Nadenu wrote:
My computer is barely hanging on, but even if it wasn't, I wouldn't have done this weekend's beta. I just couldn't get into it at all the last time around.
That was me last time. I didn't even get out of the tutorial area, because I was hating the controls.
This time I played in third person, and it's WAY better (you can really tell that the game was design around 3rd person. You know, since they didn't add first person until people raged about its omission late late in development, after that came to light).
I still don't like the controls, but at least I could tolerate them enough to see if they grew on me/check out the rest of the game.
I did the things-i-don't-like post, so I'll note what I did like:
1. Crafting SEEMS great. I didn't actually do any (mostly because I wanted to smith pants and for the life of me couldn't figure out how to turn ore into ingots). But the system that lets you control item level, add effects, etc. through the modular item system is nice. Sort of like a better version of what GW2 did - cutting out the useless space-hogging middle items. That said, I have no clue whether or not itemization in the game makes it worthwhile in the end, but there are games I can think of I'd LOVE to see that system implemented into.
Enchanting is classic ES-style in effect, it seems, which is great. You add a weapon enchant, it depletes, you refill it with soul gems. Or you enchant armor and it doesn't deplete. Again, know too little about stats in ES to comment on how interesting the system gets as part of the meta game, but it seemed simple enough. That said, I don't know how the craft itself works. Does it use the runes I was gathering? IDK.
Either way, comprehensive crafting systems = BIG thumbs up in my book.
I know I noted that I hated the materials as inventory hogs thing, and I do. But that's an issue I have with the inventory menu design and the way they've handled resource arrangement and gathering in the world, not an issue with the quantity of mats itself.
3. Voice acting. Jennifer Hale in the first two minutes of gameplay = A+. Favorite voice actor, period. Raphael Sbarge is second, Gideon Emery third. I'm going to ASSUME Gideon did work for ES (since he's in everything else, Skyrim included). Don't think Raphael Sbarge is in it, though.
But it seemed, in general, to be on par with Skyrim. Not that Skyrim's was particularly amazing, but they did a really solid job in fleshing out a big world. I think that's praiseworthy enough, even if the accents were all over the place.
It's a solid arrangement, from what I've seen. Nothing like the atrocious GW2 or FFXIV VAing.
4. I noted this, but I do find the skill trees interesting. I DON'T like that you have a massive pool of skills, but can only slot 6 or 7 at a time. I think that's an issue. But the skill system itself is solid. I like having evolution choices for upgrades, everything being viable in a build, etc.
But I also noted that weapon skills, in general, seemed to be weaker than class skills. I hope this is temporary, but my Dragon Knight quickly tossed all the weapon skills off his bars. Because he had other skills that did the same thing, but better. And with such an economy of space, that meant buh-bye. Like a base attack + DoT. the DK skill did more damage for both, no CD, same mana. I assume they stacked with each other, sure, but with every ability fighting for its place I REALLY don't need a weak v2 of an ability on my bar.
I'm guessing it's not really temporary, though. Because they're the shared skill trees, making balance complicated. Each weapon is probably going to have a gem, and the rest will be meh. Possible exception for the Restoration Staff, because healing isn't a universal skill.
5. GLORIOUS PASSIVES. I'm such a sucker for passive abilities, and ESO has them up the wazoo. Ones that activate all the time. Ones that are conditional on having an ability equipped, or scale on number of equipped abilities from that tree (SQUEE), or have the right weapon on. Racial passives. World skill passives.
6. "Add book to journal" feature is really nice for lore buffs. But I think it only adds books you find as items. As in, if you find it on a bookshelf it doesn't add it. I didn't confirm that, but I only got a message for items I used.
7. Ummm... did I mention Jennifer Hale was in it for a sec?