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Besaid Linkshell ListFollow

#1 Sep 11 2010 at 10:43 AM Rating: Excellent
118 posts
With the game nearing release, I know many of you have started recruiting for Linkshells, or have formed a Linkshell during Beta. As a service to the Besaid community, I would like to start an official list of Linkshells. I will update this post frequently to keep all information accurate so that we can better prosper as a community. I humbly ask that we keep replies to Linkshell information only.


*If your linkshell disbands/merges/moves/changes names, please let me know so that I can make the appropriate changes.

Linkshell Name :
Linkshell Leader(s) :
Linkshell Purpose : (RP, Social, Endgame, etc)
Linkshell Description :
Website :

Linkshell: LetitBurn
Leaders: Windi Haze, Torrence Saylor, James Haze
Linkshell Purpose: Historically Social and Endgame. RP friendly, and will be casual at the start. As the game unfolds, we may take on additional aspects of gameplay.
Linkshell Description: Founded in early 2008, we are a group of close friends and family that have expanded to include many others who were seeking a low pressure environment. Our group consists of many veteran FFXI players at the core, and some folks just getting into the game. Our group will continue to exist on both games for as long as people are interested in playing both.

Linkshell Name: Waterscape
Linkshell Leader(s): Ksamim Retzini, Runna (he goes by Jimbo Jones now, but I think he will go by Smooth Shift at release)
Linkshell Purpose: Social and leveling
Linkshell Description: Waterscape is about creating a fun and stress-free environment to experience Eorzea at a player's own pace. While some will focus on attaining high levels, others will choose to explore or experience lore. No matter what goal you have in FFXIV, our community might be the perfect fit for you! Our forums are active and our members friendly, so don't be shy. No matter your taste, our Linkshell events and our members' penchants for helping one another will make Waterscape not only a fun choice, but a choice that will help you along your FFXIV path. Take a look at our website, and even if you choose not to join us, we hope to see you in Eorzea!

Linkshell Name : Seren Point
Linkshell Leader(s) : Autumn Delrend, Ardo Rooklin
Linkshell Purpose : RP
Linkshell Description : Seren Point is a hidden refuge where those of any background may come to rest and settle down for a night or a lifetime. It is a small camp, resting within a wooded canyon with many residents that have been born and raised there, and others that come and go like the seasons. Thieves, beggars and wanted men are just as welcome as knights, nobles and artisans.
Website :

Linkshell Name: Consortium (Short for Crafter Consortium)
Linkshell Leader(s): Gadhelyn Appledore, Ralrra Cheen
Linkshell Purpose: Crafting and Gathering
Linkshell Description: The Crafter Consortium, or The Consortium for short, is meant to be an open place of doing business and getting in touch with DoL and DoH. Membership is free to all crafters and gatherers. It is meant as a safe, local way of working out deals and a way of getting your name and crafting ranks out to the server. It is my hope and dream that when someone wants a new piece of armor, a stack of food, or a bundle of potions, that they can come to The Consortium to find what they need, basically making this aspect of the linkshell into the Walmart of Eorzea. Not only that, it will facilitate communications and deals between people of different crafts and between gatherers and crafters, making the exchange of materials faster than searching through endless retainers.

Linkshell Name : The Raven Eye Inn
Linkshell Leader(s) : Kailisto Nadare
Linkshell Purpose : (RP, Social, Endgame, etc) Roleplay but will also delve into all aspects of the game such as the eventual endgame and character progression.
Linkshell Description : A group of adventurers, scholars and mercenaries all bound together to explore the unexplained and search for unique and paranormal items and events around the world. Gathered by Kailisto, she uses whatever motivates them, rather it be finding hidden treasure, honing their skills against unknown foes, or just a pure lust for knowledge or violence, to get them to help her explore and find the paranormal and unexplained. The Tavern financing and providing them with clues.
Website :

Linkshell Name : Pale Horse
Linkshell Leader(s) : Edy, Dys, Eva, Mya
Linkshell Purpose : Social
Linkshell Description : A group of people willing to help each other and enjoy the game as it develops
Website :

Linkshell Name : Synergy
Linkshell Leader(s) : TBD (Recruiters are set, leadership is determined at launch)
Linkshell Purpose : Casual/Social/End Game
Linkshell Description : This chapter, is a casual and social FFXIV Linkshell that participates in every aspect of the game, questing, leveling, crafting and End Game content.
We pride ourselves in being able to provide an atmosphere of easygoing people who are here to enjoy the game and just have some good fun with great people.
Website :

