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#1 Oct 03 2010 at 1:53 AM Rating: Default
510 posts
Some of you may or may not agree with what I am about to say but I'll put it out there anyway: Enix have killed the quality we used to expect from Square.
Square(Soft) brought us tons of great titles but I will be using the Final Fantasy series for the sake of a timeline.

So from 1 through to XI they were all developed by the Square I used to know and love. Sure, a few have the SquareEnix name on the cover, but weren't created by the same team that rubs its ****-stick all over what we're left with now-a-days.

Since the merger with Enix, they've churned out crap. I honestly can't think of a good Square*ENIX* game at all.

FFX was created by Squaresoft and was the last good offline Final Fantasy.
FFX-2: Atomic Kitten Vs Evil. This (rather shamefully) was also created by Squaresoft, despite having the SquareEnix name on it in Western countries as the merger happened between the Japanese and North American releases.
FFXI has the dirty Enix brand written all over my box. But again, it was developed and released (in Japan) before the merger took place. You could argue that some of the expansions have been created by the SquareEnix team, rather than Square alone, but it's not particularly difficult to when you've got a firm foundation to work on.
FFXII is the first Final Fantasy I never completed in the numbered FF series. It's also the first to be created entirely by the SquareEnix team. I was running around as a bleach-blonde Michael Jackson acting camp and being extremely whiney. My friends in the game were a rabbit and a snob that looked like Posh Spice and David Beckham and I'm sure there were a few more too, but I honestly don't want to try to remember too much.
FFXIII I hear is actually quite good. But then I also hear that you have to sit through 20 hours to get to the good bit. Frankly, I sat through about six and decided enough was enough. The characters were the worst I had encountered for a long, lo-- since FFXII. I wasn't too bothered when I died in that game. I actually felt like I was doing the world a favour. Utter tripe.
FFXIV is the reason I'm on the forum. I played XI on and off for six years and enjoyed it so much when I did. SquareEnix seems to have taken everything we disliked about XI and put more emphasis on it now. Example: Rangers crying out for an auto-shoot button in XI. Come XIV and they've taken out auto-hitting things completely! Now you'll struggle to have a chat with your pals whilst attempting anything at all. Brilliant. I'm not even going to mention the new trading system and lack of Auction Hous-- Oops. Well, I won't go in to it anymore.

So, to summarize. Enix, the company which bought you the SUPER-DUPER-FABULOUSLY-BRILL Dragon Quest series has kicked the door off the hinges, stamped into my world and trashed all I loved about Squaresoft in the process. And I hate them.


Edited, Oct 3rd 2010 7:57am by Unohana
#2 Oct 03 2010 at 2:00 AM Rating: Decent
1,877 posts
Yeah FFXIV seems to be a crap infested pile of crap. It is almost as if they saw all the negative things that FFXI did wrong and though to themselves "hmm how can we expand on that instead of improving it?". It is kinda sad really, I was looking forward to playing the game too. Here's hoping this is the final Final Fantasy. :*(

Oh here is Yogscast on the game. A bit annoying to listen to but they have points and a bit comical about it.

Edit: Epic fail at roman numerals and didn't realize it until several posts later. /facepalm

Edited, Oct 3rd 2010 10:05pm by Criminy
#3 Oct 03 2010 at 10:12 AM Rating: Decent
67 posts
Meh, I can't say I agree. I really loved both companies before their merge, and I still love them today. Sure, nobody was expecting Final Fantasy 13 to turn out the way it did, but it was still a good game. Enix gave us Star Ocean, which in my opinion is a crazy good series also. Squaresoft was always known to go above and beyond with their games too, and try out new things. Some of it worked and was really fun, some of it was annoying and not fun, but not game breaking either. They've experimented in all of their games since the very beginning. (FF1-3 for the NES didn't all play identical to each other, neither did FF4-6 for SNES, and FF7-9 for PS1 were pretty unique from one another)

I guess my point is, if you think some of their recent games weren't all that great, I can't see how you can blame Enix entirely, Squaresoft has been doing the same thing they've been doing for over 20 years now.

