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#127 Mar 12 2012 at 9:24 AM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
Omegavegeta wrote:
While I get that some of you are unhappy with your endings, it's your journeys to that ending that I'm most interested in. After you finish ME3, try & take the time to tell us the story of your Shephard so we can try & figure out how you got to that ending. Try & include your general War Assets, Karma (Paragon/Renegade), & some of the bigger choices you made throughout the series. Thanks! (I should finish up my first play through tomorrow, as I'm just about to head back to Earth).

RE: Miranda's Mission
My Miranda died from wounds she suffered at the hands of the Cerberus assassin, but not before killing her Father by bionically throwing him out a window. I was sad that she died, especially since Miranda's voice is done by the chick whom played Sarah in Chuck & the series finale of Chuck was just a month or so ago. After returning to the Normandy, I was told Tali was in the lounge. Going there & talking to her gave me some great dialog about how she felt about Miranda & some really funny dialog about how Tali was getting drunk by using her "Emergency Induction Port".

This is pretty much it, except I'm a Femshep & wasn't in a relationship with Tali.

Relatively spoiler free (post about ending mechanics, not plot points), because I don't even know how the game ends, but the endings aren't dependent on your specific choices. Your choices along the way will provide war assets, and your effectiveness will determine which ending you get in one of two sets, 8 endings in each, based on one specific choice. Or something like that. I don't know anything more, because I didn't want to. Its independent of paragon/renegade score, too, though if you play pure Paragon/Renegade, then you will have effectively chosen one of the two sets.

I'm guessing that the ending is only supposed to address Cerberus and the Reapers, because they are the central antagonists of ME3. Every other major plot points has been getting its own "ending" as you complete missions. The genophage was no small plot point, and the end scene to that plot arc was very satisfying for me.

I think, if you do everything, you've effectively "ended" each plot arc before you start to the final mission. Not to say everything has to be neat and tidy, because your choices might not create neat and tidy results, but the ending in question isn't going to depend on your earlier decisions beyond the war assets you earned.

Edited, Mar 12th 2012 11:25am by idiggory
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#128 Mar 12 2012 at 11:46 AM Rating: Decent
1,162 posts
Your choices along the way will provide war assets, and your effectiveness will determine which ending you get in one of two sets, 8 endings in each, based on one specific choice. Or something like that.

That one specific choice happens in ME2 so it's not really a spoiler but I'll tag it anyway. It's the collector's base. If you don't have a save from ME2, the game will assume that you destroyed it.

There is 2 sets of 8 endings but it's not really 16 different endings cause some outcomes happens in both sets.

#129 Mar 12 2012 at 1:10 PM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
The multiplayer's fairly fun. Until you get stuck in a game by yourself.

On the upside, I managed to make it through almost 3 rounds before being defeated.
#130 Mar 12 2012 at 1:18 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
The multiplayer's fairly fun. Until you get stuck in a game by yourself.

On the upside, I managed to make it through almost 3 rounds before being defeated.

Stuck? How did that happen? lol

At least you got full kill experience for those 3 waves. :P

Right now, my Sentinel is running with the Locust SMG and nothing else, so I get optimal recharge time on my powers. I generally function best as support, I'm finding. The locust is extremely accurate, which is why I use it. Let's me stay far away from the fray. But that's okay, because throw is great against husks (or just temporarily stopping fire from an enemy). When I stay a distance back, I can prioritize husks gunning for my allies.

Warp is awesome against Banshees and Brutes (plus Ravagers when their shields go down, which the locust is useful for, being super fast). So I prioritize those targets so my squad mates can focus on all the lesser foes.

And when something DOES get in range of me, I can detonate my armor to send it flying, giving me time to gain distance.

I generally end up with the most assists, but fewest kills. But I'm okay with that, because I'm not an offensively-minded player. If everything can run smoother because I'm harassing the enemy, it's all good.

Plus, I hate being in melee range. :P Even if I wanted to be offense, I'd be an Infiltrator.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#131 Mar 12 2012 at 1:28 PM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
I mean it stuck me in a game, not that I was unable to get out of one. I just didn't feel like waiting in queue again.

I'm playing a sniper/AR Soldier in multiplayer with some focus on concussive shot. I tend towards about half assists and half kills because my fast firing sniper rifle doesn't really do all that much damage. I'd kill for a Black Widow and a Geth Pulse rifle.
#132 Mar 12 2012 at 1:53 PM Rating: Good
Currently running around with only a Widow on my Infiltrator with maxed out cloak and Alliance training.

It's pretty fun taking out chunks of a Brute's armor in one shot.
#133 Mar 12 2012 at 4:17 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
What system are you playing on Pold? I'm getting pretty much instant queues on the PC. I'm surprised that anyone isn't, considering how close to release we still are.

