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Mass Effect 3 Demo Available.Follow

#77 Feb 24 2012 at 9:15 AM Rating: Good
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Omegavegeta wrote:
This is very different. This is charging for a launch character DLC when you definitely developed him alongside the game.

According to Bioware, this DLC was developed after the main game was finished and by a different team.

"It takes about 3 months from 'content complete' to bug-fix, certify, manufacture, and ship game discs," he tweeted. "In that time we work on DLC... On [Mass Effect 3], content creators completed the game in January and moved onto the From Ashes DLC, free with the [Collector's Edition] or you can buy separately."

The Prothean is optional content that is certainly designed to appeal to long-time fans, which is why he is part of the CE offering," he said. "Mass Effect 3 is a complete –- and a huge game — right out of the box. The content in From Ashes was developed by a separate team (after the core game was finished) and not completed until well after the main game went into certification.

"The Collector's Edition has been sold out in most places for some time now, and is becoming very hard to find (many players prefer not to purchase the digital version). As such, we wanted to make this content available so that [Standard Edition] buyers could also incorporate the Prothean into their game."


Now, I'm not defending them and would much rather this be free content, but I understand why it isn't and won't ragequit the franchise because of it.

Edited, Feb 24th 2012 6:15am by Omegavegeta

I know that's what they said, but I don't believe it (for many reasons).

1. There are voice files, among other things, for him in the demo version of the game. That mean he's at least partially bundled with the actual game, not a separate patch-style DLC. It means that he's been included in that 3-month testing phase.

2. And of course he has. Think they are going to release a DLC without extensively testing it first? Especially if he's a significant part of the game, then this character has been in testing with the whole kit since the original version finished. That's why most DLC IS released much after launch--it's what the Dev teams did after the fact.

No way, this character had to have been included with their overall design and testing process. There's just no way it would be ready in time otherwise. Now, I can agree that Prothean-specific testing might have lasted too long for him to be printed on the disc in an implemented way, but that doesn't excuse anything.

Fact of the matter is that the character is completed and available content at launch. Considering launch day patches are pretty much standard now (and probably will be for ME3), and he definitely has files in the core version, then there's no good reason that the character couldn't have been enabled by that initial day patch (after they finished their last minute testing). Considering, you know, that's the case.

Bioware is pretending like a completely different design team worked on him after the fact. And it's a downright lie.

3. Why is it a lie? Because we have proof in the form of dated concept art that they released in the art book that the character has been intended from the start. And it specifies as a squad member.

4. Because, obviously, it's impossible to be true. The design team spent 3 months working on him? What, so he's just not being tested? Yeah, no. They're going to have to just as thoroughly test the game with the character as without. That means, at best, we are talking one month of design.

Remember, this is going to be a launch day DLC. To have that on the PSN by then, they'd have to submit it at least 3 weeks in advance. So we just cut the timeline down to 2 months. There's no way in hell they implemented that character in two months. I can believe that they didn't have that content ready to be enabled on the disc. But we know a fair amount of his content is actually printed on the discs.


To be specific, the core game content was allegedly finished in January, and then they went on to the character. Which I flat-out don't believe.

The character in question was included in the scripts that leaked last November. It's been using up design time throughout the entire process.

Edited, Feb 24th 2012 10:28am by idiggory
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#78 Feb 24 2012 at 9:54 AM Rating: Good
I'm sure it was scripted and voiced, just not ready for January so they sliced it off and made it ready by launch. CE get it "free", everyone else pays $10. It stinks, but I'll end up getting it eventually 'cause I'm a dork with a somewhat disposable income.

Like all of you.

"The Rich are there to take all of the money & pay none of the taxes, the middle class is there to do all the work and pay all the taxes, and the poor are there to scare the crap out of the middle class." -George Carlin

#79 Feb 24 2012 at 10:02 AM Rating: Good
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Thing is, it shouldn't take much to get it ready beyond that. Those two things constitute the vast majority of the work and they are already in game. Allies, at least in the last two games, largely used a pre-existing template for their abilities. The only thing that would need to be worked on besides that is the mission to get the character, and the character model.

