Hi all ^^. I was a huge fan of FFXI and even though this got pretty poor reviews, I just can't get into the main MMOs today, so I really think I could get into this. Anyway, like I said my names Fiona, I'm a 21 year old casual gamer looking to have a fun social experience while I game. I haven't really sunk into a game since FFXI, but when I did then I remember my friends were just as fun to talk to as my friends IRL, and so I'm looking for a really fun, friendly experience with mature (at least semi-mature lol) people looking to have a good time while they game and doesn't mind holding conversations. So basically I'm looking for a recommendation for a good, busy server (not too big on waiting long times for groups) and hopefully a linkshell full of cool, fun people ^^. I'm a collee student living in a sorority house so I'll mostly be on late at night Eastern time, but I'll be on during the day from time to time. So if your looking for new members on a good server please let me know, I promise I'm a lot of fun ^^.