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Skyrim, or, How I Ruined My LifeFollow

#152 Nov 14 2011 at 11:14 AM Rating: Decent
1,162 posts
Also, this game caps your level at 50?


That sucks Smiley: frown
#153 Nov 14 2011 at 11:25 AM Rating: Excellent
1,606 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
I just started playing and killed that first bear with one arrow.


Yeah.. Don't expect future encounters with them to go so smoothly. I thought they were pushovers after the starter bear. Kind of found that not to be the case later on. lol

Edited, Nov 14th 2011 12:44pm by MrTalos
#154 Nov 14 2011 at 11:26 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
Made a silly mistake before; turns out you can get a dog AND a companion. Add in a horse, and your merry band starts packing some serious firepower. Or some nice fodder when you anger a giant Smiley: lol

Other tips I learned:
-You can't fast-travel while overburdened... unless you're on a horse.
-I've heard that holding a torch while you pick a lock decreases its difficulty (apparently it's mentioned in a book in the game, that heating a lock will soften it). Sounds too good to be true, but I'll try it when I get home tonight.
-If you want to know a lot of locations, click the little flags on the maps in a jarl's hall. Each flag will mark the location on your map, allowing you to fast-travel to it.
-Took me a while to realize this, but you can hotkey your favorite spells/weapons instead of using the favorites menu. It's a lot easier to push a 1-9 button rather than pushing Q and manually selecting a spell. Just favorite the spell, then in the favorites menu push the relevant number button. Voila!

Edit: Oops, guess you need to still discover them before you can fast-travel!

Edited, Nov 14th 2011 12:54pm by LockeColeMA
#155 Nov 14 2011 at 11:29 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
feelz wrote:
Also, this game caps your level at 50?


That sucks Smiley: frown

I don't think so; I remember hearing that they make it a "1-50" game, but the level 50 is just a soft cap; after that point it takes a lot more skill experience to level. The hard cap (100 in all skills) puts you somewhere between 70-81 levels, depending on what people have said and whom you believe.
#156 Nov 14 2011 at 11:29 AM Rating: Good
5,684 posts
You can't fast-travel while overburdened... unless you're on a horse.
Buying a horse immediately!
#157 Nov 14 2011 at 11:29 AM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
I just started playing and killed that first bear with one arrow.


How? Did you start with a character that had +10 in archery or something? It's taken me 2 arrows every time I've gone through the tutorial...

xypin wrote:
Also, this game caps your level at 50? So we only get 50 perks...? Now I need to figure out if I should continue with this first character then... wish I could reallocate perks on xbox.

The 50 cap is a soft cap--it just takes a lot longer to level after that. IDK if you still get perks though.

This suggests that the actual cap is 81, and also notes that you might be able to get 100 perks via leveling and quest rewards. IDK though.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#158 Nov 14 2011 at 11:32 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
MrTalos wrote:
Yeah.. Don't expect future encounters with them to go so smoothly in the future. I thought they were pushovers after the starter bear. Kind of found that not to be the case later on. lol
Buzzkillington. Smiley: mad
idiggory, King of Bards wrote:
How? Did you start with a character that had +10 in archery or something? It's taken me 2 arrows every time I've gone through the tutorial...
Don't know. I don't think the Orcs get additional Archery skill. I was in sneak stance and just as the dude that leads you around was talking about sneaking by it I let the arrow fly and the bear never got up.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#159 Nov 14 2011 at 11:34 AM Rating: Good
10,564 posts
Seriously. Didn't know that about horses, but if true that's awesome. Also, I'm already level 26 and so much left I want to put perks into... looks like it's very careful planning from hereon out!

Is there an in-game way to reset perks (I assume not)? I assume it can be done through the console, though I'm not sure I want to do that quite yet.
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#160 Nov 14 2011 at 11:36 AM Rating: Good
6,471 posts
LockeColeMA wrote:
-If you want to know a lot of locations, click the little flags on the maps in a jarl's hall. Each flag will mark the location on your map, allowing you to fast-travel to it.

Do you have to click each one? I could have sworn that I only clicked a couple, and then had a whole bunch of locations appear on my map.

Also, I didn't know that was enough to fast-travel to them. I'll try that out tonight.
#161 Nov 14 2011 at 11:39 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
Eske Esquire wrote:
LockeColeMA wrote:
-If you want to know a lot of locations, click the little flags on the maps in a jarl's hall. Each flag will mark the location on your map, allowing you to fast-travel to it.

Do you have to click each one? I could have sworn that I only clicked a couple, and then had a whole bunch of locations appear on my map.

Also, I didn't know that was enough to fast-travel to them. I'll try that out tonight.

I believe it is; I discovered all the areas before I found out about using the maps Smiley: grin
#162 Nov 14 2011 at 11:46 AM Rating: Good
That map tip is cool! Will try that when I play later tonight. Thanks Locke.

