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Guild Wars 2 'Design a Skill' Contest - Submission ThreadFollow

#152 Nov 19 2010 at 2:12 PM Rating: Decent
Skill Name: Anja's Earthshaker
Profession: Warrior (Soldier)
Type: Hammer Attack
Activation: 1sec
Recharge: 30sec
Single target hammer strike with an AoE after effect. Successful hit knocks down target and causes x seconds of blindness when they regain their feet. Blindness based on Strength score. All enemies adjacent to the target are also knocked down and subjected to blindness with a duration half of that of the target. If blocked, target is still knocked down but there is no blindness nor AoE effect. Knockback instead of knockdown would be preferrable for adjacent opponents.
Overhanded hammer attack driving an opponent to their knees and knocking nearby enemies off their feet. Unblocked hit creates a ripple effect on the ground around the target, throwing up dust.
Possible trait upgrades:
Increased AoE range
Lengthened blindness
Lengthened knockdown period

#153 Nov 19 2010 at 2:44 PM Rating: Decent
Class: (caster profession)
Name: Path of Damnation
Type: Channeling Spell
Description: A spell that has up to 6sec cast time, but cant be interrupt by any skill(except knock down; the caster can be snared) and can be perform when moving. When the caster start the spell it leave a visible black(or any color) trace behind the caster. If any foe cross the trace it takes <average to high> amount of dmg, every time it cross the track. If the caster "wall" a foe/foes inside this trace (full circle from the spot this spell is started to the same spot), all foes inside get a mass debuff and the track disappear. May add some buff to the ally inside (optional)
#154 Nov 19 2010 at 3:32 PM Rating: Decent
1) Class: Warrior

Boo! Energy cost: (equal to GW1 10) Casting time: - Recharge: 5s.
Shout. The player will roar, trying to scare everyone in the area. Anyone luckily enough, to be in the range of this skill, will get his action interupted. For 1..3 seconds their momevent speed will be reduced by 50% (crippled condition) and their casting time of spells will be Lengthened by 50% (dazed condition). Any enemies caught within it's range will be immune to Boo! for 20 seconds. This shout has four times the melee range.

Kill me! Energy cost: (equal to GW1 5) Casting time: - Recharge: 15s
Shout. For 10 seconds. Any incoming physical or elemental damage dealt to you will be doubled. You gain x (equal to GW1 1(2)) strikes of adrenaline every time you get hit by physical or elemental damage.

Steady stance Energy cost: (equal to GW1 5) Casting time: - Recharge: 20s
Stance. Warrior will get himself prepared for an attack. For 8 seconds your momevent speed will be reduced by 75% and you will block next attack against you. When you block an attack this way, you will get x..y (equal to GW1 7..14) energy, x..y (equal to GW1 1..2) strikes of adrenaline and this stance will end.

Swordsman's charge Energy cost: (equal to GW1 5) Casting time: 1/2s Recharge: 60s
Sword related warrior skill. Warrior will concentrate all his body and soul energy and will rush directly to the target. You will lose all adrenaline. For every strike of adrenaline lost, you will get 10% more momevent speed (maximum 70%) and x..y (equal to GW1 5..12) damage bonus (maximum 50). This skill will end when you hit your target, change the target, or if you rush to an obstacle between you and your target. When this skill end, you are cnocked down for 3..2 seconds.

2) Class: Elementalist

Kinetic shield Attribute: Air Magic Energy cost: (equal to GW1 5) Casting time: 3/4s Recharge: 20s
Enchantment spell. Elementalist will create a shield around himself, that absorbs part of all incoming physical damage. For 3..5 seconds you are enchanted with Kinetic shield. Every time you are hit by physical damage, that damage is reduced by x..y (equal to GW1 5..10), you gain 5 health (small amount) and this enchantment renews itself.

Power shield Attribute: Fire magic Energy cost: (equal to GW1 5) Casting time: 3/4s Recharge: 20s
Enchantment spell. Elementalist will create a shield around himself, that absorbs part of all incoming elemental damage. For 3..5 seconds you are enchanted with Power shield. Every time you are hit by elemental damage, that damage is reduced by x..y (equal to GW1 5..10), you gain 1 energy (very small amount) and this enchantment renews itself.