Linkshell Name : The Midnight Carnival
Linkshell Leader(s) : Saba Sarabi, Shahazeed Sahdir, Milkshakes and Snowcone Delphinium
Linkshell Purpose : All of the Above, RP/Social/NonRP/Endgame.
Linkshell Description : The Midnight Carnival is founded to give everyone a sense of home and family. Some of us are RPers, some of us are NONRPers. We are a helpful, social shell that help each other and will be friendly and accepting of all members and non-members alike.
Website : None

Linkshell Name : Big Trouble
Linkshell Leader(s) : Thorne Blackwolf
Linkshell Purpose : Casual/Social
Linkshell Description : Big Trouble is a linkshell that refuses to take itself too seriously. We are family friendly, which means we respect that you put your family before playing. Our purpose is to give fun-loving, silly, naughty, flirty, quiet, sexy, mature, ugly, sassy, slightly off the beat and path, hardcore, casual players a way to connect to others who are just like or completely different than themselves. No matter what your character's race, occupation, play style, hours of play, frequency of play or anything else, you can get into Big Trouble!
Website :

Linkshell Name : BASF
Linkshell Leader(s) : Ralrra Cheen (in absentia), Gadhelyn Appledore
Linkshell Purpose : extremely casual social LS with some light RP
Linkshell Description : see above
Website :

Linkshell Name : Light
Linkshell Leader(s) : Miche Chou, Sterling Cooper, Astella Sky
Linkshell Purpose : Beginning as a casual social shell with members participating in crafting, gathering, and leveling. We plan on working together and growing as team to partake in more difficult tasks together as the game progresses.
Linkshell Description : FFXI end-game veterans (so far) learning together, and always eager to help each other.
Website : None at the moment!

Linkshell Name : Deadly Souls
Linkshell Leader(s) : Mizzy Lowe, Dark Chops, Dome Lowe
Linkshell Purpose : all around ls for crafting, nm's when they come and end game when that arrives.
Linkshell Description : mainly help each and every member with what ever is needed. and perform at and all around character so that the ls can perform with great success
Website :

Linkshell Name : Broken Heroes
Linkshell Leader(s) : Nilla Shadow
Linkshell Purpose : cannon storyline RP, exploring, leveling
Linkshell Description : A group of people drawn together by a common vision. The search for the meaning of this vision guides their adventures, and shapes their relationships. It is a search for truth; a search for ourselves. Can you overcome your flaws, and become a savior of Eorzea? ((We will be RPing though the storyline set forth by SE))
Website :

Linkshell Name : Bad Company
Linkshell Leader(s) : Suri Vandan, Sesshomaru Vandan
Linkshell Purpose : fighting, levelling, crafting, having fun
Linkshell Description : a fun & active LS. No RP unless you want to. Website & Vent.
Website :

Linkshell Name : Tainted
Linkshell Leader(s) : Envi Larue, Ylanna Larue, Tik Tok, Iviry Strife And Chick Norris.
Linkshell Purpose : Social And End Game.
Linkshell Description : The linkshell consists of players from a wide spectrum, from all different Nationalities and ages. Our aim is to progress throught the game as laid back as possible and to see end game content with people we enjoy playing with.
Website :

Linkshell Name: Fancy Hat Brigade
Linkshell Leader(s): Asher Bishop, Pipsy Lililoo and Geometry Kyoju
Linkshell Purpose: Social (mainly over teamspeak3), Leveling, Crafting & Gathering
Linkshell Description: Fancy Hat Brigade is a social linkshell on Besaid. We're currently a small group of people whose main focus is to bring together active, social and fun-loving players who want to enjoy what FFXIV has to offer. We've spent some time in FFXI and have played many other games together over the years. Our goal is to help each other as much as we can; to create a network of crafters and gatherers and to hopefully establish several set PTs.

Linkshell Name : Onslaught
Linkshell Leader(s) : Hinoiri Sonora, Frisque Isamidget, Valiastice Absolutia, Catt Attack
Linkshell Purpose : Social
Linkshell Description : We are first and foremost a social linkshell. We do not require participation in any events, but do require that you not be a ****. Most of the time we sit around in vent while we craft, do leves, or farm for materials. Currently, our focus has mainly been skilling-up our crafts, gathering materials, and gearing up.

