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this game called RIFT..?Follow

#1 Jan 11 2011 at 10:30 AM Rating: Good
So I keep hearing about it, I've see the commercial going after Blizzard/WoW players.
I want to try it.
Is there anyone here who can invite people to the Beta?
If so, could you hook me up? (just PM info).

Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#2 Jan 11 2011 at 11:24 AM Rating: Good
10,564 posts
Some friends have gotten interested in the beta (which is currently down right now), and I've also been looking for a beta invite to join them :P. I played a little on one of their accounts and it's fairly fun so far, in that it's very similar to WoW, though I think I like the soul system in RIFT more (basically, you are an archetype but can have 3 different classes equipped at once, so there is much greater potential for diversity).
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#3 Jan 11 2011 at 11:34 AM Rating: Good
Vataro wrote:
Some friends have gotten interested in the beta (which is currently down right now), and I've also been looking for a beta invite to join them :P. I played a little on one of their accounts and it's fairly fun so far, in that it's very similar to WoW, though I think I like the soul system in RIFT more (basically, you are an archetype but can have 3 different classes equipped at once, so there is much greater potential for diversity).

This is what peeked my interest.
From what I hear it is all the great things from other MMOs, and then even some better stuff mixed in to make RIFT.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#4 Jan 11 2011 at 11:42 AM Rating: Good
10,564 posts
It is pretty interesting. Each "soul" has its own unique skill/talent tree, so it's basically similar to WoW there in that each class had 3 trees. The difference being that in RIFT you get to choose 3 out of 7-8 possibilities for your archetype (plus a separate PvP soul I believe), which allows for greater flexibility. Furthermore, the basic abilities you learn are defined by your souls and not by your archetype - so in WoW you learned new abilities (or ranks) at given levels. In RIFT, you learn abilities by spending a certain number of points in that soul's skill tree (the skills are not actually part of the skill tree - they are unlocked immediately once you have the requisite number of points in the tree). You still get new ranks of skills by purchasing them at trainers once you're a certain level, though.

My understanding is that you will be able to change souls, but it will require money (in game money of course) and/or a quest or something. So in the beta you get access to all 3 "souls" within about an hour of playing; however, I believe at release the 2nd soul becomes available at level 15 and the 3rd at level 30. At least that's what I read on their site, it may be subject to change. I didn't get to play enough to really comment, but at least for me it seemed like I wanted to
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#5 Jan 11 2011 at 3:25 PM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
As far as I know, ZAM has finished their Beta key contest, and Betas come in phases that usually last 3-4 days. They just finished phase 4, and there were originally 7 scheduled; not sure if they'll speed that up or not. But we don't currently have any contests open to give out more keys. If we get more, I'll letcha know.

You can get into the betas by pre-ordering, by the way Smiley: grin
From what I hear it is all the great things from other MMOs, and then even some better stuff mixed in to make RIFT.

This is pretty much spot on. As Allegory said in a thread on the Rift forums here, nothing is new in the game but everything is done well. Despite Trion touting the game as "next generation," the Rifts, Zone Events, and Invasions are just the newest iteration of Warhammer PQs. The Soul Tree system is very similar to the pre-Cata WoW talent tree system, but MUCH larger; unlike WoW where you get one main tree and two others you might place a couple points in, Rift gives each class at least eight "souls," three of which can be used at a time (and unlike WoW there are definite PvP specs, meaning your chosen spec won't be nerfed because some abilities work better in PvP). Questing, crafting, and Warfronts (think Battlegrounds) are almost identical to WoW.

There are some thing I don't care for. No queue system for dungeons bites. You get knocked off your mount if you get hit. There's no fast overworld transportation like flight paths. The PvP rewards require notoriety (reputation) with the Warfront factions, as well as favor (honor points), which will become a major grind later.

But I think a few of those will be cleaned up soon enough. After playing the last weekend almost exclusively in Rift, I really enjoyed the game and I think it'll be great come March. Super solid Beta as well - it feels like a finished game.