Brainstorming Attribute: Air Magic Energy cost: (equal to GW1 15) Casting time: 2s Recharge: 20s
Spell. Elementalist will concentrate lighting force in his head to repeatedly strike target's brain. You will create a slow moving lighting ball, that will be guided to your target. When it hits, your target will get dazed (description on top) for 1..6 seconds and will take x..y (equal to GW1 20..30) lighting damage each second. If this spell is interrupted on casting, you will get stuck by x..y (equal to 120..80) lighting damage. This spell is ignoring heavy types of armor.

3) Class: Ranger

Rolling boulders Energy cost: (equal to GW1 15) Casting time: 5/2s Recharge: 45s
Trap. Ranger will hide large rocks seemingly in nowhere, that will fall on enemies when they come too close. When triggered, an avalanche of big boulders will fall down from the sky, cnocking down, dazing for 3..9 seconds, dealing x..y damage (equal to 10..30) and weakening enemies for 4..12 seconds (When weakened, you will have all your attributes reduced equal to GW1 1 and your damage from attacks will be reduced by 75%). This skill is easily interrupted

Splitting arrow Energy cost: (equal to GW1 10) Casting time: (attack) Recharge: 15s
Bow attack skill. Ranger will attach a small explosive device to improved tip of an arrow, that, when used at long range, will explode in the air, causing the arrow to scatter all over the place, damaging everyone near the original target. If you are closer to the target than half the range of spell, this arrow will stick to target and then explode, causing 115..300% of the original damage of an arrow (caused in fire damage). If you are farther, the arrow will explode in the air, causing x..y (equal to GW1 30..80) damage to target and all nearby foes. This attack is easily interrupted. No preparation has effect on this attack.

4) Class: Necromancer

Dark vision Energy cost: (equal to GW1 25) Casting time: 1s Recharge: 20s
Enchantment spell. Necromancer will land the dark power on allied eyes, causing them to clearly see the life force of their enemies. When cast, you and all allies in the area will be recovered from blindness and for 5..15 seconds their attacks cannot miss and will strike for +x..y (equal to GW1 8..16) damage.

Dark cloud Energy cost: (equal to GW1 10) Casting time: 1s Recharge: 20s
Spell. Necrmancer will form a cloud of pure darkness, damaging enemies caught inside and healing allies within it's range. Create a Dark cloud at target's (friend or foe) location. For 10 seconds, all nearby enemies will be blinded for 2..8 and will take x..y (equal to GW1 15..25) damage every second. Allies will gain that amount of health instead and will be recovered from blindness. Any projectile flying trough this cloud will blind their target for 1 second and will strike for +x..y (equal to GW1 5..9) damage.

5) Rifle skills

Predator bullet Energy cost: (equal to GW1 10) Casting time: (attack) Recharge: 25s
Rifle attack skill. Wielder will use power of his mind to control the bullet in flight, causing it to always hit the target critically. You will fire a bullet into the air that will impact in 3..1 second. The shot will always hit the target, unless you are dazed, causing +x..y (equal to GW1 20..40) damage and hit critically. Target cannot dogde this bullet, or be stray of it. It does not matter if the target is obstructed.

Buckshot Energy cost: (equal to GW1 5) Casting time: 1/2s Recharge: 25s
Rifle attack skill. Wielder will load the weapon with a pile of shrapnels, that will spread in front of the shooter, damaging all opponents within the range and angle. You will Fire 4..16 shrapnels in front of you, in angle of 45..120 degrees, each causing x..y (equal to GW1 15..35) damage. shrapnels has half the rifle range.

6) miscellaneous effects

Evironmental effect. You have been reported for offensive language/spamming. You cannot write to the chat for next 5...120 minutes of play time.

Hex spell. Dhuum is coming for you! You will be remorved from this world forever! get ready for erasing!/for next x days as the reason of your recent actions! farewell.

Huh, it was so long, I dont have enough power to write the rest and make the post more corolful. I will write there several more ideas for supporting skills tomorrow.

If I have to choose one skill, I would definitely choose my Silenced! effect. If that does not match the requirements of skill, I would choose my Boo! skill as an entry.

Edited, Nov 20th 2010 2:47pm by slupka

Edited, Nov 21st 2010 5:29am by slupka

Edited, Nov 21st 2010 2:25pm by slupka

Edited, Nov 24th 2010 2:22pm by slupka
#155 Nov 19 2010 at 4:41 PM Rating: Decent

Dragonbrood: Summon Kralkatorrik's crystal servants to aid in combat. After time, they will shatter, damaging both enemies and allies nearby. May cause bleeding damage on hit.

