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Guild Wars 2 'Design a Skill' Contest - Submission ThreadFollow

#1 Nov 17 2010 at 6:03 AM Rating: Excellent
44 posts
Check out our exclusive contest, with prizes from!


The Guild Wars 2 art team are legendary for their impressive creations, and fans have long asked for the ability to purchase prints of their work. Finally, a couple of weeks ago, ArenaNet got together with Larger Than Life Prints and made that happen. To celebrate the opening of GuildFans, we're giving you all the chance to win one of these prints in a contest judged by Guild Wars 2 designers Isaiah Cartwright and Jon Peters!

How to win these great products? We are giving away these premium high-quality prints to five lucky individuals in a Design a Guild Wars 2 Skill contest that will include judging by ArenaNet game designers Isaiah Cartwright and Jon Peters! All that's needed is to post your one skill idea in this thread. Entries will be judged on a number of different criteria that can include merit, appropriateness, and/or creativity. Skills should be designed for one of the four currently announced classes! Don't worry too much about numbers or stats, the point is just to put across a cool concept. If your skill idea wins we will be contacting you by email, and we will need your full name, address and phone number.

Contest closes November 24th, and winners will be announced on December 8th!

One Grand Prize Winner will receive a choice of a Guild Wars 2 7' (78" x 52") wall graphic (retail value between $142.52 and $149.83/ea.) and 4 runner-ups will receive a choice of a Guild Wars 2 4' (48" x 32") wall graphic (retail value between $79.95 and $80.00/ea.). Please note that for shipping cost reasons the prizes are only available to residents of the US. See contest rules on page 2 of the main news story for more details. There will be additional 'special mentions' category for those who fall outside of that.

In addition to the contest LTLPrints are are also offering 15% off their Guild Wars 2 prints for the duration of this contest, using this coupon code:

Coupon Code: GLDWRS15%

Go let them know how awesome they are on their facebook or twitter pages, give them a big thanks to them for making this happen, make sure you check out the rest of their catalogue.

Read the full story with all of the details here.

In this thread you can submit your skill ideas. Be as creative as you can, and keep in mind what we know about Guild Wars 2 so far.

Edited, Nov 19th 2010 12:59pm by Inde

Edited, Nov 25th 2010 5:43am by Jeahr Lock Thread: Contest Closed

Edited, Dec 1st 2010 7:16am by Jeahr
#2 Nov 17 2010 at 7:21 AM Rating: Decent

Casting Time ~3 seconds.
Energy ~20 initially and 5 energy per second it is being used. It also causes Exhaustion.

After casting Levitation all enemies directly surrounding the caster begin to float into the air and are unable to move from that location. While they are floating they can still cast and attack (if in range) but all activations take twice as long and require twice as much energy. This lasts for as long as the skill button is held down and can be for as long as 1..3..6 seconds. While this skill is in effect, the caster can not move or perform any other tasks.

All numbers are in terms of GW1. They are merely placeholders to give a general feel for the numbers of other GW1 skills.

Edited, Nov 23rd 2010 10:22pm by Geikamir
#3 Nov 17 2010 at 8:02 AM Rating: Decent
Necromancer Utility Skill

Skill Name: Armored Minion
Skill Effect: Summon an Armored Minion that absorbs half of the damage suffered by the caster.
Cast Time: 3 Seconds
Recharge Time: 180 Seconds

If we're allowed to submit suggestions for a chain skill as a follow up I'd suggest this...

Armored Minion Chain Skill Name: Meat Shield
Skill effect: Sacrifice your minion to take no damage for 3 seconds.

Edited, Nov 18th 2010 3:21pm by joyfuljester

Edited, Nov 18th 2010 3:21pm by joyfuljester
#4 Nov 17 2010 at 8:09 AM Rating: Decent
Class: Ranger

Weapon: Longbow

Skill Name: Leech Seeds

Skill Description: The Ranger equips a loaded arrow of Leech Seeds. Once fired, and upon impact on the target, the seeds quickly embed themselves in the skin or armour of the opponent. Settling just upon the surface, they quickly germinate and release a plume of spores into the air. The original carrier, and anyone immediately caught in the enveloping plume will be effected by the spores, suffering gradual health loss over a period of time.

Additional Element: Should a Ranger have a Spirit deployed, the Ranger and his pet are healed for a % of the damage dealt, for the time the spores are in effect, based on the number of opponents' effected.

Multiple opponents effected by the spores increase the effectiveness of the heal-over-time, for each additional person effected (no limit).