I pretty much gave up on horses in Oblivion. So far in Skyrim I am sticking to that same philosophy. I found a horse just hanging out in the middle of field once this weekend. It did not say "steal" when I approached it and no one was around so I figured I'd hop on. I rode him to my next quest and when I hopped off he just kind of wandered away. I have not seen him since. O.o?
#163 Nov 14 2011 at 11:47 AM Rating: Good
1,606 posts
LockeColeMA wrote:
Eske Esquire wrote:
LockeColeMA wrote:
-If you want to know a lot of locations, click the little flags on the maps in a jarl's hall. Each flag will mark the location on your map, allowing you to fast-travel to it.

Do you have to click each one? I could have sworn that I only clicked a couple, and then had a whole bunch of locations appear on my map.

Also, I didn't know that was enough to fast-travel to them. I'll try that out tonight.

I believe it is; I discovered all the areas before I found out about using the maps Smiley: grin

I thought it just added them to the map but you still have to discover it to fast travel to it. I made a point of clicking a lot of them and it still told me I hadn't discovered them and that the best I could do was put an arrow on my map to them.
#164 Nov 14 2011 at 11:49 AM Rating: Good
10,564 posts
MrTalos wrote:
LockeColeMA wrote:
Eske Esquire wrote:
LockeColeMA wrote:
-If you want to know a lot of locations, click the little flags on the maps in a jarl's hall. Each flag will mark the location on your map, allowing you to fast-travel to it.

Do you have to click each one? I could have sworn that I only clicked a couple, and then had a whole bunch of locations appear on my map.

Also, I didn't know that was enough to fast-travel to them. I'll try that out tonight.

I believe it is; I discovered all the areas before I found out about using the maps Smiley: grin

I thought it just added them to the map but you still have to discover it to fast travel to it. I made a point of clicking a lot of them and it still told me I hadn't discovered them and that the best I could do was put an arrow on my map to them.

This is my experience as well.
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#165 Nov 14 2011 at 11:54 AM Rating: Good
10,564 posts
This was posted elsewhere, thought I'd share it here. I'm considering #3 and #4.
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#166 Nov 14 2011 at 12:05 PM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
Vataro wrote:
This was posted elsewhere, thought I'd share it here. I'm considering #3 and #4.

Number 4 looks like a great one. I had issues with the windowed mode; namely that I couldn't resize my game window, and then the game froze until I Ctrl+Alt+Del'ed it.
#167 Nov 14 2011 at 12:13 PM Rating: Good
10,564 posts
Game crashes happen much less frequently in windowed mode, but I've still had a few problems. Also not playing in full resolution sucks, though I figured out how to change that by just reading the page for that mod.
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#168 Nov 14 2011 at 12:18 PM Rating: Good
1,151 posts
Smithing seems overpowered because it allows you to improve any armour and weapon in the game even magical ones. You can increase the base damage or armour of each item for next to nothing.

If you mine and kill animals then you get pretty good money coming in. Take the trash items convert to armour and sell to the smith standing next to you the whole time.

I noticed a big difference in the difficulty of the game when I switched to my homemade improved dwarf gear over steel/iron mix. It does level out and then get easier again when orc etc are opened up.

As soon as I choose the perk for something the ingots for it appeared in stores even if the gear hadn't yet. (I haven't checked this on a nonsmithing character since I am on first playthrough.)
#169 Nov 14 2011 at 12:23 PM Rating: Good
If Mazra starts playing this game, he'd love #6.

Edited, Nov 14th 2011 1:28pm by IDrownFish
#170 Nov 14 2011 at 12:32 PM Rating: Good
10,564 posts
Don't you think Kao'd like it even more?
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#171 Nov 14 2011 at 12:35 PM Rating: Good
You can take some really awesome screenshots in this game.

Ugh, photobucket shrunk them.
#172 Nov 14 2011 at 12:56 PM Rating: Good
1,330 posts
Oh wow, people had time to post? Smiley: lol

I ended up focusing on Sneak/Archery/Destructive Magic. And I skyrocketed my smithing just because even though I'm pretty much a mage, finished the main Winterhold questline and pretty much won't need new clothes. Smiley: lol At least I can put the light boots to use.

Spoilering some of the following for potential length.

Smithing is ridiculously easy to level. As far as I found, there's no real benefit to making the higher tier or more complicated things for leveling -- only make them if you need them. Which means...I'm making hundreds and hundreds of Iron Daggers(1 Iron Ore, 1 Leather Strap) or Leather items...Skill Level 80+ now. I'm getting déjà vu with metal bits here!

For Sneak and Archery...
Sneak is about as high as Smithing, just because I'm running everywhere in Sneak. It's a HUGE godsend with Archery. Oh, I also don't carry or use a light source, which might help...