Summon (1...3) crystal servants for 45 seconds. Deals (20...50) damage on death. Servant may cause bleeding on hit.
Cast time: 2 seconds
Cooldown: 90 seconds

Edited, Nov 19th 2010 5:44pm by patchofblue

Edited, Nov 19th 2010 9:46pm by patchofblue
#156 Nov 19 2010 at 6:15 PM Rating: Decent
Class: Ranger

Ability: Natures Binding

Description: The Ranger and the earth combine as one. The rangers skin turns to bark and is rooted to the earth enriching the Ranger with natures power.

Effect: Armor is increased, Nature damage is added to all attacks but the ranger cannot move until the effect has worn off and is greatly susceptible to fire damage.

Uptime/Cooldown: 20-30seconds/Long
#157 Nov 19 2010 at 6:52 PM Rating: Decent
Asura Synergy Skill

Skill Name: SynerLink

Skill Affect: Allows an Asura to use magic to link their mental power to mechanical devices. It creates a link that allows the Asura to control the device with their mind, such as the Golems that they construct.

Cast Time: 4 Seconds
Recharge Time: 10 minutes
#158 Nov 20 2010 at 3:03 AM Rating: Decent
Class: -
Name: Face your Maker!
Type: Instant skill
Description: Draw the target and 2 additional adjustment foes to the caster, add cripple for (2-4) seconds.
#159 Nov 20 2010 at 3:07 AM Rating: Decent
Class: Warior
Name: Swap
Type: Spell
Description: 2 sec. cast time (can be rupt) Swap you and your target places, add 3 sec cripple to both.
#160 Nov 20 2010 at 3:57 AM Rating: Decent
A must-have Skill for all Norns:

Skill Name: "My head does not hurt!"
Race: Norn
Type: Stance
Activation: 1sec
Recharge: 30sec
Energy Cost: 5
Description: All effects of prior alcohol consumption end for the period of 30...60 seconds. (According to Level of Norn Character)

#161 Nov 20 2010 at 4:12 AM Rating: Decent
Class: Elementalist
Skill: Summon Dragon
Cast time: 5 seconds
Recharge time: 60 seconds
Skill lasts 10 seconds

It uses the fire attribute and summons a red fire-breathing dragon. The higher your fire attribute is, the more damage the fire that the dragon breathes does. With a fire attribute at 12, it will do 55 damage with each blast of flame. Rank 13 in fire attribute would do 60 damage. If anything just for the eye candy of having a beautiful and powerful dragon there lol. I know there are elementalist skills that do more damage, so it seems like a viable skill.
#162 Nov 20 2010 at 5:19 AM Rating: Decent
Name: Plaguetide
Profession: Necromancer (or Ranger)
Cost equivalent: 20 energy / 3 sec cast / 30 recharge
Type: Spell
Description: Spell. Target foe and all nearby foes are struck for 5...20...23 damage and diseased for 5...13...14 seconds every second for 10 seconds, while in the area of effect all foes are easily interrupted.
Visual: The spell summons a vicious swarm of rats at the chosen area. Any foes under its effect suffer from a multitude of tiny rats crawling into every gap in their armour, biting, scratching and distracting them from the fight at hand. At the end of the timer the rats disperse in all directions.

I made this skill for a concept class way back when Nightfall was launched, but I still like it and think it'd work fine for gw2 as well.

Edited, Nov 20th 2010 6:20am by Tyggen
#163 Nov 20 2010 at 6:58 AM Rating: Decent
Name: Cloud Control
Profession: Elementalist
Type: Utility Skill

Throws a cloudy gust of wind at your enemy, knocking them back. When cast on an ally, reduces their falling speed for 10 seconds.

Visual Effect:
When used against an opponent, a gust of wind that vaguely resembles a cumulo cloud moves towards them, and dissipates outwards at the point of impact, as the opponent is knocked away. When used on an ally, a similar looking but more well defined cloud appears at their feet.

The ability to knock back an enemy serves both offensive and defensive purposes and is useful in and of itself. By combining it with the ability to reduce your fall rate, you're granted a large amount of control over positioning. You could jump down on an enemy from above without concern for fall damage, or you could make use of a similar drop in a defensive manner -- using it to get away from an enemy up above.

