idiggory, King of Bards wrote:
Then we get to the actual clicking. It really wasn't interesting as a system, to me, at all. Because it's just spamming your left click. Or it'll just be spamming the power attack. That's it
I mean, what else would it be? There's no special interaction between your attacks and power attacks.
There are interactions between your attacks and your enemy's attacks, and between your attacks and your defensive moves. For example, if you successfully block an enemy's power attack (I'm talking PVE too - NPC's use power attacks), they'll be briefly disoriented. If you then hit them with a power attack during that time, they'll be knocked back. Proper application of blocks and attack types together can actually keep your enemy from hitting you for quite a bit of the fight. There are several passive weapon skills that add different effects to light or heavy attacks as well.
Blocking, interrupting, dodging, and efficient attacking also give finesse bonuses, so if all you're doing is clicking, you're missing out on additional xp and rewards and recharging your ultimates more slowly.
I agree that aiming isn't a precise thing like Skyrim, but it's not like, say, WoW either where as long as your enemy is targeted you can just punch a key with no regards to positioning and assume your spell will hit them. It's sort of in the middle, and I can see how that would be dissatisfying to FPS players (especially if you're playing ESO in first person, YUCK), but I find it a bit more interesting than what I'm used to.
I don't find that the bulk of my attention is devoted to standard attacks, nor to any one particular aspect of combat. The bulk of my attention is devoted to the fight as a whole and how my offensive and defensive moves work together - dodging, blocking, following up my blocks with heavy attacks, applying CC at the proper moment, etc. If in a group, you've also got synergies to pay attention to. Personally, I like that basic attacking is such a simple, bland thing - because it's the least interesting part of a fight in any game, and the simpler and more, um, basic a basic attack is, the less attention I have to pay to it, and the more attention I can give my environment, positioning, defense, etc.
Collision detection is coming in the next iteration of the beta (and obviously at launch) and that'll add a whole new dimension of fun because it'll make positioning that much more important.
I think an overall flaw of the game is that
they don't explain any of this. So somebody just picking up the game would only see left click, occasionally right click, maybe sometimes use a hotkey, and find it boring. I'm not suggesting that was all you saw, and even knowing the whole system, I can see why you or others might not enjoy it. It's a matter of preference certainly, and I'm not some rabid ESO fangirl who insists you must love it. I don't really care if you like it or not, because I'm all selfish and stuff.
I'm just pointing these things out in general, because I don't think they're immediately clear.