Oh, and I have an article coming out this week on my most recent experiences Smiley: wink
#6 Jan 11 2011 at 4:50 PM Rating: Good
cool beans.
Post it up if more keys come out.
My WoW time is getting kind of boring..I'm at the "I need to grind rep, it takes for ever" stage, and it is boring ><;
A new game may be fun, I played FFXI for 3 years, WoW now for..3 may be time to move on.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#7 Jan 11 2011 at 5:23 PM Rating: Good
1,877 posts
One of the big things that I didn't care for was how rifts where handled. You would be questing along and BAM a rift will pop where you need to quest next. No big if you are playing during a relatively busy time of the day but if you happen to be playing at an off time or in an area that doesn't have a lot of people in it you are going to get creamed and it is going to happen with relative frequency.

Oh something that hasn't been added yet was how customizable the game is. I am not talking about just the specs either. Not sure if this is going to be included in the final product but I was playing around with the options and I found a way to customize everything about the UI. Don't like the action bars there? Move it. Hate that particular bar? Take it out. It is a very welcome option that I kinda wish WoW had.

I would have played more than the 6 or so hours this last beta test but with my net gone to beans this past weekend I couldn't get any solid game time in.
#8 Jan 11 2011 at 6:07 PM Rating: Decent
Repressed Memories
21,027 posts
A lot of what I write about the game might sound cynical, because I'm cynical about MMORPGs in general. Regardless of how I sound, I did like the game enough to pre-order it so that should tell you my real opinion there.

I think there is very little that will wow you about Rift, but I also think there is very little that can be found wrong with the game. Many other MMORPGs have an aspect I greatly like (I love both FFXI and FFXIV aesthetically), but these games are made unenjoyable for me by flaws in other areas (Massive repetition and grinds in FFXI and FFXIV, and generally uninteresting combat). I liked a lot of the gameplay of Warhammer Online, but the unresponsive servers made healing in PvP a nightmare. Rift doesn't have any huge flaws that I can see. I see nothing that could be said to be significantly flawed or done poorly. I can also tell that the team has put a lot of effort into making it run well because even in beta I encountered no glitches, a perfected UI, responsive servers, and polished animations and gameplay. I see Rift being released as a highly polished and finished product, quite the opposite of games like Vanguard.
Sandinmygum wrote:
My WoW time is getting kind of boring..I'm at the "I need to grind rep, it takes for ever" stage, and it is boring ><;
A new game may be fun, I played FFXI for 3 years, WoW now for..3 may be time to move on.

It might be worth it if you're looking for a change of scenery and a fresh start, but as has been mentioned here before, Rift is far from an original game. There is still quest grinding, there is still instanced and open world pvp, there are still instanced dungeons and end game raiding. The rift mechanic will be new to you though, and if you're anything like me you'll enjoy it a lot. Rifts function basically like spontaneous raids. They have five levels starting with small minions and working up to elites and finally a boss at the end. You can join at any point during the event. You get rewards based on your contribution (damage/healing/etc.), but you don't need to be grouped with anyone and there is no loot drops to squabble over (you get coins to turn in for loot later). It's a very raid-like experience, but done in such a way that it can occur spontaneously and be done by players who aren't explicitly working together.
#9 Jan 12 2011 at 12:01 AM Rating: Good
10,564 posts
Criminy wrote:
One of the big things that I didn't care for was how rifts where handled. You would be questing along and BAM a rift will pop where you need to quest next. No big if you are playing during a relatively busy time of the day but if you happen to be playing at an off time or in an area that doesn't have a lot of people in it you are going to get creamed and it is going to happen with relative frequency.

Oh something that hasn't been added yet was how customizable the game is. I am not talking about just the specs either. Not sure if this is going to be included in the final product but I was playing around with the options and I found a way to customize everything about the UI. Don't like the action bars there? Move it. Hate that particular bar? Take it out. It is a very welcome option that I kinda wish WoW had.

