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Guild Wars 2 'Design a Skill' Contest - Submission ThreadFollow

#77 Nov 18 2010 at 12:42 PM Rating: Decent
Elementalist Skill:

Skill name - So you think you can soar?

The elementalist tames the forces of the nature for a little while, creating a vacuum around them that sucks nearby enemies into it. If an enemy gets sucked into the vacuum, they are disintegrated and their head pops elegantly. If an enemy was already in the area of effect when the skill was initiated they will find themselves in a terrible position and take tremendous damage resulting in death. When an enemy is sucked into the vacuum, they will no longer be affected by gravity, and will thus fly up in the air within the area of effect. When the elementalist stands within the center of the vacuum, every sound within the game will be muffled.
#78 Nov 18 2010 at 12:42 PM Rating: Decent
Elite Warrior Shout: "There's no Stopping Me!"
Skill description: Give out a fearsome battle cry that weakens your enemies and detects nearby foes on the radar. If you are below 50% health, you take 25% less damage, you move 25% faster and deal 25% more damage for 15 seconds.

Skill cool down: 180 seconds+

#79 Nov 18 2010 at 12:42 PM Rating: Decent
Class: Elementalist

Skill Name: Aqua Doppelganger

Skill Description: Creates a copy of the character made entirely of water.
Attracts the enemy's attention through various means. Dancing, taunting, playing instrument, etc.
When an enemy moves into it bursts covering the enemy in the water which then freezes.
The same thing happens if it is attacked.
It covers the closest enemy so if hit by a ranged attack it will freeze an enemy standing nearby instead of the ranged attacker.
It will run towards enemies automatically/controlled directly and taunt them.

It could then be used strategically, sending your water doppelganger into a large group of foes.
Having your team member strike it with ranged damaged and freezing many enemies.

(perhaps could be improved with numerous doppelgangers.
Also could be summonable outside battle, so they could just dance and play air instruments with you.)

#80 Nov 18 2010 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
environmental skill/condition

How to trigger the effectss: by throwing the item "ball of fog" OR by being in the environment that naturally makes the fog OR a boss using the skill

Skill: Deadly Fog

Description: Creates a thick deadly fog that no one can see through. Anyone can walk in or out of the fog. Anyone in the fog cannot be targeted by enemies, nor can the players inside the fog target anyone. Any players in the fog will suffer blindness, dazed, poison, crippled, diseased, health degen, and energy degen for "x" amount of seconds. These conditions cannot be removed, the only way to get rid of them is to wait until they expire (these conditions will not separate conditions, but one condition caused by the fog). Bosses who use this skill will not suffer the conditions while in the fog and would still be able to target players outside the fog, but players may not target the boss because of the thick fog.

The fog will last for "x" amount of seconds
a player who uses a wind skill may blow the fog to another location. (or away depending on how gw2 skills work)

For example, if an elementalist uses a gust skill, the fog will be moved to another location or
if a warrior uses an elite skill like whirlwind (if that is a gw2 skill) then the fog will become part of the warrior's attack (just like how if a warrior using whirlwind passes through fire, the fire will become part of the attack) after the skill is over, the fog will lift.
#81 Nov 18 2010 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
Elementalist. A "tornado-like" skill
Basically does what the tornadoes do - massive damage at the core of the vortex and probably inflicting a condition like blindness and causing a knockdown (or the enemy "thrown" in the air). Unlike other GW1 Air attribute skills it WILL deal AoE damage. Further from the vortex = less damage taken. Obviously.
It could have a second version. Multiple vortexes affecting much larger area but dealing less damage.
The damage dealt by the skill could be affected by the area where it was casted. For instance if you fight near the river it can be a combination of air + water, on the desert; air + earth
#82 Nov 18 2010 at 12:48 PM Rating: Decent
Elementalist Ward Spell (Air)

Skill Name: Healing Wind
Skill Effect: Creates a ward (visually, wind is gusting around the area) around the caster for 5..15 seconds. This spell heals all friendly units in the area for 10..30 health per second.
Cast time: 2 seconds
Recharge time: 45 seconds

