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#202 Mar 19 2012 at 1:45 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
Y'know, I'm a little surprised that I have yet to see a Quarian Engineer. I feel like Sentry Turrets would be highly attractive...


Is anyone able to log on, btw?

For the PC, that is.

Edited, Mar 19th 2012 4:48pm by idiggory
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#203 Mar 19 2012 at 3:27 PM Rating: Good
7,861 posts
I'm still just using a Human Soldier...
People don't like to be meddled with. We tell them what to do, what to think, don't run, don't walk. We're in their homes and in their heads and we haven't the right. We're meddlesome. ~River Tam

#204 Mar 19 2012 at 4:04 PM Rating: Good
Just unlocked Quarian Infiltrator. Mindcontrolling Geth, here I come.
#205 Mar 19 2012 at 4:11 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
I just got the Asari Vanguard. Don't think I'll be using her anytime soon, but it's nice to have the option. :P Same pack included an upgrade to the human female infiltrator.

If I haven't sent you a friend invite on Origin, it's because I missed your post in the thread (just skimmed through them). Feel free to send me one (idiggory).


Operation: Goliath was a success--3 million brutes slain. :P

I totally read that missive in Anderson's voice, which made it even more awesome.

Rewards will be available for 360/PC players after 5PM PST tomorrow (Tuesday).

Also, a post I saw on the BSN says that they are working on resolving the issues barring PS3 players from taking part, because they definitely don't want them excluded. But they have no comment on whether or not the next event will be open to them (unsurprisingly).

Edited, Mar 19th 2012 8:32pm by idiggory
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#206 Mar 19 2012 at 8:24 PM Rating: Good
We win! I played a lot. My wasd hand is hurting again. Think I will play something on the console with a controller tonight.
#207 Mar 20 2012 at 6:08 AM Rating: Good
1,877 posts
#208 Mar 20 2012 at 8:13 AM Rating: Good
10,564 posts
I played like 2 rounds of MP this weekend, but still managed to beat the Reapers on Silver (holy **** the final wave... we were extracted with at least 3 brutes, 2 banshees, and 2-4 reavers bearing down on us). Can't wait to see the rewards! Also, I added a couple of you on origin. I'm Vataro.
◕ ‿‿ ◕
#209 Mar 20 2012 at 9:39 AM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
Know what I hate more than Banshees? Vanguards that don't know how to play. Know what I hate more than vanguards that don't know how to play? Vanguards that not only don't know how to play, but charge off into the firmly held areas of the map and die there, so there's no chance in hell we can revive them, and it's the start of round 8/9, so that sucks.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#210 Mar 20 2012 at 11:06 AM Rating: Good
And now because I haven't indulged in this yet and I have had much more time to process my feelings on the situation:

********MASSIVE ENDING SPOILER TALK*******Seriously don't read this if you have not finished the game

With some links to some interesting articles debating the pro's and cons of the ending and one describing rather well the problems people have with the ending. The game front article helped me understand the perspective of why people are upset more and I now empathize rather than pre-judging them as entitled.

Now for me I was Paragon on my personal canon first play. I united the galaxy, (except some stinky Salarians who did not want the Krogans making babies), saved the Geth and Quarians from each other, and basically had everyone possible on board. Including tertiary characters (like Zaeed) and rachni queens. I had scoured the planets for assets, (you found an entire fleet of warships on this gas planet!?) I had 6400 ish Assets and 100% GR.

I got the green (synthesis) ending pretty much by accident. I did not get that each path lead to one of the choices exactly right. I hobbled sort of to the right path first to see if their was anything to click. BTW this was after WAAAAAAY to much limping slow walking. I hate slow walking. It annoyed me in the dream sequence after the first time and after gimping around the citadel for what seemed like forever I really did not want to gimp up to each patch and check which fracking ending was there if that was even how you controlled it.

So I walked towards the middle beam a bit after not seeing anything clickable on the right side, all of the sudden my gimp is gone and I am in cutscene with Shep running for the beam. He jumps in, disintegrates, and green explosion time. I get the CS with Joker, EDI and Ash on the Planet and Joker has a cyber sparkle in his eye now.

Oh I think, so that was Synthesis. Well hmm, I was having trouble deciding between the 3 horrible choices since I liked Legion and saved the Geth, and I did not want to kill EDI. Also controlling the reapers was too much like what TIM wanted. Smelled like indoctrination to me.

So the fact that my people were alive and part machine now was a livable ending I suppose even if I did it by accident. Hell I was a cyborg by that point anyway. The end.

