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#502 Dec 07 2012 at 6:35 AM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
They are crafty.

I had an account compromise about one and a half years ago. It was a password I used on numerous games (including my Xbox Live account), and never did shady things with it.

Best I can determine is it was related to some companies having relatively lax recovery methods. Since then I keep every password different. (I did before with important things, but common things like games I was lazy with.)
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#503 Dec 07 2012 at 7:32 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
TirithRR wrote:
Best I can determine is it was related to some companies having relatively lax recovery methods.

Meaning somebody with my username and some amount of personal information was able to get ArenaNet to believe they were me and give them my password? That would make sense. It's a good explanation since I'm fairly certain there was no attack or malware on my computer, and it seems unlikely that ArenaNet's database got hacked.

Edit: I just clicked the Forgot Password link to see what would happen, and Account Recovery at Anet requires only email address, serial #, and the name of a character on your account. The first and third seem pretty easy to get. Not sure how they'd get my serial number but I didn't buy a physical box so it's out there in the digitalverse somewhere.

Edited, Dec 7th 2012 8:38am by teacake
#504 Dec 07 2012 at 12:45 PM Rating: Good
8,187 posts
Tea, read this reddit thread, I use the google authenticator as well, but havent had any ip's pop up yet, but have been watching this conversation just in case something is said about a connection between the hacking and the security.
Things I sometimes play...

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
"I want to be a unicorn!"
"Awww, why's that?"........
"So I can stab people with my face."
#505 Dec 07 2012 at 3:12 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
That is an interesting thread. The technopeeps seem to be making a good case for flaws in ANet's security, which oddly enough, makes me feel better. I don't really care that much about the 2 gold I have in GW2. A hacking attempt makes me more concerned about my PC being vulnerable and real life being threatened. Even though I don't have much more than 2 gold there either. But I'm pretty good about security which is why this surprised me.

Interestingly enough, I was NOT hacked. The email authentication worked as intended. Which puts me in even less of a hurry to switch to the mobile authenticator, since the current system seems to be doing its job.

The only issue for me is that for someone to get far enough for the email authentication to have kicked in at all, they must have had my password. And GW2 is the only active application or account I have that used that password. So if my machine is clean, which according to both Malwarebytes and Norton it is, and I didn't give my password to anyone, which I didn't... the only place they could have gotten it is somewhere on ANet's side.

Beware, peeps!
#506 Dec 07 2012 at 3:29 PM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
teacake wrote:
And GW2 is the only active application or account I have that used that password.

I would not rule out your idle, unused, game or service accounts that use the same password. My compromise started with my Xbox Live account which just happened to share a PW with a quickly made EA account (needed for.. Spore I think). I was reading about my Xbox Live compromise, which was related to the release of a new FIFA game and ended up being a large number of accounts were used to purchase DLC for it. People were mentioning a way that users called up EA and were able to recover passwords relatively easily. Then if it was shared for the Live account, they were (obviously) able to now login to the Live account.

Unfortunately I had forgotten about what all shared that password, and a year later my Blizzard account (made long ago for, lazily, for no reason other than to download or sign up for a Beta for SC2) was compromised and I lost my D3 character and had to be restored. When ever an account is compromised the login information is stored and sold by these people and tried again on any and all games and services with hopes that they find more lazy people like I was.

EA, Blizzard, and Live were the only ones that shared that PW (as I recall), and I never logged into the Blizzard Account except that one time, same with EA. And my Live account was only accessed on my Xbox, never on a PC. This all happened quite some time ago, so I don't have links to the topics on EA's support forums or anything anymore.

Edited, Dec 7th 2012 9:52pm by TirithRR
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#507 Dec 07 2012 at 3:56 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
You make a good point. I did foolishly use the same password for all my MMO's (I'm an old lady, I can only remember so many passwords!) so the password that was compromised was the same one I also have for WoW and Rift. But I don't have subs to those games so couldn't tell you if I was hacked there.

OTOH the core problem would remain the same. Clean scans from two completely different programs is a good reason to assume my machine is clean, I would think? So... how else to get my password, if not by spying out some encrypted file on my PC somewhere?
#508 Dec 07 2012 at 5:13 PM Rating: Good
For password differentiation, consider something like LastPass. I used to only use 2-3 different passwords for the same reason. A friend pointed me to the program and I found it a lot easier to get up and running than I expected. Everything's got different passwords now, and all I *need* to remember is my master password for LastPass itself.
#509 Dec 07 2012 at 7:10 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Norton's Identity Safe (Yes, I know you all hate Norton!) does the same thing. But I'm kind of paranoid about it saving everything in one place like that. Because, um, the notebook that I have with all my passwords in it is way safer.

