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Besaid Linkshell ListFollow

#27 Oct 10 2010 at 10:28 AM Rating: Decent
Linkshell Name : Randirim
Linkshell Leader(s) : Garaf Bregaur, Crawa Nerian
Linkshell Purpose : Moderate-Heavy RP
Linkshell Description : ICly the Randirim is a loosely affiliated group of travelers and wanderers who meander around Hydaelyn and occasionally have adventures. OOCly we're a group of casual and mature folk who enjoy conversation and nifty RP.
Website :
#28 Oct 11 2010 at 5:56 AM Rating: Decent
Linkshell Name: Jenova
Linkshell Leader(s): Shara Seleni
Linkshell Purpose: Social / Mutual Help / Craft / Roleplay
Linkshell Description:

Jenova is an EU & NA timezone social / roleplay linksell (Besaid server) whose main goals are fun, mutual aid and party play, particularly guildleves.

The majority of our members also have an interest in crafting and help each other to create and repair items.

Other things we wish to see happening between members: dungeon crawls, static (or not) leveling / questing parties, trading, mentoring… And a LOT of good mood and humor.

The roleplay part is fully optional. This means that if you don’t roleplay you’re welcome to join and have fun with us. Roleplayers will find a serious background and atmosphere to RP with (see website).

Short to medium term projects for the linkshell: treasury and item borrowing, crafting sub-section, armory and reagent bank (so pure crafters / gatherers will have their place in the linkshell too). More on this later, but things will be done in a non-philanthropic way.

Contact: Shara Seleni (EU timezone), Ara Shi (NA timezone).

Website :

Edited, Oct 11th 2010 7:58am by KarateKat

Edited, Oct 28th 2010 12:48pm by KarateKat

Edited, Oct 28th 2010 12:49pm by KarateKat
#29 Oct 11 2010 at 3:03 PM Rating: Good
121 posts

Linkshell Name : Meerkat Mafia
Linkshell Leader(s) : Mirah McMantis, Mactarnahan McMantis, Master Exploder, Vagrant Tarupunter, Asada Fireclaw, Potatoe Chippy.
Linkshell Purpose : Social, leveling, missions, and eating cake.
Linkshell Description : We are a social linkshell that is focusing on good conversation, missions, leveling, and helping each other out. We are more focused on having a small group of awesome people rather than a large group of people that hardly know each other. 18+ and no emphasis on roleplay.
Website :
#30 Oct 12 2010 at 2:44 PM Rating: Decent
Maybe put a timezone you mainly cover?

I came here to look for a GMT linkshell and leave with no more info...
#31 Oct 14 2010 at 7:25 PM Rating: Default
please help i have game installed just need buddy pass to finally play if anyone is generous enough to help ude be my savior. please send me private message and thank you i hope to become in game friends if possible.
#32 Oct 16 2010 at 5:40 AM Rating: Decent
Linkshell Name : Elements
Linkshell Leader(s) : Banedon Toran; Jinxsy Johydee
Linkshell Purpose : EU Timezone, Social RP, In-Character Link Chat
Linkshell Description : We are of neutral alignment with no allegiance to any particular city with no inforced theme, which means members are free to explore their own rp stories and background - as long as this doesn't involve an attack of the drama llamas! The main context of the Linkshell is 'chat channel' based pearls given out to help people keep in touch with other early risers (i.e. EU Timezone peeps) and working together, adventurers and crafters of all levels welcome - no leve quest is too small!
Website :
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#33 Oct 16 2010 at 9:26 PM Rating: Decent
shady113 wrote:
Linkshell Name : Aeonsoul
Linkshell Leader(s) : Akira Torytomi Casslee Moonskar, Red Devil
Linkshell Purpose : (Social}
Linkshell Description : For the time being we're just a social linkshell. For those that will be interested we plan on doing some endgame when it becomes available.
Website : We are currently working on making a website.