Many of us exchange and share materials, offer great deals on well crafted gear, and help with crafting components. Amongst our current members, all of the DoH/DoL classes are represented, with several being 10+. We welcome new players, and will offer help and insight when we can. Currently, we are amassing great FFXIV resources in the "Useful Links" section of our forum.

We accept members from all walks of life, and currently have a great mix of U.S and French-Canadian players, along with a couple players from the UK. All we ask is that you try to have fun while you're with us and can tolerate our shenanigans!
Website :

Linkshell Name : Aeonsoul
Linkshell Leader(s) : Akira Torytomi Casslee Moonskar, Red Devil
Linkshell Purpose : (Social}
Linkshell Description : for the time being were just a social linkshell but we may do some endgame when Square enix releases it and whos all interested
Website : dont have one yet

Linkshell Name : Randirim
Linkshell Leader(s) : Garaf Bregaur, Crawa Nerian
Linkshell Purpose : Moderate-Heavy RP
Linkshell Description : ICly the Randirim is a loosely affiliated group of travelers and wanderers who meander around Hydaelyn and occasionally have adventures. OOCly we're a group of casual and mature folk who enjoy conversation and nifty RP.
Website :

Linkshell Name: Jenova
Linkshell Leader(s): Shara Seleni
Linkshell Purpose: Social / Roleplay
Linkshell Description: Jenova is a social / roleplay EU timezone linkshell whose main goal is playing content designed for party play and particularly guildleves.
Other things we wish to see happening between members: dungeon crawls, static (or not) leveling / questing parties, trading, mentoring… And a LOT of good mood and humor.
The roleplay part is fully optional. This means that if you don’t roleplay you’re welcome to join and have fun with us. Roleplayers will find a serious background and atmosphere to RP with (see website).
Short to medium term projects for the linkshell: treasury and item borrowing, crafting sub-section, armory and reagent bank (so pure crafters / gatherers will have their place in the linkshell too). More on this later, but things will be done in a non-philanthropic way.
Website :

Linkshell Name : Meerkat Mafia
Linkshell Leader(s) : Mirah McMantis, Mactarnahan McMantis, Master Exploder, Vagrant Tarupunter, Asada Fireclaw, Potatoe Chippy.
Linkshell Purpose : Social, leveling, missions, and eating cake.
Linkshell Description : We are a social linkshell that is focusing on good conversation, missions, leveling, and helping each other out. We are more focused on having a small group of awesome people rather than a large group of people that hardly know each other. 18+ and no emphasis on roleplay.
Website :

Linkshell Name : Elements
Linkshell Leader(s) : Banedon Toran; Jinxsy Johydee
Linkshell Purpose : EU Timezone, Social RP, In-Character Link Chat
Linkshell Description : We are of neutral alignment with no allegiance to any particular city with no inforced theme, which means members are free to explore their own rp stories and background - as long as this doesn't involve an attack of the drama llamas! The main context of the Linkshell is 'chat channel' based pearls given out to help people keep in touch with other early risers (i.e. EU Timezone peeps) and working together, adventurers and crafters of all levels welcome - no leve quest is too small!
Website :
RPC Advertisement :
RPC Recruiting Thread :

Linkshell Name : Hammer & Scythe
Linkshell Leader(s) : Amiya Shishi, Derrick Forte
Linkshell Purpose : Crafting/Gathering, Social
Linkshell Description : Hammer and Scythe is a collection of both Disciples of Hand and Disciples of Land, brought together with the common purpose of pursuing their chosen craft.
Website :

Linkshell Name : Fabulous Cats
Linkshell Leader(s) : Black Pearl
Linkshell Purpose : At the moment social.
Linkshell Description : We are a open friendly Linkshell and eveyone is welcome to join us. Is open to every Race and players as long those who choose us have good education and manner and follow some easy rules that can be found on our website. We try to have fun, doing leve, help people, craft, without forget, that is a game and real life is more important then a game. Website is still under construction but working.
Website :

Edited, Oct 18th 2010 10:05am by GunslingerXVI
#2 Sep 11 2010 at 10:44 AM Rating: Good
118 posts
#3 Sep 11 2010 at 10:44 AM Rating: Good
118 posts
#4 Sep 12 2010 at 7:18 AM Rating: Good
2,010 posts
My linkshell is heading over here to Besaid at launch, so please put us on the list.

