Hello everyone, I am putting together a static party for killing Garuda on the Aegis Server. We originally set this up as a LS static party, but unfortunately the times and conflicts of people made it almost impossible to maintain, so I am reaching out to put together a group to take her down before 2.0. We know that primal battles won't exist as we know it after the new version so I want to at least kill her as soon as possible.
If you're interested, please send Elieris Zaelen or myself (Grover Eyeveen) a tell, or respond to this post. Whatever is fine. If for some reason you can't make it all the time, or are late, please still post. We have a spot for reserved members that we will be using if a member in the main static party cannot attend. We will send you a tell as a standby member if we are short.
Please respond with what level 50 jobs/classes you are willing to bring and if you're wanting to be a member of the main static or be a reserved member! (Please see Static Times, Criteria, and optimal setup below.)
[Static Times]:
Sunday @8PM Pacific/11PM Eastern - We will be adding an addiotinal day as the group gets going (probably Friday)
- Patience. We are going to die. A LOT. There will be bad runs, there will be runs where we get close to winning.
- Willingness to attend 80-90% of the time at the static day/time.
- Ventrilo (Microphone not required, can respond in PT chat)
- Level Appropriate gear (Or willing to put in work to improve gear.)
- Appropriate cross-class abilities.
- Willing to take constructive criticism if underperforming
- Come prepared for multiple attempts
Gear repaired
Appropriate items/food for job.
Ex: Elixirs, Crowned Cakes for BLM, ...
[Current Static Party]:
Grover Eyeveen [Paladin/Black Mage/Warrior]
Elieris Zaelen [Paladin/Black Mage/Warrior]
Candlestar Arandur [Warrior/Bard]
Kitana Masters [Monk/Black Mage/White Mage]
Ois Zalure [Bard/Dragoon/White Mage]
Sayo Dreamer [All]
Areane Nariman [Warrior/Black Mage]
Amon Sul [Warrior]
[Reserved Members]
Zell Dragori [Black Mage/Warrior/Monk/White Mage/Dragoon].
Clayers Ray (logs on after 9:30PM PST) [Black Mage/Warrior/Bard]
Lukeprime Titan [White Mage/Black Mage]
Vawn Duradain [White Mage]
Shuyuo Geirmund [Bard]
[Optimal Setup]:
Paladin or Warrior (Tank)
2-3x Warrior (Garuda Plume Duty)
2-3x Black Mage (Garuda DPS) -- We may be willing to make exceptions if other DPS classes are geared well.
1x White Mage
1-2x Bard (Party buffs and Garuda Plume Duty)
Edited, Jul 17th 2012 2:56pm by UltKnightGrover