just edited the info correcting a few errors
#34 Oct 17 2010 at 5:28 PM Rating: Decent
Linkshell Name : Hammer & Scythe
Linkshell Leader(s) : Amiya Shishi, Derrick Forte
Linkshell Purpose : Crafting/Gathering, Social
Linkshell Description : Hammer and Scythe is a collection of both Disciples of Hand and Disciples of Land, brought together with the common purpose of pursuing their chosen craft.
Website :
#35 Oct 17 2010 at 8:30 PM Rating: Decent
Linkshell Name : Fabulous Cats
Linkshell Leader(s) : Black Pearl
Linkshell Purpose : At the moment social.
Linkshell Description : We are a open friendly Linkshell and eveyone is welcome to join us. Is open to every Race and players as long those who choose us have good education and manner and follow some easy rules that can be found on our website. We try to have fun, doing leve, help people, craft, without forget, that is a game and real life is more important then a game. Website is still under construction but working.
Website :

Edited, Oct 17th 2010 10:30pm by BPearl
#36 Oct 19 2010 at 5:47 PM Rating: Decent
Linkshell Name: Worldplay

Linkshell Purpose: Social, Research

Linkshell Description: This linkshell was started by a group of students and professors who are also gamers. We are fascinated with the cross-cultural interactions unfolding in Final Fantasy XIV. Please note that we are not looking for lab rats and we are not studying you. In joining the linkshell, you are not consenting to be part of a survey or research study. Our linkshell is intended for friendly conversation and game-related discussion. Gamers of all nationalities and experience levels are welcome. Must be eighteen years or older.

Website: (e-mail:
#37 Oct 20 2010 at 1:56 AM Rating: Decent
Linkshell Name : Distortion XIV

Linkshell Leader(s) : Mhoram Samadahi , Shetra Ariya, Kiwi Achilles, Death Hawk

Linkshell Purpose : (RP, Social, Endgame (little early for this no?) , etc)

Linkshell Description : Laid back members only please, no children

Website :
#38 Nov 02 2010 at 5:09 PM Rating: Decent
685 posts
In linkshell description for BASF, can we add that people wishing to join should first sign up on our forums, then from there find an officer in game.
#39 Nov 07 2010 at 8:30 AM Rating: Decent
Linkshell Name : Gestalt
Linkshell Leader(s) : Seiken Void (Founder), Akimis Ramuh, Sacre Diablo, Reis Geirdriful
Linkshell Purpose : Mainly Social and casual gameplay
Linkshell Description : Gestalt is a supportive and social linkshell that has just recently been made known to Final Fantasy XIV. Since its a new guild anyone is welcome. We currently are a mid-range linkshell for more casual players, but we focus on effective gameplay, constantly improving theories and game setups. Our forums aim to cover different aspects of the game and is open to socialising about random topics outside the land of Eorzea :)
English is a must. To make invitation to the linkshell smoother, sign up to the forums first and post an introduction/application.
Website :

Edited, Nov 7th 2010 9:32am by SeikenVoid

Edited, Nov 14th 2010 3:03am by SeikenVoid
#40 Nov 11 2010 at 4:47 AM Rating: Decent
43 posts
Linkshell Name: Kindred
Linkshell Leader(s): Rowyne Moonsong, Eluri Olde
Linkshell Purpose: Social, Leveling, Crafting
Linkshell Description: Founded on FFXI's Siren world, Kindred is now building a home in FFXIV. We are a mature family-style linkshell created on the principle that friendship and respect always come first. Besaid was chosen as our server because of its great community, a place where we hope to find like-minded adventurers interested in exploring all aspects of the game in a fun and casual environment.

Edited, Nov 16th 2010 4:37am by Selyne
FFXI: Selyne, White Mage
Hume - San d'Oria - Rank 8 - Siren World

FFXIV: Rowyne Moonsong, Conjurer
Wildwood Elezen - Gridania - Balmung World

Free Company & Linkshell: Kindred
#41 Dec 02 2010 at 5:44 PM Rating: Decent

Linkshell Name : origins
Linkshell Leader(s) : sonia artemis
Linkshell Purpose : social, leveling, levequests
Linkshell Description : most members are players from the diablos linkshell damascanash
Website :
#42 Dec 05 2010 at 2:26 PM Rating: Decent
Linkshell Name : Nine Inch Pimps
Linkshell Leader(s) : Altaira Tehanu, Dark Shadow, Lourdes Tehanu, Takini Ironclad
Linkshell Purpose : Social, Leveling
Linkshell Description : The original Nineinchpimps started back in FFXI, just after release. We became a tight nit group of friends that pretty much did everything together before some of us eventually moved to FFXIV. This LS will be a continuation of that fun environment where almost everything goes. We have no age requirements but we do have a maturity requirement.

