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Guild Wars 2 'Design a Skill' Contest - Submission ThreadFollow

#177 Nov 21 2010 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
Ranger Skill
[Elite Pet Stance] Rabid Pet
Your pet hears the call of the wild and begins to feel a thirst for flesh. Gain a boost to damage stats and health for a certain period of time (around 20 seconds, might be OP depending).

Pet foams at the mouth and makes more noise than usual.
#178 Nov 21 2010 at 12:24 PM Rating: Decent
Deleted. I meant to reply to my original post.

Edited, Nov 21st 2010 1:26pm by fritzywiggins
#179 Nov 21 2010 at 12:32 PM Rating: Decent
Class: Necromancer
Name: Dark Matter
Type: Stance
Description: 7 sec casting time (Caster must stay still). If end earlier the caster suffer 25% hp lose. The necromancer fall into trance emanate dark energy from its body. All enemies in melee range take damage every second followed by degen hex. All ally who come in melee range get healed every second(more ally around, higher healing output). For every second maintaining the spell, the caster sacrifice 5% health and energy. For every ally near the necromancer,the sacrifice % is lowered and small amount of energy is return to the caster.
This skill encourage team play and gives more dynamic.

Edited, Nov 22nd 2010 7:36am by mazut
#180 Nov 21 2010 at 12:56 PM Rating: Decent
Apologies if a similar skill has already been suggested, it's quite an obvious one!

Class: Mesmer-like

Name: Illusion of Numbers (possibly Elite)


"For X seconds, 2 decoys of your character are placed on the battlefield. You take a random position of the 3 characters. Your decoys take on your current health, move as you do and cast the same skills you cast, but deal 0 damage."

Your decoys would be placed each side of you, on a circle around the foe you targeted, where the radius is equal to the distance between you and the foe, and you would all be spaced out evenly. You would then have a 2/3 chance of switching places with one of the decoys, like a game of Cups and Balls.

There are likely problems with it, but it would be awesome.
#181 Nov 21 2010 at 2:27 PM Rating: Decent
Elementalist Air Spell
Hold down to summon up to 3 lightning disks. Skill bar changes to hold three spells that can be cast with the disks. Some examples:

1. Throw disk at enemy. The disk moves in an arc and is near impossible to dodge. Once the disk hits the enemy, it takes concentrated amounts of lightning damage, with 25% armor penetration. All of enemy’s spells recharge.
2. The disk cuts itself into pieces and can be thrown out in a spray to damage enemies with 25% armor penetration.
3. The disk expands, creating a shield against % of melee.
4. The disk condenses and smashes into the ground, sending lightning streaks outward. All allies have 25% armor penetration.

If attuned to fire:
1. Disk causes fire damage and burning.
2. Pieces cause damage and short lengths of burning.
3. Shield against % of arrows.
4. Sets burning embers on ground. All allies move X% faster.

If attuned to water:
1. Disk causes water damage and slow-down.
2. Pieces cause damage and slow-down.
3. Shield backfires % of thrown spells.
4. Ice shards fly outwards. All allies in the area are healed for X health.

If attuned to earth:
1. Disk causes earth damage and stun.
2. Pieces cause damage and knock-down.
3. Shield blocks % of both melee and projectiles.
4. Short earthquake. All allies gain +X armor.

Cool things could be done with this. If you send out two disk projectiles at two different enemies, there is a lightning/fire/ice/earth link between the two, creating a line that would damage enemies who crossed it. This could also be done with the three, creating a triangle.

Edited, Nov 22nd 2010 3:40am by DiamondBroadsword

Edited, Nov 22nd 2010 5:28am by DiamondBroadsword

Edited, Nov 22nd 2010 8:37am by DiamondBroadsword
#182 Nov 21 2010 at 3:42 PM Rating: Decent
Elemental Shroud:
Elementalist elite skill (passive)
This skill is always activated.
This skill changes its effect depending on the attunement of the user.
If the user is fire attuned:
Creates a flame shroud (medium sized) around the user. Any enemy within this shroud periodically receives fire damage. Any player or enemy within this shroud (other than the caster) receives effect, "Shroud of Flame," with effect: on fire damage, you are set on fire for 3 seconds. All projectiles that can be modified by a flame are modified by this shroud, and deal fire damage. Mitigates 50% of all fire damage to caster. On receiving ice damage, this shroud is disabled for 3 seconds.

