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NM items for sale.Follow

#1 Jan 10 2011 at 1:25 AM Rating: Decent
523 posts
Daeva of War is selling a few items dropped and crafted from NM's, if you are interested in anything, send me a tell.

Silver Tricornes:

Barbarian's Bardiche: 8mil

(There is a +1 available for sale, we can chat if interested)

Champion's Lances: 8mil

Dodore Doublets: 10mil

Edited, Jan 13th 2011 11:36pm by DoctorMog
#2 Jan 10 2011 at 1:32 PM Rating: Good
650 posts
Do you have financing options? =D
#3 Jan 10 2011 at 3:57 PM Rating: Good
523 posts
I wish MMOs had something like that, but sadly no.

Its a lot of money to risk on someone that can too easily disappear or just not pay.
#4 Jan 12 2011 at 10:00 AM Rating: Good
523 posts
Dropped prices a bit.
#5 Jan 12 2011 at 10:34 AM Rating: Good
135 posts
18M for an item averaging 3.5? Try again.
#6 Jan 12 2011 at 12:09 PM Rating: Decent
88 posts
Different servers are different?
#7 Jan 12 2011 at 2:52 PM Rating: Decent
135 posts
Good luck selling it for that much then^^
#8 Jan 13 2011 at 12:20 AM Rating: Good
523 posts
Already sold a few. Thanks ^^
#9 Jan 13 2011 at 10:48 PM Rating: Decent
There are always people willing to pay any price. And in this case Sora, Matatabi and Celeste seem to be willing to pay that price. To me personally no item in this game is worth more than 200k so far, except for maybe some HQs...the items are all damn easy to make...the only thing it requires is to have the craft to make them, which is worth ten times as much, as the actual items being sold.

No one besides DoW are getting/crafting these items atm, so they decide the prices, its only legitimate, although IMO it's extremely overpriced :p Most valuable item in my book, would be the Doublet, but still I wouldn't say its worth more than 2-3M at best.

But everyone has to decide for themself :)
#10 Jan 14 2011 at 4:10 PM Rating: Good
523 posts
200k? Do you know how many 50's it takes to kill the NM's, just for a chance drop? Then to get it crafted by a 50 crafter (and they aren't easy synths)...

I suppose all 13 people who killed the NMs, and the 2 rank 45+ crafters, deserve 20k for 5-10 hours of work.


Considering no other LS on the server can kill the NM's yet, it should tell you how many linkshells have that many rank 50's

Everyones time is worth more than that, even yours.

Edited, Jan 14th 2011 5:29pm by DoctorMog
#11 Jan 14 2011 at 9:11 PM Rating: Good
DoctorMog wrote:
200k? Do you know how many 50's it takes to kill the NM's, just for a chance drop? Then to get it crafted by a 50 crafter (and they aren't easy synths)...

I suppose all 13 people who killed the NMs, and the 2 rank 45+ crafters, deserve 20k for 5-10 hours of work.


Considering no other LS on the server can kill the NM's yet, it should tell you how many linkshells have that many rank 50's

Everyones time is worth more than that, even yours.

Edited, Jan 14th 2011 5:29pm by DoctorMog

With 200k I was refering to Items in general, not NM items in particular. Like I said the Doublet is worth the most IMO, but still not more than 2-3M at best. Sure it takes a Group of R50s to get the NM down, just for a chance to get the drop and then a crafter of R50 to synth the items, but what matters to me in the end, is the actual benefit the items give...and the difference between the NM items compared to "regular" items you can get with just browsing through the Market Wards, the difference is quite irrelevant as of now, but that's just my opinion^^

Silver Tricorne gives +1STR/+1 DEX more than a Skull Eyepatch...of course there is also the DEF/mDEF etc...
Is that worth 3.9M more than a Skull Eyepatch because of that?
The price is more a sign of the effort it takes to get these items, rather than the actual value of the item.

As soon as a difference of 1 Attribute points start to matter in FFXIV, I can see the worth of these items, but until then...its all just "nice to have, but not neccesarry" stuff, sadly :/
#12 Jan 14 2011 at 9:28 PM Rating: Good
523 posts
It was the same in FFXI.

Scorpion harness: 200k

Scorpion Harness +1: 8mil

Worth it to some, not worth it to others.

Play how you like ^^

Edited, Jan 14th 2011 10:29pm by DoctorMog
#13 Jan 14 2011 at 10:28 PM Rating: Decent
88 posts
Shezard wrote:

With 200k I was refering to Items in general, not NM items in particular. Like I said the Doublet is worth the most IMO, but still not more than 2-3M at best. Sure it takes a Group of R50s to get the NM down, just for a chance to get the drop and then a crafter of R50 to synth the items, but what matters to me in the end, is the actual benefit the items give...and the difference between the NM items compared to "regular" items you can get with just browsing through the Market Wards, the difference is quite irrelevant as of now, but that's just my opinion^^

Silver Tricorne gives +1STR/+1 DEX more than a Skull Eyepatch...of course there is also the DEF/mDEF etc...
Is that worth 3.9M more than a Skull Eyepatch because of that?
The price is more a sign of the effort it takes to get these items, rather than the actual value of the item.

