idiggory, King of Bards wrote:
The story's atrocious, right?
Probably wouldn't be worth a purchase, for me, until that was fixed. Though I think I know some people playing it on the PS3, so maybe.
The story is pretty bad.
Well, the
story would be alright if the dialogue weren't so terrible. Probably the best story elements are the follower's dialogue options, and in the banter that goes on while running around playing. The actual main story is suuuuuuper hamfisted.
There are other things I greatly dislike. When coming up to a boss fight, there's a (skippable) cutscene before you fight. These encounters would be much better if there were no cutscene, if you just entered the room and the boss attacked you. You already know you're entering a boss's chambers; there's no need for the cutscene to break things up.
I doubt they're going to fix the story that is already there. I'm very interested to see what they do with
Reaper of Souls, as far as story delivery goes.
I guess I'm not making much of an argument to actually buy the game, but I've had a heck of a lot of fun in it, especially with couch co-op as an option.
Edited, Feb 24th 2014 11:34am by Spoonless