Some Theories I've read (not mine but interesting):

1) Shep should have told the ghost kid - matrix architect to get bent. Then phone down to admiral Hacket and said the Crucible was an indoctrination trap. Use my awesome united army to win conventionally. You guys can do it! If your points were high enough you send the reapers back to hell. You got Krogans after all.

2) It's all an indoctrination dream. When Harbinger shoots Shep in London that's when the real story stops until DLC. The rest after that was some sort of indoctrination dream. Edit: I missed a key point: If Sheppard chooses to destroy the reapers apparently that means he broke the indoctrination. The other two choices were the Reapers winning by indoctrination. That's why that is the only ending that allows an Easter egg of him maybe still breathing on the ground in London. Now I think I will have to go make a save with that ending to see if I get the Easter egg. Or if it ends up mattering somehow.

And now some articles that got me thinking about the entire thing again:

I thought this comment was really interesting:

Galactic Civilization Damaged but not irreperably
Posted: 10 hours ago by davefree86

Not that this excuses the poor writing but I was board and kindof nerded out here.

So I was stumbling through the codex and noticed an entry that said the Reapers using their FTL could travel 30 Lightyears in one day, twice the speed of human ships. Then I wondered, if we could travel 15 LYs/day, how long would it take to cross the galaxy without the mass relays? Using a figure of 100,000 LYs across and some simple math I determined that it would take only 18 years maximum to get anywere.

100,000/30/365=18.2 years

Use a few stasis units for the crews and pilot the ships with Geth, Krogan, or Asari (immortal/1000year lifespan) and you can easily return the fleets to their homeworlds. While the destruction of the mass relays definately hampers trade and travel, it does not eliminate it. Communication using the ansible network (based on quantum entanglement, not mass relays) will keep information flowing. Couple that with the Prothean prototype mass relay built on Ilos (its partner being destroyed on the Citadel) and a huge trade incentive, within 100 years it is feasible to rebuild the relay network.

I'm probably overthinking this. The indoctrination theory is intriguing but I fear that it may be wishful thinking. We'll see if Bioware redeems themselves with an ending without plotholes the size of small moons.

Edited, Mar 20th 2012 12:27pm by Shojindo
#211 Mar 20 2012 at 11:28 AM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
Question about multiplayer packs!

So I've been mainly buying Veteran packs, because I want new weapons/character options. You are guaranteed at least an Uncommon, so that's nice. But Spectre packs are guaranteed at least a Rare. Thing is, you can get 3 Veteran packs for the price of a Spectre pack. And as much as I would like to unlock some rare weapons, I can't help but feel like it might be smarter to focus on the cheaper Veteran packs for now. Of course, that means I probably won't be playing any of the rare class combos for a while (Asari Adept, Quarian Engineer, Salarian Infiltrator, Krogan Sentinel, Krogan Soldier, Drell Vanguard).

Anyone have a few cents to toss my direction?
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#212 Mar 20 2012 at 11:36 AM Rating: Good
idiggory, King of Bards wrote:
Question about multiplayer packs!

So I've been mainly buying Veteran packs, because I want new weapons/character options. You are guaranteed at least an Uncommon, so that's nice. But Spectre packs are guaranteed at least a Rare. Thing is, you can get 3 Veteran packs for the price of a Spectre pack. And as much as I would like to unlock some rare weapons, I can't help but feel like it might be smarter to focus on the cheaper Veteran packs for now. Of course, that means I probably won't be playing any of the rare class combos for a while (Asari Adept, Quarian Engineer, Salarian Infiltrator, Krogan Sentinel, Krogan Soldier, Drell Vanguard).

Anyone have a few cents to toss my direction?

I had the same debate. From my experience it's 6 of one half a dozen of the other. Vet packs seem good for getting mods and upgrading weapons you already have, once in a while you get a rare. Spectre packs seem good for unlocking new classes and getting a better shot at new rare weapons and classes.

I broke down and bought some Bioware scrip points this weekend because I wanted to see the DLC on my second play through. The guy you all know is in the DLC Prothean is pretty interesting and I have to admit he brings some good back story to the history of that empire. And hell I spend 20 bucks on a bottle of whiskey without pause so whats another 20 for some digital candy.