I would have played more than the 6 or so hours this last beta test but with my net gone to beans this past weekend I couldn't get any solid game time in.

I'll agree with that. I was already wishing a couple hours in I could have a bunch of customized action bars splashed across the bottom of my screen to make it easier to access all my abilities.
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#10 Jan 12 2011 at 2:52 PM Rating: Good
I'm interested. I liked the PQ's in both Warhammer and CO. I also like have a wide variety of build combinations for character abilities. In the movies I watched on the site the character animations seemed a bit sluggish though. Not sure if anyone can comment on that from beta.

One of the things that I like about WoW is how fast and responsive your character is as opposed to say a game like Lotro where its all very pretty scenery but your toons just don't feel as fluid in combat. Its a small thing I mean I played two characters to cap in Lotro but its always one of those things I miss when I take breaks from WoW.
#11 Jan 12 2011 at 6:20 PM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
My article Smiley: grin
#12 Jan 12 2011 at 6:56 PM Rating: Good
Repressed Memories
21,027 posts
Shojindo, Hero of Orgrimmar wrote:
I'm interested. I liked the PQ's in both Warhammer and CO. I also like have a wide variety of build combinations for character abilities. In the movies I watched on the site the character animations seemed a bit sluggish though. Not sure if anyone can comment on that from beta.

One of the things that I like about WoW is how fast and responsive your character is as opposed to say a game like Lotro where its all very pretty scenery but your toons just don't feel as fluid in combat. Its a small thing I mean I played two characters to cap in Lotro but its always one of those things I miss when I take breaks from WoW.

I didn't take too much notice, but character animations seemed fairly smooth to me. In general, many people have been commenting about how polished the beta was, the UI, the lack of glitches, and the animations, so I feel there is a consensus that they are fine.

As for responsiveness, this is what drove me away from Warhammer. I couldn't play a healer in PvP because all my heals registered half a second later than they should have. As for Rift, it was certainly more responsive than Lotro or Warhammer, but I didn't feel they were quite as responsive as I remembered WoW being. That's a fairly error prone statement though, because being unfamiliar with abilities could have thrown my sense of timing off. I can't be sure if it was actually slightly off or it was all in my head.
#13 Jan 13 2011 at 1:14 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Out of curiosity, how does the story flow feel?

Edited, Jan 13th 2011 12:14am by Poldaran
#14 Jan 13 2011 at 6:43 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
Out of curiosity, how does the story flow feel?

Edited, Jan 13th 2011 12:14am by Poldaran

Pretty good. I really liked the Defiant side better than the Guardians. Both start "not in the present;" in the Guardians, you start at a huge battle against a mad king, having been killed and raised as an Ascended by the Vigil (the gods). After fighting back the hoards of undead and killing the king, you get transported 20 years into the future (to present time) by the Vigil. I always hate time jumps like that.

The Defiant story starts with you at the last defenders of Telara. The majority of the Defiant were wiped out when the Guardians destroyed the Defiant machines, allowing the planar enemies to overrun them. The Guardians weren't enough to stop Regulos (evilest bad dragon of death), and now everyone's going to die. In a last-ditch effort at stopping this future, the Defiant made machines to create Ascended, and another to send them back in time (to the present) in order to fight Regulos before he kills everyone, or at least to stop the Guardians so humanity can make their own Ascended, since apparently the gods suck at picking a winning team. The story just flows much better, or so I felt.

The quest lines go just fine once you're out of the tutorial zones though.
#15 Jan 13 2011 at 12:49 PM Rating: Good
12,905 posts
Locke, how does the game handle? By that i mean, do the characters move smoothly and predictably. WAR always seemed to have choppy animation/movement no matter how good your system, LotRO always seemed slightly inaccurate in all the player movements and skills. Not to give WoW too much credit, but I've yet to play an MMO that handled as smoothly as it did.

eta: i realize its BETA so it might not be as optimized at will be at released.