Edited, Nov 20th 2010 7:58am by drub
#164 Nov 20 2010 at 7:37 AM Rating: Decent
Name: Down The Rabbit Hole

Profession: Ranger

Type: Trap

Activation time: 5 seconds

Recharge: 60 Seconds

Effect: You dig a hole in the ground. While you´re digging you can be easily interruptet. Once you´ve finished, you can either stay in the hole - which will diminish your agro radius - or you can climb out and use it as a trap. Foes that fall into the hole are knocked down for 3 seconds and shall be crippeled for another 6 seconds. As your attributes geht higher, you shall be able to dig bigger holes so more enemies can fall in. Holes close after 5 minutes because mud and leaves are falling in.
#165 Nov 20 2010 at 11:24 AM Rating: Decent
Golum Energy Surge Created by Zoey Shy/ P I P Squeak
Special Skill Concept for Asuran Caster or Elementalist
Cost 15. Cast Time 1. Recharge 10.

An Asuran drops to one knee to cast this spell, as if sending a telepathic message to the nearest golum as well as 'a heads up' the allies within range.

The Golum's center soul stone turns bight blue with 1 thunderous clap, a bolt of lightening shoots from the stone to the asuran's initial target. This enemy is drained -3 energy degen for 8 seconds, while allies within ear shot receive lightening that causes +2 energy regen for the 8 seconds.

As a side effect known to the allies: When Melee weapons (such as sword, axe, dagger, hammer) or cannon shots, arrows or casted spells, pass thru the energy surge bolts causing +20 lightening damage per hit for the 8 seconds.

On the downside, any ally that is within a casted force field or shield stance of any kind, will reflect the energy surge to their opponent. This causes the ally to receive the -3 energy regen and the opponent +2 energy regen. Due to golum technology, the enemies do not receive any kind of + lightening damage.

[i]Edited, Nov 20th 2010 6:53pm by ZoeyShy
#166 Nov 20 2010 at 2:35 PM Rating: Decent
To Summon:

While Summonedto close:

For Necro
Summon a Grave Gate (static minion similar to a rit spirit)

For x seconds in the area of effect, Necromancers get +y Life Force regeneration. All downed allies rally in the area of effect with a codition on them, like fear.
All weapon skills and spell projectiles passing through the gate are transformed into ghostly modifier and ignore regular armor. Spells with Ghostly modifier heal phantasms and undead minions as well as Necromancers in ghostly form.
So a fireball would turn into ghostly fire ball which would heal undead and necros.

When used while summoned all the undead in the area loose x% health, which is transfered into Necro life force and the gate is closed.

Cheers K
PS:Not sure how to make images show

Edited, Nov 20th 2010 3:52pm by DreamInADream

Edited, Nov 20th 2010 5:45pm by DreamInADream
#167 Nov 20 2010 at 2:38 PM Rating: Decent
Name: Signet of Inferno
Profession: Elementalist
Description: When not activated, does steady fire damage(a small amount per second) to adjacent foes. When activated all adjacent foes are dealt fire damage(a large amount of damage). 20sec recharge.
Uses: Can be useful for the elementalist who is planning to get up close and personal to their foes. The steady damage can be a big help, and if you need to spike your foes activate it.

Edited, Nov 20th 2010 3:40pm by RamunF
#168 Nov 20 2010 at 4:52 PM Rating: Decent
Profession: Ranger

Weapons: Sword, Dagger, Axe, Greatsword, Longbow, Shortbow

Skill Name: Pheromone Strike

Description: Strike your target with a weapon covered in a special pheromone that affects animals within range. The chemicals drive your pets to be more aggressive while confusing other enemy pets.

Skill Effects:
(Sword, Dagger, Axe, Greatsword) - You swing at your target and inflict the effect "Pheromone Mark" if it hits.

(Longbow, Shortbow) - You fire an arrow at your target and inflict the effect "Pheromone Mark" if it hits.

(All) - When in X range of a creature with the effect "Pheromone Mark", pets your allies control gain 5-15% attack speed while all other pets lose 5-15% attack speed. Pets you control gain an additional 5-15% attack speed and gain 5-10% movespeed. Attacks from pets against the marked target do 1-11 more damage.

Skill Visuals: Think of the GW1 miasma.
#169 Nov 20 2010 at 5:51 PM Rating: Decent
Elite Elementalist Spell

Spell Name: Knock

Energy Cost: 10

Casting Time: 1 second

Recharge Time: 25 seconds

Duration: 10 seconds

Spell Effects: (10 seconds) Your next Elementalist spell will deal double damage to target foe. This spell causes Exhaustion.

When cast, the character yells “KNOCK”.