#4 Oct 03 2010 at 12:14 PM Rating: Excellent
Dragon Quest IX kicks major ***.
#5 Oct 03 2010 at 12:42 PM Rating: Excellent
50,767 posts
I'm betting that Square's downward spiral started with things like Final Fantasy 7, 8, and Spirits Within.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#6 Oct 03 2010 at 1:02 PM Rating: Decent
1,188 posts
Agreed. Since FF7, Square's focus has been entirely on graphics in their main games. They don't seem to care if the game is crap as long as its really pretty. FF14 is the perfect example of that, even to the point of them taking cheap shortcuts in the design department so they can make the graphics a tiny bit shinier.
#7 Oct 03 2010 at 1:31 PM Rating: Decent
67 posts
Although I still enjoyed all of their FF games (besides X-2), it would be funny if the series that saved them from going bankrupt became their demise.
#8 Oct 03 2010 at 3:41 PM Rating: Default
472 posts
Every game SE puts out is a game just like any other. It may or may not be good depending on tastes. Personally, I've liked any Final Fantasy I've played (Finished 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10-2, 13, playing 11 and liked and tried IV, V and XII to a degree). Some were more interesting than others, but they were likable and interesting new games.

The only thing that makes people think that Square-Enix sucks is that Square-Enix is a brand. Gamers alike have set the bar for them very high, if these expectations aren't met then the game "sucks and needs moar townz". Stop being silly and enjoy the good games they put out. They're innovative and they atleast try not to just pump out Final Fantasies.

Right, I'll head to bed now. Couldn't resist the urge to reply, stupid me.
#9 Oct 03 2010 at 3:53 PM Rating: Good
510 posts
It's not like I've stopped playing games created by them (Square or SquareEnix) because of the merger. And I don't expect the next game to be the best FF ever. I am one of a minority that would put IX at the top of my list for offline Final Fantasy games. I just love it. The characters, the story, the humour and that a knight is a knight and a thief is thief. It's also the last FF with a proper world map. I miss the world map so much.
I just think it's no coincidence that one company merges with another and starts consistently putting out crap. Three games now in the Final Fantasy series, covering two generations of consoles. I don't believe this is a coincidence at all.

Now that they're the parent company of Eidos, if the next Deus Ex is ruined there will be Hell to pay.
#10 Oct 03 2010 at 5:46 PM Rating: Good
1,877 posts
Not sure why I am sub-defaulted on this. :S Maybe I should clear up my feelings on the Final Fantasy series. I own 1-7, 9, 10, 10-2, 12 and will get 13 once the price drops some. I have always loved the series, with #4 being the first game to get me hooked on the series. I was seriously considering quitting WoW for FF14 until I started hearing the reviews on the game. While I tend not to listen to very many reviews being able to watch a video as people were playing it really helped. Maybe the game shines for people that enjoy monotony and cinematics. I personally enjoy games that feel like a game, not an interactive movie. :l
#11 Oct 03 2010 at 7:28 PM Rating: Excellent
16,959 posts
Smiley: facepalm complaining about monotony in an MMO.

I'm just wondering how you can expect your criticism to be taken seriously when you haven't actually played the game yet.

Edited, Oct 3rd 2010 7:28pm by Kirby
MyAnimeList FFXIV Krystal Spoonless
#12 Oct 03 2010 at 8:00 PM Rating: Good
1,877 posts
You do have a point Kirby, criticism doesn't have much legs to stand on without someone experiencing the game itself. But I did link a youtube video series that has someone playing the beta of the game. Yeah, the first video doesn't strike a person as bad per say but some video's later it starts to show why I said what I said. The beta they were playing was two weeks away from release date, so while some of the things could and probably were fixed, most of the game was going to stay as is.

Yeah MMO's tend to lean towards monotony. But the good one's will hide that unfortunately side effect with enjoying gameplay. Yes, I do play a MMO and while we are talking about it, the game is WoW. So while my opinion might be colored a bit due to how polished that game is (not perfect by any standard but still the best MMO out there currently), I expect games should evolve from the previous games. Maybe it is a very difficult thing to do with MMO's but we as gamers should only settle for the best. If we settle for the mediocre we will see less and less of the great. Why would a gaming industry bust their **** to come up with an epic game if it would be cheaper and easier to polish the graphics and rehash an older game they produced?