If the user is ice attuned:
Creates an ice shroud (medium sized) around the user. All non-fire projectiles fired into this shell have a 75% chance of being blocked. When this chance fails, this shroud is disabled for 3 seconds. On any fire damage, this shroud is disabled for 3 seconds. Players (other than the caster) standing within the shroud receive the effect, "Freezing Cold," which drains a small amount of energy periodically and slows movement speed by 25%.

If the user is earth attuned:
Creates an earth shroud (medium sized) around the user. Players (including caster) within this shroud receive effect "Earth Shroud," which mitigates all damage received by 40% and slows walking speed by 50%. On any critical damage, this shroud is disabled for 15 seconds.

If the user is water attuned:
Creates a water shroud (medium sized) around the user. Players (including caster) within this shroud are periodically healed a small amount of hp. Non-fire projectiles passing through this shroud are slowed to 1/4 speed for the remained of their trajectory. On flame damage, this shroud is disabled for 3 seconds.

Just for the record, passive means that this skill is always activated (when not explicitly disabled). In the case of earth attunement, this means that the player is indeed slowed by 50% even when not in combat, if he is earth attuned. If desired, these effects could be generalized to effect enemies as well as allies if desired, but I think that would lead to opportunities for players inhibiting other people.
#183 Nov 21 2010 at 3:49 PM Rating: Decent
Class: Elementalist
- Air
- Staff toss, lose staff skills for 3-5-8 seconds depending on charge,
enabling your character to pick up and toss conjured weapons
- Ground Targeted

Skill: Grounding Rod

Description: a thick bright bolt of lightning strikes where the caster spikes it's
staff to the ground.

cast- foes in the area take XX lightning damage and are weakened for
15 seconds

3 second charge -adjacent foes also, take x2 lightning damage are
blinded for 5 secs.
-near by foes also, take x2 lightning damage and
are stunned for 5 seconds
-foes in the area also, take x2 lightning damage

5 second charge -adjacent foes also, take x3 lightning damage and
are knocked back and dazed for 8 seconds
-nearby foes also, take x3 lightning damage and are
stunned and dazed for 8 seconds
-foes in the area also, take x3 lightning damage, all
foes suffering from weakness are knocked down

combo with : -increased range with water and water magic.
-same skill from other elementalists for added damage
or conditional bonuses.
-water version could provide heals.
- possible nice synergy with a mythical mesmer and her
ground targeted Fevered dreams/fragility combo oO?

Edited, Nov 21st 2010 5:22pm by TokenChoke
#184 Nov 21 2010 at 10:26 PM Rating: Decent
36 posts
Possible Mesmer/Mesmer Equivalent Spell

Name: Mirror Wall
Description: Summon a large mirror that reflects enemy attacks and prevents them from moving forward.
Mechanical Description: It's a ground targeted spell similar to Wall of Fire. It only has one side that's an actual mirror, so only enemies that attack it from the front get the attacks sent back to them. It also acts as an actual wall, so nothing can step through it, but it will break after getting hit a certain amount of times from the front, or only once from the back.
If it's broken from the back, then shards will be sent flying forward inflicting bleed and/or cripple conditions on enemies that are unlucky enough to be within cone range, (similar to Spread Shot and Dragon's Breath), if however, you were within point-blank range of the mirror, then you have a possibility of being crippled. Though, if it were to be broken from the front, then the shards would only cause damage and inflict its conditions from a Point Blank range.

Visual Effect: The mirror would materialize from thin air, in a sort of shimmering dust cloud. It will be a very tall, but not very wide, oval shape. Picture a very old-fashioned, Victorian-styled stand mirrors, but without the stands. It just hovers a little in the air above the grass. It'll be very decorative, with lots of intricate patterns around what would be the wooden frame, but it's made out of glittery diamonds.
Like all mirrors, standing in front of it will cause players to see a reflection of themselves and the environment behind them. However, if you're standing behind the mirror, then you you see through it as if it were a window, only it'll look a bit hazy. Essentially, it's a two-way mirror.
If the mirror hasn't been broken for a while then it will dematerialize similarly to how it was summoned.