What is absolute bullsh*t about this is something I don't think you are quite seeing.

We are paying for a game disc that includes the character data already. The launch DLC will largely be an unlock code for that content. Might it deliver some more? Sure. Maybe balance tweaks, maybe there's an important part of the mission not printed on the disc.

But the fact of the matter is that I just paid for something for them, after the fact, to tell me I need to pay $10 for a key that unlocks some of what I already bought.


There are rumors going around that the character in question is in the game regardless. As in, you would be doing the initial mission to get him. But whether or not you have the option to bring him along is what the DLC decides.

If that's true, I honestly don't know if it makes me angrier or appeases me. On the one hand, it slightly reduces the "complete story" complaint. On the other, it possibly firms up the greed accusation (adding proof that the bulk of the work was completed for the core game, with only the small amount of companion-oriented stuff implemented later.

Either way, $10 is frickin' insane. Frankly, if you can't earn it in 1 hour of minimum wage, it's too much. I'm even okay rounding up to $8 (US min. wage is $7.50)

Edited, Feb 24th 2012 11:30am by idiggory
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#80 Feb 24 2012 at 11:29 AM Rating: Good
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idiggory, King of Bards wrote:
There are rumors going around that the character in question is in the game regardless. As in, you would be doing the initial mission to get him. But whether or not you have the option to bring him along is what the DLC decides.
If by "you have the option to bring him along" it means he's in the ship but can't be part of your away team, I'd lose all will to be angry. Even if it means his side mission or whatever is gone, I'd really have nothing I can personally see being angry about.
#81 Feb 24 2012 at 12:01 PM Rating: Good
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What I figure it means is that rescuing him from stasis is linked to the story, and there are plenty of reasons to see why. But the DLC will cause him to tag along instead of going on his mission without you.

Maybe he wants to try and find some old colonial effort another Prothean group attempted or something. If the DLC has, say, Miranda send you a galaxy map they uncovered, you might be able to use it to bribe him to come along.

Completely imaginary for instance, of course. We don't even know if those rumors are true.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#82 Feb 24 2012 at 1:58 PM Rating: Good
And in other news, in an interview with Penny Arcade, the doctors from Bioware talked about a Mass Effect MMO (hypothetically).

I asked about the popular fan rumor of a Mass Effect MMO. “Now that we’ve learned MMOs are really easy to make, and simple to run after the fact, we’re on it!” Dr. Zeschuk said, laughing. “The interesting thing, the implication of a Mass Effect MMO has so many expectations. We already bit off a big thing to chew with a Star Wars MMO, and that’s not so small,” he said.

It became clear they had given the idea at least some thought. “It’s daunting, but the neat thing is it would lend itself to a different type of game play. It’s fun to think about. I imagine people think it would be just like Mass Effect as it is… but there’s lots of people there. It’s really interesting, I don’t know. It’s a tough one.”

“The possibility space, that’s a term that I heard Will Wright say about ten years ago, and it really struck me,” Muzyka continued, pointing out that most Bioware properties could work as MMOs. “When you deliver a game, and you deliver it for a player, you have to capture what they think is the possibility space. You need to let them do everything they think they should do, and you can’t block them from doing anything they think they should be able to do. You have to nail all the features and content that should be in that possibility space.“ He paused for a moment.

“Mass Effect is a big possibility space.”

It's kind of a terrifying concept. ANOTHER Bioware MMO breaking records, telling epic stories, and other assorted flavors of bullsh*t. Imagine the stories they would tell if they went the route of TOR and gave each class an independent story.
#83 Feb 24 2012 at 2:43 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
I'd be fine with a Dragon Age MMO. I don't want to see a Mass Effect one. ME is Shepard's story, where DA is a story about the world.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#84 Feb 24 2012 at 2:51 PM Rating: Good
6,471 posts
idiggory, King of Bards wrote:
I'd be fine with a Dragon Age MMO. I don't want to see a Mass Effect one. ME is Shepard's story, where DA is a story about the world.