But I bought 1600 points so I could greedily indulge in opening multiple Spectre packs after I bought the 800 point DLC. It was bittersweet. I know I was buying digital drugs from an evil corporate warlord. But I did get the Asari Adept from a spectre pack and I love her to death. Plus some sweet weapons that I no longer remember which packs they came from because all I use is my Carnifex. Smiley: blush

Edit: To say, Finish the game already Idiggory! I want to see one of your massive lore posts and thoughts on the ending. Smiley: nod

Edited, Mar 20th 2012 1:30pm by Shojindo
#213 Mar 20 2012 at 11:58 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Master Shojindo wrote:
2) It's all an indoctrination dream. When Harbringer shoots Shep in London that's when the real story stops until DLC. The rest after that was some bullsh*t indoctrination dream. Edit: I missed a key point: If Sheppard chooses to destroy the reapers apparently that means he broke the indoctrination. The other two choices were the Reapers winning by indoctrination. That's why that is the only ending that allows a easter egg of him maybe still breathing on the ground in London. Now I think I will have to go make a save with that ending to see if I get the easter egg. Or if it ends up mattering somehow.
A lot of folks think that to be the case. It certainly would explain why the supposed DLC is called The Truth.
#214 Mar 20 2012 at 12:17 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
Multiplayer is just so addicting. Every time I load the game, I find myself clicking it instead of playing the campaign. XD I am now at least 90% ready in all sectors of the galaxy. :P 99% ready in Earth systems, 90% in Terminus.

Though I lol'd, because clearing a bronze challenge (that I BEASTED at, because I've finally started to understand how to use my Sentinel) only gave me +1%.

96-100%. :P

I think I'll take a break from multiplayer once I get to 100% or level 20, whichever comes first.

Edited, Mar 20th 2012 3:05pm by idiggory
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#215 Mar 20 2012 at 12:17 PM Rating: Good
The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
Master Shojindo wrote:
2) It's all an indoctrination dream. When Harbringer shoots Shep in London that's when the real story stops until DLC. The rest after that was some bullsh*t indoctrination dream. Edit: I missed a key point: If Sheppard chooses to destroy the reapers apparently that means he broke the indoctrination. The other two choices were the Reapers winning by indoctrination. That's why that is the only ending that allows a easter egg of him maybe still breathing on the ground in London. Now I think I will have to go make a save with that ending to see if I get the easter egg. Or if it ends up mattering somehow.
A lot of folks think that to be the case. It certainly would explain why the supposed DLC is called The Truth.

Oh man now I definitely got to do it after work. Still talking ending spoiler here: It makes me worry a bit about EDI and the Geth. I really like EDI and the Geth were certainly mistreated by the Quarians. After you hack the server I had a lot of empathy for them. My paragon Sheppard thinks that AI species are just like Organics, some are ********, like the Reapers, or the Krogans used to be. And some are cool, but they all deserve a chance. Except the Reapers, ***** those bastards.

But hopefully saying that I have to destroy the Geth and EDI is all part of the indoctrination lie. You know the more I think of it that way the more I like it. Whether the DLC agrees with that theory or not I can fit it into my view for the game. Gives me some nicer closure.

#216 Mar 20 2012 at 12:54 PM Rating: Good
idiggory, King of Bards wrote:
Multiplayer is just so addicting. Every time I load the game, I find myself clicking it instead of playing the campaign. XD I am now at least 90% ready in all sectors of the galaxy. :P 99% ready in Earth systems, 90% in Terminus.

Though I lol'd, because clearing a bronze challenge (that I BEASTED at, because I've finally started to understand how to use my Sentinel) only gave me +1%.

Excatly! I'm running into the problem that I haven't spent nearly as much time on the campaign as I should, simply because I keep going to multiplayer.
#217 Mar 20 2012 at 1:03 PM Rating: Decent
1,162 posts
About the ending

A lot of folks think that to be the case. It certainly would explain why the supposed DLC is called The Truth.

It would also mean that we didn't get the complete game that they promised and that we need to pay more just to get the conclusion. To me that's even worst than a ****** ending.
#218 Mar 20 2012 at 1:11 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
IDrownFish of the Seven Seas wrote:
idiggory, King of Bards wrote:
Multiplayer is just so addicting. Every time I load the game, I find myself clicking it instead of playing the campaign. XD I am now at least 90% ready in all sectors of the galaxy. :P 99% ready in Earth systems, 90% in Terminus.

Though I lol'd, because clearing a bronze challenge (that I BEASTED at, because I've finally started to understand how to use my Sentinel) only gave me +1%.

Excatly! I'm running into the problem that I haven't spent nearly as much time on the campaign as I should, simply because I keep going to multiplayer.

Sentinels get pretty powerful later on. My weapon sucks. Solution? Never use it!

Seriously. :P I only ever use it to take down shields. Otherwise, my 1.3~ sec CD Throw is my standard weapon. I've upgraded it for non-combo force/damage, and upgraded Tech Armor to increase detonation strength and power strength. Throw will 1 or 2 hit all weaker enemies on Bronze, depending on how far they go/what they hit. Detonation is awesome for when I end up stuck in melee range.

