Rally-ho!! :D <<HOME>> is a rank 8 FC looking to add to our family tree! New, seasoned, and veteran adventurers alike are welcome to join! We are a laid-back Free Company with active members! c: We have a lakefront medium moghouse, with a workshop, 4 rank 50 airships, Diadem, daily buffs & stables!
"Remember always that the forces of the world must be used as they were intended- that the power of light must never be used for dark, and that the true Crystals reside in your heart. For you are the warrior who crossed time. You are the bringer of light..."
Send tell or application!! :) IGN- Celestine Delphinus
Free Company Recruitment Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MprRrJzHbwE
Lake Front Mog House Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTZ-_DMAfXc
Free Company Lodestone Page: http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/freecompany/9232238498621163604/
Free Company Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/HOMEonGilgamesh/
Ryja y hela tyo! Have a nice day!