(Example based on damage dealt and remaining within Spirit radius)

1 opponent effected: 25% health returned to the Ranger and Pet
2 opponents effected: 50% health returned to the Ranger and Pet
3 opponents effected: 75% health returned to the Ranger and Pet
4 opponents effected: 100% health returned to the Ranger and Pet
5 opponents effected: 125% health returned to the Ranger and Pet
6 opponents effected: 150% health returned to the Ranger and Pet

Edited, Nov 18th 2010 2:33pm by ClownSt0pper
#5 Nov 17 2010 at 8:13 AM Rating: Good
24 posts
Charr Racial Skill

Skill Name: Arousing Musk
Skill Affect: Causes members of the opposite sex within the area of effect to begin dancing provocatively.
Cast Time: 1 Seconds
Recharge Time: 10 minutes
#6 Nov 17 2010 at 8:24 AM Rating: Decent
Mesmer touch skill, à la Blackout,

Skill Name: Amnesia
Skill Description: Magic Effect(not a hex!). For X seconds, target foe's skillbar is randomly rearranged.
#7 Nov 17 2010 at 8:32 AM Rating: Decent
Elementalist skill:

Ward of Frenzy:
Create a ward of Frenzy. Skills within this area do 25% more damage but you benefit 50% less from healing.

Variables ought to be changed, and I don't know if ward skills are even in the game.
#8 Nov 17 2010 at 8:35 AM Rating: Decent
Norn Elite Racial Skill

Skill Name: Northern Call
Skill Affect: Call wild animals from the shiverpeaks to aid the norn in battle and a cold wind along that slow the enemies.
Cast Time: 3 sec
Recharge Time: 12 min

Edited, Nov 17th 2010 2:22pm by SweetZoid

Edited, Nov 17th 2010 2:32pm by SweetZoid
#9 Nov 17 2010 at 9:30 AM Rating: Decent
Elementalist air skill
Name: Air blast
Skill description: Sends out strong blast of air forth from the caster in a straight line.
Skill effects: Knocks down any enemies moving away from the caster and slows down enemies moving any other direction (in the area of effect). If Air blast hits a fire effect it also ignites enemies for short duration of time. Also if possible it makes cool looking wind effects in the enemies hair/clothes moving in it or atleast cool dust effects on the ground.

Edit: I'm from Finland, but if anyway possible I can pay the shipping cost :)

Edited, Nov 19th 2010 8:34am by okkim88
#10 Nov 17 2010 at 10:13 AM Rating: Decent
Please note that I originally wanted this to be a Sylvari racial skill called something like 'Grappling Vine', but the contest states "Skills should be designed for one of the four currently announced classes!" If racial skills are ok to enter, I'd like to edit my skill submission to be one.

Thanks for the clarification, Jeahr. =)

Grappling Vine <Sylvari racial skill>
Range: 15 feet
Description: A thick vine shoots out from the user's forearm and quickly wraps around the target. The user grabs the vine, shifts his/her weight back, and pulls back on it, yanking the target. In the case of an immovable enemy, the user instead hops forward as the vine retracts, quickly moving into melee range of the enemy. In the case of an environmental object, the object is caught in both hands when it is pulled in. The vine automatically retracts after use.
Targets: Enemies or environmental items (Not allies, so that it avoids griefing, although being able to pull your allies out of harm's way could be useful, if implemented in that manner. Also, not poles/signs, simply because the development to make them targetable just for this skill would be wasted time)
Effect on enemy: If used within melee range, enemy is knocked down. If used at any other range, enemy is pulled towards the user, into melee range. If the enemy cannot be moved (i.e. Shatterer), the user is pulled into melee range of the enemy.
Effect on items: Same effect as picking up the item, but from a distance. Works on banners.
Casting time: Same as a regular ranged attack to hit an enemy, and then the same amount of time to pull the enemy in. Items should be pulled in about half that time.
Recharge: 60 seconds (Shouldn't be usable too often)

Edited, Nov 17th 2010 11:25am by BetaSprite

Edited, Nov 17th 2010 1:20pm by BetaSprite

Edited, Nov 17th 2010 1:42pm by BetaSprite
#11 Nov 17 2010 at 10:16 AM Rating: Decent
Elementalist Earth skill
Skill Name: Schism
Skill Affect: Opens up a rift in the ground in a direct line from the caster. Deals damage and roots/slow enemies hit by it.
Cast Time: 2 Seconds
Recharge Time: 45 seconds
#12 Nov 17 2010 at 10:33 AM Rating: Decent
Elementalist Water Magic (but of course a Mesmer skill if the Mesmer makes a comeback :P)

Skill name: Drowning Panic

Hex spell: For 4-7 seconds enemy will start casting spells 0.5 - 1.0 seconds later, but will cast them 150%-50% faster.
Cast time: 2 seconds
Recharge time: 25 seconds
Energy cost: Roughly 15% of energy bar.
#13 Nov 17 2010 at 10:48 AM Rating: Decent
Elementalist Air Spell

Lightning Vehemence: Charge Enchantment Spell – Target ally becomes enchanted with Lightning Vehemence. While charging this skill, it deals small amount of lightning damage to foes adjacent to target ally. When this skill charge is finished, a lightning burst strikes foes in X distance away dealing a low amount of lightning damage to foes caught in it's blast. Target ally then runs faster and dodges farther for X seconds plus X seconds for each second this skill was charging.