As soon as a difference of 1 Attribute points start to matter in FFXIV, I can see the worth of these items, but until then...its all just "nice to have, but not neccesarry" stuff, sadly :/

Then don't buy them, it is pointless stating what your opinion is on these. Prices are what they are, but we can and have been selling them (at a rate almost as fast as we get them, if not quicker). Gil is pretty easy to make at this point in the game, the prices reflect the difference between the ease of getting gil and the time put into getting these things crafted.
#14 Jan 23 2011 at 5:16 PM Rating: Default
Not gonna troll y'alls thread but a lot of LSs kill world NMs. Also Leve NMs drop the same materials.

Just, most LSs are using the gear and giving it to their players instead of selling it.

Nobody is buying them at those prices because BlackPlanet (the one nala zulu is in) kills the NMs a lot, and they've got a bunch of the NM mats, like 10+ buffalo horns.

Then theres also prismatic llama, and final venture killing NMs.
SC also just attempted some of their first world NMs, and while they raged it they did get it to like 30%

So, if people haven't paid those prices yet, I wouldn't hold your breath :P

If you want to sell an item like a Barbarian's Bardiche (Regular), the average rate around most servers is 2 to 3 million.

+1s, you might get 4-6 million but there is just no demand for paying that because the only people who benefit from rank 50 gear are either already in a LS that kills them, or they don't fight mobs that would need them.

Just because other LS don't parade in shout that they killed the NMs don't mean other LSs aren't killing them :P

Theres also japanese players that sell the NM drops occasionally and I've seen them sell buffalo horns for 1m each.

So, basically what I'm saying with this is, lower your prices and you'll get more sales
#15 Jan 23 2011 at 6:04 PM Rating: Good
523 posts
We geared our members first, much like everyone else, and then we sell the items for some extra cash.

Until the 22nd of January when your LS took down their 1st NM's, we had the monopoly with one exception, Celes Material has a Japanese shell that killed them a handful of times. So, "other shells" were not killing them to gear their members because no other shell "could" (save one)

We were the only shell killing them for over a month, and the only shell selling items, hence why people bought them.

Respectfully. We made a fair amount of gil selling the items, and our bank reflects that.

On the same note, some players do not have the time to get to rank 50 and join a shell to kill the monsters. So, they would prefer to buy them, and with only 1 shell selling the items, who do you think they came to?

Daeva of War

Edited, Jan 23rd 2011 7:37pm by DoctorMog
#16 Jan 25 2011 at 8:06 AM Rating: Excellent
Yea! Go divas! you guys are great, really! I dont hate cuz you guys killed nms before us... personally, whatever pissing contest there is between both of our shells is pointless... in ffxi it was legit because every ls was waiting 21-24 hours for 1 nm. thats not the case anymore. in ffxiv there is never any competition at an nm, so i dunno what all the negativity is for. its not just daeva, its not just llamas... its both of our shells... so heres an idea... lets just peacefully co-exist and stop bugging each other. there is no point to this nonsense... anyways, good luck on your sales
#17 Jan 25 2011 at 12:48 PM Rating: Decent
Happy to when a certain person stops trolling all of our threads, on all websites, including youtube.

I've had to disable comments because mog keeps replying negatively to everything and rating everything down, including on, this website, and others. The admins on this website had to disable has ability to rate people because he used to karma camp.

I do recall he flamed the hell out of our recruitment thread several times (fortunately admins deleted his posts).

You'd think he's running for prom queen O.o
#18 Jan 25 2011 at 4:44 PM Rating: Good
523 posts
Um, no I didn't.

My youtube name is smiley7890. [please check it]

wasn't me man.

And I didn't "flame" your recruitment thread.

I asked why you classified yourself as hardcore when none of PL was even rank 40 yet (you personally aren't level 50 still). We already had a roster of about 18 rank 50s and I felt like the term "hardcore" was not very descriptive of your shell, so I called you out on that.

You also just killed your 1st world NMs 3 days ago. We have been killing since they were released on day 1 (over a month has passed). I don't call your shell hardcore.

Do you still?
Because by "most" accounts, taking 1 month to kill something that was killed on day 1 isn't hardcore.

And if your justification is that your members were too low rank, then you weren't very "hardcore" at that either.

Ninja Edit: Love your members, your shell has awesome people. I only dislike your leader. I completely disagree on most points with Eadieni. Any hostility is directed only at him, just for clarification so we can get that out of the way.

