LockeColeMA wrote:
Edit: It is pretty awesome when the Frenzy (x7) bonus stays up until the next Golden Cookie comes around and I get Lucky (instant cookies). The x7 multiplies the CpS rate as well; instead of around 38T, I can get around 288T. That's... sort of amazing.
That's what I mentioned earlier when I said the end game "strategy" revolved around golden cookies.
The way the Lucky cookies work is they check your current CpS and your total cookies on hand, and will give you either 10% of cookies you have on hand, or 20 minutes worth of your CpS. Whichever is less. Since this stacks with the Frenzy buff, you can get up to 140 minutes of cookies from a Lucky cookie. The threshold I mentioned that makes this possible is 12,000 times your CpS.
That is, if you have at least 12,000 times your CpS, or about 3 hours 20 minutes worth of cookies sitting in your bank, then you can max out the possible gain from the Lucky/Frenzy combo. If you have less than the 12,000 times your CpS, then you get a smaller (but still pretty huge) amount based on how many cookies you have on hand.
What's really cool is you can get a Frenzy combo'd with a Clicking Frenzy (x777 clicking power) where for 12 seconds you spamclick the cookie and get
insane amounts.