I only use warp now on things that are armored, or things I know I'm going to have to shoot a lot (for the debuff). Upgraded it for damage, to make it stronger against Banshees/Brutes.

My only issue now is that I still have no clue how to counter Nemeses. Detonation is nice, but it won't completely strip their barrier. And I REALLY don't want to get that close to them if I can help it, so it's more of a OMGOMGOMGRUNRUNRUN button. They are so nimble that they too easily evade my warps. Throws are faster, but they evade them more than I like (and they aren't that useful against high defenses). And I'm at 200% recharge with just my SMG. If I can get a slow, close-range weapons that lets me keep that (or 180% at lowest), then MAYBE I'll try that. But I have yet to get any lightweight mods...

Granted, I have no clue what the spoiler is hiding, but I rated you back up Shojindo because I seriously doubt it was hiding anything offensive.

Edited, Mar 20th 2012 3:14pm by idiggory
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#219 Mar 20 2012 at 1:15 PM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
idiggory, King of Bards wrote:
My only issue now is that I still have no clue how to counter Nemeses. Detonation is nice, but it won't completely strip their barrier. And I REALLY don't want to get that close to them if I can help it, so it's more of a OMGOMGOMGRUNRUNRUN button. They are so nimble that they too easily evade my warps. Throws are faster, but they evade them more than I like (and they aren't that useful against high defenses). And I'm at 200% recharge with just my SMG. If I can get a slow, close-range weapons that lets me keep that (or 180% at lowest), then MAYBE I'll try that. But I have yet to get any lightweight mods...
With my soldier while using an assault rifle and concussive shot, I've found I have a much easier time when I do close that distance against them, as long as there aren't so many of them that they can more or less keep me locked down and unable to advance on them.

Phantoms, on the other hand, it's nothing but run away spamming concussive shot to keep em from closing.
#220 Mar 20 2012 at 1:22 PM Rating: Good
More ending stuff:

Ok so that did not take long. I was able to redo the ending over lunch since the auto-save I had put me right back before the Citadel. I see now how the paths should have been obvious. But the first time I was just overwhelmed by my choices.

Also I reacted the first time the renegade came up with TIM and Anderson this time and was treated to a nice final chat with Anderson which was cool.

I now have my own version of indoctrination theory forming. When you see cutscenes of your choice to destroy the Reapers it shows Anderson doing the shooting not you. I missed that the first time. I'm not sure what parts of the final sequence are reality and what parts are the reapers last stand with the catalyst feeding me lies. But in some ways it does not matter. In the end by destroying the Reapers I stopped their last ploy. And now the galaxy gets to make it's own choice about the dangers of creating machine life. Rather than paying the price for some civilization that started the Reaper cycle ages ago.

I did get the final teaser cutscene in London now as well.

So whether or not the DLC screws up the ending or my thoughts are near any of what the designers were thinking, the open ending makes a bit more sense to me and you can choose to see it as you will. I can live with that. All greedy DLC video game politics aside.
#221 Mar 20 2012 at 1:23 PM Rating: Good
Just did the mission where you see a banshee for the first time.

The monastery was cool. Also, hello, boobs giant jaw Samara.
#222 Mar 20 2012 at 1:34 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
idiggory, King of Bards wrote:
My only issue now is that I still have no clue how to counter Nemeses. Detonation is nice, but it won't completely strip their barrier. And I REALLY don't want to get that close to them if I can help it, so it's more of a OMGOMGOMGRUNRUNRUN button. They are so nimble that they too easily evade my warps. Throws are faster, but they evade them more than I like (and they aren't that useful against high defenses). And I'm at 200% recharge with just my SMG. If I can get a slow, close-range weapons that lets me keep that (or 180% at lowest), then MAYBE I'll try that. But I have yet to get any lightweight mods...
With my soldier while using an assault rifle and concussive shot, I've found I have a much easier time when I do close that distance against them, as long as there aren't so many of them that they can more or less keep me locked down and unable to advance on them.

Phantoms, on the other hand, it's nothing but run away spamming concussive shot to keep em from closing.

Oh, right, I meant Phantoms. Nemeses are the snipers, right? Those are easy. 2-3 throws will take down the shield, even if I can't shoot it down. And detonation will strip it entirely. I meant the sword-wielding assassins.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#223 Mar 20 2012 at 1:41 PM Rating: Good
idiggory, King of Bards wrote:
IDrownFish of the Seven Seas wrote:
idiggory, King of Bards wrote:
Multiplayer is just so addicting. Every time I load the game, I find myself clicking it instead of playing the campaign. XD I am now at least 90% ready in all sectors of the galaxy. :P 99% ready in Earth systems, 90% in Terminus.

