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Damn You Bioware!Follow

#52 Jul 26 2010 at 12:31 AM Rating: Excellent
602 posts
idiggory wrote:
Allegory wrote:
Bard wrote:
Allegory wrote:
I prefer games where I'm not some clairvoyant entity that already knows everything about what is going to happen

I do to, but the problem is that Bioware games thoroughly punish you for not knowing everything before hand.

Dragon Age has absolutely terrible descriptions of spells, and since you can't respec (except for using console commands in a rather glitchy manner) your only other alternative is to thoroughly research the ability you are thinking about learning. You are forced to make good evil decisions and conversation choices about characters that are highly unintuitive and have a significant effect on your game play. In essence, Bioware games punish you for having fun. Took this spell because you thought it sounded cool? Sorry it isn't, and you can't do anything about that. Said something to a character because it sounded funny? Turns out he didn't think so, he now hates you and is less effective in combat.

Isn't that how life works? I kind of thought the whole point to games like DA and ME were to try to immerse yourself in a believable, yet fictional, environment.

I could argue that they should probably create believable characters and settings so that such a point might apply, but it's even better to point out how ridiculously wrong you are even were they to do so.

Outside of a few select niches, people don't want games to be frustrating, annoy them, or to imitate the flaws and problems in life. Look at almost ANY game. Any game at all. This is true.

As mentioned, there do exists a small number of exceptions. In some survival/horror games a bad control scheme can be a valuable asset. Dragon Age is not one of these exceptions.

It isn't our fault if you can't follow a train of thought.

You apparently missed all the sentences around that one. It isn't his fault you can't read.
#53 Jul 26 2010 at 1:23 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Kavekk the Ludicrous wrote:
The only Bioware game I've ever played was the original KotOR, but that was pretty good. A little easy, and about half the evil choices were cartoonish stage villainy (the other half were a mix of amoral survivalism and a gang-leader-esque fixation on being shown respect), but I've yet to see authentically good morality system in any game yet; it wasn't intrusive, as it was easy to max out light side for cheaper heal/knight speed.

I rather liked the morality system from Infamous, personally, just because it kept the cartoonish villainy minimal(and even then, there was a reason for it) and forced you to choose to act completely selfish or not, which I felt made the whole thing feel a bit more real.

And I thought Mass Effect's system(haven't played 2 yet) was pretty good as well, since that one also wasn't a choice between good and evil. It was more of a choice of either being a professional who gets the job done in the right way, using diplomacy and compassion when possible, or being someone who is ruthless, getting the job you've set out to do done no matter the cost with the lives of others coming second to your mission.
#54 Jul 26 2010 at 1:59 AM Rating: Decent
Repressed Memories
21,027 posts
I've heard a lot of good reports about the choice in GTA4, though I've yet to play the game. From what I've heard, that is a paragon of a game choice system.
#55 Jul 26 2010 at 7:21 AM Rating: Good
6,471 posts
Allegory wrote:
I've heard a lot of good reports about the choice in GTA4, though I've yet to play the game. From what I've heard, that is a paragon of a game choice system.

Mmmm...I think you'd hate it, if you don't like unpredictable negative consequences resulting from your choices. In GTAIV, someone always dies based upon your decisions. And it isn't always a bad guy.

At any rate, I certainly preferred DA:O's system to GTAIV's. GTA only has 4-6ish decisions to be made in the game, and every single one of them involves you playing "executioner" and deciding which of two characters will die. It didn't hamper the game, but I wouldn't say that it really bolstered the experience, either. Having two characters simultaneously contract your character to kill each other isn't really believable, you know?

Edited, Jul 26th 2010 9:25am by Eske
#56REDACTED, Posted: Jul 26 2010 at 5:44 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) first of all: @#%^ you.
#57REDACTED, Posted: Jul 26 2010 at 5:54 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) con't (hit quote limit):
#58 Jul 26 2010 at 7:00 PM Rating: Good
12,905 posts
Question since i cannot comprehend your point of 'walls of text': in the xbox version, can you not skip dialog? If that is the case, i can understand your frustration with that. On PC I skipped through most of the stuff unless it interested me, even at the part where you are quizzed... lol. And i didnt read a lick of the codex. So I literally did not get the impression of any wall of text. That would bother me alot if i couldnt skip it. :P

#59REDACTED, Posted: Jul 26 2010 at 7:40 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Skipping dialogue is great! ... or it would be if I already knew what I was doing and exactly who I needed to talk and what to say in order to to get past the part I was at without shifting through mountain after mountain of "lief iz so hrd", so in other words, completely useless unless you've played the game before.
#60 Jul 26 2010 at 9:07 PM Rating: Good
1,162 posts
I'm not sure of you realized it, but nothing you do matters in the slightest. They give you choices, and you make selections, and it might make you feel important, but none of it "does" anything

Did you actually play the game?