I know people will get miffed about this wall of text that I am sure makes little sense. I just hope that I am wrong and the videos of the game I saw were completely wrong and FFXIV will be one of the greatest MMO. I also hope that I will win the lottery. :P

Edit: I epic fail at roman numerals. /facepalm

Edited, Oct 3rd 2010 10:04pm by Criminy
#13 Oct 03 2010 at 8:06 PM Rating: Excellent
16,959 posts
Ok, but the point that everyone seems to miss, is that no, not a single one, MMO is polished at release.

Some might be a little closer than others, but the fact is that (from me and my room mates experience), WoW and FFXI were no better off at release than FFXIV is.

While I still get annoyed at some of SE's "fixes" (breaking/overpowering one thing in order to fix another), I realize that this is a crucial stage for any MMO.

Also, FFXIV is running a completely different engine from FFXI. The only real similarities being the races (with swapped names).

Edited, Oct 3rd 2010 8:07pm by Kirby
MyAnimeList FFXIV Krystal Spoonless
#14 Oct 03 2010 at 11:53 PM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
I agree 100%
#15 Oct 04 2010 at 12:45 AM Rating: Excellent
472 posts
t's not like I've stopped playing games created by them (Square or SquareEnix) because of the merger. And I don't expect the next game to be the best FF ever. I am one of a minority that would put IX at the top of my list for offline Final Fantasy games. I just love it. The characters, the story, the humour and that a knight is a knight and a thief is thief. It's also the last FF with a proper world map. I miss the world map so much.
I just think it's no coincidence that one company merges with another and starts consistently putting out crap. Three games now in the Final Fantasy series, covering two generations of consoles. I don't believe this is a coincidence at all.

Now that they're the parent company of Eidos, if the next Deus Ex is ruined there will be Hell to pay.

That's my point entirely. Why should you expect the next FF to be the best ever? It may be the next best game in the series, but it may not be. They're simply making games that appeal or do not appeal. If you like IX more than the other games, and don't go along with the rather impressive crowd of people that like VII the most, you obviously have your own taste in games. You shouldn't let it bug you, if something doesn't appeal to you the next thing just might. Personally, I thought XIII was a very good game, the only gripe that ruins it for most is the storytelling.

As for the world map, I miss it too, but let's be fair here... In the current generation of gaming there's just no room or interest for a small world scale where gigantic character models cross through. Nearly every developer aspires for realism, world maps with a small amount of towns and caves simply don't fit in this 'realistic' model.
#16 Oct 04 2010 at 1:50 AM Rating: Good
Repressed Memories
21,027 posts
Kirby the Eccentric wrote:
Also, FFXIV is running a completely different engine from FFXI. The only real similarities being the races (with swapped names).

So yeah haven't played the game, but it seems to be pretty much FFXI-2.

It's not just the general setting and aesthetics that have been reused. SE has changed their design philosophy at all when it comes to MMORPGs. Heavy focus on cut scenes returns, showing them treating the game story much like a single player RPG in the same fashion as FFXI. Having a single character that can do every job, again. The idea that extra characters are something you should pay for. That's very significant. I'm not asserting that only game elements from FFXI are returning, which that are and which isn't necessarily alarming, it's that the whole design philosophy behind FFXI is returning.

What people liked in FFXI they will like seeing again in FFXIV, but what alienated people from FFXI also appears to be the same. What SE took away from FFXI is that they have what they consider to be a successful formula and that they shouldn't alter it significantly.

Veering back onto the main topic. I don't think Square has changed significantly since joining with Enix. The quality of the games has been a fairly constant average. More so, I applaud themfor continuing to be innovative in their single player RPGs. It doesn't always work, but no one can disagree that SE tried something very different with FFXII's game play. I'd rather that than have a company like Bioware that remakes the same game over and over, regardless of how good or bad you may think it is.

Edited, Oct 4th 2010 2:54am by Allegory
#17 Oct 04 2010 at 2:23 AM Rating: Good
16,959 posts
When I said that FFXIV had a different engine than FFXI, I was talking about the underlying mechanics. Which would account for all of these "fresh" problems for SE to overcome in FFXIV.

I'm not entirely sure what you're getting at. I've actually noticed a fair bit of differences along with the similarities to FFXI. But why do they need to be compared side by side?

Anyway, the whole "FFXIV seems to be FFXI-2" thing seems to fly in the face of "Why isn't FFXIV the same as FFXI?" complaints that seem to flood the FFXIV General.

