of the steadfast champion and finally saw the helm of penance drop 3 out of 3 times since in heroic steam vaults.

My guild has started old world raiding. After killing Onyxia with 8 people and molten core with 13. We think we might need mre then the 12 we had for razorgore fight in bwl. But for Vaelastrasz the Corrupt we definitely did not have enough people as we kept losing people to the burning adrenaline and lost too much dps/healing early in the fight.

#64 Jan 10 2008 at 12:22 AM Rating: Decent
Got my pally that i made a couple days ago to 23. I have a main with a decent amount of gold so i bought some 19 twink weps. helps alot :)
#65 Jan 10 2008 at 12:29 AM Rating: Good
73 posts
Been a good time for yours truly recently.

Got my Pally to Outlands- culture shock/ welcome to the jungle- little 58 prot boy getting spaggered by a goddam pig. Since Lvld a few times, so every now and again go and prove my dominance over the porcine ones :)

Also got my epic trit-trot- what a pain in the a*se that was- nearly crapped a brick when i saw the cost of arcanite. Oh, and 3 time I'm choosing a class that can just buy a damn cat :)

Downside/ QQ is I'm a smidge jealous- my 2 house mates work less hours than I do, so the shammies at 70 n the priest is at 65- I'm currently languishing at 61, but 70 will happen when it happens- then all we need is to find a newish guild n start the raiding learning curve...cant wait :)
#66 Jan 11 2008 at 2:43 PM Rating: Good
I apparently just hit sage on the forums here... I think that's a pretty good accomplishment.

I'm back to being prot, been helping some of my friends get to 60 so I've been tanking the lower level instances. It's very hard to keep aggro off those guys, I wonder what the formula is for threat gain based on the level difference. It's obviously there, no 2k heal should pull aggro off me when I've been blocking and consecrating and smacking the mob for a while.
#67 Jan 11 2008 at 3:01 PM Rating: Decent
648 posts
CapJack of the Seven Seas wrote:
I apparently just hit sage on the forums here... I think that's a pretty good accomplishment.

I'm back to being prot, been helping some of my friends get to 60 so I've been tanking the lower level instances. It's very hard to keep aggro off those guys, I wonder what the formula is for threat gain based on the level difference. It's obviously there, no 2k heal should pull aggro off me when I've been blocking and consecrating and smacking the mob for a while.

congratulations. long overdue i'm sure :)

and you're right... no 2k heal should pull aggro of you at all... i don't know the formula though sorry. might double check that you have RF up and your healer doesn't.... its the only thing i can think of.
#68 Jan 11 2008 at 3:04 PM Rating: Good
I dunno... threat gets wacky when there is a level difference, so any insight into that would be appreciated.
#69 Jan 14 2008 at 8:36 AM Rating: Decent
135 posts
I dunno... threat gets wacky when there is a level difference, so any insight into that would be appreciated.

I had the same issues tanking for some friends in Scarlet Monastery. Running through mobs wouldn't even aggro the mobs for me at 70. So I would get to the nearest group consecrate with righteous fury and let my mob magnets body pull the next group into the consecration field. Seemed to work fairly well once they stopped using their ranged damage to pull the mobs to me.
#70 Jan 14 2008 at 3:51 PM Rating: Decent
277 posts
Wohoo! Tanked Nightbane down tonight, my hardest boss downed as a tank. It was really starting to give me an inferiority complex as the first time I saw him we downed him with a warrior tank, and the two previous times I tanked him we couldn't bring him down.

Had a good group tonight and we 1 shotted him and went onto netherspite. To make it even better Shield of Impenetrable Darkness dropped and I had an agreement with the OT whereby I got it (he would of got chest piece).

