Last year I bought my PS4 on sale during Christmas, and decided to use the saved money to purchase a Vita along with it. I actually owned a Vita game for a few months before owning a Vita (Tales of Hearts R).
So I would sit around my house and play a few Vita games, and kept thinking to myself "Why doesn't this thing have video output so I can play these things on my TV while I'm at home?"
Yesterday I was looking around and noticed the Playstation TV. I had seen it before in passing at the store, but just assumed it was something like the Fire TV, etc. Just a streaming device. But I read up about it a bit and it turns out to be basically a PS Vita you can connect to your TV, plays Vita game cartridges and PS Classics from the PSN. And it was on sale for 59 dollars.
So now I'll be able to play my Vita games when I'm at home on my big screen.