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#77 Mar 12 2013 at 5:16 PM Rating: Good
Gave Up The D
12,281 posts
Hey, guess what. Single player is still an option. (Warning: ******* of text ahead.)

Rock, Paper, Shotgun wrote:
Maxis Insider Tells RPS: SimCity Servers Not Necessary

By John Walker on March 12th, 2013 at 9:00 pm.
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In all the fuss and mess of the disastrous SimCity launch, one refrain has been repeated again and again. While legions may be begging for an offline mode, EA representatives have been abundantly clear that this simply isn’t possible. Maxis’ studio head, Lucy Bradshaw, has told both Polygon and Kotaku that they “offload a significant amount of the calculations to our servers”, and that it would take “a significant amount of engineering work from our team to rewrite the game” for single player.

A SimCity developer has got in touch with RPS to tell us that at least the first of these statements is not true. He claimed that the server is not handling calculations for non-social aspects of running the game, and that engineering a single-player mode would require minimal effort.

Our source, who we have verified worked directly on the project but obviously wishes to remain anonymous, has first-hand knowledge of how the game works. He has made it absolutely clear to us that this repeated claim of server-side calculations is at odds with the reality of the project he worked on. Our source explains:

“The servers are not handling any of the computation done to simulate the city you are playing. They are still acting as servers, doing some amount of computation to route messages of various types between both players and cities. As well, they’re doing cloud storage of save games, interfacing with Origin, and all of that. But for the game itself? No, they’re not doing anything. I have no idea why they’re claiming otherwise. It’s possible that Bradshaw misunderstood or was misinformed, but otherwise I’m clueless.”

People were already perplexed by EA’s explanation of the impossibility of offline play. Kotaku ran a series of tests today, seeing how the game could run without an internet connection, finding it was happy for around 20 minutes before it realised it wasn’t syncing to the servers. Something which would surely be impossible were the servers co-running the game itself. Markus “Notch” Persson just tweeted to his million followers that he managed to play offline too, despite EA’s claims. And now with the information from our source, it would seem the claims just don’t hold water.

So what are the servers doing? Well, alongside the obvious, of being involved in allowing players to share the same maps for their cities, and processing imports and exports between them, they’re really there to check that players aren’t cheating or hacking. However, these checks aren’t in real-time – in fact, they might take a few minutes, so couldn’t be directly involved in your game.

“Because of the way Glassbox was designed, simulation data had to go through a different pathway. The game would regularly pass updates to the server, and then the server would stick those messages in a huge queue along with the messages from everyone else playing. The server pulls messages off the queue, farms them out to other servers to be processed and then those servers send you a package of updates back. The amount of time it could take for you to get a server update responding to something you’ve just done in the game could be as long as a few minutes. This is why they disabled Cheetah mode, by the way, to reduce by half the number of updates coming into the queue.”

Clearly an offline game that included a single-player simulation of the region system derived from multiplayer would be more challenging to develop, but our source assured us that it was far from impossible.

So how difficult would it be for EA to create a single-player game that simply did away with the multiplayer-derived aspects and just let us build? It seems that lies somewhere between “easy peasy” and Bradshaw’s claims of “significant engineering”. According to our source:

“It wouldn’t take very much engineering to give you a limited single-player game without all the nifty region stuff.”

EA’s claims about the necessity of online play – claims that more people are seeing for themselves not to be true, just by running the game with the internet cable yanked out – seem inexplicable.

We’d obviously be very interested to hear a proper explanation.

Shaowstrike (Retired - FFXI)
Cooking/Fishing 100

"We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary."
— James D. Nicoll
#78 Mar 12 2013 at 5:59 PM Rating: Excellent
16,299 posts
Last night when I was playing, I got a message that I had been disconnected from the servers. I'm not sure how long I was DC, but it was a few minutes. I was able to play just fine. Hopefully soon EA will realize no one is buying their line of BS and let us have an offline mode.
#79 Mar 12 2013 at 6:00 PM Rating: Good
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Nadenu wrote:
Last night when I was playing, I got a message that I had been disconnected from the servers. I'm not sure how long I was DC, but it was a few minutes. I was able to play just fine. Hopefully soon EA will realize no one is buying their line of BS and let us have an offline mode.