The amount of time charging affects the distance for the lightning burst, from adjacent to in the area kind of distance. The amount of charging also affects the length of the enchantment.

1. Being more of a supportive aspect, it works wonderfully on both aggressive front-line attackers to passive back-line support. While charging this spell, it's AoE ability will urge the other allies to reposition in the fight in order to hit more foes with AoE effects, giving battles a more strategic feel. The caster might not be able to move while charging but the target ally can.

2. It's also good for solo play, if you happen to stumble across a bandit camp full of bandits this would give you the agility to either flee or fight against the large group of bandits by repositioning to a better area to give a better advantage (running up a hill for height advantage etc.)

3. Because of the usefulness of charging the skill, using this skill to buff strategically is much better than using it's strength on recharge. For examples, if some Orr Warriors is harassing the necromancer while a warrior is focusing on the Orr Mesmer, it would be better quickly cast it on the necromancer, than on the warrior. The enchantment may only last a few seconds but the necromancer can take full advantage of it's speed increase to evade a decent amount of distance and quickly recover. Another example the teams warrior charges into a mob of Orr, you can cast this skill and hold it while the warrior if the main focus. Dealing decent AoE damage to the foes focusing on the warrior, as well as boosting his speed and dodging for a decent amount of time.

When charging the skill, a yellow static charge forms around an ally. The static becomes more erratic and more frenzied the larger it is charging. When fully charged the ally will briefly fully glow yellow then a lightning blast is released. When the charge is released a electric shock wave explodes from the character damaging foes. While enchanted the character moving will leave a small static trail and when the character dodges a small aura illuminates the character figure briefly before vanishing.

Recharge: Low recharge, if the fully charged skill duration lasted 15 seconds when fully charged then the recharge would be around 20 seconds or 15 seconds range. This skill can be used often, but it's usefulness depends more on situation. Using it only as speed buff or only as damage isn't ideal.

Damage: Ranges from median to low amount, if foes continuously attack target ally while the skill is charging and get hit by the burst it does around median damage. If just the blast, low amount. Although the blast range can be fairly large.

Casting: Has a 5 second charge limit, each second increases it's duration and blast range.

Energy: Low to average cost. As a quick buff to assist your ally in trouble it won't require much energy. Fully charging it requires an average amount so it won't discourage players on experimenting and then mastering the skill.

@ ArenaNet: Although the very impressive art is a nice reward, what would be a nicer reward if you added the winner skills in the game. Adding the skill in the game is a better reward than a 150 dollar value huge piece of gorgeous artwork. That is how physicked you making Guild Wars 2 fans about Guild Wars 2. So, add it pleeeeease?

Edited, Nov 17th 2010 7:00pm by ZodiacMeteor
#14 Nov 17 2010 at 11:14 AM Rating: Decent
Elementalist Utility Skill or Elite Skill

Skill Name: Summoning of the Djinn

Skill Effect:
Based on the Element you are attuned to, you summon either to your side a Ruby (Fire), Diamond (Air), Sapphire (Water) or Emerald (Earth) Djinn to your side. They will live until they get killed.
Only 1 can be summoned. When you change the attunement, the Djinn will explode in a big AoE elemental damage effect based on its element. A summoned Djinn has its own 4 skills that you can put into its skill bar out of its pool of utility skills which increase in amount, so higher the level of the player becomes.

What for skills the four different Djinns receive, will be up to you Anet.

Skill Cost: Is up to Izzy to decide.

Skill Recharge: If it becomes a utility skill, I would go for a recharge time between 90-120 seconds.
If it becomes a powerful Elite Skill, then I'd go for 240-300 Seconds

Casting Time:3 to 5 Seconds

#15 Nov 17 2010 at 11:43 AM Rating: Decent
Elementalist Elite Earth attunement Skill

Quicksand Pit

You create a Quicksand pit at your current location. For 45 seconds foes in this area move 10% slower cumulatively each second they remain in the pit. Slowing effects are removed if player leaves pit area. If player remains in pit for 10 consecutive seconds they become buried alive. When foes become buried alive they enter a downed state. Other movement effecting skills do not stack with Quicksand Pit.

