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Guild Wars 2 'Design a Skill' Contest - Submission ThreadFollow

#27 Nov 17 2010 at 2:48 PM Rating: Decent
here is an idea for a ranger skill

Name: Somersault Shot or Acrobat's Escape
Type: Recurve bow skill*

Energy cost: Equivalent of 15 from GW1**
Recharge: 30-45 seconds

this skill will work as a charged skill so ill explain it in steps

Tier 1: Simply charge enemy
Tier 2: Jumping on enemies face/shoulders, naturally this will cause the enemy to be disrupted.
Tier 3: Shoot a duel shot (2 arrows/one pull) to the face causing cripple and cracked armor.
Tier 4: Launch of enemy doing a backwards somersault,after regaining composer mid air shoots an abundance or "barrage" of arrows at the enemy before sticking the landing.

when you land you should be a fair distance away from your enemy out of striking distance(to gain the benefit of crippling a melee)
if enemy if to small to support the character standing on the shoulders of the foe and shooting enemy in the face
skip animation but still cause cripple and cracked armor.

another possible variation being

Tier 1: Charge forward and cause disrupt.
Tier 2: Jumping up and shooting 2 arrows to the face causing cracked and cripple
Tier 3: the whole backwards somersault and lotsa shots tidbit.

if possible tier one would only have a short recharge so that one could charge from enemy to enemy disrupting multiple guys. normal energy amounts would limit this to about 3 guys total.

Also in the charging the skill phase tier 3 and tier 4 should be switched so that cracked and cripple be the big payout of the charge.

* Recurve Bow because my favorite bow skin from gw1 was the azure recurve bow and id like to see it make a return
** before accounting for expertise

Edited, Nov 17th 2010 10:11pm by corengoner

**Newest Iteration**

Touch skill (not charged)
Jump into air and jump off of target foe landing out of "nearby" range. as always includes a somersault and arrows fired mid air. Stomp to the face causes knockdown and arrows cause cripple.

Used to get out off the fray and gain advantage against melee attackers.

Edited, Nov 18th 2010 10:48pm by corengoner
#28 Nov 17 2010 at 2:58 PM Rating: Decent
Elementalist Elite Skill


Earth Element

Summon a floating "Stonewark" in front of the caster from the ground. The Stonewark consists of a floating earth attuned orb with 4 stone blades mirroring themselves on the top and bottom of the orb. The Stonewark is as tall as the caster.

Stonewark counts as a wielded item and changes the first five skills on the bar as so.

1) Action (Read 2 - 5 to decipher the usage)

2) Bulwark
- Stonewark floats close in proximity to the caster, and they can use it as a powerful shield, blocking attacks and passively increasing magic resistances. Action performs a shield block.

3) Bladewark - Stonewark's blades change into an "X" shape, allowing for a boomerang like attack with the action command. Triggers a 5 second cool down while it flies there and back. Damage is distributed assuming the attack can hit on the trip there and back.

4) Leviwark
- Hop atop the Stonewark as it drops under you allowing you to move 25% faster for the duration of the action, also ignoring roots but increasing the length of snares by 2 seconds. Action allows you to "Jump" on your Leviwark. This also skids over water.

5) Warkwark - Propel the Stonewark to a designated area, eventually triggering a small earthquake. Using this ability slows all enemies in the area of impact for 4 seconds and damages all enemies 4 seconds later on detonation. This ability destroys the Stonewark and puts in on cool down for 5 minutes. Action brings up the interface to throw the Stonewark.

Afterwords: I honestly want to be a designer for Guild Wars 2, I have been working on a paper based game for 13 years and GW2 is the first game that has ever come close to what I envision "my" MMORPG to be like. I like to design skills and weapons and tools that make the player go "That skill alone is all the reason I need to play this game."

I am hoping that Stonewark is a fun enough skill to make people say that. I understand that all of my dreams are quite far fetched, but at the very least I'd like all of your imaginations to run wild at the possibilities of this skill. This was specifically designed as a "Any situation, provided you have ample control over your character" skill. It should feel extremely fun to think up things like... Charge at an enemy while riding your Leviwark only to dynamically switch to your Bladewark and toss it at the enemy, casting one of your 6 - 8 skills while waiting for it to return.