Sure, I mean, it worked with Diablo 3, right?
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#80 Mar 12 2013 at 6:28 PM Rating: Decent
2,269 posts
So I hate to bring this up again, but I was thinking about it some more. How is Guildwars 1, which unless you have friends to party with is mainly single player instanced, really any different then Diablo 3? Is it because Diablo 1/2 were Single player only (ish), mainly due to the fact Internet infrastructure back then wasnt as good/still infancy (56k was the standard back then) that D3 gets huge hits on it, or because it doesn't have a subtitle coop online rpg as a description?

I mean if you really boil it down they are essentially the same. Both can be played mostly fine with no social interaction. Both are online only. Both have instanced game play areas only your party can see.

I watched a video In which the guy said if they had marketed it as an MMO (Simcity and Diablo 3) he wouldn't have taken so much issue. But Guildwars isnt marketed as an MMO. I have my Guildwars: Nightfall case out and cant find anything saying MMO, it just says No subscription fees, Online required to play. Diablo 3 case just says online required to play. So why isnt there a huge backlash against Guild Wars 1, the same as Diablo 3.

I know this may sound trollish, but I really wonder now. Is it honestly only because of the previous out of date games? (This still does not justify SimCity, which until 5 hasnt had no online interaction what-so-ever)
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#81 Mar 12 2013 at 6:39 PM Rating: Good
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It's because Guild Wars 1 is an MMO. It's built into the fundamental concept of the game that you are playing with other people. You're choice to ignore the fact that other people exist does not mean they do not exist.

Guild Wars 1 is ONE WORLD in which you can be as social or as solitary as you like. But the core game experience is built upon a multiplayer premise, and you can't access all the content playing solo. Whether you're playing with them or not, other players still affect your experience. You're harvesting the same nodes, you're competing for the same mobs, you're functioning in the same economy, etc.

Diablo 3 is a system of many worlds, some of which may include other players. That's a really big difference, because there's no reason why the solo worlds need to be hosted online. The concept of "MMO" isn't built into it at all. It's a single player experience that can be brought multiplayer if you choose too. And even then, all that changes is that the mobs get harder. No competing for drops, no need for teamwork or cooperation to win, nadda. You can't even trade items.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#82 Mar 12 2013 at 6:40 PM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
I've got every FFXI box from when I used to play, and none of them say anything about MMORPG or MMO on them either, just "Internet Connection Required". I never played GW1, but I always understood it as a multiplayer online game, an MMORPG. People always hyped it as a "free" alternative to pay as you play games like FFXI and WoW when I was in college.

The problem with D3, and Sim City, is they were traditionally single player, local, games. And they forced it into online only, not even a single player offline option. In Diablo 3, that meant a HUGE string of compromised accounts in which your single player character was lost, pawned off by greedy gold sellers. A game ruining experience for many people who only wanted to play through a single player game and grind out gear like they had loved to do in previous iterations. Instead they are forced to connect to a server and have their character data stored remotely where it could be compromised and lost.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#83 Mar 12 2013 at 7:12 PM Rating: Good
2,269 posts
Oh ok. I was just wondering, I only payed like 2 hours of GW never found it fun, I was expecting an MMO and didnt feel it was one. The only MMO aspect of it in my opinions was the forced cities.

As for Dig, You can trade in Diablo 3 its an option by clicking on the portrait of anyone in your game, trust me Ive traded tons of stuff to friends and my wife while leveling.
Maybe its experience of the first 2 games. I never played the first one online at all. I mainly considered it Single player, Diablo 2 got a TON of sales from people at Lans, and because you could play with your friends IMHO. I know tons of people that would never known about Diablo 2 without that feature, again this is personal knowledge from my area, in no way is it general fact. Again that doesn't justify always online automatically, and never should but may be a thought process behind the fact that its there. You know my thoughts on the justification, and you disagree, which is fine. So meh.

Tirith, I can understand the compromised accounts ruining a game, but that ruins any game. Its not the developers fault people don't know how to use a PC. Ive owned multiple PCs for over 15 years, I havent had an antivirus or a special firewall other than the built in MS Firewall. I have used AVG back when it was good here and there, Ive never had my or FFXI account compromised, or any other account for that matter.
Technically a hacker could break your single player game by installing a trojan or a virus to break it via a website the same way as any MMO on the market. The only reason it happened to Diablo 3 accounts is because there is value in the accounts now, unlike a totally offline game. No one cares about your legendaried super character offline, but they do care about your online one that they can sell all your stuff for real money. BTW which is one thing being online allows users to do also, as a user Bliz is also giving you the tools to make money from items that droop, if you can find a buyer.