I have a really cool follow-up chain skill as well

Skill Name: Gust of the North
Skill Effect: If Healing Wind is activated, using the skill prematurely ends it, causing 25..125 cold damage to all foes in the area of the ward and knocks them down. (visually, a sudden surge of wind flies out from the center in a circle to the edge of the ward area).
Cast time: 1 second

Usefulness: Knowing a skill slot is reserved for healing, this skill fits it nicely. The elementalist can save his party from a spike by ending the skill early, or increase survivability by letting this skill go for the duration. I could definitely see this skill as an elite skill as well. Also, I like the idea of using a single ward both offensively and defensively depending on the situation.
#83 Nov 18 2010 at 12:48 PM Rating: Decent
warrior skill
Name:body block (meat sheild)
Skill description: pick up adjacent body (non ally) and use as temperary sheild
Skill effects: body has limited "health" and can only take 2 to 3 hits from foes.body is "destroyed" after. body may not be used again after being destroyed.
#84 Nov 18 2010 at 12:48 PM Rating: Decent
One thing that I think would be exceptionally cool would be if spells/abilities could be effected by more than one attribute.

Skill: Breath of Flame - The caster shoots a jet of flame from their mouth.
Effect: Damages all enemies in the area.

Damage would be modified by your points in Fire Magic
Area of effect would be modified by your points in Air Magic

This could also work for other classes, even the warrior.

Skill: Parting Shot - The Warrior kicks his target and shoots them with his ranged weapon.
Effect: Knocks target backwards and damages them with ranged weapon.

Knockback distance would be effected by Strength
Ranged Damage would be effected by Bow/Gun skill
#85 Nov 18 2010 at 1:03 PM Rating: Decent
Skill Name: Lead Arrows

Type: Similar to GW1 Preparation

Effect: "For X seconds, your stationary arrow attacks have a (increasing) ...Y...Y...Y% chance of causing knockdown, but you attack (increasing) ...Z...Z...Z% slower and can be interrupted easily. You cannot swim while under the effects of this skill."
#86 Nov 18 2010 at 1:08 PM Rating: Decent
Elementalist Skill (maybe Elite skill)

Name: Chain of Earth

Cast Time: 2-5 sec (player must not move while casting , though it is a bit contrary to GW2's idea of dynamic fighting)

Duration: as long as the pillar is intact


Summons a pillar at current position, and connect it (metal, or light chain or sth. different, depending on race) to target(foe) in certain range (maybe 25 feets).
Target's movement will be slowed down 20% (maybe also -5% of attack speed.)
Pillar has certain HP (e.g. 500 hp), each second it looses 10 hp (may vary depending on enemy's magic resistance).
when HP is 0, pillar will be destroyed.
Cool Down: 10 sec

While "Chain of Earth" is in effect,
it'll be replaced by

Name: Gaia's Wrath

Cast Time:

Duration: Instant effect

Target will be pulled to pillar's position.
Destroys pillar and deal pillar's HP as damage to all nearby enemies.
Chain of Earth's cool down will be set to 120 sec.


Each Elementalist can only summon one Pillar at the same time,
but the effect stacks with other slowdown-effects
for example: 5 Elementalists will immobilize the Target for max. 50 sec.
(when no one attack the pillars and all 5 pillars are summoned at the same time)
but it might be combined with other professions skills as well.

Regarding the follow-up skill, if at least 3 Elementalist activates Gaia's Wrath at nearly the same time,
the Pillars will fly towards the target and smash it, causing knockdown + crippled

I think this skill would improve the teamwork among players.
Especially for people who want to fight with strategy a lot ^^.

Edited, Nov 18th 2010 2:21pm by LuckGandor

Edited, Nov 18th 2010 3:10pm by LuckGandor

Edited, Nov 19th 2010 6:26pm by LuckGandor

Edited, Nov 19th 2010 6:32pm by LuckGandor
#87 Nov 18 2010 at 1:13 PM Rating: Decent

Curse of Zhaitan

For X seconds, whenever you raise a minion you raise an additional minion of the same type.
#88 Nov 18 2010 at 1:19 PM Rating: Decent
Elementalist Skill

Name: "Help! I'm Being Repressed!"