Energy Cost: (Significant in order to make it so it would require the Elementalist to use energy potions to maintain for long periods of time.)
Casting time: 2 seconds. You are easily interrupted while casting this spell (Similar to setting a Ranger trap in GW1.)
Skill Recharge time: 30 seconds. (This would make it so foes need to enter the pit or use ranged attack to easily interrupt before it is recast.

You could have some cool animations for sinking into the pit further as the 10 seconds goes on. Also there could be a cool animation for pulling your ally from the pit if you 'revive' them from their downed state.
#16 Nov 17 2010 at 12:00 PM Rating: Excellent
44 posts
BetaSprite wrote:
Please note that I originally wanted this to be a Sylvari racial skill called something like 'Grappling Vine', but the contest states "Skills should be designed for one of the four currently announced classes!" If racial skills are ok to enter, I'd like to edit my skill submission to be one.

Honestly the specifics aren't that important. What we're looking for are cool concepts, original ideas, unique approaches. You're totally free to go with a racial skill if you wish.

Edited, Nov 17th 2010 1:00pm by Jeahr
#17 Nov 17 2010 at 12:42 PM Rating: Decent
Ranger Utility Skill

Name: Scout as One

Context Sensitivity: A different effect depending on whether or not the player is currently engaged in combat. Both effects are sustained until either manually or forcibly deactivated.

Skill Effects (Out of Combat): Meditate for 3 seconds to take control of your pet and see through their eyes. While this skill is active your pet may not attack, but receives a 25% boost to movement speed. Your pet teleports to your location when this skill is ended. Ends prematurely if the ranger enters combat or the pet is defeated.

Skill Effects (In Combat): Your pet moves 25% faster. You move 25% slower.

Cooldown: 30 seconds, starting from the time the skill is deactivated.

Visuals: The ranger sits to meditate, the pet receives an afterimage or glowing eyes, and the player's screen is subtly tinted to simulate "animal vision." For the in-combat version, just the afterimage on the pet.

In-depth Description: The idea of this skill is to allow rangers to fulfill the role of the archetypal "scout" so often neglected - scouting! Simultaneously, it provides the player with the sheer fun of controlling their various animal companions directly, albeit not during combat. Since the player can neither see nor control their actual character while using this skill out of combat, they must plan ahead by making sure they're in a safe location. The alternate effect keeps the player from having a useless skill slot during combat and, as most pets are melee-oriented, further supports the scout-like flavor of the skill by providing an incentive to focus on bows and one's pet when using this skill. Practical purposes would include advanced pulling or distracting of enemy groups, honest-to-goodness scouting ahead, and buffing one's animal companion if using a bow.

Note: It's obvious, from a design perspective, that directly controlling one's pet in combat presents a number of difficulties. This skill is my attempt to let the player experience the fun of running around as a wolf or swimming about as a shark, but while steering clear of the problems that force pets to be non-controllable in the first place.

Edited, Nov 17th 2010 10:59am by Raemi

Edited, Nov 18th 2010 8:29am by Raemi
#18 Nov 17 2010 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
Grasping Earth

Elementalist earth utility skill

You create an immobile earth golem at your location that grasps enemies that get too close, rendering them unable to move for 5-15 seconds. The golem dissapears after 20-40 seconds or when it loses all health.

Activation time: 2 seconds
Recharge: 90 seconds

It should be possible to use this skill both defensively and offensively, which fits with the supposed theme of some already existing skills. I can see some pretty amazing animations coming from this one as well :D

Edited, Nov 17th 2010 2:01pm by Giganton

Edited, Nov 17th 2010 3:24pm by Giganton
#19 Nov 17 2010 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent

A pillar raises up below the caster, raising them into the air.
In combat situations this would take the user out of melee combat range, but not protect against ranged attacks.

If it were a charged spell that went higher as it charged then it could be used to go up next to walls or cliffs and jump onto them.

The pillar could have armor and health rating so enemies could knock it down prematurely, depending on the duration you give the effect.

I had initially thought of the obvious Pillar of Earth, but the concept is general enough to be used in may ways. Pillar of water (geyser like graphic), pillar of air (levitation or a whirlwind graphic), tree tower (tree springs up beneath), Asurans could have a levitating disc or extending pole/platform. There are lots of ways creative ways a skill like this could be skinned for various races and classes.