Also now that I mention it, lets say D3 had an offline mode, and something super rare dropped, but you cant use it for your class, after doing some quick scouring you find out the item sells for around 50 bucks online. Would you be pissed? I know I would. I know I dont speak for everyone, its more of just the thought of it.
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#84 Mar 12 2013 at 7:19 PM Rating: Good
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Also FFXI is called Final Fantasy XI Online, right under Final Fantasy Xi on the Box not to mention the big graphic in the upper left corner says "PlayOnline" which is a launcher program I understand. But to most people the word online means... Online, aka interwebs connection.
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#85 Mar 12 2013 at 7:26 PM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
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BeanX the Irrelevant wrote:
Tirith, I can understand the compromised accounts ruining a game, but that ruins any game. Its not the developers fault people don't know how to use a PC. Ive owned multiple PCs for over 15 years, I havent had an antivirus or a special firewall other than the built in MS Firewall. I have used AVG back when it was good here and there, Ive never had my or FFXI account compromised, or any other account for that matter.

Yet, if all you wanted was a single player game, you don't have to worry about people stealing your stuff. I have a saved game of FF7 on a memory card sitting in my desk drawer from 1997/8 that I'll never have to worry about a person decided to sign into an account using stolen credentials and draining of everything valuable.

Vast majority of account compromises don't come from viruses or people gaining access to your systems. Blaming the user for a lack of virus protection is just ignorant.

BeanX the Irrelevant wrote:
Also now that I mention it, lets say D3 had an offline mode, and something super rare dropped, but you cant use it for your class, after doing some quick scouring you find out the item sells for around 50 bucks online. Would you be pissed? I know I would. I know I dont speak for everyone, its more of just the thought of it.

I wouldn't care because I don't sell sh*t online like that? I don't get pissed off when I get a super rare item in Torchlight or Torchlight 2 that I don't have any use for. I don't get pissed when I get a weapon in Borderlands 2 that I don't have a use for... I don't get pissed when I play a single player game and can't sell my single player game items... I wasn't interested in playing Diablo-Bay 3.

BeanX the Irrelevant wrote:
Also FFXI is called Final Fantasy XI Online, right under Final Fantasy Xi on the Box not to mention the big graphic in the upper left corner says "PlayOnline" which is a launcher program I understand. But to most people the word online means... Online, aka interwebs connection.

Yes, FFXI says on the box:
Internet Connection Required
Additional Fees Required.

No where does it specifically say "MMORPG" or "MMO".

GW1 says on the box
Internet Connection Required
No Additional Fees.

No where does it say MMORPG/MMO (YOUR POINT).

So the reason I brought it up was a counter to your "GW1 didn't say it was an MMO!". No, not specifically, but it says everything that an MMO does on the box, and it was an MMO.

Edited, Mar 12th 2013 9:28pm by TirithRR
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#86 Mar 12 2013 at 8:07 PM Rating: Decent
2,269 posts
Ok Sorry you got me there, but neither does Guildwars Box, the only instance of anything saying Requires internet connection to play. That was a mis-worded comment I made. What I was trying to point out It doesnt say GuildWars Online.

Vast majority of account compromises don't come from viruses or people gaining access to your systems. Blaming the user for a lack of virus protection is just ignorant.

Yeah the vast majority comes from hacked forums or users using the same password for everything, or the hacker strong arming an email, or finding another site.
So its still on the users end that they use proper security on their account, ala different passwords on different sites and separate emails for accounts.

I wont say its completely their fault, but 95% of the time the blame lies with the client and not the provider. Again sorry I didnt put that exact phrase, When I say someone not knowing how to use a PC, that part to me comes naturally.

As for your Diablo-Bay comment, I said in my post "I don't speak for everyone" meaning that is my opinion. But for me who is "lower class" (never made over 15k in one year cept 1 time before they laid me off) I would never pass over a free 50 dollars, and I never asked for that in my game but Bliz gave me that avenue by allowing it. And No Im not trying to turn this into a social pay grade topic. Im just saying, If BL2 or TL1/2 gave me the option, hell yeah I would jump at it, just because you don't want it, doesnt mean I dont want it either.