This spell was created by the Elementalist Knock who liked tampering with his spells to make them more explosive. Knock also created a staff called the “Staff of Knock” which multiplied his spells tenfold. He only used the staff once, which was against an unknown dragon, and was never seen again. The staff was thought to have been destroyed in the blast but there have been rumors of sightings in recent years.
#170 Nov 20 2010 at 6:50 PM Rating: Decent
Class: Warrior

Weapon: Hammer

Skill Name: Weaken Knees

Description: You stirke the ground with you hammer causing all neaby foes to suffer from 'weakened knees' for X seconds, whilst suffering from this condition all elemental (Perhaps ranged) damage causes knockdown for 2 seconds.

NOTE: Elemental damage could be subject to change depending on other professions, the idea is for the hammer attack to not directly have an effect but rely on other profession in the team to make it an effective skill.

Edited, Nov 20th 2010 8:00pm by BalrogPetrias
#171 Nov 20 2010 at 8:46 PM Rating: Decent
Mesmer Skill Name: Phatasmagoria

Summons forth "2..4" identical phantoms dazing the target. Phantoms deal "10...90" damage every 3 seconds for "6...18" seconds before disappearing. End effect: Enemy is dazed/confused.
#172 Nov 20 2010 at 8:58 PM Rating: Decent
Ranger Beast Mastery skill, 10 energy, 60 sec recharge

Elite Form. For 30...60 seconds, you take on the form of your animal companion, and you both gain +2...+6 health regen. Your equipment-related skills change to match your pet's skills, and your other usable skills are limited to Beast Mastery, but these affect both you and your pet when used.

Usage: Matches your set with your pet's, presumably one tailored to the environment (taking the form of your shark under water, for instance). It also allows you to double the effects of your Beast Mastery skills, especially Pet Attacks, and the added regen increases survivability for you and your pet alike. Added together, it's a very effective way to shift from the usual ranged sniping to up-front tanking and damage without needing to change your skill-set mid-battle. This fits in with GW2's desired theme of not forcing someone into one role forever, but allowing people to choose and switch their role on the fly as needed.

Edited, Nov 20th 2010 11:50pm by DashRaptor

Edited, Nov 21st 2010 11:04am by DashRaptor
#173 Nov 21 2010 at 12:38 AM Rating: Decent
Skill Type: Charr Racial skill

Skill Name: Stench Of War
Skill Effect: Briefly stun all nearby foes.
#174 Nov 21 2010 at 10:50 AM Rating: Decent
Stone Spikes
Elementalist Earth Magic skill. 15 energy, 20sec cooldown.

Spell. Create a spike field around target foe's location. For 5...15 seconds, moving foes in the area take 10...40 earth damage a second and are slowed by 25...33% for 10 seconds. Foes knocked down in the area take an additional 20...50 earth damage and begin bleeding for 10 seconds. The terrain the spike field is created from will modify its effects.

Example Effects
Stone or Earth: Functions as the description.
Water, Ice, or Snow: The slow effect is increased to 50%, and this spell deals cold damage instead.
Sand or Dust: When a foe is knocked down, all nearby foes are blinded for 10 seconds and the spell instantly ends.
Volcanic rock: When a foe is knocked down, they begin burning for 5 seconds, rather than bleeding, and this spell deals fire damage instead.
#175 Nov 21 2010 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
Class: -
Name: Dimension Shifting
Type: Skill
Description: You shift from this dimension to a parallel one. Becoming invisible to all players. Moving 150% faster and regaining health over time, cant use any skills. After 5 sec you turn visible and bring one random negative environmental aoe ground debuff. (Burning ground-degen effect/Mud ground - slow effect/Fog - slow casting time and higher miss chance/Darkness - all foes are feared for shord period of time... etc.)
This is survival skill with additional end effect

Edited, Nov 22nd 2010 7:38am by mazut
#176 Nov 21 2010 at 11:53 AM Rating: Decent
Class: Elementalist

Weapon: Scepter

Skill name: Water Drain

Description: Water is pulled from target enemy, causing -2...6 health degeneration. If the foe dies while this spell is still active, a level x...y water elemental is created for x...y seconds.

Visual: While spell is being cast, a small blue orb is formed in front of the caster. Once the spell is complete, the orb appears on target enemy, circling and growing larger as it draws water of the creature. If the foe's health drops to 0, the orb grows to form into a water elemental.

Note: Some creatures immune to this spell, like some are to bleeding.

Edited, Nov 21st 2010 12:56pm by jennimarie

Edited, Nov 22nd 2010 10:25am by jennimarie
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