Some of the choices you make have some pretty dramatic effect on your game. Having some of your party members turn on you because of a choice you made forcing you to kill them is what I would call a choice that "does" something.
#61 Jul 26 2010 at 10:08 PM Rating: Excellent
20,024 posts
Marching into battle with Golems and Werewolves also feels a hell of a lot different than marching in with elves/dwarves.

And, about skipping dialogue, it isn't NEARLY as bad as you are making it out to be. There's almost always a "just give me the objective I don't want to talk to you" option for quest givers, so it isn't like you are sifting through walls of text looking for what you are supposed to do. Only those given by the boards and such don't have that, and they almost all state where you need to go in the first two sentences or so. When you go there, the objective is marked on your map, so you don't have to read the quest at all if you don't want to.

Hell, you don't even NEED to do the quests at all. None of those reward anything but gold, as far as I know. All the valuable quest rewards come from ones you get right in the open, near your main quest objectives. For example, you can get a pretty good sword by completing the quest given by Kaitlyn, who stands 10 feet away from Bann Teagan in Redcliffe, who you HAVE to talk to (and she's on the way out).

Talking to her goes like this:

"Was I bothering you? Sorry, I'll keep it down." Respond however you want.
"My brother ran away!" Say you'll find him.

Quest accepted, objective known. Talking to her more just gives background, nothing else. You'll find him while exploring the village.

If YOU choose to read everything, you have no right to complain about the game being a wall of text. Bioware made it stupidly simple to do quests without much dialogue at all.

As for the main quests, they are actually pretty interesting. Only the Redcliffe army is guaranteed. All the others force you to choose who you want. Would you prefer to fight an archdemon with Golems, Werewolves and Templars or Elves, Dwarves and Mages? They have hugely varying strengths and weaknesses for different parts of the final battle. So, yes, your choices matter.

Not to mention the game's ending changes radically.

You can:

Become King
Become Queen (w/ or w/o Alistair)
Become the Warden Commander
Become Alistair's mistress
And possibly more (maybe options with Anora?)

And all of your companion's stories are intricately tied to your choices. Zevran can end up as the captain of the guard for Ferelden, have died in his ambush attempt, betray you or beg for his freedom.

And I'm not being a d*ck, but it really does sound like you sucked. And I'm saying it as someone who isn't uber awesome. You are getting pissy about being stun locked when you said all you did was hit the same button. DUH. Casters and ranged are incredibly dangerous in this game. If you aren't CCing them, and setting your tank up to have control and be immune to knock downs, then you'll obviously get stun locked. The point is to take them out before they can do it to you.

Oh, and I don't agree with your crude plot synopsis of LotR.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#62 Jul 27 2010 at 11:15 AM Rating: Default
Having some of your party members turn on you because of a choice you made forcing you to kill them is what I would call a choice that "does" something.
I did kill several PT members, but considering you can only have 4 in your group at any point for no apparent reason, it didn't make any difference at all to me whether they died.
Marching into battle with Golems and Werewolves also feels a hell of a lot different than marching in with elves/dwarves.
If you say so? I'm certainly not going to play through again to find out, but considering the units I got to assist me at the end game were just dragon fodder while I did the brunt of the actual killing, I'm disinclined to believe you.
Hell, you don't even NEED to do the quests at all. None of those reward anything but gold, as far as I know. All the valuable quest rewards come from ones you get right in the open, near your main quest objectives. For example, you can get a pretty good sword by completing the quest given by Kaitlyn, who stands 10 feet away from Bann Teagan in Redcliffe, who you HAVE to talk to (and she's on the way out).
Once again, ********* You need to talk to people to figure out what you're doing for the main missions. I can choose to ignore the quests once I've sat through the massive'wall'o'texts to get them and understand what I need to do, but considering that the "doing" part is the bit I enjoy, that seems pretty counter productive.
Become King
Become Queen (w/ or w/o Alistair)
Become the Warden Commander
Become Alistair's mistress
And possibly more (maybe options with Anora?)