Thanks for hosting this contest, it's nice to know that someone somewhere wants our imaginations to run wild instead of restricting conversation to facts and science.

Edited, Nov 17th 2010 10:08pm by n3verendR

Edited, Nov 17th 2010 10:31pm by n3verendR
#29 Nov 17 2010 at 3:15 PM Rating: Decent
Dark Requiem
Necromancer skill

All nearby foes bleed and take damage proportional to the amount of health they've lost. Downed foes take a large amount of damage.

Basically, it makes all the foes in the area get a stack or two of bleeding, and it deals damage based on how low health they are (not the damage from bleeding). So it's a great finishing move, when they're low on health or downed (counting Death Shroud downing), they take a large amount of damage, probably not enough to defeat players, but a fairly large amount.

Edited, Nov 17th 2010 7:08pm by ShadowedRitualist
#30 Nov 17 2010 at 3:59 PM Rating: Decent

Black Signature

Necromancer Elite Skill (Blood Magic)

Skill Cost: Very small (see below)
Skill Recharge: Very small (see below)

Skill Effect: Sends a jet of empowered Dark Ink towards target location (may be cast on any point). The ink will travel and lay on the ground, leaving a trail that will stay for 5 minutes.

Dark Ink is a very sticky substance. Any enemy that is hit by it mid-flight will be sligthly slowed and marked by ink for 5 seconds.

Consequent Dark Ink trails may be laid down forming special shapes. Once a shape is formed on the ground, the Ink will resonate with energy, releasing the specific powers of the design. Once this happens, mana will be drawn, a bigger cooldown will be applied, and all trails of ink anywhere will disappear. Beware: If the Necromancer releases many drawings with the same trail or underestimates the amount of magic required, any amount of mana he/she can't pay will be substracted from his life bar. That said, triggering many effects at once should be more effective than doing so one by one (think of it as budget discount).

Drawing 1: Scythe

Design: A cross.
Effect: When the cross is formed, two blood-soaked blades will emerge from the ground, centered on the cross, and spin in the air damaging anyone nearby and covering them in ink for 5 seconds. Size of the drawn cross directly reflects size of the Scythe, and bigger Scythes will have bigger cooldown and cost.
Cooldown added: Medium.
Mana cost: Medium.

Drawing 2: Prision

Design: A square.
Effect: When a square is formed, four steel spikes emerge from the corners, trapping anyone inside the shape. Trapped enemies are stunned for longer the smaller the square shape was. Stunned enemies take 50% extra damage from other Drawing effects.
Cooldown added: High.
Mana cost: High.

Drawing 3: Spear

Design: A triangle.
Effect: When a triangle is formed, three blood stained spears will raise and travel in the directions of the three angles. Spears will travel straight unless there is an enemy marked by ink nearby, in which case they'll actively search the closest ink marked target.
Cooldown added: Low.
Mana cost: Low.


This skill is supposed to define your playstyle, making you a creative killing machine. Drawings should not be considered separate spells, but as pieces of a big puzzle. By reading it you probably realized they empower each other somehow. Scythe marks with Ink, which triggers the homing spears, which are benefitted by the debuff from prision. Mix and match them by drawing the perfect design so, when you lay down the LAST trail of ink, all drawings will resonate at once and release their power.

For example, a good idea would be an almost finished square with an almost-finished triangle on top (think of it as the typical schematic "house" drawing without a door) with a vertical line crossing the space between the aforementioned shapes. With a single trail, you could end the three shapes simultaneously, thus stunning, marking and piercing the target all at once. And this is just a small example! Triggering many effects at once is really important since cooldown will be applied after an effect, so you'll get a much bigger burst and less average cost.

Another idea could be finishing a Hourglass shape, which will release two triangles and a cross. The spears would fly away and "smell" the recently marked enemy, to inmediatly turn around and tear him/her to bits. Poor you if you're caught inside!