Best start warming up to the idea. EA is going to milk every last ounce out of the Mass Effect franchise. If they can turn it into an annualized combination Space RPG/Call of Duty shooter, rest assured that they'll do it.

I believe that Bioware is already on record as saying that they'll be continuing the series after closing out Shepard's portion.
#85 Feb 24 2012 at 3:56 PM Rating: Good
idiggory, King of Bards wrote:
I'd be fine with a Dragon Age MMO. I don't want to see a Mass Effect one. ME is Shepard's story, where DA is a story about the world.

A Dragon Age III would be good, first.

That is, assuming it's not the rushed abortion 2 was.
#86 Feb 24 2012 at 3:58 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
I'm guessing, from the new DLC, that they really heard the customer complaints there. They were, in every way, a response to the critiques of DA2. The fact that they pushed back the release for ME3 makes me think that this is something BioWare specifically challenged EA on (with the backing of the gamer roars to support them).
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#87 Feb 24 2012 at 4:09 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
Also, I just realized something. I'm replaying DAO right now (primarily because doing the DA 30 Day Challenge on my tumblr made me want to play). All 6 characters from the Origins exist. Choosing your Origin chooses where Duncan goes at the start of the game, which in turn decides which of the 6 survives.

So the middle child of the Dwarf King is exiled, but dies in the Deep Roads.
The corpse in the cell next to Leske is supposed to be the Dwarf Commoner (it still exists there later if you choose that Origin, but Leske doesn't explain anything about the deceased).
The Cousland child either dies alongside his or her parents, or either never even reaches them when Howe attacks.
The *Mage probably helps Jowan escape, but is punished for it (made tranquil, killed in Uldred's rebellion, etc., etc., etc.)
The Dalish dies to the taint (and this is referenced by Merrill in DA2, apparently).
The City Elf isn't given weapons by Duncan, and likely fails and/or is executed.

As the only Origin with two possible races, it might be that both are true, and that it is one for each of the two characters (just without any additional specification)

This just made it much, much harder for me to choose my Warden race. O.o;;

Why? Because if I'm not a Mage, then I feel like I've just killed ANOTHER of Hawke's family. If I'm not a Cousland, Fergus is all alone.

IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#88 Feb 24 2012 at 4:15 PM Rating: Good
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29,527 posts
idiggory, King of Bards wrote:
Also, I just realized something. I'm replaying DAO right now (primarily because doing the DA 30 Day Challenge on my tumblr made me want to play). All 6 characters from the Origins exist. Choosing your Origin chooses where Duncan goes at the start of the game, which in turn decides which of the 6 survives.
You didn't realize that until just now? It's most obvious for the dwarf commoner, but there are references to all of them all through the game.
#89 Feb 24 2012 at 7:22 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
Yeah, I really didn't. I remember vaguely wondering about it, but I only played Mage and the Cousland really. And, of the two of them, only Mage really gets any references (Cullen/Jowan).

I don't remember if I've cleared Origins since doing the other 4 origins (which I wanted to see, even if I wasn't interested in playing as an elf or dwarf).

So, yeah...
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#90 Feb 24 2012 at 7:33 PM Rating: Good
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Also, because I wanted to give another example of why it's hard to balance between EA and BioWare, I thought it would be relevant to bring this up here.

Some people might have noticed the rage directed towards Jennifer Hepler, a writer for TOR and Dragon Age. It's actually pretty awful, but she's been being harassed quite excessively recently. It all started when someone posted a interview from 2006 on Reddit, which was heavily doctored with fake quotes, that led to her essentially getting labeled the devil.

It was, frankly, a lot of EXTREMELY disgusting, misogynistic rage--the most anger came from accusations that "she made Shepard gay." Another, much less canvassed complaint, has to do with the fact that she's not an avid gamer (which doesn't actually matter all that much for an RPG writer), yet she gets say in what goes into games. They also attacked her for leading "BioWare to take the gaming out of games" because of comments in the interview that she'd enjoy games that were less about action and more about the dialogue (which is what she enjoys because, GASP, she's a writer).

It was really pretty bad, to the point where she was getting harassing phone calls. And it was pretty much all slander.