Edited, Nov 17th 2010 2:01pm by dndhatcher
#20 Nov 17 2010 at 1:22 PM Rating: Decent
Brain to Brawn

Warrior Skill

Empty your energy pool to temporarily increase your strength, vitality and restore yourself to full health. After X seconds your energy is restored to 3/4ths of its state before activation, your strength and health are reduced to its pre-activated amount.

There would be a matching skill for elementalists

Brawn to Brain

Elementalist skill

Half your current health to increase intelligence, willpower and restore yourself to full energy. After X seconds your health is restored to 3/4 its pre-activated value, your intelligence, willpower, and energy are restored to their pre-activated amount.

Edited, Nov 17th 2010 2:30pm by everythingistaken
#21 Nov 17 2010 at 1:45 PM Rating: Decent
Dance of the Water Dragon
Elementalist Water Skill

Description: A water dragon flies out from you and flies to several surrounding enemies (works similarly to phoenix) hitting them for moderate damage (equivalent to 50 points in GW or about 10%-12% of their HP total), when it returns to you, you are healed lightly (equivalent to 20 points in GW) for each enemy that was hit.

Cast time: 2 seconds
Recharge time: 15 seconds

Skill attributes: since there are several ways to modify skills in GW2, here are some for consideration to go with the skill

Rushing Dragon: This modifier lowers the damage of the skill by about 20 points, but gives it a chance for knockdown/knock back
Curing Dragon: This allows you to lose one condition for every 2 foes hit (minimum 1)
Torrent Dragon: this gives a 4 second snare effect on the foes hit
Life Dragon: this causes the skill to target allies, centering the dragon on them and letting them get the benefit of healing. This will revive a downed ally.
Running Dragon: this will move you away from the last foe it hit
Storm dragon: half of this skill's damage is converted to air/lightning.
#22 Nov 17 2010 at 1:50 PM Rating: Decent
Ranger Bow Skill - Windpipe Wrestle

[Only usable when facing the back of a foe, in which case, you can use your bow to strangle the target.]

For 7 seconds, target foe cannot move, and receives -10 health degeneration. While using this skill, you have the option to release and give the target one of three effects: knockdown (2 seconds), cripple (3 seconds), or dazed (2 seconds).

Edited, Nov 17th 2010 3:20pm by KStaub

Edited, Nov 18th 2010 2:33pm by KStaub
#23 Nov 17 2010 at 2:21 PM Rating: Decent
Hello, ZAM community! I feel this skill concept would be quite fun:

Elementalist skill

Plasma Shackles: Conjure spell

Creates an environmental weapon that attaches to one foe for a certain duration and doesn't affect his skills, but prevents him from moving beyond a certain distance from you. The weapon provides a skill that throws the end of the shackles that you're holding. So you could either tether the foe to a point on the ground, pass the "leash" to an ally, or attach two foes together.

The idea could also work for a Ranger or Warrior skill, in which case it would produce a chain or rope instead of a spell.
#24 Nov 17 2010 at 2:33 PM Rating: Decent

Warrior Skill

I know there already is a charge skill, but i was thinking a skill that you could charge up to do more damage and stun for a longer time.

Basicaly, a Charged Charge that does damage and stuns based on how much time you hold the button.

And by the way, ArenaNet, why didn't you post this on some of the more prominent fansites, such as, ehm... ?

Edited, Nov 17th 2010 3:35pm by Sertii
#25 Nov 17 2010 at 2:37 PM Rating: Decent
Piercing Thrust

You thrust your sword through your opponent, causing severe bleeding (2...5 stacks).
If a foe is standing behind him (i.e. opposite to you), that foe also suffers from bleeding (1...3 stacks)
This skill has 25% armor penetration

Recharge: 25 sec
Energy: I'll leave that up to Izzy

A shortsword skill that gives a large amount of bleeding and that rewards positioning.

Throw up your sword (Doesn't have to be very high, just enough to switch the way you're holding it) and grab it backwards (so that you're holding it the same way as a Tengu does). Turn 180° and smash it into their abdomen.
The primary target is stunned during the animation (1~2 seconds).
Note that since you turn 180°, you are might be vulnerable to backstabs from opponents who where standing behind your target.
#26 Nov 17 2010 at 2:47 PM Rating: Decent
Name: "Like a Rolling Stone!"

Type: Warrior Shout
Description: While the Warrior is moving, adjacent foes suffer X Earth Damage, and allies in the area gain Y Armor. Lasts for Z seconds, ends if you are effected by a speed decreasing effect.

Synergy with Classes:
Could be paired with an Elementalist or Ranger (The one seen in the Spread Shot Video) fire-spell to cause a trail of fire behind him, or deal Fire damage.

Edited, Nov 17th 2010 3:49pm by Mallack
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