Obviously, you won't always have time to lay down amazing designs, so if you're in the middle of a battle you may consider simply using a faster, less intrincate design, or simply 1 design like a cross, since the mana cost and cooldown is applied on specific drawings. Another ad-hoc tactic would be to lay down two trails in a "V" shape and finish the triangle while making sure you hit the enemy with the trail of ink itself. This will mark him/her and trigger the homing spears.

Edited, Nov 17th 2010 5:15pm by Nikorasu90
#31 Nov 17 2010 at 4:04 PM Rating: Decent
Elementalist Utility Glyph skill

Skill Name:
Glyph of Variation
Skill Effect: The next time you change attunements, you can change attunements again immediately and your next spell casts X% faster.

Skill Concept: The whole idea of this glyph is to encourage elementalists to combine skills from different attunements in combination with each other by eliminating attunement cooldown and speeding up spell casting time for one spell. This should encourage some innovation.

Here's an example combo off the top of my head. Glyph of Variation --> Static field --> Fire Attunement --> Dragon's tooth --> Water Attunement --> Freezing Gust. Result: Trapped foe taking damage from Dragon's tooth.

Honestly the fact that Anet might implement a skill made by me is enough of a reward in and of itself so I love this contest.
#32 Nov 17 2010 at 4:24 PM Rating: Decent
Class: Ranger
Weapon: Short bow
Skill Name:Stab and shoot

Description: Attempt to stab a nearby foe's eye with an arrow stunning or blinding the target and then fire the arrow at the same or different target.
#33 Nov 17 2010 at 4:39 PM Rating: Decent
~Spot reserved for future skill submission that will be here in the future of today that is not the past and will not be here before I post this post. Please take care and have a nice day.~
#34 Nov 17 2010 at 5:07 PM Rating: Decent
I heart this opportunity to have a skill idea assessed by the pros. ^_^

My pitch is for a slightly higher powered necromancer minion, that consequently can't be summoned with a simple button click.

Infernal Damnation
[Utility | Targets foe | 5 Second channel | 10 Second recharge]
Drain target's health. If your foe dies while being drained, an infernal fiend is summoned at their location.

* The damage dealt is minor, as this is a utility skill - usually down to conditions, minions & allies to actually deliver the kill.
* The infernal fiend is a shadowy wraith with fiery hands, hood & skirt - an insubstantial blending of shadow & fire.
* Infernal wraith attacks are only as powerful as a bone minion's, but inflict burning.
* The visual effect of the draining is a wreath of flickering black flame around the target's head.
* The channeling animation is simply to point at a foe, ideally with the player character murmoring if facial animation is possible.

After a successful summoning -> Infernal Descent
[Replaces Infernal Damnation | Quick cast | Recharge N/A]
Dismiss your infernal fiend to set the ground ablaze at it's location.

* Creates a fiery area effect akin to the ranger Bonfire/Set Ablaze skill, that similarly burns enemies within it and interacts with other skills.
* The visual effect is the fiend raising it's hands then plunging into the ground, splashing outward to create a circle of fire (ideally with a pentagram or sigil of fire within it).
* The casting animation would be something quick & concise, such as pointing at the floor or a thumbs-down emote.

Edited, Nov 17th 2010 6:46pm by Vulturion

Edited, Nov 18th 2010 5:30am by Vulturion
#35 Nov 17 2010 at 5:14 PM Rating: Decent
Ranger elite skill

Sky-Eagle's Quad-Shot

The ranger draws 4 arrows simultaneously, hitting different parts of the foe's body, causing different conditions:

1st hits the head causes dazed condition for 5-7 seconds and is always a critical hit
2nd hits the arm, interrupting the target's current action (disarm on warriors for 2-3 seconds) (hits w reduced damage ~1/3 of normal)
3rd hits the leg, causes crippled condition for ~15 seconds (slightly reduced damage about 1/3 of normal)
4th is a frozen arrow, causes bleeding for x-y seconds (normal damage).

recharge time starts at 60 seconds (w traits it could go down to around 45 w proper build)
casting time 2 seconds
energy: ?? (have no idea how the energy works now)

When drawing the bow there is a giant (blueish) ghostly eagle (about as big as the player) behind the user and flies away w the arrows (guiding them into the target) The shot has an additional impact force.

