Immortal FC is now open for business in Excalibur! We are a Rank 8 community FC based around pve activities from 8/24 man raid, to ex primals and everything else the game has to offer.
We currently have 1 airship on the war path to leveling up and will be adding more as they become available. We have a forum ( which you can use to register in addition to contacting me in game. Teamspeak, discord, Line are all available to members as well.
In addition to the above we have a small house with a stable and garden, and once the mythical fc transfer is available I will be working to get us into a med/lrg house.
We are looking for members new and old to help develop the fc into a community from crafting to raiding. Everyone is welcome to join, friends and family are a plus.
In addition to the above, Immortal FC will be the main sponsor to the Red Hands DoH/L teaching and learning linkshell too.
Send me a /tell I'm Jaad Isiil