So now I'm just talking to myself in the ESO thread...
I'm leveling again. I like my wood elf, so I decided to keep her. My other NB is VR1 so I'll keep her too - she can do all my crafting since she has all the basic racial motifs already. And boy, am I saving a lot of time on NB #2 by not having to worry about crafting as I level. With all my crafting on one character and none on the other, the bosmer will have enough points for investment in all 3 class lines, 4 weapons, 2 armor types, and various other guild, etc. abilities. That should fulfill my dream of being able to choose from a wide variety of play styles just by switching up toolbars and (when necessary) gear, no respec required.
All of this is necessary because I feel like I need to have my main set up just so, now that I'm thinking I might stick around ESO for longer than the 3 months I subbed for. Or I might not, we'll see, but the combination of Cyrodiil being fun and the WoW expansion backing off on some of the initial promises that I was excited about make it a strong possibility.
The only question really is whether in ten more levels or so I'll decide I just can't take doing all these quests again and delete her.