My first run through of ME was as an Infiltrator, but I haven't played it since then. No particular reason, I just really liked what they did with Biotics. But since ME3 is actually catering some dialogue to what Shepard's skills are, I kinda want to try a non-Biotic class again. Was gonna go soldier, but maybe I'll pick up Infiltrator again... I can always use multiplayer to try out a stripped down version.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#134 Mar 12 2012 at 6:34 PM Rating: Good
10,564 posts
I'm Vataro on Origin, and would be up for some MP if you see me on.

Edited, Mar 12th 2012 7:34pm by Vataro
◕ ‿‿ ◕
#135 Mar 12 2012 at 8:48 PM Rating: Good
My Shepard's story is complete after some multiplayer & I very much enjoyed the journey. Was full paragon, about 30% renegade with an EMS of 5124 (55% multiplayer). At the end of ME2, I chose to destroy the reaper base.

After an insane battle to defend some missile turrets (where I used a Reaper's own lasers to take out Banshees, then had to take down about a half dozen brutes at the same time), then using the turrets to take out said Reaper, came yet another in a string of OMG moments: Harbringer lands ahead of me. What's one more impossible odd before saving the galaxy? The few allies remaining that made it this far then rushed the transporter.

Sovereign's beams took out tanks & troops around me, until finally Shepard couldn't dodge them any longer. But Shepard didn't come this far to not complete her mission. She rose & limped forward once more. She looked around, but didn't see Liara or Garrus. She hoped they had survived. She couldn't even raise her left arm, but she had a pistol and her right & it was enough to get her through the remaining enemies, into the transporter, and onto the Citadel.

She awoke there, still gravely injured, & was contacted by Anderson whom had also made it onto the Citadel. She limped through the bodies of the fallen troops that had been beamed there before her & found Anderson at a terminal. He had been frozen there by The Illusive Man, who's use of Reaper tech. gave him the ability to control those in his immediate vicinity. He forced me to shoot Anderson, but I convinced him he was under the control of the Reapers & realizing he couldn't control them, he chose to off himself.

Shepard stumbled towards the controls, contacted Admiral Hackit, & opened the Citadel's arms allowing the crucible to dock. She took a seat beside Anderson, who told her he was proud of her before passing. Hackit radio'd in again, nothing was happening he said. Shepard stumbled towards the controls and attempted...anything but collapsed into unconsciousness. The floor around her came to life, then rose upwards into a white light. Outside the Citadel, the arms opened.

SHepard met the Catalyst itself, as represented by the boy that she had failed to save on Earth during the initial Reaper invasion of Earth. The Catalyst had created the Reapers as a solution to life itself. Evolution, the fact the the strong survive to rule the weak, results in Chaos and war between synthetic & organic life. The Catalyst devised a solution to that problem, by absorbing all space faring species every 50K years. But that solution would no longer work, as Shepard's journey took her there & it was the first time an organic life form had ever made it that far. Previous cycles improved upon the crucible, but only this one completed & deployed it. Previously, some group always tried to control the Reapers & foiled it's completion.

The Catalyst offered Shepard 2 choices, all resulting in using the citadel & destroying the mass relays:
to "control" the Reapers and die, but save the Earth
to destroy the Reapers and all synthetic life- including the Geth & biotics, but save organic life.

She chose to finish her mission & destroy the Reapers. She didn't want to destroy the Geth, especially after Legion had sacrificed itself to give them true life. Especially since Joker had given EDI life. Especially since it meant sacrificing her own life. But she had come all this way to stop the Reapers & stop it she would.

Except after walking ALL the way over to check out the left side she didn't feel like shuffling another 10 minutes over to the other side to make that choice. So she chose to control the Reapers. She melted away and was absorbed into the Citadel, the fired outward in a wave of blue energy that enveloped the surrounding fleets & then the Earth, halting the reaper attacks, and causing them to retreat, to the delight of the remaining Alliance forces on the ground. The Citadel then fired a beam into the Charon relay, which fired it along the mass relays emanating outward from each & destroying each relay in the process. The Normandy tried to outrun the wave of energy, but was overtaken.

Cut to, what I would assume, is a moon in the Sol(ar) system (Titan?) and the wreckage of the Normandy. The hatch open & Joker walks out, as doesTraynor- Shepard's romantic interest. They look into the sky and Garrus walks out before the screen fades to black. I have no earthly clue how Garrus got there, as last I saw him he was behind my Shepard during her rush towards the transporter.

After the credits, on that same moon, an old man tells a young boy the story of the Shepard. I'd like to think it was Joker, or one of his kids.