And as for rating down your videos, I don't even watch them anymore.

I took a look at your buffalo video and whoever your raid leader is that thinks you can incap buffalo from the front needs replacing. I stopped watching them since then. And I would definitely not rate down a video one of your members took, I respect them and their work.

Edited, Jan 25th 2011 6:16pm by DoctorMog
#19 Jan 25 2011 at 5:14 PM Rating: Good
I don't want to abuse your NM item sale thread, but I have to say this.

Eadieni, you are on the best way to make yourself enemies on the server. Seriously...

Not just Daeva of War, but several other people are getting annoyed by you as well(me personally as well)
Since you are the leader of Llama, this puts a bad spotlight on the LS as a whole, not just you...

You kinda ****** it up with me(just me and only me, I don't speak for others) by spreading all the stuff about your "glorious" World NMs kills, and acting like you did them for weeks, when in fact you only did them recently PLUS only with help from 3 of the members of the LS I'm in...and yet you don't even bother mentioning it.

If they had a neglecting role it would be another thing, but one was Main Tanking the NMs and the other was Main meh...

And just to mention it again, I'm not speaking for anyone else besides me(not my LS, nor anyone else, just me)...I dont hesitate to tell you, I don't like you and your whole attitude bothers me so I choose to ignore you for the most part, but I'm giving you this advice, stop ruining the reputation on your person and therefore the whole LS, since you're the leader, do with that information, what you want to.

Tirion Crey

PS: Just signing with my character name, so you don't think im calling out on you anonymously.
#20 Jan 25 2011 at 5:21 PM Rating: Decent
Uh smiley7890 theres very clearly a post from you on the youtube videos, just because i removed it didn't mean you didn't post it. You've also flamed our recruitment thread, our youtube vids, your other threads, and you rate down everything I post (As the admins of this site acknowledged and removed your rating privs because of it).

"smiley7890 has made a comment on Buffalo Llama:
OH LEVEQUEST NM's. Thought you meant the REAL NM's. "

Among others.

I've completed ignored Mog in both Zam and on FFXIV except in response to him trolling our threads. If his LS wants to run around in /shout parading themselves, with an elitest attitude that has no affect on us. IE, when DoW was selling an item for 30m and set up a whole spiel about how they would build up the buying with theatrics in shout leading up to their purchase "selling 30m axe" "ohh i want that" "whoever buys that must be awesome" until the buyer shouts "i'll buy it!" and everyone acts like they are cool. Yeah we remember that Mog.

I think this all started because Mog assumed just because we were both on these forums that I was rating him down. I remember mog complaining about being karma camped, and then I posted in another thread, shortly after everything I posted was rated down by Mog. I'm willing to believe that was a misunderstanding.

Also, we had been killing NMs already ... Just because they aren't all filmed does not mean they don't happen.

and as for Tirion, In the world Nm video did you not see at the end of the movie where I credit the 3 final venture members who helped make it? Look in the last 20 seconds, I name those members before I name anyone else .... Also Kigome was main healing, and Diddy was going to main tank but Xephyrs wanted to. Diddy and Kaede are our main tanks, and both were there. Just because we let them main tank doesn't mean they were needed to, it was a gesture. Our main healer has been Kigome Theoriginal for a long time, and Firolfi is our backup. Loecke is also a backup.

The only issue I have with mog is that he's constantly trolling our threads, and used to try to poach our members directly out of our shell (Well, Razielle was).

As for Final Venture, myself, and the linkshell I represent have had nothing but positive things to say about them. Although I have no idea who you are Tirion as I've never spoken with you directly.

Edited, Jan 25th 2011 6:39pm by Eadieni
#21 Jan 25 2011 at 5:24 PM Rating: Decent
88 posts
You two should just make out already, all this sexual tension is turning me on.

Edit because I can't type today

Edited, Jan 25th 2011 6:27pm by Tankue
#22 Jan 25 2011 at 5:27 PM Rating: Good
523 posts
Also, we had been killing NMs already ...
In the world Nm video did you not see at the end of the movie where I credit the 3 final venture members who helped make it? Look in the last 20 seconds, I name those members before I name anyone else ....

Odd, looking at your lodestone achievement history, it says otherwise.

Guess you didn't know everyone can see your NM kill dates:

Edit: ok I'm done trollin Eadini, sorry man, not worth it anymore. Like punching myself in the face talking to you.
You are a liar, and a bad one at that.

Back on topic:

The stuff is still for sale if interested. lol
Gotta farm up some more, the first batch sold. Should be available Thursday or so if anyone wants anything.

Prices negotiable.

Double Edit: I noticed you went back and made a huge edit to your previous post to cover your ***. Nice one XD.

I don't "poach" or "steal" or "linger" around anything of yours btw. And I hate to abandon a thread that I made myself, but you pretty much did exactly what you are claiming that I did to you and ruined it, now didn't you?