Edited, Nov 21st 2010 11:29pm by TriggerSad55

Edited, Nov 21st 2010 11:36pm by TriggerSad55

Edited, Nov 21st 2010 11:37pm by TriggerSad55
#185 Nov 22 2010 at 12:00 AM Rating: Decent
Profession: Elementalist

Skill Name: Elemental Obliteration

Skill Description: Upon cast the ground around the target creates spikes that strike the target interrupting any current action and launching them into the air dealing earth damage while in the air a tornado picks up the target dealing air damage followed by a meteor striking the target and catching it on fire dealing fire damage followed by a tidal wave striking the target for water damage.

The damage of this skill should be pretty high and as such the recharge should be high also.

Edited, Nov 22nd 2010 1:16am by darktemplar32489
#186 Nov 22 2010 at 2:16 AM Rating: Decent
Skill Name: Mark of decay
Profession:necromancer (Elite?)
Activation: 0sec
Recharge: 30sec
Applying Mark of decay on your foe will cause him to bleed[insert GW2 equivalent] ,after x2 seconds he also gets poisoned[insert GW2 equivalent] and after x3 seconds he also becomes diseased[insert GW2 equivalent]. After x4 seconds he is knocked down and cured of all conditions caused by Mark of decay.
As your foe progresses through the different stages of Mark of decay the different visuals of GW2 conditions will appear on him and it will really look like he is decaying.

Edited, Nov 23rd 2010 4:37pm by Kwintpod
#187 Nov 22 2010 at 7:02 AM Rating: Excellent
398 posts
Oh, go on then.

Class: Necromancer

Ability: Unanimate

Cost: Low.

Recast: Moderate/long, maybe 10 to 15 secs.

Description: (2..4) random minions under 30% health are converted into (1..2) formless corpses.

Effect: As long as there are enough minions on low health, the appropriate number of pairs of minions die, and the formless corspes appear by the necromancer. These act like normal corspes from which new minions can be summoned, and look like generic man-shapped flesh blobs. They dissapear after a short while if not exploited.
#188 Nov 22 2010 at 4:44 PM Rating: Decent
Profession: Ranger or Warrior

Skill Name: Tethered Arrow

Skill Description: You shoot a tethered arrow at your target, upon a successful hit, the target is then pulled to your current location.

Recharge: 15+ seconds

Traits/Tier Modifiers: Increased Range, Immediately switch to alternate weapon set (Melee Combat), Reduce Recharge Time.

Fluff: When activating this skill you shout "Get over here!"
#189 Nov 22 2010 at 8:59 PM Rating: Decent
Warrior's Proficiency
Type: Warrior Skill - only for weapons that support skill combos
Description: You use your weapon skill combo. If succeeded, you change weapon sets and use the first skill of your current weapon set. If your initial combo fails you can't change weapon sets for 1 minute.

Edited, Nov 22nd 2010 10:01pm by Lurenai
#190 Nov 22 2010 at 9:53 PM Rating: Decent
84 posts
Necromancer Skill: Banshee Scream + Spirit Bomb

Skill Effect 1: Summon Banshee
A trio of Banshees are called forth from the nether realm. They will shield character from forward facing attacks. When enemies get close enough, banshees release an earsplitting scream that has the potential to piece eardrums, shatter bones and liquefy organs. If unsuccessful at doing one or all of the effects, skill effect 2 will trigger.

Cast Time: 5 seconds.
Cooldown Time: 2 minutes.

Skill Effect 2: Spirit Bomb
Sacrificing themselves for their summoner, when this skill effect is triggered, banshees will blanket enemies in a highly volatile and somewhat acidic ectoplasm that reduces their movement due to the severe pain from the slime eating away at their flesh. The banshees will then release another ear-piercing scream that causes the ectoplasm to react in a violent explosion. Because of the nature of their ectoplasm, the banshees will be destroyed when the ectoplasm erupts. This skill also has a small AoE effect due to the volatile nature of the ectoplasm. Enemies within a three foot radius of the intended target will receive 25% damage.