Enjoyed the ride, think I'll play more multiplayer and go for the synthesis ending, as it'd be what my Shepard would have like to have chosen, but my EMS score wasn't high enough. Besides how @#%^ing long it took to shuffle around during the final act, I liked the ending. I wanted more answers, but like Lost it was the journey that mattered most. Also, there wasn't really any question that my Shepard wouldn't have sacrificed herself to save the universe, so I'm glad I didn't get a Shepard "lives" ending.

My Choices:

ME1- Via Genesis DLC for ME2
Sacrificed Kaiden.
Saved Wrex
Killed the Arachni Queen
Let the Council die
Made Anderson Ambassador
Kept Things platonic

All loyal save Miranda & Zaieed.
Everyone survived
Destroyed Collector Base

Never ran into Kasumi, but Jacob (Saved his GF & the colonists), Samara (Saved her from killing her 1 daughter), Grunt, & Jack were able to be contacted before the last mission & I had all squadmates who were available, save Kaidan since I had Ashley. Legion, Zaeed, Thane, Mordin, & Miranda died during ME3. Legion sacrificed itself to give life to the Geth. I talked to Wrex, but I think I saw him get lasered by a Reaper on Earth during the siege on the turrets. Didn't see Liara after the rush towers the transporter, and again found it odd Garrus walked out of the Normandy before the credits. Said goodbye to the rest of the ME3 crew before the last missions.

Alien Stuff
Peace between the newly alive Geth & Quarians. Really liked Legion's sacrifice.
Cured the Genophage. Loved the Krogan homeworld, especially the Thrasher Maw Queen taking down the Reaper. That mission was a ton of fun with Wrex, I wonder what it's like without him? Mordin's sacrifice was sweet, especially his song from ME2 at the end...sniff
Let the synthetic Rachni live, but the ***** betrayed me.

Didn't love how my romance with Garrus, that I started in ME2 and carried on in ME3, ended with NO dialog from him when my Shepard took a shower with Traynor. I guess cause I continued that relationship that was it. Didn't love the Catalyst, but I expected a hard choice at the end. Life goes on in my Shpard's universe, so mission accomplished. Now to replay as a renegade!

Edited, Mar 13th 2012 12:36am by Omegavegeta
"The Rich are there to take all of the money & pay none of the taxes, the middle class is there to do all the work and pay all the taxes, and the poor are there to scare the crap out of the middle class." -George Carlin

#136 Mar 12 2012 at 8:57 PM Rating: Good
I've decided I like multiplayer. I got a scare earlier when my GR dropped to 0% but it was just a bug apparently and corrected after load. But I decided to give multiplayer a try so I could maybe complete the game without doing every planet scan fetch quest in the game lol.

Turns out it's pretty fun. Kind of hit or miss weather you get players who can get through an entire set of waves but it's fun either way. I don't feel my inner nerd rage broiling too much when I lose at wave 7 or something. Got my GR to 60% now. Think I will mix in multiplayer in between doing the rest of the main missions. Just sticking to bronze quick matches atm since my multiplayer guys are so weak still.

Decided to go Sentinel for multiplayer for the shield survival. I tried vangaurd at first but with sh*te weapons and no powers Vangaurd was rough. I'm sure it would shine later on if I stuck with it like it does in the game when I can charge and one shot Krogan shotgun most non special stuff.

Edited, Mar 12th 2012 7:58pm by Shojindo
#137 Mar 12 2012 at 10:36 PM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
idiggory, King of Bards wrote:
What system are you playing on Pold? I'm getting pretty much instant queues on the PC. I'm surprised that anyone isn't, considering how close to release we still are.
PC. It's probably the time of day I play.

Poldaran on Origin, btw.
#138 Mar 13 2012 at 12:13 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Omegavegeta wrote:
I have no earthly clue how Garrus got there, as last I saw him he was behind my Shepard during her rush towards the transporter.
If you decide to destroy the reapers and have enough war assets, Shepard takes a breath while under some rubble after it's all over. Some folks are suggesting that everything with the catalyst and whatnot is all a hallucination and Shepard is still on Earth after getting hit with that beam.

Edited, Mar 13th 2012 7:22am by Poldaran
#139 Mar 13 2012 at 7:16 AM Rating: Good
poldaran wrote:
  • words

  • missed your spoiler tags there buddy.

    I'd like to not think it was a hallucination and like I said, I like my ending better than the Shepard lives one (which is only 5-10 secs of extra footage as is.)
    "The Rich are there to take all of the money & pay none of the taxes, the middle class is there to do all the work and pay all the taxes, and the poor are there to scare the crap out of the middle class." -George Carlin

    #140 Mar 13 2012 at 7:23 AM Rating: Good
    Citizen's Arrest!
    29,527 posts
    I didn't miss em, not exactly. I just deleted one of the ones inside the quote on accident. Smiley: tongue

    Edit: I apologize to anyone who saw something they would rather they hadn't.