Effect: Shout. All adjacent enemies shadow step directly away from you, and their movement rate is reduced by 15%

Cooldown: 45 seconds.

Notes: This would be a useful skill in both PvP and PvE. Being a somewhat defenseless Elementalist, the ability to quickly and effectively get melee opponents to leave you alone for enough time to get out some big spells without being bothered would be useful.
The quote is from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
#89 Nov 18 2010 at 1:20 PM Rating: Decent
Water Ele Skill: Steam Heat

Damage: Causes temporary blindness and burning condition
#90 Nov 18 2010 at 1:24 PM Rating: Decent
Elementalist Earth Skill - Defy Gravity

The earth's gravity is at your command. Launch nearby enemies under low gravity and easily jump away to safety. You then crush enemies under high gravity, inflicting damage and slowing them for a time.

I didn't look at other's posts, so sorry if this is a repeat.

update: To expand a little, visually the skill could be indicated by waves of visual distortion, kind of like the distortion visual in the Churning Earth video. While decreasing gravity, chunks of earth could be shown lifting up along with enemies. If environmental objects can be moved with skills, it might be interesting if Defy Gravity launched enemies' summoned objects, too, like if an enemy elementalist summoned a frost bow or something.

Edited, Nov 21st 2010 1:27pm by fritzywiggins
#91 Nov 18 2010 at 1:27 PM Rating: Decent
Skill Name: Magnetic Shot
Class: Ranger
Elite Bow Attack

Description: Fires a strong magnetic arrow at target foe. This arrow results in a critical hit on foes with (100 armor or more). For 10 seconds nearby projectiles have 25% chance of striking target foe.

Second thoughts~ "100 armor or more" pretty much means heavily (metal) armored foe and another concept of this move is that the arrow would redirect other nearby projectiles toward the target of the Magnetic Shot. Rangers being close to nature and usually sticking to wood/leather/bone type materials for their armor/weapons seemed like the best choice for this move.

Thanks for reading.
#92 Nov 18 2010 at 1:34 PM Rating: Decent
Skill Race: Slyvarie
Skill Name: Fertilizer
Skill Description: Preparation
For X amount of time.
Adjacent Slyvarie gain +20 armour, +50 health and +5 energy.

Edited, Nov 18th 2010 9:06pm by b3ck1
#93 Nov 18 2010 at 1:36 PM Rating: Decent
Profession: Necromancer
Elite Skill Name: Hand of Dhuum

Effect: Deals heavy damage to a single target, crippling them. (An alternate effect could be to deal damage and pull the target to the caster).

Animation: Caster aims an open palm towards their target. Five scythes appear, each corresponding to a finger (but about a foot in front of the actual hand), creating a 'hand' of scythes held together by a metal ring or magical energy where the 'palm' would be. The caster then thrusts their palm at the target, throwing the magical scythe hand at them, closing their hand around an ever extending ethereal chain (that appears) connected to the palm of the scythes. As the hand goes out, the fingers open. Once it reaches it's target the caster pulls on the chain, forcing the fingers to close (doing a grasping motion) on the target. Damage and effects are applied, then both the hand and chain fade away in a smoke effect.

Edited, Nov 18th 2010 2:40pm by Kerithor
#94 Nov 18 2010 at 1:41 PM Rating: Decent
This could be a necro curse or a mesmer hex.

1. You cast this curse/hex.
2. During the next 10 seconds you gain * and the enemy loses * and suffers from * condition.
3. The curse/hex ends prematurely if you stop moving or the target foe escapes out of your earshot.