We also have a 10 slot Ventrilo server with plans to expand if the need arises.
Just send a tell in game or visit the website for more info.
Website :
#43 Dec 21 2010 at 4:42 PM Rating: Decent
991 posts
Format: Social/everything
Linkshell Name : Vile
Linkshell Leader(s) : Nicci Nocturne, and various others(TheVedis Foxbat is me, also a leader)
Linkshell Purpose : Social shell who is actively working with each other to make the game a more enjoyable experience. We try to share materials gatehred as needed, and we do leves and anything else we can think of together.
Linkshell Description : Isnt this the same as purpose?
Website : Loadstone

I dont know who else frequents the forums with us, but I know I do often.

The shell is pretty large, we have about 30-40 active members, and are most active at night(hard to say since we have no standard time zone we are all in)

#44 Dec 22 2010 at 6:20 AM Rating: Decent
Linkshell: Shellshock
Leaders: Arkana Snillum
Linkshell Purpose: Quickly and efficiently rank up via Leve/SP PT's.
Linkshell Description: Newly established LS with a focus on working together to reach max ranks for end-game quickly. Ventrillo server is up and running with a future website as a possibility. Vent is not required but highly encouraged for members to use. Any other question, feel free to ask.
Website: None at the moment but can be found on:
#45 Dec 25 2010 at 12:04 PM Rating: Decent
Linkshell Name : Isengard
Linkshell Leader(s) : Fooloo Moon, Illusy Lee, Xor Suh
Linkshell Purpose : Leveling, End game
Linkshell Description : We are Linkshell that is based on South East Asia, our member is from Malaysia, Indonesia , Singapore. our static party for leves link at the moment is 9pm Singapore time, if you think you can manage to join our static party or your playtime is the same with us ( 11 am singapore time - 1 am singaopore time), likes leveling and End game content, feel free to msg our leaders for invite
Website : none
#46 Dec 30 2010 at 1:53 PM Rating: Decent
I am finally looking for LS on Besaid, doing some research first and I am going thru the list and...

>the LS Big trouble website says the following:

"If you are looking for the FFXIV linkshell Big Trouble, it has been disbanded due to lack of interest."
-Website :

>Pale Horse website says the following:

"It looks like you're trying to visit the guild site that used to be at

That guild site has been deactivated. Sites may be deactivated for a variety of reasons including owner request, inactivity, or terms of service violation."
-Website :

>DeadlySouls seems that merged another LS according to their website:
"as you guys prolly have noticed some might have not but were moving over to another ls ran but some good ppl i been hearing about because the lack of recruitment not by anyone in the ls just in general i think the game physics hinders the fact its not as easy to go out and make friends like other mmo's or even ffxi"
-Website :

Edited, Dec 30th 2010 3:54pm by YeyeyeBleah

Edited, Dec 30th 2010 3:55pm by YeyeyeBleah
#47 Dec 30 2010 at 3:31 PM Rating: Good
56 posts
Linkshell Name : HakunaMatata
Linkshell Leader(s) : Taline Cac, Kaija Phaon (Yes, 2 ladies lead our linkshell)
Linkshell Purpose : Social
Linkshell Description : We all have a lot of good times in our LS, the destination is R50 classes but we're more focused on making the journey fun. If you're looking to level up in the fastest, most efficient way possible, this LS is not for you. We've done such things as LS photoshoots, fighting in our underwear and Friday night drinks+FF14. On the more productive side, we've aided in behests, power leveled some of our lower ranked members, given our crafters FREE items that they need to level and organized large parties for maximum experience during leves.
Website :
#48 Dec 30 2010 at 11:57 PM Rating: Good
991 posts
Can we get someone to make a new list? this one is obviously not being kept up to date(just looking at the main posts, no edits since october)
#50 Jan 13 2011 at 12:15 AM Rating: Decent
Here's another one for the list
Linkshell Name: Fathomless
Linkshell Leader(s):Dar Kinsight, Moon Blinked
Linkshell Purpose:Social/Everything Else
Linkshell Description:A relaxed Social/Everything LS, that's currently looking for members for more info check out the website.
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