#36 Nov 17 2010 at 5:21 PM Rating: Decent
I have many ideas don't know if know if we can submit more but here we go


Skill Name: Fiery Endeavor

Skill Affect: Imbued in a fiery human form, you go into frenzy for a short time and only when below 65% health. You can attack enemies and do double damage with fire spells but is burned for 2 seconds.

Cast Time: 2-5 seconds
Recharge Time: 3 minutes


Skill Name: "Get'em boy!"

Skill Affect: Only with a companion, you can kick up the enemy with your companion and shoot the enemy with a arrow. (Knocks back, also half damage if successful)

Cast Time: 1-3 seconds
Recharge Time: 4 minutes


Skill Name: Feeding Thrust

Skill Affect: With 3 or more minions, this spell enables you to basically call a enemy to the minions and they will focus their attack on that enemy.(sacrifice 15% health)

Cast Time: 5-7 seconds
Recharge Time: 2 1/5 minutes

That is all for now


Edited, Nov 17th 2010 6:24pm by Narsillighthand
#37 Nov 17 2010 at 7:00 PM Rating: Decent
Some of my funny ideas (one for each class :D) (don't want to participate for the prices, just like the idea of designing skills and sharing them :D)


Name: Backfire
Skilltype: Rifle-Attack
Description: Your shoot backfires, leaving behind a dust cloud which blinds all near enemy's for 5 Seconds. You suffer from the condition blackout for 3 seconds). (35sec recast)


Name: Vapor Blade
Skilltype: Elite-Enchantment
Description: Your dagger-attacks ignore armor-rating (10seconds). When this enchantment ends, you and adjacent foes are blinded for 5 seconds. (30sec recast)


Name: "Freestyle Fighting!"
Skilltype: Melee-Bowattack
Description: You swing your bow around you. Attacking foes hit suffer from vulnerability for 3 seconds and get knocked down. (30sec recast)


Name: Mark of Insanity
Skilltype: Mark
Description: Places a Mark of Insanity, which inflicts burning and frozen condition to attacking foes and foes, activating skills. (8 sec duration, 33sec recast)

Edited, Nov 17th 2010 8:05pm by CitrusO2

Edited, Nov 17th 2010 8:22pm by CitrusO2
#38 Nov 17 2010 at 7:14 PM Rating: Decent
Necromancer Elite Skill

Signet of the Lich

Passive: All your necromancer minions do extra damage.
Active: You instantly summon a Flesh Beast and two Bone Horrors. 60 second recharge.

Notes: For the summoned minion names: I used Bone Horror because it's in the original Guild Wars, and according to the official GW2 wiki no currently known minion type is named 'Bone Horror'. As to the Flesh Beast, it'd be a parallel to the Guild Wars Flesh Golem, but I wanted to steer clear of the word 'golem' given the Asura's golem-related skills.
#39 Nov 17 2010 at 8:11 PM Rating: Decent
Elementalist fire signet.
Signet of the Sun
Passive: your fire skills do x (or x%) more damage
Activation: you are shielded in a bright light causing nearby enemies to become blind after the next hit you receive and it reduces the damage taken from that hit by x (or x%).

Similar concepts could be done for other elements with different conditions, i.e. an air that knocks down the opponent, or conversely a water one that causes your skills to heal for x (or x%) more and upon activating it does x (or x%) more damage on your next cast, but overall the point is that you trade offense for defense.
Trade off skills/skills with a lot of utility are the most fun to use, so that's the idea behind this one.
Further, it could be claimed to be overpowered, but it sort of forces you to use only one element while it is equipped (unless you filled your bar with other like signets of other elements) So, in taking this skill you trade off overall versatility for a greater potential in one element.

Edited, Nov 17th 2010 9:11pm by diage

Edited, Nov 17th 2010 9:15pm by diage
#40 Nov 17 2010 at 8:12 PM Rating: Decent
Strategic Abandon
For the next 4 seconds the next time you successfully dodge roll away from an attack made against you recover X% of your energy, and Strategic Abandon recharges instantly.