Cast Time: Instant trigger (hotkey)
Cooldown Time: 30 seconds.
#191 Nov 23 2010 at 6:15 AM Rating: Decent
I took my inspiration from my old biology classes to come up with my idea for a Ranger utility skill.

Skill Name: Fight or Flight

Description: For the next X seconds; if your animal companion is alive/in combat, both you and your pet gain the Fury and Might Boons. If your animal companion is dead or dies, instead gain Y% evasion and Z% increase in movement speed. No effect unless an animal companion is active.

Explanation: Basically if your pet is alive, you and your pet gain some sort of decent battle buff (be that extra damage, increased attack speed, etc). I mention fury and might boons because they are the only ones that I can remember at this moment. But if your pet is dead when you activate the skill or dies while this skill is in effect, then you immediately lose those battle buffs and instead gain some sort of buff to your ability to block, reduce incoming damage, removes crippled condition, and run faster (however the specifics of that works in game mechanics).

So just like in real life, when a threat presents itself, the body instinctively prepares itself for fighting or getting away. I feel this skill fits well with the nature/pet-centric aspects of the Ranger profession.

Chief Msenge

Edited, Nov 23rd 2010 9:47am by chiefmsenge
#192 Nov 23 2010 at 8:50 AM Rating: Decent
Skill: Freeze

Class: Elementalist

Visual: Target becomes encased in ice.

Effect: Interrupts target. They become immobolized in a block of ice. While frozen they are immune to further water damage.

Can be shattered by blunt damage like hammers or earth magic, dealing damage and adding the dazed condition.

Thank You,

Matt a.k.a TheKillerMonkey a.k.a DarkSabbeth

Edited, Nov 23rd 2010 9:54am by DarkSabbeth

Edited, Nov 23rd 2010 9:58am by DarkSabbeth

Edited, Nov 23rd 2010 11:45am by DarkSabbeth
#193 Nov 23 2010 at 1:10 PM Rating: Decent
The Weapons of Dark Absolution absorb the spirits of the deceased. Once imprisoned the souls are subjected to the torments of hell. They are then liberated with a long howl of terror that chills the blood of all those who hear it.
Necromancer Elite Weapon Skill Name:Weapon of Dark Absolution

Skill effect:When the necromancer has the weapon equipped the souls of killed enemy's well no longer fill the necromancers life force bar. All the souls well be absorbed into the weapon filling the weapons charge bar(Note: this can be shown by having the necromancers life force bar change into a different color) The skill well change into a release skill to free the trapped souls after being cast. Depending on how much the bar has been filled well determine the amount of damage done to enemy's in a area around the caster and the duration of the fear condition on enemy's.

Visuals:When cast the already equipped weapons well have there look change much like the Ritualist weapon skills do. When the caster uses the skill to release the trapped souls the weapon well appear to shatter leaving the normal equipped weapons. When the weapon shatters black shadows well race away in a AOE around the caster doing damage and inflicting the fear condition. When the souls are released a sound of many tormented screams should be heard.

Notes:The skill well last until the necromancer dies or releases the stored souls. The necromancer well not gain any life force even if the player changes to a new weapon set, he well also not charge the weapon of dark absolution. The player well die and not go into the Death Shroud stat while the weapon is still absorbing souls.

comment on the contest: Why only have US residents win? I know its a shipping cost thing but why not make it so you give away coupons or gift certificates to LTL prints? That way if someone outside the US wins they could still get the largest print if they just pay for the shipping out of there own pocket. The person could even get many different sized prints if he/she wanted.

Edited, Nov 23rd 2010 2:41pm by GalktheBloody
#194 Nov 23 2010 at 1:14 PM Rating: Decent
So my idea probably fits best with the Necro professions.
As they will probably have access to various life draining skills, I think they should have access to a more selfless healing skill.

Healing Ray
Channel a beam of pure life force to an ally, healing them while draining your own life.
As the necromancer is more in touch with life and death the healing granted is greater than the life sacrificed.

You could also let others stand in the beam at no extra cost to the necromancer.
#195 Nov 23 2010 at 3:44 PM Rating: Decent

Skill name: Storm of Thorns

Sylvari racial skill, causes a burst of wind hurling barrage of thorns to strike single target for piercing damage. A trait would add poisoning.