Edited, Jan 13th 2011 10:50am by KTurner
#16 Jan 13 2011 at 12:53 PM Rating: Good
10,564 posts
KTurner wrote:
Locke, how does the game handle? By that i mean, do the characters move smoothly and predictably. WAR always seemed to have choppy animation/movement no matter how good your system, LotRO always seemed slightly inaccurate in all the player movements and skills. Not to give WoW too much credit, but I've yet to play an MMO that handled as smoothly as it did.

eta: i realize its BETA so it might not be as optimized at will be at released.

Edited, Jan 13th 2011 10:50am by KTurner

From what I played, it reminded me heavily of WoW. The jumping animation wasn't quite as smooth for me, but other than that I thought it was pretty similar. I think you would like it.
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#17 Jan 13 2011 at 1:01 PM Rating: Good
12,905 posts
Cool, ill have to give it a shot when it comes out. Could use a new MMO.
#18 Jan 13 2011 at 1:04 PM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
KTurner wrote:
Locke, how does the game handle? By that i mean, do the characters move smoothly and predictably. WAR always seemed to have choppy animation/movement no matter how good your system, LotRO always seemed slightly inaccurate in all the player movements and skills. Not to give WoW too much credit, but I've yet to play an MMO that handled as smoothly as it did.

eta: i realize its BETA so it might not be as optimized at will be at released.

Edited, Jan 13th 2011 10:50am by KTurner

First issue is that I'm on the lowest of low graphics settings. I really need a better machine, because the difference between my playing and the youtube videos/screenshots from the game I've seen on high quality are night and day.

The flow seems to work pretty well. My only real issue has been projectiles. In PvP I could not see rogues who would shoot me, be they rangers, marksmen, saboteurs, etc. I'd simply be taking damage, or getting debuffs and exploding (***** saboteurs, they seem like way too much fun). Of course, you need Line of Sight so it's usually not too hard to figure out where they are, but a nice arrow trail would be better.

Other than that, the game handles well. I think it's an added bonus that I can jump up slopes that I would not be able to in WoW. I don't feel like I'm playing a moving character against a painted backdrop, if that helps. The characters move and interact well with the environment (which can, at times, feel a bit bland in some areas).
#19 Jan 14 2011 at 7:17 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
Kaasha wrote:
I do indeed have a one batch of VIP keys left. Been trying to think of a good way to give them away...

So we do have some left, but we're trying to think of a way to give them out. Stay tuned Smiley: grin
#20 Jan 14 2011 at 8:53 AM Rating: Good
12,905 posts
IMO you should give them to a pancake bunny.

unless you werent one and i have you mixed up with somebody else :(

Edited, Jan 14th 2011 6:54am by KTurner
#21 Jan 14 2011 at 9:40 AM Rating: Good
10,564 posts
I agree with KT. Pancake Bunnies 4 lyfe!

I really think you should just give it to the people in this thread who want them... :P
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#22 Jan 14 2011 at 10:28 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
Vataro wrote:
I agree with KT. Pancake Bunnies 4 lyfe!

I really think you should just give it to the people in this thread who want them... :P

I still have my level 19 twink Smiley: grin

I'll see what I can find out, but likely it'll be a contest. Or maybe I'll preorder and hand one out? Not sure yet... my gaming time is limited...
#23 Jan 14 2011 at 11:47 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
Have a few keys from Kaasha, the awesome Rift CM here! PM me if you'd like one Smiley: smile
#24 Jan 14 2011 at 2:42 PM Rating: Good
Woot! Thanks Locke and Kaasha.
#25 Jan 14 2011 at 11:22 PM Rating: Good
sent PM. Thanks to all on game info. Sounds pretty neat.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#26 Jan 19 2011 at 8:44 AM Rating: Decent
I'd loooove to have a beta key. ^^ Sent PM.
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