Linkshell: LetitBurn
Leaders: Windi Haze, Torrence Saylor, James Haze
Linkshell Purpose: Historically Social and Endgame. RP friendly, and will be casual at the start. As the game unfolds, we may take on additional aspects of gameplay.
Linkshell Description: Founded in early 2008, we are a group of close friends and family that have expanded to include many others who were seeking a low pressure environment. Our group consists of many veteran FFXI players at the core, and some folks just getting into the game. Our group will continue to exist on both games for as long as people are interested in playing both.
Website:LetitBurn Linkshell

EDIT: Leader names updates - will update again when we have the rest of the team in the game. Some of us aren't in open beta ; ;

Edited, Sep 13th 2010 4:47pm by Torrence

Edited, Sep 29th 2010 6:14pm by Torrence
#5 Sep 12 2010 at 10:18 AM Rating: Decent
109 posts
Linkshell Name: Waterscape
Linkshell Leader(s): Ksamim Retzini, Runna (he goes by Jimbo Jones now, but I think he will go by Smooth Shift at release)
Linkshell Purpose: Social and leveling
Linkshell Description: Waterscape is about creating a fun and stress-free environment to experience Eorzea at a player's own pace. While some will focus on attaining high levels, others will choose to explore or experience lore. No matter what goal you have in FFXIV, our community might be the perfect fit for you! Our forums are active and our members friendly, so don't be shy. No matter your taste, our Linkshell events and our members' penchants for helping one another will make Waterscape not only a fun choice, but a choice that will help you along your FFXIV path. Take a look at our website, and even if you choose not to join us, we hope to see you in Eorzea!
Into Memoria - FFXIV Free Company
#6 Sep 13 2010 at 10:51 AM Rating: Good
455 posts
Linkshell Name : Seren Point
Linkshell Leader(s) : Autumn Delrend, Ardo Rooklin
Linkshell Purpose : RP
Linkshell Description : Seren Point is a hidden refuge where those of any background may come to rest and settle down for a night or a lifetime. It is a small camp, resting within a wooded canyon with many residents that have been born and raised there, and others that come and go like the seasons. Thieves, beggars and wanted men are just as welcome as knights, nobles and artisans.
Website : Seren Point
#7 Sep 14 2010 at 7:56 AM Rating: Decent
685 posts
Linkshell Name: Consortium (Short for Crafter Consortium)
Linkshell Leader(s): Gadhelyn Appledore, Ralrra Cheen
Linkshell Purpose: Crafting and Gathering
Linkshell Description: The Crafter Consortium, or The Consortium for short, is meant to be an open place of doing business and getting in touch with DoL and DoH. Membership is free to all crafters and gatherers. It is meant as a safe, local way of working out deals and a way of getting your name and crafting ranks out to the server. It is my hope and dream that when someone wants a new piece of armor, a stack of food, or a bundle of potions, that they can come to The Consortium to find what they need, basically making this aspect of the linkshell into the Walmart of Eorzea. Not only that, it will facilitate communications and deals between people of different crafts and between gatherers and crafters, making the exchange of materials faster than searching through endless retainers.

I will be updating the forums soon taking out all the other servers and coming up with a draft set of rules to protect the members, current and future.
#8 Sep 14 2010 at 8:23 AM Rating: Decent
Linkshell Name : The Raven Eye Inn

Linkshell Leader(s) : Kailisto Nadare

Linkshell Purpose : (RP, Social, Endgame, etc) Roleplay but will also delve into all aspects of the game such as the eventual endgame and character progression.

Linkshell Description : A group of adventurers, scholars and mercenaries all bound together to explore the unexplained and search for unique and paranormal items and events around the world. Gathered by Kailisto, she uses whatever motivates them, rather it be finding hidden treasure, honing their skills against unknown foes, or just a pure lust for knowledge or violence, to get them to help her explore and find the paranormal and unexplained. The Tavern financing and providing them with clues.