So put your money where your mouth is man, grow up, I don't have the time to put in as much effort as you are giving me credit for. You are doing a fine job of ruining your own reputation.

For explanation sake and so that the truth isn't left to what you think happened:
My karma being locked was because you yourself couldn't handle the ratedowns you were getting from me, and so they locked mine as WELL as yours. Get the story clear for the readers here sir. I pushed that little ratedown button on your posts too many times and so did you. Yours is now locked too, now isn't it? For "ahem" karma camping me? Oh the irony.

I already said I don't agree with you at all. I'm not ashamed.

So for the readers: Both our rating accounts are locked because we karma camped each other to hell hahahahaha.
Good times XD

Oh, and I blame you for every ratedown on my youtube videos. Yep.

Edited, Jan 25th 2011 7:07pm by DoctorMog

Edited, Jan 25th 2011 7:13pm by DoctorMog
#23 Jan 25 2011 at 8:01 PM Rating: Decent
This is so fun. I want to post and see if my sig works.

1: I think the idea of a main healer isn't quite as effective here as it was in xi, when you're in a party of 15 (as opposed to a tank party and two other parties). I think every healer at all of the fights did their best to contribute including Kigome, Loecke, and... I don't recall the man from Final Venture's name. Was it Pang? Not slighting him, just hard for me to remember people I'm not around a lot. He certainly did a great job too. Xepyrs did main tank, and it worked great.

2: I agree with Dr. Mog that we're not a hardcore ls. We don't play as much as we conscievably could, and I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing either. It can help create a more relaxed atmosphere, but still leaves everyone with an ls where things get done in the end. Personally, I enjoy not having to be on vent all the time, and I greatly enjoy being able to keep my other shell w/ my friend in it (having read what you wrote in that other post Mog, your policy seems a good deal more reasonable there, but still wouldn't work well for me).

I don't think being hardcore is bad either. I probably would be on much more if I was still in college as I was when playing xi. I'm not now though, so.... that's that. The end result leads directly to point number....

3: Daevas killed NM's way before us. I don't see why anyone's arguing around this point. And, to my best knowledge, we didn't kill the world NM's until very recently either (I don't know the dates, and didn't check the lodestone thingy, so I'll assume Mog's date is accurate). Any NM's Ead is referring to as having been killed earlier would probably be the leve NM's.

4: I still think people buying these items is funny, because if they're not in an ls that can get them they really have nothing to use them on at this point. Your barbarian's bardiche won't really help you one shot doblyns any faster on your way to 50. If you actually do have people buying these items though, more power to you.

5: It really doesn't matter if Mog posted on youtube, or someone else. Just cause someone calls us foolish doesn't mean you have to reciprocate.

6: Did my sig work? Edit: No, it did not. Will see if I can fix it later tonight.

Edited, Jan 25th 2011 9:01pm by YoliKohlpaka

Edited, Jan 25th 2011 9:04pm by YoliKohlpaka
#24 Jan 25 2011 at 8:56 PM Rating: Decent
88 posts
For your sig, you can use this link...

For the thread.. You are both acting like children, so no real need to address anything except for "poaching."

People play games for fun, and generally seek a community where they can have the most of it. We recruit, so do you. Who ever chooses to fill out an application will get the consideration they deserve. Not like we are whispering your members and telling them to apply.
#25 Jan 25 2011 at 9:06 PM Rating: Decent
Tankue wrote:
For your sig, you can use this link...

For the thread.. You are both acting like children, so no real need to address anything except for "poaching."

People play games for fun, and generally seek a community where they can have the most of it. We recruit, so do you. Who ever chooses to fill out an application will get the consideration they deserve. Not like we are whispering your members and telling them to apply.

Tankue, you DID do that.
Well, YOU didn't but Razielle personally sent tells to our members asking them to leave llama and join DoW. he asked archon, cumby, vichi, reala and others.

That's all. It did stop though, and we've put that behind us. It did happen, but it's over with, and nobody left as a result of it.

For awhile Razielle was in both LSs at the same time until he and his wife were removed after Vichi caught Razielle in DoW while using our pearl.

That would be where hostilities may have started on our end, we don't take kindly to someone joining our LS, doing a bunch of effort, recruiting, getting to know people, then bailing in the dark of night and trying to steal our members as he does. It failed but he still tried.

Edited, Jan 26th 2011 12:09am by Eadieni
#26 Jan 25 2011 at 9:30 PM Rating: Decent
88 posts
Well, I can't deal with things that I don't know are happening. I can't read minds. :-\

If you ever have an issue with a DoW player, just come to one of our officers (as we would do with you). This whole **** show is realllllly dumb, and I don't want to have bad blood with you guys as I know your LS is full of quality people.

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