On a different note, I discovered while reading all the reading material y'all so kindly directed me to that Rift had some sort of big leak last year, after I'd stopped playing it. So I suppose someone could have had my email and password from that and just applied it to GW2. Doesn't seem likely but another good reason to not use the same passwords for anything. Which I never would important stuff but for MMO's I just kind of shrugged it off. Dumb!

Meanwhile I changed all my passwords for everything today just in case, yet still obsessively check my bank account every five minutes. Gosh, if someone hacks it, I hope they'll pay some bills.

Annnd this is getting just way too OT now so I'll shut up about it. Originally I just wanted to bring the security thing to everyone's attention since I didn't buy gold, visit risky sites, or do any of the other typical things that result in this happening.

So, how's GW2 going for everyone?
#510 Dec 08 2012 at 3:39 PM Rating: Good
8,187 posts
Yesterday I was reading that the rewards were being sent out for those who had DC issues during the Lost Shores event, and that a surprising number of people who completed the event, were receiving the box. I had a small Christmas work party to go to, but today when I logged in I had the item in my mail. I'm just glad I get to keep it

Anet wrote:
We have a few reports of people who got a second chest. (No, to answer the question, do not expect a second chest if you got one — those who got a second got it in error, but we’re not going to take it away, nor are we giving out “second helpings” to everyone.

So don't be mad at me...
Things I sometimes play...

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
"I want to be a unicorn!"
"Awww, why's that?"........
"So I can stab people with my face."
#511 Dec 08 2012 at 3:53 PM Rating: Good
13,251 posts
I use quite a few unique passwords, using a similar technique to what is illustrated in in the following XKCD:

The difference being, I usually use three random words, and one that relates to whatever the thing my password is for, in order to help me keep them straight. So, I might throw "Galka" in my FFXI password so I don't confuse which password goes with which account.
#512 Dec 08 2012 at 9:41 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Dyadem, pet mage of Jabober wrote:

So don't be mad at me...

I am mad at you, because you took Jack Skellington away.
#513 Dec 09 2012 at 12:37 AM Rating: Good
8,187 posts
teacake wrote:
Dyadem, pet mage of Jabober wrote:

So don't be mad at me...

I am mad at you, because you took Jack Skellington away.

That was Halloween, That was Halloween...

Is this better now?
Things I sometimes play...

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
"I want to be a unicorn!"
"Awww, why's that?"........
"So I can stab people with my face."
#514 Dec 09 2012 at 2:16 AM Rating: Good
11,159 posts
I'm at the point where I don't trust any gaming company's security anymore. Blizzard's been hacked. Sony's been hacked. Basically any game/service gets hacked at some point and I'll be damned if any of them are completely honest about what's taken to save face. That said, as much as I hate having to use authenticators, it's pretty much that with a dash of completely fresh accounts/passwords for whatever I pick up. I hate games that make your email the log-in, as well.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#515 Dec 10 2012 at 5:50 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Dyadem, pet mage of Jabober wrote:

That was Halloween, That was Halloween...[/i]

Is this better now?

Yes, yes it is.
#516 Dec 11 2012 at 10:26 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Imagine my joy when I discovered that transmutation stones work on armor that's higher level than you are. And that the entire Cabalist set can be gotten for copper. People who don't like GW2 really need to get their priorities in order. STRIPED TIGHTS, PEOPLE!

Edit: Image originated here.

Edited, Dec 11th 2012 11:28am by teacake
#517 Dec 11 2012 at 11:00 AM Rating: Good
13,251 posts
You can even use Fine Transmutation Stones to transmute DAT LEVEL 80 GEAR onto lower level gear. Not that I'd do it, since I'd save the stones for when you're 80, but you could.
#518 Dec 13 2012 at 1:43 AM Rating: Good
8,187 posts
DING 400 CHEF!!! I still have recipes undiscovered too lol. I also splurged and bought the gift recipe for The Bitfrost which I plan on being able to make some year.

Things I sometimes play...

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
"I want to be a unicorn!"
"Awww, why's that?"........
"So I can stab people with my face."
#519 Dec 13 2012 at 1:54 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Yay for 400 chef!! Grats!