#196 Nov 23 2010 at 3:49 PM Rating: Decent
Class: Warrior
Skill Name: Seismic Jump

Jump up at current location causing a tremor on landing that temporarily stuns nearby enemies.
#197 Nov 23 2010 at 3:56 PM Rating: Decent
73 posts
Skill name: Combined Strength
Recharge Time: 5 minuites
Class: Warrior

Skill desciprtion: Pulls all group members into the warrior combineing together to give him god like strength increasing damage by 80% and is immune to damage for 10 seconds. This skill lasts 10 seconds

Skill Type: Elite skill

Edited, Nov 23rd 2010 4:57pm by blueplain
#198 Nov 23 2010 at 3:59 PM Rating: Decent
Chitinous Armour:
Necromance skill, surround yourself in bones that graunt you bonus armour and damage enemies who attack you in melee. When used, skill is replaced with Bone Storm which allows the necromancer to shoot the bones off into the air and then rain down on nearby foes causing damage and bleeding.After this skill is used the recharge starts before you can use Chintinous armour again.
#199 Nov 23 2010 at 4:58 PM Rating: Decent
(Elementalist, air attuned)
Skill Name: Vortex

Description: The elementalist creates a Vortex of air that sucks all enemy foes surrounding it towards the center. The skill will deal AoE damage to foes close enough to the center. Vortex has a lesser effect the further the foe is from the center.

Effect: The Vortex sucks every foe towards the center. All foes have their movement altered in the direction of the vortex, but can still walk in another direction from it but the angle and speed will remain altered towards the center.

Use: This can be used to give your team an advantage at a certain location, much like 'Ward Against Foes' did in the original GW. The skill is more fun to use and it requires a tactical location (an enemy moving towards the center moves quicker so using it wrongly will hurt).

Not going to bother with values; no sense of balance within the current game.

The inverse of this skill would be nice also: a 'monsoon' that heals allied units within it while pushing all foes out of it with a certain speed, possibly linked with Water attunement instead.
#200 Nov 23 2010 at 5:36 PM Rating: Decent
38 posts
My skill is for a warrior!

Warriors usualy need to get threat from big monsters, but then they also need to relax at the tavern after a long fight. We all know that after a couple of Ales, a warrior is easily seduced by natural beauties, often resulting in accidental adultery.

Here is when my skill come in handy :

Veil of Subtelty

Type: Debuff (target: wife, girlfriend, week-end girl)
Duration: 1 week
Can be dispelled by: Co-Workers, Jealous Ex, Mom

Remove all suspiscions from a loved one about (1) night away without explanations or (1) "I really don't remember where I have left my pants"

35% chance to apply on first attempt
60% chance to apply on second attempt
Can only be stacked once
Cannot be re-applied once the buff is gone

Can only be stacked once
#201 Nov 23 2010 at 10:17 PM Rating: Decent
Sanguine Abomination

Necromancer Summon Minion Skill

A summon skill that is akin to playing Russian Roulette -- the minion grows more powerful the longer it exists, but also has a greater chance to turn against its master. Will you play it safe, or put it all on the line?


This skill deals health damage and then creates a creature vaguely resembling a fetus from the enemy's blood. This minion grows in power - physically and stat-wise - as it attacks. However, the more powerful it becomes, and the longer it goes without draining blood, the greater the chance it will turn on its master.

Secondary Spell: Rupture

The Sanguine Abomination explodes into a web of semi-coagulated blood, holding enemies in place until the spell fades or they are able to break free. The more powerful the abomination at the time Rupture is used, the wider the radius and duration of the webbing.


In the end, the Sanguine Abomination is a ticking time bomb. The longer you keep it around, the more damage you can potentially inflict on your enemies, but also is just as likely to explode in your face. Players must chooser whether to be cautious and have a weak minion, or take a gamble and make the abomination as powerful as possible, knowing full well they may end up having to fight it in the future.

Note: I included a secondary spell for the sake of completeness, as I read on the GW2 official site that all Necromancer Minion spells have an associated secondary spell.

Edited, Nov 24th 2010 3:29pm by apostolicalcoholic
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