Edited, Oct 4th 2010 3:00am by Kirby
MyAnimeList FFXIV Krystal Spoonless
#18 Oct 04 2010 at 3:49 AM Rating: Decent
510 posts
Allegory wrote:

So yeah haven't played the game, but it seems to be pretty much FFXI-2.

This is so untrue. Unfortunately. If they had taken the things which the players loved and kept them, but reworked the things which people don't it could have been fantastic. That's what I was expecting.
However, as SE do, they've started from scratch again. Basically chucking out every element (good and bad) and starting fresh. The only thing which smacks you in the face is the obvious similarities for the races and starting cities.

Allegory wrote:

Veering back onto the main topic. I don't think Square has changed significantly since joining with Enix. The quality of the games has been a fairly constant average. More so, I applaud themfor continuing to be innovative in their single player RPGs. It doesn't always work, but no one can disagree that SE tried something very different with FFXII's game play. I'd rather that than have a company like Bioware that remakes the same game over and over, regardless of how good or bad you may think it is.

Yeah, but my point is before Enix they were all good. Every one of them. After Enix they're not. Not one of them.
The quality of the games has declined dramatically. In fact, the only improvement has been the graphics. And I'm sorry but that's not enough to sell it to me. Unfortunately, using the 'Final Fantasy' brand name *is* enough to sell it to me, so I will buy FFXV when it arrives. But I'll probably be back on this forum moaning about it shortly after.

Edited, Oct 4th 2010 9:50am by Unohana

Edited, Oct 4th 2010 9:50am by Unohana
#19 Oct 04 2010 at 3:50 AM Rating: Good
472 posts
Yeah, but my point is before Enix they were all good. Every one of them. After Enix they're not. Not one of them.
The quality of the games has declined dramatically. In fact, the only improvement has been the graphics. And I'm sorry but that's not enough to sell it to me. Unfortunately, using the 'Final Fantasy' *is* enough to sell it to me, so I will buy FFXV when it arrives. But I'll probably be back on this forum moaning about it shortly after.

Oh ffs, it's subjective. You think they're all bad, others don't.
#20 Oct 04 2010 at 3:53 AM Rating: Default
510 posts
Well, isn't that the same as everything?

My girlfriend likes Glee. I have no idea why. It's absolute utter tripe. Are you suggesting that I decide not to talk about it on a forum which has individual sections for the two online Final Fantasy games? Hell, why converse at all?
Of course it's subjective, but that doesn't mean we can't talk about it and discuss it.
#21 Oct 04 2010 at 4:06 AM Rating: Excellent
472 posts
Well, isn't that the same as everything?

My girlfriend likes Glee. I have no idea why. It's absolute utter tripe. Are you suggesting that I decide not to talk about it on a forum which has individual sections for the two online Final Fantasy games? Hell, why converse at all?
Of course it's subjective, but that doesn't mean we can't talk about it and discuss it.

Because there's not much to talk about in this case. You're acting like they utterly destroyed any and all childhood dreams you've had. You have no insight in their business strategies and you have no insight in the way they develop new games. You just assume they're making 'crappy' games because they merged with Enix. They're not crappy games, you just don't like them.

You've said so yourself, you're still buying FFXV because it's a Final Fantasy game. A game that belongs to Square-Enix, a company that you hate and that only creates bad games. Why would you buy it then? Because Square used to make good games? What kind of an argument is that? The merger isn't responsible for the games they produce, they need to move along with the current age and day. People mostly care about graphics, gameplay and variety. Just about any new Square-Enix game provides these things, it may sit well, it may not sit well.

Long story short, I think you're overreacting and I also think there's little to discuss.

Glee is awesome.

Edited, Oct 4th 2010 6:08am by BlackyLakshmi
#22 Oct 04 2010 at 4:17 AM Rating: Good
Repressed Memories
21,027 posts
Kirby the Eccentric wrote:
Anyway, the whole "FFXIV seems to be FFXI-2" thing seems to fly in the face of "Why isn't FFXIV the same as FFXI?" complaints that seem to flood the FFXIV General.

Perhaps to the crowd who has spent the last 5 years playing FFXI the contrasts seem quite stark, but to an outsider reading about, watching played, and talking to friends about FFXIV it all seems far too familiar.