I'm still sitting somewhere around 350 because I'm not high enough level to get all the account bound ingredients yet. But let me tell you, once I get me some shallots there will be NO STOPPING ME.

I bought my level 60 training book even though I'm only level 53, so now I can spend my gold on anything I want. I haven't been able to play as much as I'd like to recently, but once I get into the holiday slacking I'd like to get to 80 already. So I can... find new outfits, I guess? Have not gotten into the PVP yet but we'll see. My guild has largely abandoned me so I haven't even run a single dungeon yet either, but that's not as big a deal since I suspect I probably suck.
#520 Dec 13 2012 at 2:18 PM Rating: Good
8,187 posts
teacake wrote:
Yay for 400 chef!! Grats!

I'm still sitting somewhere around 350 because I'm not high enough level to get all the account bound ingredients yet. But let me tell you, once I get me some shallots there will be NO STOPPING ME.


350+ is the easiest stretch in my case (I harvest all the time), and the only account bound resource you need is Peaches, which comes from a heart vendor in Fireheart. Learn to make Peach Tarts!! 26% Magic Find!

Also, Zam is now at 10k influence, should I go ahead and start the last Economy upgrade? We would then need 5k to get the last bank upgrade. Thoughts?
Things I sometimes play...

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
"I want to be a unicorn!"
"Awww, why's that?"........
"So I can stab people with my face."
#521 Dec 14 2012 at 10:57 PM Rating: Good
8,187 posts
Wintersday Patch Notes.. One thing that really makes this update shine though: "Rare crafting materials and holiday materials can now be deposited into the collections tab in the bank."

HO HO HO...It actually is a very merry holiday time!

eta: Also dungeon tokens/wvw badges/etc, are getting a collection spot. Not implemented yet but they have a greyed out 'deposit' option if you right click them. Smiley: grin

Edited, Dec 14th 2012 11:01pm by Dyadem
Things I sometimes play...

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
"I want to be a unicorn!"
"Awww, why's that?"........
"So I can stab people with my face."
#522 Dec 14 2012 at 11:46 PM Rating: Good
8,187 posts
So I've done 2 of the 3 new events (the ones that are for the duration of the holiday):
1- Jumping puzzle: Its awesome! Very pretty, and not as hectic as the Clocktower, but yes its still timed in a way (by your health decreasing from standing on ice too long). I feel like I made it farther then the Clocktower by a mile. I may finish this one. (After watching a recently posted Video, it looks like I made it about halfway through, I fell off at the spot that has all the presents to walk across, before the snowball area).

2- Snowball PvP: Forget what its actually called, but two teams (red vs blue)..on person per team grabs a gift to take back to the base for points, the rest of the team can fill various rolls (each with unique skills). This was quite fun! I really liked it, and since it seems to be the best method of getting 'gifts' (which you open, to get items to buy various things from the special npc, weapon skins, permanent weapon skins!)

3- Jingle Bell Rock Hero: Thats what I'm calling it... it sounds like a game of Rockband...with bells.

4- New Cook recipes! With %5 Karma gain!

Edited, Dec 15th 2012 12:24am by Dyadem
Things I sometimes play...

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
"I want to be a unicorn!"
"Awww, why's that?"........
"So I can stab people with my face."
#523 Dec 17 2012 at 6:55 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
This all looks so fun! I hope I get some time to play this week.
#524 Dec 17 2012 at 9:08 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Interesting patch notes. Will have to download it and check my Engineer. Sigils working on my Flamethrower would be sweet.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#525 Dec 17 2012 at 3:44 PM Rating: Good
8,187 posts
I did the dungeons I had enough mystic cogs to make a dolly! I hate them they are evil so I needed one.

Things I sometimes play...

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
"I want to be a unicorn!"
"Awww, why's that?"........
"So I can stab people with my face."
#526 Dec 18 2012 at 2:46 AM Rating: Good
Dyadem, pet mage of Jabober wrote:
I did the dungeons I had enough mystic cogs to make a dolly! I hate them they are evil so I needed one.


I turned mine into an endless potion. 50 stuffing, 50 glue, 1 glittering dust, toy frame in the Forge. Returns either an endless potion of a box which has a few one-use potions and another toy frame so you can try again. Took me 7 forgings. The doll and soldier have a full range of emotes including /dance.
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