Necro version could be:
Skill Name: Immoral Haste
Skill Affect: During the next 10 seconds you gain +7 health regeneration and the target foe becomes crippled, and begins bleeding. Immoral Haste deals 40 shadow damage to the cursed foe every second.
Energy: 15
Cast Time: 2 sec
Recharge Time: 20 sec

Here is a quickly constructed skill icon. :D

Edited, Nov 18th 2010 5:15pm by KorjaajaPwnzor
#95 Nov 18 2010 at 1:47 PM Rating: Decent
"Why's the Rum Gone?"

Shout - All nearby enemies who were drunk are doused with icy cold water and forced to instantly sober-up. All drunken skills are disabled for 30 seconds.

Recharge Time: 120 seconds
#96 Nov 18 2010 at 1:51 PM Rating: Decent
Elementalist Elite Skill

Elemental Lord

Energy Cost None
Charge Time 10 Seconds
Recharge Time 20 Minutes

Description The Elementalist is infused with the power of their element, gaining
tremendous control over their element never seen before!

Effect The Elementalist will become an Elemental Lord of their current "Affinity",
granting different effects to each element at hand. The form last's for
1 minute at a time.

Earth If the Elementalist is in "Earth Affinity" then
he/she will covered by earth during the duration of charging the spell. If
The earth shield takes less then "X" Damage then the Transformation will be
successful. Upon success the earth once surrounding the elementalist will
shatter and the pieces will revolve around them. The elementalist will be
able to throw each rock individually at an enemy or throw them all down for
massive Area of Effect Damage. As well as attacking he/she may also choose to
use the rocks to guard taking all incoming damage. Once the form wares off
you are given a buff granting plus "X" armor for 1 Minute.

Water If the Elementalist is in "Water
Affinity" he/she will covered by an orb of water during the duration of
charging the spell. If the water takes less then "X" Damage then the
Transformation will be successful. Upon success the water once surrounding
the elementalist will fall to the ground surrounding him/her. The
elementalist will then be able to freeze individual enemies in range, or
raise the water level healing nearby players Once the form wares off, the
elementalist is given a buff granting plus "X" health for 1 Minute.

Air If the Elementalist is in the "Air Affinity"
he/she will be covered by a cloud of air during the duration of charging
the spell. If the cloud takes less then "X" Damage then the Transformation
will be successful. Upon success the cloud once surrounding the elementalist
will lift him/her into the air. The elementalist will them be able to slowly
lighting each enemy individually into the sky killing them, or sending down a
cloud of poisonous gas deal massive Area of Effect damage. Him/her can also
move the cloud around. Once the form wares off, you are given a buff granting
plus "X" speed for 1 Minute.

Fire If the Elementalist is in the "Fire Affinity" he/she
will be covered by an orb of fire during the duration o charging the spell.
If the orb takes less then "X" Damage then the Transformation will be
successful. Upon success the fire will burst outward dealing a critically
Massive Area of Effect damage. The caster is then covered in flame wielding
weapons covered in it as well. He/she will be able to move around and
"Strike" each enemy with the weapons dealing massive damage with each hit.
Once the form wares off, you are given a buff granting plus "X" Damage for 1

#97 Nov 18 2010 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
I've had made one for each profession, I tried to make them balanced but at the same time also original.
I hope you enjoy!

Profession: Warrior
Name: Stock Exchange
Type: Skill
Cost: 5
Cast Time: 1/4 sec.
Recharge: 20 sec.
Effect: Your character instantly changes his armor, replacing it with a preselected inside the inventory. You gain +20...40 armor against the kind of damage received from the last attack (melee, ranged, magic) for 5...15 seconds.

Profession: Ranger
Name: Spirit of the Mist
Type: Nature Ritual
Cost: 15
Cast Time: 5 sec.
Recharge: 60 sec.
Effect: Create a level 1...8...10 spirit. All players see the screen obscured by fog which makes it more confusing visibility. All creatures within its range have 15...25% chance to miss with ranged attacks, and suffer damage from the fire reduced by 10...20%. This spirit dies after 30...120...150 seconds.