"Oh I get to play these 5 races --- again."
"Oh I can play every job on one character --- again."
"Oh I get to pick from three starting cities --- again."
"Oh I have to pay for extra characters --- again."
"Oh much of the story is focused on cut scenes --- again."

And some of the aspects that have been changed it seems SE missed the point of what people were complaining about. Many people thought melee classes in FFXI were boring because they mostly just auto-attacked. In FFXIV auto-attack was completely removed, but replaced with having to manually click your basic attack. The complaint wasn't an issue of not being interactive enough, it was one of being too mindless. To someone who had this complaint about FFXI this was less of a polar opposite and more of a horizontal shift.
Kirby the Eccentric wrote:
But why do they need to be compared side by side?

They don't need to be; it's just that's pretty darn hard not to.

Edited, Oct 4th 2010 5:18am by Allegory
#23 Oct 04 2010 at 4:36 AM Rating: Decent
510 posts
BlackyLakshmi wrote:
Well, isn't that the same as everything?

My girlfriend likes Glee. I have no idea why. It's absolute utter tripe. Are you suggesting that I decide not to talk about it on a forum which has individual sections for the two online Final Fantasy games? Hell, why converse at all?
Of course it's subjective, but that doesn't mean we can't talk about it and discuss it.

Because there's not much to talk about in this case. You're acting like they utterly destroyed any and all childhood dreams you've had. You have no insight in their business strategies and you have no insight in the way they develop new games. You just assume they're making 'crappy' games because they merged with Enix. They're not crappy games, you just don't like them.

You've said so yourself, you're still buying FFXV because it's a Final Fantasy game. A game that belongs to Square-Enix, a company that you hate and that only creates bad games. Why would you buy it then? Because Square used to make good games? What kind of an argument is that? The merger isn't responsible for the games they produce, they need to move along with the current age and day. People mostly care about graphics, gameplay and variety. Just about any new Square-Enix game provides these things, it may sit well, it may not sit well.

Long story short, I think you're overreacting and I also think there's little to discuss.

Glee is awesome.

Edited, Oct 4th 2010 6:08am by BlackyLakshmi

I still read Naruto even though that's turned into crap too. I have done for 10 years. It's just something I do. A creature of habit. But I don't pay £40 or £50 for each edition. And Naruto doesn't hype up all the improvements and new innovative ideas which they've implemented. SquareEnix do. They have to. It sells products. Products which cost a young gamer their entire month's pocketmoney (or more, or less - depending on their circumstances). When people such as myself do throw money at a game which does cost a fair few quid, we have a right to air our disgruntlement.

The thing is, you're making out that I am sitting here with tears dripping on to my keyboard. I'm not. I'm *bothered*, of course. I did just pay around about £300 for a sh*t game (when you include graphics card and PSU upgrades aswell as the game itself). But I'm not balling. I also paid for XIII and XII which I didn't like either. Hell, I even bought X-2 thinking it was going to be amazing. It wasn't. And that was SquareSoft. But after three full SquareEnix games I started to notice a trend and thought I would start a discussion about it. If you disagree that's cool. Again, I'm not going to cry about it. But at least keep it constructive.

Edited, Oct 4th 2010 10:38am by Unohana
#24 Oct 04 2010 at 4:45 AM Rating: Good
472 posts
Unohana wrote:

I still read Naruto even though that's turned into crap too. I have done for 10 years. It's just something I do. A creature of habit. But I don't pay £40 or £50 for each edition. And Naruto doesn't hype up all the improvements and new innovative ideas which they've implemented. SquareEnix do. They have to. It sells products. Products which cost a young gamer their entire month's pocketmoney (or more, or less - depending on their circumstances). When people such as myself do throw money at a game which does cost a fair few quid, we have a right to air our disgruntlement.

The thing is, you're making out that I am sitting here with tears dripping on to my keyboard. I'm not. I'm *bothered*, of course. I did just pay around about £300 for a sh*t game (when you include graphics card and PSU upgrades aswell as the game itself). But I'm not balling. I also paid for XIII, XII which I didn't like either. But after three full SquareEnix games I started to notice a trend and thought I would start a discussion about it. If you disagree that's cool. Again, I'm not going to cry about it. But at least keep it constructive.