1. She's a writer. She has no say in development. She can't take the action out of games because she has nothing to do with that aspect of it.
2. I'm a gamer, and there are times I just want to experience the story. That's not an absurd wish. ME3 has 3 gaming modes specifically to give each player exactly what they want.
3. Again, whether or not she plays games doesn't matter if she's still able to create compelling stories for games. Given the success of titles she's worked on, I'd say that's the case.

4. SHE'S NOT EVEN A PART OF THE F*CKING MASS EFFECT TEAM. All that homophobic crap about her turning Shepard gay was absolutely untrue in every way. Not to mention the fact that you can't turn Shepard gay--players control who he/she is; my Male Shepard was always gay, he just didn't have anyone to love him back...

So BioWare responded with:
Hi Everyone

Below, please see a message from BioWare co-founder Dr. Ray Muzyka in regards to the recent attacks on Jennfer Hepler.

Jennifer is a valued, talented employee who has been with BioWare for many years and we hope will be with us for many more. It is awful that a few people have decided to make her a target for hate and threats, going so far as fabricating forum posts and attributing them to her, and singling her out for projects to which she has not contributed (i.e., Jennifer is not even a part of the Mass Effect writing team). All of us at BioWare support and will continue to support Jennifer fully, and are happy to see so many people out there are also supporting her during this difficult time.

- Dr. Ray Muzyka. Co-Founder of BioWare; General Manager, BioWare Label; Senior Vice President, Electronic Arts

Additionally we will be making a donation of $1000 in Jennifer's name to Bullying Canada. Please feel free to also donate to this worthy cause in support.

Thank you again to everyone who has supported Jennifer and BioWare in this difficult time.

That's why I'm not willing to pull support from BioWare, just because EA sucks. Yeah, any company could release a statement. But they actually made a statement. I can't help but feel that this donation is worth 100 questionale DLC downloads.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#91 Feb 25 2012 at 12:25 AM Rating: Good
The article I read about it used the phrase "heinous memes" and accidentally said the statement was posted on March 22.

Yeah, I'm not going back to that site.
#92 Feb 25 2012 at 10:05 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
So... a few questions.

Never played Mass Effect (any of them), but I met Shepard's voice actor at MegaCon last weekend and that got me interested a bit; then this topic helped get me even more interested. If I want to really enjoy the third game, should I play the first and second? Or is just the second sufficient? Or should I just wait for the third?
#93 Feb 25 2012 at 11:20 AM Rating: Excellent
LockeColeMA wrote:
So... a few questions.

Never played Mass Effect (any of them), but I met Shepard's voice actor at MegaCon last weekend and that got me interested a bit; then this topic helped get me even more interested. If I want to really enjoy the third game, should I play the first and second? Or is just the second sufficient? Or should I just wait for the third?

Play them all. Not so you can enjoy number 3, but because 1-2 still stand up as great games that you will enjoy.
#94 Feb 25 2012 at 11:35 AM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
LockeColeMA wrote:
So... a few questions.

Never played Mass Effect (any of them), but I met Shepard's voice actor at MegaCon last weekend and that got me interested a bit; then this topic helped get me even more interested. If I want to really enjoy the third game, should I play the first and second? Or is just the second sufficient? Or should I just wait for the third?

If you have a 360 or capable PC, TOTALLY should play 1 and 2.

Like Shojindo said, it has nothing to do with number 3. They're just definitely worth playing; definitely some of the best RPGs of the last 5 years.

If you would be playing on the PS3, at least play ME2 with the Genesis comic. But, honestly, ME1 is great enough to warrant playing at lower graphics settings on a PC, if that's your only option.

Not saying they are perfect. ME1 had the better story, ME2 had the better gameplay/menus/ui. But I really enjoyed both.

And, yes, if you haven't played 1 and 2, ME3 probably won't be nearly as good. All but two of your crew members were with you in ME, or in both ME and ME2. So you are talking about strong relationships, so a foundation would make them much better. Plus, many of the major plot points are continuations of earlier ones.