Though I lol'd, because clearing a bronze challenge (that I BEASTED at, because I've finally started to understand how to use my Sentinel) only gave me +1%.

Excatly! I'm running into the problem that I haven't spent nearly as much time on the campaign as I should, simply because I keep going to multiplayer.

Sentinels get pretty powerful later on. My weapon sucks. Solution? Never use it!

Seriously. :P I only ever use it to take down shields. Otherwise, my 1.3~ sec CD Throw is my standard weapon. I've upgraded it for non-combo force/damage, and upgraded Tech Armor to increase detonation strength and power strength. Throw will 1 or 2 hit all weaker enemies on Bronze, depending on how far they go/what they hit. Detonation is awesome for when I end up stuck in melee range.

I only use warp now on things that are armored, or things I know I'm going to have to shoot a lot (for the debuff). Upgraded it for damage, to make it stronger against Banshees/Brutes.

My only issue now is that I still have no clue how to counter Nemeses. Detonation is nice, but it won't completely strip their barrier. And I REALLY don't want to get that close to them if I can help it, so it's more of a OMGOMGOMGRUNRUNRUN button. They are so nimble that they too easily evade my warps. Throws are faster, but they evade them more than I like (and they aren't that useful against high defenses). And I'm at 200% recharge with just my SMG. If I can get a slow, close-range weapons that lets me keep that (or 180% at lowest), then MAYBE I'll try that. But I have yet to get any lightweight mods...

Granted, I have no clue what the spoiler is hiding, but I rated you back up Shojindo because I seriously doubt it was hiding anything offensive.

Edited, Mar 20th 2012 3:14pm by idiggory

Thanks bud. I dunno if it was sour grapes over the controversy or because I was writing very stream of conscious and there were some grammar and spelling problems. I tried to clean it up a bit now.

Question about your Sentinel in multiplayer:

When you say Detonation are you mostly talking about detonating your holographic armor or biotic detonating Warp with Throw? Biotic detonations will one shot most bronze and strip lots of armor and shields off of tougher mobs. Get your best pistol and put a scope on it. (Or not some people don't like scopes but it makes your pistol a sniping weapon.)

Don't bring any other weapons. Your recharge should be around 180-200%. Now use warp on a mob then Throw to detonate the warp. If your throw is higher than the warp that's great because the detonation damage is based higher from the second move.

With the Asari you can stasis phantoms and lock them right into place. Then biotic detonate them while shooting at their head. They still get me sometimes if I am not paying attention and they flank me while I am pistol sniping.

Edited, Mar 20th 2012 12:58pm by Shojindo
#224 Mar 20 2012 at 2:07 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
Tech Armor detonations, yeah. Right now I'm using the Locust SMG. It's got great accuracy and no kickback, making it great for distances (though weak in close range). But, more importantly, it's fairly fast firing rate makes up for my lack of shield-disabling ability.

I've mostly stopped relying on Warp->Throw combos due to the fact that warp is way too easily dodged and has a significantly longer CD than Throw (relative to the fact that Throw is now my main source of damage). I can use Throw twice much faster than Warp->Throw and, while I lose out on the AoE, it's much less punishing if the attacks miss and will also two-shot most standard targets.

My throw is strong enough that, generally, I'll 1-shot Husks/Cannibals and standard Cerberus/Geth Troopers. So it's all good.

Plus, I have yet to get any pistols worth using. :P

Just did the mission where you see a banshee for the first time.

I actually really wish I had reached that point before playing multiplayer. I actually saw, like, the first 10 seconds of that cutscene on youtube before realizing it was something new and turning it off.

Edited, Mar 20th 2012 4:31pm by idiggory
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#225 Mar 20 2012 at 3:10 PM Rating: Good
Thane's death scene was really, really good. I always liked him, even though I never used him.
#226 Mar 20 2012 at 3:17 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
IDrownFish of the Seven Seas wrote:
Thane's death scene was really, really good. I always liked him, even though I never used him.

I agree. The part at the end, where Shepard and Kolyat pray together for her soul was especially powerful.

Mordin's death scene was quality, too. Too bad he didn't have the original VA, which is what I ended up focusing on. Very unfortunate. The Thresher Maw attacking the Reaper was AWESOME though. Was easily my favorite part of the trailers, and it didn't disappoint. That whole part of the mission was very, very cool--


"I know, you get to have all the fun."

Smiley: lolSmiley: lolSmiley: lol

Took me a while to realize that I wasn't supposed to kill the Brutes though. Died multiple times trying to kill them all.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
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