Archery is probably the "lowest" of my higher level skills because I started late with it. However, it doesn't break Sneak. Once I started using it, I've killed dungeon bosses simply by getting in closer, sniping once or twice, then moving out of LOS from where I originally sniped. A lot of minions are one-shots, but some have a few that take 4-5 shots. Some bosses I've even been able to just stay in one location and keep plugging away with arrows. If your sneak is high (so far!), things have to be right on top of you to actually see you and start attacking unless you're standing in a room with no cover, which usually gives you enough time to scurry away and poke some more elsewhere.

Speaking of arrows, you get so many going through the game that I don't see the point of the perk that gives you double the # of arrows. The most of one type I'm sitting on is 714 Ancient Nord Arrows, and I've barely touched those.

For Destructive Magic...
Destructive Magic wasn't as easy to level -- I basically used magic on every single kill I could in the beginning of the game. It's a LOT easier to kill things once you have the perks to halve magicka cost and to get a boosted effect when you equip the same spell in both hands and use them together -- you'll drain your bar faster, but you'll fry their health faster too. After that, everything will get easier as you get used to spellcasting. You really don't need to use the Adept (Firebolt, Lightning Bolt, etc) spells until you get the perk to halve their cost, and when you do, you would want to get the perk to give that staggering effect to your dual-cast spells too. The staggering effect only seems to work with Adept and higher spells though, so no cheesy flamethrower spam...although Dual-cast Flames works really well as a close ranged weenie killer. Works on everything so far--I even can stop a dragon trying to breathe with a well timed firebolt. You have to time it though -- if you just spam, they don't get re-staggered until they come out of the animation.

Fire seems to work on everything short of Flame Atronachs. Electricity and Cold seem a bit more limited use on big nasties -- I have a hard time denting dragons with them, for example.

#173 Nov 14 2011 at 1:01 PM Rating: Excellent
3,272 posts
I enjoyed when I came home to find my cd rom had failed. That was awesome.

But, fixed that in short order. I've been making a nord thief/archer type build. It's incredibly fun sneaking around sniping everyone but what has really made this build awesome is the fact I just got the ranger perk and I can actually move while having a bow drawn.

So far my favorite part of this game I was going into some fort, can't remember which one but its near the start of the 7000 steps to high hrothgar. I see this dude sitting in a chair near the fire so I sneak a little bit closer, get him up in the crosshairs and let an arrow fly. Not sure if I had killed him I shot another one cause I thought I had missed. I continue to clear out the rest of the people I could and move on up to the first guy in the chair. All I see is him slumped over in the chair with two arrows through his skull. I actually said out loud "Headshot!" My wife was in the room with me and I got a pretty strange look.

I've also enjoyed the killing cut scenes where you just impale someone with both weapons into the stomach. First time I saw that I about **** myself with glee. My other favorite one was where I sprinted at this dude and apparently timed my power swing right and just flat out gutted him.

Last but not least my favorite part about this game. I can pause it at will and no longer have say "Just a few more minutes babe" to my wife. She's happy, and I'm Dragonborn.
#174 Nov 14 2011 at 1:14 PM Rating: Good
1,330 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
MrTalos wrote:
Yeah.. Don't expect future encounters with them to go so smoothly in the future. I thought they were pushovers after the starter bear. Kind of found that not to be the case later on. lol
Buzzkillington. Smiley: mad
idiggory, King of Bards wrote:
How? Did you start with a character that had +10 in archery or something? It's taken me 2 arrows every time I've gone through the tutorial...
Don't know. I don't think the Orcs get additional Archery skill. I was in sneak stance and just as the dude that leads you around was talking about sneaking by it I let the arrow fly and the bear never got up.

Archery while sneaking can trigger Sneak Attack for double the damage at default.
#175 Nov 14 2011 at 1:21 PM Rating: Good
Anyone know if you poison the shot, if the sneak attack will double the poison damage as well?

Edited, Nov 14th 2011 2:37pm by IDrownFish
#176 Nov 14 2011 at 1:58 PM Rating: Decent
4,297 posts
my speech skill is at 56, 1h is at 30, and that's about it yet ha ha ha. i have to hit at least two towns now to empty my bags, i'm cleaning out these vendors (though i don't pick up anything under 8g/lb unless i'm headed straight to a vendor.) the 'sell anything to anybody' perk is pretty nice.

i guess you can't refill a weapon unless it's charges are completely gone, eh?

xypin wrote:
Has anyone "cleared" Ustengrav? I picked up the word, got the soul, found the note... and it's still not cleared on my map.

nope, i didn't get that one either. i'm really **** about peeking in every corner before moving to the next room. i think there was one room or hallway i missed, but at the time i didn't feel like going halfway back through to find it. there might have been a lock you didn't pick or something?

Edited, Nov 14th 2011 3:00pm by axhed
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