But neither of you answered my other question, If It was called SimCity Online, or Diablo 3 Online. Would there be a backlash?

Edited, Mar 12th 2013 9:09pm by BeanX
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#87 Mar 12 2013 at 8:16 PM Rating: Good
6,471 posts
Nadenu wrote:
Last night when I was playing, I got a message that I had been disconnected from the servers. I'm not sure how long I was DC, but it was a few minutes. I was able to play just fine. Hopefully soon EA will realize no one is buying their line of BS and let us have an offline mode.

Accept my friend request. Smiley: mad
#88 Mar 12 2013 at 8:55 PM Rating: Excellent
16,299 posts
I didn't see it! But then, my son got on to play his city. Let me go check.

ETA: Ok, are you GrizzlyJim? Is that like Grizzly Adams only not? tee hee.

Also, what server are you starting this on? And is anyone else going to join? Or are you all just going to keep arguing about how much DRM sucks? Can I ask a few more questions? Did any of you see Grumpy Cat at SXSW? Why can't my stupid cat sign on with Friskies?

I need more wine.

Edited, Mar 12th 2013 10:58pm by Nadenu
#89 Mar 12 2013 at 9:07 PM Rating: Good
6,471 posts
Nadenu wrote:
I didn't see it! But then, my son got on to play his city. Let me go check.

ETA: Ok, are you GrizzlyJim? Is that like Grizzly Adams only not? tee hee.

Also, what server are you starting this on? And is anyone else going to join? Or are you all just going to keep arguing about how much DRM sucks? Can I ask a few more questions? Did any of you see Grumpy Cat at SXSW? Why can't my stupid cat sign on with Friskies?

I need more wine.

Edited, Mar 12th 2013 10:58pm by Nadenu


I'll double check to see if it went through. I have to add you as a friend on Origin before I can invite you to the SimCity region, because videogames.

Northeast Region 1, IIRC. And everyone seems too busy arguing about DRM to buy the game and join the region. And you should drink moar.
#90 Mar 12 2013 at 9:15 PM Rating: Good
2,269 posts
Nadenu wrote:
I didn't see it! But then, my son got on to play his city. Let me go check.

ETA: Ok, are you GrizzlyJim? Is that like Grizzly Adams only not? tee hee.

Also, what server are you starting this on? And is anyone else going to join? Or are you all just going to keep arguing about how much DRM sucks? Can I ask a few more questions? Did any of you see Grumpy Cat at SXSW? Why can't my stupid cat sign on with Friskies?

I need more wine.

I added you ! on Facebook and even invited you to the Private Simcity group!

As for the game, I'm to cheap to buy it, and Origin, but on better news my wife may play with you guys cuase even though I refunded the game on Amazon last week her Key is still working just fine.

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#91 Mar 13 2013 at 6:25 AM Rating: Decent
2,496 posts
BeanX the Irrelevant wrote:

But neither of you answered my other question, If It was called SimCity Online, or Diablo 3 Online. Would there be a backlash?

The previous versions of these games existed without an online connection being required and these new versions are the same game, just a little more modern. If the game is the same, then their shouldn't be any reason for a constant connection being required this time when it wasn't before. So yes, even if they named it "Online" people would be pissed. The problem isn't that people were tricked into buying a game they couldn't use, it's that an extremely restrictive mechanic was added that wasn't necessary. If they wanted to add multiplayer, that's fine, but they didn't have to ***** single player.

In recent news, EA's ******** about the servers handling a significant portion of Simcity's processing has been rebuked by someone who worked on the game. Also, this isn't the first time I've heard of someone playing for several minutes after losing their connection, which backs up what RPS is saying.
#92 Mar 13 2013 at 9:42 AM Rating: Good
5,684 posts
Reports claim that your actual city population is overestimated.

After reaching a population of 500, the game starts adding "phantom" sims that are not simulated, not included as workers/shoppers, and do not pay taxes. This boosts your population count, but keeps the % of shoppers/workers at a low value.

Also, examples of bad pathing in game revealed

Edited, Mar 13th 2013 10:59am by xypin
#93 Mar 13 2013 at 9:44 AM Rating: Excellent
50,767 posts
SimCity, now with life like Illegal Immigrant action.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#94 Mar 13 2013 at 7:40 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
Raolan wrote:
BeanX the Irrelevant wrote:

But neither of you answered my other question, If It was called SimCity Online, or Diablo 3 Online. Would there be a backlash?