    Edited, Mar 13th 2012 8:16am by Poldaran
    #141 Mar 13 2012 at 10:42 AM Rating: Good
    1,142 posts
    The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
    Omegavegeta wrote:
    I have no earthly clue how Garrus got there, as last I saw him he was behind my Shepard during her rush towards the transporter.
    If you decide to destroy the reapers and have enough war assets, Shepard takes a breath while under some rubble after it's all over. Some folks are suggesting that everything with the catalyst and whatnot is all a hallucination and Shepard is still on Earth after getting hit with that beam.

    Edited, Mar 13th 2012 7:22am by Poldaran

    That ending only appears if you didn't pick a choice that destroys Shepard's body, which makes it pretty clear that it was all real. :/
    #142 Mar 13 2012 at 10:46 AM Rating: Good
    Citizen's Arrest!
    29,527 posts
    Zenoxio wrote:
    The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
    Omegavegeta wrote:
    I have no earthly clue how Garrus got there, as last I saw him he was behind my Shepard during her rush towards the transporter.
    If you decide to destroy the reapers and have enough war assets, Shepard takes a breath while under some rubble after it's all over. Some folks are suggesting that everything with the catalyst and whatnot is all a hallucination and Shepard is still on Earth after getting hit with that beam.

    Edited, Mar 13th 2012 7:22am by Poldaran

    That ending only appears if you didn't pick a choice that destroys Shepard's body, which makes it pretty clear that it was all real. :/
    Unless that part was a hallucination too. I can just see the DLC. You end the game, the credits roll, then the DLC kicks in. Shepard wakes up, looks right at the camera and says, "Yeah, that woulda been pretty stupid. Now let's go see what really happens."

    Edited, Mar 13th 2012 10:46am by Poldaran
    #143 Mar 13 2012 at 11:36 AM Rating: Good
    13,251 posts
    The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
    Zenoxio wrote:
    The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
    Omegavegeta wrote:
    I have no earthly clue how Garrus got there, as last I saw him he was behind my Shepard during her rush towards the transporter.
    If you decide to destroy the reapers and have enough war assets, Shepard takes a breath while under some rubble after it's all over. Some folks are suggesting that everything with the catalyst and whatnot is all a hallucination and Shepard is still on Earth after getting hit with that beam.

    Edited, Mar 13th 2012 7:22am by Poldaran

    That ending only appears if you didn't pick a choice that destroys Shepard's body, which makes it pretty clear that it was all real. :/
    Unless that part was a hallucination too. I can just see the DLC. You end the game, the credits roll, then the DLC kicks in. Shepard wakes up, looks right at the camera and says, "Yeah, that woulda been pretty stupid. Now let's go see what really happens Don't look so smug. I know what you're thinking, but the Citadel was merely a setback."

    Edited, Mar 13th 2012 10:46am by Poldaran
    #144 Mar 13 2012 at 1:44 PM Rating: Good
    20,024 posts
    Smiley: glare

    New Zam rule, if your post is just spoilers quoting spoilers quoting spoilers, type something (not spoilered) to help the rest of us figure out if we should look or not.
    IDrownFish wrote:
    Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

    lolgaxe wrote:
    Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
    #145 Mar 13 2012 at 2:05 PM Rating: Good
    I totally resisted so far. got 5120 assets and a 70% GR now. Probably getting pretty close to the end. Smiley: grin
    #146 Mar 13 2012 at 2:19 PM Rating: Good
    idiggory, King of Bards wrote:
    Smiley: glare

    New Zam rule, if your post is just spoilers quoting spoilers quoting spoilers, type something (not spoilered) to help the rest of us figure out if we should look or not.

    #147 Mar 13 2012 at 2:21 PM Rating: Excellent
    50,767 posts
    George Carlin wrote:
    I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
    #148 Mar 13 2012 at 2:39 PM Rating: Good
    6,471 posts
    lolgaxe wrote:

    We can nest that many spoilers? I dare say the forum gods have granted us too much good can come of this.
    #149 Mar 13 2012 at 3:21 PM Rating: Good
    It used to be past a certain amount of nested spoilers, the text inside eventually became unreadable. That is, until some ******* decided to point this out in an obnoxious way to the mods.

    But yeah, I think the only limit to the amount of spoiler tags you can put is how patient you are with the copypasting.
    #150 Mar 13 2012 at 3:30 PM Rating: Good
    20,024 posts
    I knew it wasn't going to be satisfying, but I clicked through each one in lolgaxe's post. I've gotten too used to being trolled.
    IDrownFish wrote:
    Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

    lolgaxe wrote:
    Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
    #151 Mar 13 2012 at 10:13 PM Rating: Decent
    1,162 posts
    Just tried multiplayer for the first time. Damn this thing is addictive!
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