You most certainly do, but give it a little thought. You've stated how you don't like their games. What is keeping you from borrowing or renting a game before buying it for rather high amounts of money? I can't afford a new PC or upgrades, so I need to wait for the PS3 release of FFXIV. I was certain I was going to like XIII by reading up beforehand, so I bought it. FFXII, I didn't like it as much, but I'm glad I have it and I still intend to finish it in the near future.

As for the trend of Square Enix making bad games, there's several other games they've created. Like Kingdom Hearts, NIER, The Last Remnant, The World Ends With You, Star Ocean. You've played and disliked all of these?? You can't speak of a trend when you only know of three games.

And yes, I may have assumed that you were QQing at your keyboard. Force of habit. I may have been a bit rude, apologies.

Edited, Oct 4th 2010 6:49am by BlackyLakshmi
#25 Oct 04 2010 at 5:34 AM Rating: Decent
510 posts
BlackyLakshmi wrote:

I've got just enough money (overdraft) to buy something when it's released. But not enough to shrug it off as if it was an insignificant amount. I also like to buy things on release date. I tend to get double reward points for preordering, which comes in handy considering the amount of games I buy. PS3, 360, Wii, PC, PSP and am working on my backlog of PS2 games too right now. That's just how I roll.

So, Kingdom Hearts, eh? Well, the first was released in 2002 and therefore is a SquareSoft game. Kingdom Hearts 2 was a SquareEnix game, but was nowhere near as good as the original. My opinion? Yeah. But several review sites would agree with me too.
I never played any of the others except for Birth By Sleep. And while it definitely was enjoyable, it lacked so much content in comparison to the first and second. It could be argued that it was on the PSP and therefore couldn't cram as much content into it, but there have been PSP games based on PS2 which have rivalled or surpassed the PS2 'original' in terms of narrative and content (See: GTA: Liberty and Vice City Stories).
Crisis Core was also pretty good. It looked stunning for a PSP game. It's difficult to compare this to anything else as it's a prequel set on an entirely different engine and system, whereas Birth By Sleep was based on the same engine. I did enjoy Crisis Core, but I wouldn't ever consider it a true Final Fantasy game.

I bought the Last Remnant. It was awful. I still own it. I might try and play it again one day, but it didn't press any of my buttons other than the 'This is Gash' one.

I do own Star Ocean too. I got a few hours into it, but didn't really *get* into it. While it was somewhat enjoyable, the characters annoyed me. I'll play it again maybe.

I also have Valkyria Chronicles on the PS3, but haven't gotten around to playing it yet.

I buy a lot *lot* of games from a plethora of different developers. I've had video games in my house since I was about four (I'm 27) and my brother got his first Spectrum 48K. I'm not someone that's just picked up a title and decided that as this one sucks all the other games by that developer must do too. I am an over-the-top passionate gamer.

There is one other factor which I haven't considered though, until now. A man which I like to put on a pedestal: Hironobu Sakaguchi. He hasn't produced or directed a Square game since FFIX (other than as an Exectutive Producer). And this could be a major factor in why I think the titles created after he left Square are not as good. I've only played one Mistwalker game though (Lost Odyssey) and although I really enjoyed it, it's not really enough to form a decent argument based on the theory 'Sakaguchi makes games good'.
#26 Oct 04 2010 at 6:44 AM Rating: Good
472 posts
I also have Valkyria Chronicles on the PS3, but haven't gotten around to playing it yet.

This game is from Sega.

That aside, color me impressed. You've actually played quite a bit of games. But really, if you think square-enix games suck, don't buy it on day one. Surely the reward points aren't nice enough to 'possibly' dump money into a bottomless pit. If you're not sure, you can always cancel a pre-order.
That said, I still think it's all subjective. I've played FFVI somewhat recently, it's an amazing game, but it simply can't be compared to say... FFXII. They're entirely different, made by a different team on a different console.

I think we'll end up discussing the same thing over and over again at this rate. What do you think of music in a video game? While I still liked XIII, the music wasn't as impressive. Music in a video game is a major deciding factor on whether to buy or not to buy a game for me.

Nobuo Uematsu hasn't been responsible for FF's for a while (barring XIV, can't wait!), and other SE games to boot, this may also be a factor in your Square-Enix dislike.
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