I knew there was a thread I'd forgotten about!
All hail Sazya, the greatsword wielding battlemage of Daedric badassery! And she's a chick, which makes it more badass than if she wasn't (also hot...). Two-handers are kind of quirky with a "battlemage" build, but I find that it works better than magic off-hand + weapon main hand, because:
1. Two-handers are badass and the execution animations are sick with a greatsword.
2. Since she's a badass battlemage, she's usually using both hands for magic until she needs to pull out her sword.
Now, 1H+Magic definitely has its advantages over 2H/Magic - especially if you don't mod the sh*t out of your game - but with one mod for magic scaling and another mod for two-hander rebalancing, I find that always using two hands for magic or melee damage is more effective than using one hand for each at the same time. With two hands, I can push out more spell damage per time before stuff gets up close. I can also push out more healing per time. And once stuff gets in melee range, I can block and deal sick burst damage with a two-handed weapon (went greatsword because it's the fastest, and because giant sword + petite lady = win).
Now, I can't heal while I swing my sword, but I can easily switch to a heal + flames/sparks/frostbite setup if I need to deal damage while healing myself. More often, though, if I need healing, I need it FAST, so it's dual fast healing of some kind. Being able to cast two heals at once enables me to go back to casting spells or swinging swords faster.
Note: Because of how the dual-casting perk works, it is actually not beneficial to grab dual-casting, unless you find yourself in a situation where you need the 2.2x modifier from it. If not, the 2.8x cost modifier makes it less than desirable. Same goes for Destruction, unless you go Impact for the stagger.
Edited, Nov 5th 2013 12:06am by Mazra