BioWare actually built in a new companion specifically for players like you, though. James Vega doesn't know much about Shepard, because pretty much all her exploits were classified. So he's going to be the mechanic by which new players are able to explore the past games--he offers the "new" perspective, as BioWare puts it, because he needs to be told about the past events without immediate context.

I expect you'd enjoy ME3 a lot without having played 1 or 2. I expect you'll enjoy it a hell of a lot more if you have. And since they are dirt cheap now, it's worth it.

Also, if you thought Mark Meer's VAing was good, you'll LOVE Jennifer Hale's. Okay, I admit, I'm her fangirl.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#95 Feb 26 2012 at 1:05 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
So there have been some tweets on the subject of the DLC.

They say that all of the remaining plot arcs regarding the Protheans and their exctinction will be completely resolved in the core game, not the DLC. Another tweet from Casey Hudson says that the Prothean is just intended to be a cool companion, not to add anything substantial to the main story, beyond what the implications of any companion would at least (I imagine).

I haven't seen any real confirmation regarding whether or not you'll meet him without the DLC, but I at least feel better knowing they didn't just keep out a significant lore source just to milk cash from my wallet. Still don't agree with the launch day DLC for a cost, but it's somewhat better now than it was.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#96 Mar 02 2012 at 4:20 AM Rating: Good
I've been going back and playing more of Mass Effect 2 recently, and I have to say that my earlier complaints of it seeming like one big fetch quest really don't seem to apply as much late-game. That's a good thing, and I'm finally starting to enjoy the narrative.

Anywho, I just did Tali's loyalty quest. I ended up deciding not to show the evidence, and she was found guilty. The wiki states that there are ways to not show the evidence and find her innocent, and I considered reloading my save to go back and do things that way.

But then I realized that it would kind of defeat the purpose of a choice like that if I could have my cake and eat it too, and that's kind of what's awesome about Bioware games - there's not really an easy choice most of the time.

All in all, I found Tali's loyalty mission to be extremely well written, and I ended up satisfied by my choices in the matter even though Tali was exiled. I just really love Tali's character, and she's one of my absolute favorite squad members, so this mission was a blast for me. Besides, I'm betting that she'll be exonerated in ME3 anyways.

Oh, and I did the mission to investigate the Collector ship before Tali's mission, discovering two things: the Collectors are heavily modified Protheans, and the Widow sniper rifle hits like an 18-wheeler going 120 miles per hour through the brain of your target. So that was interesting. But all in all, I feel like the Collectors are less asspulls now than they were before.

Edited, Mar 2nd 2012 5:21am by IDrownFish
#97 Mar 02 2012 at 5:20 AM Rating: Good
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IDrownFish of the Seven Seas wrote:
I ended up deciding not to show the evidence, and she was found guilty. The wiki states that there are ways to not show the evidence and find her innocent, and I considered reloading my save to go back and do things that way.

But then I realized that it would kind of defeat the purpose of a choice like that if I could have my cake and eat it too, and that's kind of what's awesome about Bioware games - there's not really an easy choice most of the time.
By using a paragon or renegade persuade, you tell the tribunal to @#%^ off so hard that they have absolutely no choice but to do so. Alternatively, if you save the quarian from the recruitment and return the one from the first mission directly to the quarians, you can incite the crowd to stop the trial.

The Paragon option is so incredibly satisfying that if you haven't seen it, you absolutely need to go youtube it. Renegade is pretty badass too.

IDrownFish of the Seven Seas wrote:
But then I realized that it would kind of defeat the purpose of a choice like that if I could have my cake and eat it too, and that's kind of what's awesome about Bioware games - there's not really an easy choice most of the time.
It's kind of a huge point of Shepard's characterization and an overlying point of the narrative. There are happy endings, so far at least, if you have a strong enough personality and work for them.

Edited, Mar 2nd 2012 4:22am by Poldaran

Edited, Mar 2nd 2012 4:25am by Poldaran
#98 Mar 02 2012 at 8:53 AM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
If you haven't progressed far enough, it's worth reloading. Not because I'm advocating you change Tali's quest result (for all I know, she'll get tossed out in the next game anyway), but because the Paragon (or renegade, I guess) option is definitely worth watching.