Ranger skill ideally. Dodge rolls should be rewarded when used successfully but it comes down to whether or not this can feasibly be implemented. X should be greater than the cost of the skill itself but less than the cost of a dodge roll
#41 Nov 17 2010 at 8:42 PM Rating: Decent
Necromancer Elite Skill
Summon Risen Guardian
Only usable when a Warhorn is equipped.
First, the necromancer draws in breath for a few moments, then proceeds to let out a tremendous, somber note. Enemies in the area are stunned/dazed for a few seconds, and all of the necromancer's minions die and sink into the earth. The ground then begins to shake, and from behind the necromancer materializes a tall, spindly minion, with large, long clawed hands. This minion floats slightly above the ground, and follows about a foot behind the necromancer's back, attacking anyone who gets too close with large sweeping attacks.
Chained Skill
While the Risen Guardian is summoned, the necromancer can use the skill Rush, which takes the place of Summon Risen Guardian. When Rush is used, the necromancer can select a large area, and when he or she does, the Risen Guardian will fade out from his position behind the necromancer, and fade in while moving towards any enemy in the area at a high speed, and passing through them for a moderate amount of physical damage. Then, it will fade out, and fade in while rushing from another angle. This process can happen up to nine times(the process is repeated each time the player presses the Rush button) and after the ninth Rush, the Guardian will appear above the targeted area and dive into the ground sending out a shock-wave and knocking all enemies in the area off of their feet.
#42 Nov 17 2010 at 8:43 PM Rating: Decent
Aw man, US only? Nothings ever shipped to Canada. :(
None-the-less, just for fun I made up my own skill anyways. Even if I can't win a prize, maybe ArenaNet will like the idea? :P

Necromancer skill
Death Magic
Name of skill: Equinox minion
Description: This skill has two effects that take place at different times of the day.
In the day you summon a burning minion that causes burning for # seconds but when night time comes, this minion no longer burns and steals # health.
#43 Nov 17 2010 at 9:16 PM Rating: Decent
Elimentalist skill:

Name: Eye of the Storm.

Attunement: AIR

Description: A close combat channeling spell.
If the battle gets invited to your doorstep, don't be fearful! Harness the power of AIR at the tip of your Scepter, swivel it around facing your enemy, and feel the earth shake around you. The wind spins around the target, from his feet up, lifting your foe up in the air, rendering it unable to move and dazzled. The lightning roar as much as the wind screams. You are now ready to send him down with such great force, the ground beneath him will shatter and stir up any loose dirt.
If that does not kill him, wait lets say 2 minutes and try again ;)

Affect: A powerful skill, dealing a high amount of damage over time (each time lightning struck). While the foe struggles in the air, paralyzing lightning bolts hurls at the target. Eventually, after (3-5 seconds) you send the target down with a final damaging blow, also knocking your target down. If interrupted the foe immediately falls down.

Edited, Nov 18th 2010 8:33pm by Nooker

Edited, Nov 18th 2010 8:43pm by Nooker
#44 Nov 17 2010 at 9:21 PM Rating: Decent
Skill Name: Mark of Pestilence
Effect: Conditions spread between foes and conditions allies inflict last longer.

Varients: Perhaps conditions on allies transfer to enemies as well. Condition stack limit is increased. Single applications of conditions now apply two stacks or more.

#45 Nov 17 2010 at 9:34 PM Rating: Decent
Skill Name: Comfortably Numb

Conceived as a mesmer skill, could be worked to necromancer or "Blue Mace Lady".

Basic Description: Your enemy/hostile target's skills take longer to recharge (be it a percentage or flat number of seconds). In addition, your target takes a 20% (adjustable) less damage from physical and elemental damage and moves 20% slower while the effect lasts.

If cast on allies, does not cause the skill recharge penalty (damage reduction and speed decrease persist).