Website :

Edited, Sep 14th 2010 10:26am by Kailisto
#9 Sep 15 2010 at 8:24 AM Rating: Good
118 posts
**Sticky Request**
#10 Sep 15 2010 at 12:04 PM Rating: Good
4,153 posts
GunslingerXVI wrote:
**Sticky Request**

Requested in the Site Feedback forum on your behalf. :)
FFXI-Garuda 2003-2009; Lakshmi 2011-8/20/13 (retired)
FFXIV: ARR - Ghost Bear, Balmung server
#11 Sep 15 2010 at 2:02 PM Rating: Good
685 posts
I'd like to make the same request to all other linkshell leaders. If you have a linkshell website, if you do not mind "allying" yourself with The Consortium and letting me advertise The Consortium on your website, I have created a section for allied linkshells to advertise for recruitment on mine!
#12 Sep 17 2010 at 4:35 PM Rating: Good
1,439 posts
Linkshell Name : The Nutcrackers
Linkshell Leader(s) : Edy, Dys, Eva, Mya
Linkshell Purpose : Social
Linkshell Description : A group of people willing to help each other and enjoy the game as it develops
Website : n/a

Edited, Sep 17th 2010 10:38pm by EdyNOTB
Esuna Forums

#13 Sep 18 2010 at 2:27 PM Rating: Decent
152 posts
Linkshell Name : Synergy
Linkshell Leader(s) : Boss: Formula One, Capos: Ping Lou & Frosty Mouse
Linkshell Purpose : Casual/Social/End Game
Linkshell Description : This chapter, is a casual and social FFXIV Linkshell that participates in every aspect of the game, questing, leveling, crafting and End Game content.
We pride ourselves in being able to provide an atmosphere of easygoing people who are here to enjoy the game and just have some good fun with great people.
Website :

Edited, Sep 18th 2010 4:27pm by doridorimonkey

Edited, Jan 13th 2011 1:23pm by doridorimonkey
#14 Sep 23 2010 at 8:18 AM Rating: Good
118 posts
Linkshell Name : The Midnight Carnival
Linkshell Leader(s) : Saba Sarabi, Shahazeed Sahdir, Milkshakes and Snowcone Delphinium
Linkshell Purpose : All of the Above, RP/Social/NonRP/Endgame.
Linkshell Description : The Midnight Carnival is founded to give everyone a sense of home and family. Some of us are RPers, some of us are NONRPers. We are a helpful, social shell that help each other and will be friendly and accepting of all members and non-members alike.
Website : None
#15 Sep 23 2010 at 11:59 PM Rating: Decent
Linkshell Name : Big Trouble
Linkshell Leader(s) : Thorne Blackwolf
Linkshell Purpose : Casual/Social
Linkshell Description : Big Trouble is a linkshell that refuses to take itself too seriously. We are family friendly, which means we respect that you put your family before playing. Our purpose is to give fun-loving, silly, naughty, flirty, quiet, sexy, mature, ugly, sassy, slightly off the beat and path, hardcore, casual players a way to connect to others who are just like or completely different than themselves. No matter what your character's race, occupation, play style, hours of play, frequency of play or anything else, you can get into Big Trouble!
Website :
#16 Sep 24 2010 at 10:25 AM Rating: Good
1,439 posts
Updated name for The Nutcrackers - we are now 'Pale Horse' but with all the rest of the details remaining the same.
Esuna Forums

#17 Sep 24 2010 at 12:52 PM Rating: Good
4,153 posts
Linkshell Name : BASF
Linkshell Leader(s) : Ralrra Cheen (in absentia), Gadhelyn Appledore
Linkshell Purpose : extremely casual social LS with some light RP
Linkshell Description : see above
Website :
FFXI-Garuda 2003-2009; Lakshmi 2011-8/20/13 (retired)
FFXIV: ARR - Ghost Bear, Balmung server
#18 Sep 24 2010 at 1:07 PM Rating: Good
1,439 posts
Sorry I didnt have this info earlier when I posted:

Pale Horse website:

And also Eva no longer leader - now 'X' (thats a name)

thanks for updating so quickly :)
Esuna Forums

#19 Sep 25 2010 at 11:30 PM Rating: Decent
Linkshell Name : Light
Linkshell Leader(s) : Miche Chou, Sterling Cooper, Astella Sky
Linkshell Purpose : Beginning as a casual social shell with members participating in crafting, gathering, and leveling. We plan on working together and growing as team to partake in more difficult tasks together as the game progresses.
Linkshell Description : FFXI end-game veterans (so far) learning together, and always eager to help each other.
Website : None at the moment!
#20 Sep 29 2010 at 6:22 AM Rating: Decent
Linkshell Name : Deadly Souls

Linkshell Leader(s) : Mizzy Lowe, Dark Chops, Dome Lowe

Linkshell Purpose : all around ls for crafting, nm's when they come and end game when that arrives.