The previous versions of these games existed without an online connection being required and these new versions are the same game, just a little more modern. If the game is the same, then their shouldn't be any reason for a constant connection being required this time when it wasn't before. So yes, even if they named it "Online" people would be pissed. The problem isn't that people were tricked into buying a game they couldn't use, it's that an extremely restrictive mechanic was added that wasn't necessary. If they wanted to add multiplayer, that's fine, but they didn't have to ***** single player.

In recent news, EA's bullsh*t about the servers handling a significant portion of Simcity's processing has been rebuked by someone who worked on the game. Also, this isn't the first time I've heard of someone playing for several minutes after losing their connection, which backs up what RPS is saying.

The difference isn't in the naming. At all. If you're going to have this debate, you can least afford us the common courtesy of phrasing our arguments so it even resembles something realistic. Defeating a straw man doesn't advance your position.

That said, I'll humor you. The difference is in the actual game. Diablo 3 does not take place in a persistent online world. Each and every online instance of interaction is something the player actively seeks out. You access the AH, you join a public game, you make your game public, you join the chat channel, you invite friends to play, etc.

This is NOT TRUE of MMOs. You're trying to use an argument about player choice and make it about game design. These are two separate things. Yes, a player can choose to be as antisocial as possible in an MMO. I can also choose to play a single player game with friends. But at the end of the day, that's not what they were designed for, and the fact that they're possible shouldn't be lauded.

Unlike Diablo 3, all MMOs are persistent online worlds. You are playing with other people, all around you, whether you ignore them or not. The extent to which that's possible depends on the MMO. Some will let you hide your chat panels/leave all channels, some won't, for instance. In almost all MMOs, you're competing for the same in-game resources (be they mobs, quest nodes, or crafting materials). In GW2, you don't compete for crafting mats, you do compete for questing nodes, and you can share mobs. But GW2, despite making it as possible as they could to let you "solo" the game, is also an extremely social game. It's real content comes from events, most of which (at least higher up) depend on other players to complete if you aren't over-geared for the zone.

To make an MMO a single player game, you need to never use the AH, never use the chat channels that come built in, pretend that every other player stealing your stuff is an NPC that you can't attack, and never access most of the game's real content. Good luck with that.

To make Diablo 3 a single player game, you create a private world. That's it. That's all you do.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#95 Mar 13 2013 at 10:09 PM Rating: Decent
2,269 posts
Digg I understand your MMO is always on regardless. But In GW1 (Not 2 which is a true MMO) As soon as you leave town you are instanced, it only exists for you, aka No one can steal your mobs you wont see any players. The only MMO aspect of it is the cities. Once your in the world or dungeons you will never interact with anyone except global chat(Just like Diablo 3) .There is no persistence to the world outside the cities, and those areas are mainly there for Buying and selling vendor stuff, and the AH, and maybe as a quest hub. And they are more of a Lobby than a MMO city.

I fail to see how different it is from D3 in that terms. If no one is in said zone it doesnt exist, its only there when someone is, unlike an MMO, where even if no ones there its always around.

Again Im comparing GW1 to D3 not GW2 which is a true MMO.

And in a previous post you said GW1 was an MMO because its based designed to be played with other people, I can tell you Inferno Mode in Diablo 3 was designed to be played with other people, and for all I know the whole game was designed that way.

But my point being is your railing against Diablo 3 only because its online and affects your (and a few other people) with shoddy gameplay, due to internet connections, where in Diablo 2 it wasn't there. Other then Error 37 the first few hours of launch for me, I Never experienced any problems with Diablo 3 (Other then difficult of inferno being tuned to group play and not solo play), and I have 2 or 3 toons at max level in inferno.

I mean hell one of the default options of the game in beta (Was changed to off at release) was Drop In, drop out Co-Op at all times. The game was designed to be played with other people. The game was designed with drops in mind for the Gold and RM AHs. The side effect of these designs is an always on "DRM" connection, to keep the players relatively fair, and to make sure the Co Op design works correctly.