It's hard to add numbers without having any idea as far as balancing, but that's the gist of it. :)
#46 Nov 17 2010 at 10:16 PM Rating: Decent

NAME: Aspect of the Fish
DESCRIPTION: Enchantment. For (6...15) seconds you have + (1...3) health regeneration and move 33% faster. Only usable underwater.
CAST TIME: 3/4 second
RECHARGE TIME: 30 seconds

Edited, Nov 17th 2010 11:17pm by zajinn
#47 Nov 17 2010 at 10:22 PM Rating: Decent
Necro skill:-
skill name :- Fusion Meld.
skill affect:- Enchant ment spell. Meld's nearest minion to it's master, inceasing armour by +40for Xamount of seconds.
You are unable to summon any minnions while this enchantment is in effect.
Cast time:- 4seconds.
recharge time:- 120seconds.

#48 Nov 17 2010 at 10:23 PM Rating: Decent

Skill Name: Essence of Life
Skill Cost: TBD

Skill Effect: Create an "Essence of Life" – object is being automatically picked up by the hero. Hero’s weapon skills are replaced with “Essence of Life” object skills.

"Essence of Life" object effects / skills:

Static effect: Life regeneration
Skill 1: Throw "Essence of Life" – can be thrown within ### distance from the hero. Essence can be thrown to the ground OR to a teammate. If it is thrown to the teammate, receiving hero will automatically pick it up. If it is thrown to the ground (also happens when receiving hero gets out of range), "Essence of Life" can be picked up by anyone, including enemies. If not picked up within ### seconds, "Essence of Life" fizzles away.
Skill 2: Unleash "Essence of Life" – "Essence of Life" is consumed, the result: enemies within ### radius of the hero are knocked down, hero is healed for ###. (If it is not overpowered, it can also bring up hero from the down state).
Skill 3: TBD
Skill 4: TBD

Visuals: When "Essence of Life" is unleashed, it creates an energy explosion of a certain radius – knocking down nearby enemies.

Use Scenario: Your teammate is surrounded by a swarm of enemies, her life is low and there is no way out. You create “Essence of Life” and throw it to your teammate. Upon catching “Essence of Life”, your teammate unleashes its energy:
  • This knocks down all surrounding enemies, giving a chance to escape.
  • It also heals hero for a certain amount of HP giving them a better chance to survive.

This is a new mechanic: The idea is that each hero type/attunement would be able to create its own essences ("Essence of Fire", "Essence of Shadows" etc) with their own unique effects. These essences than could be either unleashed/consumed right away, or shared with the teammates by throwing it to them.

Edited, Nov 17th 2010 11:34pm by GuildFan

Edited, Nov 17th 2010 11:35pm by GuildFan
#49 Nov 17 2010 at 10:24 PM Rating: Decent
Ranger Skill
Commune with Pet - For 30 seconds, Control Pet Movement and Skills, you have -1 energy degen. Lose control of Pet if energy runs out. You lose control of ranger movement and skills while this skill is active.
#50 Nov 17 2010 at 10:51 PM Rating: Decent
Elementalist Signet skill

Skill Name: Signet of Wrath
Skill Affect: Increases movement speed by 5% while fighting enemies; can be activated to push enemies in front of the player away.
Recharge Time: TBD
#51 Nov 17 2010 at 11:06 PM Rating: Decent
These are skills that I see would be handed out as special abilities in endgame missions against Zhaitan. Sort of like the Celestial Abilities in the Factions campaign. Basically, they all do the same thing, but each one is unique to a specific order.

Vigil Elite Skill

Rallying Cry
Description: The user rallies his/her allies with a shout, filling them with vigor as they combat the forces of the Elder Dragons
Effect: The caster shouts, buffing all allies in hearing range with +50% damage and 100% critical strike chance against minions of the Elder Dragons.
Duration: 30 seconds
Cooldown: 720 seconds

Durmand Priory Elite Skill

Durmand's Insight
Description: The caster recalls information from their study in Durmand's Priory, allowing them to target specific points on enemy anatomy for maximum damage.
Effect: The caster gains +50% damage and +100% critical strike chance against his/her enemies.
Duration: 30 seconds
Cooldown: 720 seconds

Order of Whispers Elite Skill

Signet of Whispers
Description: A signet that grants the user insight on the most effective way of putting the Undead to rest. Permanently.
Effect: Increases damage against Undead enemies by 50% and increases critical strike chance by 100%.
Duration: 30 seconds
Cooldown: 720 seconds
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