Edited, Mar 2nd 2012 10:08am by idiggory

Edited, Mar 2nd 2012 10:09am by idiggory
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#99 Mar 02 2012 at 10:43 AM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
Know one thing I love about BioWare games? You can play through a second time, even making the same decisions as before, but still discover a ton of new stuff because of the way conversations work.

I only played ME through once, as a Paragon FemShep. I'm playing it again for my canon FemShep, to import to ME2 for a canon run, to import to ME3. And I'm going pure Paragon. I did the same on my first playthrough, but this time I'm being more careful with my dialogue choices--looking at them and thinking about them (since I want this to be my "real" Shepard). And I've actually discovering a lot more now.

For instance, take that one conversation where Ashley is complaining about there being all of the aliens on board the Normandy. After her more intense rant, I told her she was out of line last time, and it pretty much ended the conversation (she apologizes and that aspect of the discussion is over).

This time, I chose to be more diplomatic and asked her to speak her mind. The conversation probably ended up being 66% longer. She explains that she doesn't mistrust or dislike aliens for being aliens, and she insists she's not racist. She distrusts them because of her belief that every species will always seek to protect itself, which is understandable since they all ultimately need to protect their own families and gene pool, so she's afraid to place too much trust in them. Not because she thinks they'd betray the Alliance, but because she thinks the most any species can expect from another is to be fair-weather friends. And she universalizes it--she thinks humanity would do the same to them, Turians would do the same to Salarians, etc.

My Shepard that she understood where her views were coming from, but that she disagreed and Williams couldn't let her opinions get in the way of proper workings on the ship. Ashley assures her that they won't.

In retrospect, I kinda wish I had chosen the other "diplomatic" option, but it's more curiosity than anything--I think the conversation would have ended pretty much the same.

But yeah, TOTALLY just further developed Ashley's character for me.

Also, having had Cerberus so prominent in the second game, I'm finding that it was quite a bit more prominent in the first than I even remembered. It's still all assignment, not mission, stuff (more or less). But you're introduced to it pretty early in the game as an Alliance shadow ops group that went rogue (which we know wasn't even half of it, since the shadow ops group was actually just one small branch of the whole organization).

But a good number of assignments deal with it, and you see quite a few horrific things done under them. I'm happy that I'll be thinking about that going into ME2.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#100 Mar 02 2012 at 11:14 AM Rating: Good
6,471 posts
idiggory, King of Bards wrote:
Also, having had Cerberus so prominent in the second game, I'm finding that it was quite a bit more prominent in the first than I even remembered. It's still all assignment, not mission, stuff (more or less). But you're introduced to it pretty early in the game as an Alliance shadow ops group that went rogue (which we know wasn't even half of it, since the shadow ops group was actually just one small branch of the whole organization).

But a good number of assignments deal with it, and you see quite a few horrific things done under them. I'm happy that I'll be thinking about that going into ME2.

That's something that you just don't get on the PS3, as the comic doesn't even mention Cerberus in the slightest. Characters allude to them being slightly less than moral at points early on, but for the most part, they actually seem like they're getting more harassment than they're giving. If you don't play the first, I gather, Cerberus seems decent enough for most of the game, and certainly a fair bit better than the Alliance/Council.

After seeing the umpteenth dialogue option for Shepard to say that he wasn't actually working for Cerberus, and the Illusive Man's slightly abrasive methodology, I made the assumption that they were, in fact, evil, even if the game wasn't really showing it. It was more like the meta aspects of the game (my understanding of how these types of stories typically go) were cluing me in, rather than the game's narrative. In ME2, they generally seem like pretty swell folk. The bit at the end, where they try to commandeer the reaper, affirmed my suspicions, but without having played the first game, it certainly comes straight out of left field.

Edited, Mar 2nd 2012 12:16pm by Eske
#101 Mar 02 2012 at 11:47 AM Rating: Excellent
So, this little trailer just got released.

Effing *****.

Edited, Mar 2nd 2012 12:49pm by IDrownFish
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