Profession: Necromancer
Name: Animate Racial Golem
Type: Spell
Cost: 20
Cast Time: 2 sec.
Recharge: 30 sec.
Effect: Exploit nearest corpse to animate a level 3...20 Racial Golem whose race is the most common among the players into the near area. You can have only one Racial Golem at a time.

Details of the Racial Golem (example of bonus & penalty):

Norn. +20% Health.
Asura. -10% Health, Inflicts +10% magic damage.
Sylvari. Health degeneration increases by 1 pip only every 40 seconds.
Charr. +5% Damage, Leaves an exploitable corpse.
Human. Attack faster +10%.

Profession: Elementalist
Name: Ward of the Time
Type: Ward Spell
Cost: 10
Cast Time: 1 sec.
Recharge: 30 sec.
Effect: You create a Ward of the Time at your current location. The area of the Ward is twice the normal. For 8...15 seconds, non-spirit other creatures in this area move 15% slower, projectiles move 80% slower.
#98 Nov 18 2010 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
Elementalist skill:

Target's metal based weapons and/or armor are transmuted to gold for X seconds resulting in reduced damage/protection.
#99 Nov 18 2010 at 2:03 PM Rating: Decent
Profession: Warrior

Name: Force Down
Type: Sword attack
Duration: 5 seconds
Description: Lunge at target and pin them down with your sword. Target is forced into "downed mode" for the duration of this attack. While using this skill, you are defenseless and have -100 armor. You may cancel this skill at any time by activating "Force Down" again to perform a blade twist. Target begins bleeding and receives a deep wound if below 20% health. This skill is disabled for 40 seconds.

Edited, Nov 18th 2010 3:16pm by Elundris

Edited, Nov 18th 2010 3:18pm by Elundris
#100 Nov 18 2010 at 2:03 PM Rating: Decent
Skill Name: "Bad Breath".

Class: For the warrior class. (Though may be given to another/all classes in beta development, depending on feedback.)

Skill Recharge: A special skill that takes over the last skill you used, (with a 10% chance of this happening,) whenever you chug an ale and partake in combat at least 60 seconds afterwards. Bad Breath can only be useable/appears once every hour, and also has a 1% chance of depleting 50% of a bosses health when used in a dungeon.

Cast Time: 3 Seconds.

Skill Affect: Bad Breath changes for whichever race you play;

* Charr, unused to the Norn drink, spew out fire kittens, which mew pathetically, stunning your opponent in an awed stupor of the adorableness. The player has 10 seconds to sharpie the opponents face, before the kittens explode, throwing the player backwards and of their losing 10% health for every kitten spawned, (can be 6-9 kittens at once.)

* Humans, the pathetic souls as they are, merely puke up the foul liquid, and for the 5 seconds as the enemy tries to wipe the sick off of their armour, they are rendered helpless and unable to block any of your attacks.

* Asura: The Asura's properties combined with the drink give them exactly what the skill name implies; bad breath. When the Asura comes within 10 metres of a player, they fall down in a faint, and are stunned for 3 seconds; unfortunately, this applies to allies as well - party members better stay out of the way, or wear a <Gas Mask>.

* Sylvari take on the drink in a different way, their plant fibres unable to cope with the strong liquor, and although the players screen becomes blurred and movement sporadic, for 10 seconds the player becomes invincible and immortal, and every hit is a critical... IF they can hit anything.

* Norn, inventors of this magical ale take on its properties happily and comfortably; so happily their walk becomes a skip, and their strength increases so much that rocks may be ripped out of the ground, and environmental weapons thrown heftily. Unfortunately, this wears off for every item thrown, but if the Norn stays out of battle, they may leave the fight to skip through meadows to their hearts content.
#101 Nov 18 2010 at 2:21 PM Rating: Decent
Ranger Skill: Squiggly Blood-Arrow

Skill description:
Casts an Arrow on a random Opponent. If it hits the enemy succesfully you gain lifepoints in the amount of damage you did. If it was a critical hit the skill charges immediatly. If your opponent had less than 50% of his life you cast immediatly another squiggly arrow.
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