Linkshell Description : mainly help each and every member with what ever is needed. and perform at and all around character so that the ls can perform with great success

Website :

we also use a vent server if that is something you prefer but not required to use
Edited, Sep 29th 2010 8:23am by mizzyb

Edited, Sep 29th 2010 8:28am by mizzyb

Edited, Sep 29th 2010 8:29am by mizzyb
#21 Sep 29 2010 at 7:39 PM Rating: Decent
Linkshell Name : Broken Heroes
Linkshell Leader(s) : Nilla Shadow
Linkshell Purpose : cannon storyline RP, exploring, leveling
Linkshell Description : A group of people drawn together by a common vision. The search for the meaning of this vision guides their adventures, and shapes their relationships. It is a search for truth; a search for ourselves. Can you overcome your flaws, and become a savior of Eorzea? ((We will be RPing though the storyline set forth by SE))
Website :
#22 Oct 01 2010 at 10:22 AM Rating: Decent
Linkshell Name : Bad Conmpany
Linkshell Leader(s) : Suri Vandan, Sesshomaru Vandan
Linkshell Purpose : fighting, levelling, crafting, having fun
Linkshell Description : a fun & active LS. No RP unless you want to. Website & Vent.
Website :

Edited, Oct 1st 2010 12:22pm by SuriVandan
#23 Oct 02 2010 at 7:58 AM Rating: Decent
39 posts
Linkshell Name : Tainted
Linkshell Leader(s) : Envi Larue, Ylanna Larue, Tik Tok, Iviry Strife And Chick Norris.
Linkshell Purpose : Social And End Game.
Linkshell Description : The linkshell consists of players from a wide spectrum, from all different Nationalities and ages. Our aim is to progress throught the game as laid back as possible and to see end game content with people we enjoy playing with.
Website :
#24 Oct 03 2010 at 10:40 PM Rating: Good
Linkshell Name: Fancy Hat Brigade
Linkshell Leader(s): Asher Bishop, Pipsy Lililoo and Geometry Kyoju
Linkshell Purpose: Social (mainly over teamspeak3), Leveling, Crafting & Gathering
Linkshell Description: Fancy Hat Brigade is a social linkshell on Besaid. We're currently a small group of people whose main focus is to bring together active, social and fun-loving players who want to enjoy what FFXIV has to offer. We've spent some time in FFXI and have played many other games together over the years. Our goal is to help each other as much as we can; to create a network of crafters and gatherers and to hopefully establish several set PTs.
#25 Oct 05 2010 at 4:14 PM Rating: Good
Sketchy Character
10,109 posts

Linkshell Name : Onslaught
Linkshell Leader(s) : Hinoiri Sonora, Frisque Isamidget, Valiastice Absolutia, Catt Attack
Linkshell Purpose : Social
Linkshell Description : We are first and foremost a social linkshell. We do not require participation in any events, but do require that you not be a ****. Most of the time we sit around in vent while we craft, do leves, or farm for materials. Currently, our focus has mainly been skilling-up our crafts, gathering materials, and gearing up.

Many of us exchange and share materials, offer great deals on well crafted gear, and help with crafting components. Amongst our current members, all of the DoH/DoL classes are represented, with several being 10+. We welcome new players, and will offer help and insight when we can. Currently, we are amassing great FFXIV resources in the "Useful Links" section of our forum.

We accept members from all walks of life, and currently have a great mix of U.S and French-Canadian players, along with a couple players from the UK. All we ask is that you try to have fun while you're with us and can tolerate our shenanigans!
Website :
Toohotforu wrote:
Just punch her in the vag and tell her to @#$% off.

#26 Oct 05 2010 at 9:43 PM Rating: Decent
Linkshell Name : Aeonsoul
Linkshell Leader(s) : Akira Torytomi Casslee Moonskar, Red Devil
Linkshell Purpose : (Social}
Linkshell Description : for the time being were just a social linkshell but we may do some endgame when Square enix releases it and whos all interested
Website : dont have one yet
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