It comes down to most people that played D1 and D2 saying, Well its not something I like therefore bad! I want my old Diablos back. The same way as general consensus of FF11 was near the beginning of its run, what do you mean I have to be online to play, and I have to pay a sub ! ***** this I hate SE. And to this day when someone makes a "Favorite Final Fantasy list" You will often see FF11 listed as 'bad', because they were expecting it to be like 1-10 offline.

You keep telling me that Online DRM is bad and I agree to that, but you keep failing to see that Diablo 3 wasnt designed to be a single player game. Everything Ive posted here shows that, It is ment to be played online, in a group, while it can be soloed doesnt mean it was ment to be soloed. Least the more I think about it that's my take. In Diablo 3 your basic "Public" game is set to off but if anyone is on your friendslist they can auto join your game, unless you set the game to private/invite only. This isnt a default off option.

Edited, Mar 13th 2013 11:12pm by BeanX
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#96 Mar 13 2013 at 10:47 PM Rating: Good
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And Just so we're all on the same page:
Blizzard CEO Mike Morhaime said back in July wrote:
I fully understand the desire to play Diablo 3 offline; however, Diablo 3 was designed from the beginning to be an online game that can be enjoyed with friends, and the always-online requirement is the best way for us to support that design.


Edited, Mar 13th 2013 11:48pm by BeanX
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#97 Mar 14 2013 at 4:02 AM Rating: Excellent
Gave Up The D
12,281 posts
Someone found out how to access the debug mode for Sim City and disable the 20 minute disconnect timer among other things. Offline mode for all!
Shaowstrike (Retired - FFXI)
Cooking/Fishing 100

"We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary."
— James D. Nicoll
#98 Mar 14 2013 at 4:42 AM Rating: Decent
2,269 posts
Lol wow, ib4 EA threatens to ban anyone caught "hacking" the game and doing this.... Seriously if they are stupid enough to try something like that....
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#99 Mar 14 2013 at 8:39 AM Rating: Excellent
16,299 posts
Remember when this thread was about Sim City? Good times...

Eske Esquire wrote:
Nadenu wrote:
I didn't see it! But then, my son got on to play his city. Let me go check.

ETA: Ok, are you GrizzlyJim? Is that like Grizzly Adams only not? tee hee.

Also, what server are you starting this on? And is anyone else going to join? Or are you all just going to keep arguing about how much DRM sucks? Can I ask a few more questions? Did any of you see Grumpy Cat at SXSW? Why can't my stupid cat sign on with Friskies?

I need more wine.

Edited, Mar 12th 2013 10:58pm by Nadenu


I'll double check to see if it went through. I have to add you as a friend on Origin before I can invite you to the SimCity region, because videogames.

Northeast Region 1, IIRC. And everyone seems too busy arguing about DRM to buy the game and join the region. And you should drink moar.

I found your region, but I need an invite. Smiley: frown
#100 Mar 14 2013 at 9:43 AM Rating: Good
6,471 posts
Nadenu wrote:
Remember when this thread was about Sim City? Good times...

Eske Esquire wrote:
Nadenu wrote:
I didn't see it! But then, my son got on to play his city. Let me go check.

ETA: Ok, are you GrizzlyJim? Is that like Grizzly Adams only not? tee hee.

Also, what server are you starting this on? And is anyone else going to join? Or are you all just going to keep arguing about how much DRM sucks? Can I ask a few more questions? Did any of you see Grumpy Cat at SXSW? Why can't my stupid cat sign on with Friskies?

I need more wine.

Edited, Mar 12th 2013 10:58pm by Nadenu


I'll double check to see if it went through. I have to add you as a friend on Origin before I can invite you to the SimCity region, because videogames.

Northeast Region 1, IIRC. And everyone seems too busy arguing about DRM to buy the game and join the region. And you should drink moar.

I found your region, but I need an invite. Smiley: frown

I'm working from home today, so I'll send one asap. Unfortunately, I'm getting "Login is closed at this time, please check back later." If that clears up, I'll send it along.
#101 Mar 14 2013 at 11:46 AM Rating: Good
6,471 posts

Okay, since NE 1 has been down all day, I started a new region on the new NE 4 server. You're not showing on my SimCity friends list, though you are on my Origin friends list. I'm guessing (hoping) that's just because of the different server.

If you can log in to NE 4, I can try to add you there. Otherwise, if NE 1 ever comes back up for me, I'll see if I can get you in that one.

Edited, Mar 14th 2013 1:55pm by Eske
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