Looking to step up to MT gruul now, although whether the guild MTs (warrior and druid) will allow it is another matter. I have several guild officers saying they would like me as MT, and nearly the same base stats as the warrior :)

Edited, Jan 14th 2008 6:52pm by Chamual
#71 Jan 15 2008 at 5:10 AM Rating: Decent
56 posts
About running rushes for lowbies... Recently, I've been surprised by aggro problems I nerver saw before. Trying to aggro all mobs at one time, running and body pulling, I saw some mobs running after me who decided, without any reason, to change their target and attack my low level friend. We tried to understand what happened, he didn't deal any damage, didn't heal or any thing except following me at a good distance. No reflective damage, coming from buffs, capacities or talents... This for sure makes rushes slower than expected, and we didn't find any explanation, concluding it was a bug.
#72 Jan 15 2008 at 6:04 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
Chamual wrote:
Wohoo! Tanked Nightbane down tonight, my hardest boss downed as a tank.

I am in envy now :P 2 weeks ago we were finally able to go back to having 2 Kara teams at once. Yay for recruitment! Anyway, I was named MT for one team much to the dismay of my OT who is a Warrior. He has almost all his Kara gear (just needs shield), but is fairly new to the guild and couldn't understand why I got the MT job over him. Oh well, after doing his best to pull aggro off me, I think he finally is accepting his spot ;)

First night we went through Curator without a hitch. Second night we downed Illhoof, Aran, Chess, then came to my first time ever tanking Prince. Finally, I get my turn to shine and prove what a Tankadin can do! Well, the first attempt we got him to 10%! Would have downed him, but both of our Shadow Priest Deathed themselves before phase 2 /sigh, we lost a melee to a Shadow Nova, and by the time phase 3 came around we were down to 5 people. Healer went oom, so I went down, then wiped. Second attempt we had terrible Abyssal drops, and third I couldn't get placement and wound up breaking LOS with healers.

Last week though, back at it! Same thing, except this time we downed Prince in 2 attempts! Now why I envy you, I still have not been given the opportunity to tank Nightbane. I'm hoping this week we'll have the DPS to where my RL will let us have a go at him. I really want that shield (gratz 2u btw).

EDIT: I also broke 300 spell damage and hit 1100 Stamina! I was happy ^^

Edited, Jan 15th 2008 6:42am by Maulgak
#73 Jan 15 2008 at 6:31 AM Rating: Good
1,262 posts
Yahoo! Dinged 70 last night!
#74 Jan 15 2008 at 6:55 AM Rating: Good
#75 Jan 15 2008 at 7:43 AM Rating: Decent
237 posts
After an exodus of a number of lvl 70's, the guild thought we might not have enough properly geared players to hit Kara. Well, the other night we had a full group and managed to down all but Nightbane...and I missed it! Came on too late and ended up doing BGs. Damn RL obligations!
#76 Jan 15 2008 at 5:24 PM Rating: Decent
343 posts
Woot!! I just spent an hr reading all these posts.... I did get to start right after Halloween though as I had read up to that point before.

My first add to this thread...

In this past week I have gone from 65 to (almost) 67. I ran Underbog for the first time ever (yest we forget this is still my first toon ever) and that was fun. A lot easier to tank than I though, and actually a really easy instance.

Monday I ran Mana Tombs for the first time. Loads of fun. Had two shammys in the group with a hunter and a priest. Had to actually bless out some salvation... damn those shammys can pull agro, but was laughing with my buddy as the most they ever got was one mob out of 3 or 4 off me. By the time they got back to the rest of the pull I was a good 10k threat above them. There was no compare when it came to the bosses. As we were wiping on our first go I realized that my RD had run out.... DUH!!! The second time we passed out the rum as I again was way on top of the threat meter (+14k above the next runner up!!)

Thanks for all the help on building this toon guys... so much fun to play!

Ahh yeah, and as I scoped out the next 4 instances, the loot sucks for tanks. Durnhold, Sethekk Halls, Mana Tombs and Auchenal Crypts. Got some ok pieces for Holy Pallys though. So when the one piece in MT I wanted dropped I was HYPED!!!

For those who were helping me out on my gear, I have upped my shiled to Shield of the Void

My account is on hold for the moment... I ran out of check at the end of my bills.

Till then.... where's my rum?
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