And all of your companion's stories are intricately tied to your choices. Zevran can end up as the captain of the guard for Ferelden, have died in his ambush attempt, betray you or beg for his freedom.
but what does that effect? I get a marginally different end CS? wooooooooooo I'm so glad I wasted hours sucking up to NPCs. It goes back to what I was saying before. I can complete any game and then go and pretend there is additional backstory, but unless it makes a real difference in the plot it's just hand waving to make you feel important. ME was even more horrible about this. I completely shifted my personality and choose the complete opposite dialogue choices and it didn't do anything.
And I'm not being a d*ck, but it really does sound like you sucked.
no, let's be honest. You are being a **** and you know it. I've disagreed with the worth of something you've put on a pedestal and you're just resorting to personal attacks to make yourself feel better about it.
You are getting pissy about being stun locked when you said all you did was hit the same button. DUH. Casters and ranged are incredibly dangerous in this game. If you aren't CCing them, and setting your tank up to have control and be immune to knock downs, then you'll obviously get stun locked. The point is to take them out before they can do it to you.
1) It was a completely unexpected after spending the rest of the day of sleeping through combat (part of why I hadn't saved)
2) I couldn't see them to "CC" because the camera is soo bad (although gambit was set up to make alister go after mages first, didn't help)
3) Regardless of whether my tank is stunlocked, if everyone else is unable to attack or heal or support it makes it a frustrating to impossible jump in difficulty
4) I went back through with the same strategy and cleared it the next time without issues, meaning that having complex strategies doesn't matter at all, you just have to hope the game doesn't feel like being cheap. Pretending that you have some amazing level of skill that prevents the game from being cheap is laudable.
Oh, and I don't agree with your crude plot synopsis of LotR.
Everyone I've talked to IRL, including the people that recommended it to me in the first place, felt that it was ripping off LotR pretty heavily as well. You're obviously blinded by zealotry.

Shinta wrote:
Score: Sub-Default
*justifiably grumpy*

Going into detail on why I think Bioware sucks is really working out for me, eh? "NO U SUX" is such productive, interesting conversation! **************************** fanboys[/sm][/bg][/black]
#63 Jul 27 2010 at 11:31 AM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
You are playing a ROLE PLAYING GAME and feel like the completely altered story lines based on your decisions don't mean crap. That's the problem. If you don't care about the story of a game, or how choices you make affect it, then don't play RPGs. It's as easy as that. If you just want a story spoon fed to you without taking any responsibility in it, play something like FF.

And playing the game without a Mage, because Wynne and Morrigan both left, is going to feel way different.

As for combat, I've never had a problem with the camera hiding important things from me. And the first thing I do when entering a battle is scope out whether there are ranged or casters around.

And I admitted it was very similar to LotR. How exactly does that make me a zealot? I don't think it's nearly as bad as you make it out to be, but I happily accepted it has an extreme Tolkein feel to it.

The person who seems to be most butthurt here is you. The claims you are making are ridiculous and mostly unfounded, but you are super determined to hate the game. I enjoyed the game, yes. Is it the best one I've ever played? No. Not even the best on my PS3. Does it have faults? Many. Will it lend itself to everyone? Definitely not. Hell, I hate dungeon crawlers. During the parts of the game where that aspect is extensive, I was getting irritated. But I'm not going to ***** and moan about how the game sucks because it has DC elements to it. Which is why you are retarded for ******** and moaning that they made the RP elements a significant portion for the game. Bioware made that clear from the very start. I'm not going to say all sport games suck because I hate sport games.

Bioware did a pretty good job with the game, regardless of whether it is your cup of tea.


And I SERIOUSLY don't understand what you are saying about it not making a huge difference in the plot? It makes a massive one. You can commit a genocide against Mages/Elves, force Dwarves into eternal slavery, abandon villages to be swept away under undead onslaught and usurp the throne. How is that plot line not VASTLY different from others? Because, either way, the arch demon dies and the Horde recedes? That's such a terrible argument.

I don't care if you like the game or not. But I expect you to at least use logic and be fair in your judgements. Especially if your entry into the thread is going to be so aggressive.


I'd probably give the game a rating of like 8 stars. Good enough I'd recommend it, but not necessarily an AMAZING title, and nothing that needs to be bought ASAP. But I don't think renting would do it justice (since the replay value with different story lines are what make me love it).

Edited, Jul 27th 2010 1:49pm by idiggory
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#64 Jul 27 2010 at 4:59 PM Rating: Default
you are super determined to hate the game.
You have the order wrong. I played the game, thought it was horrible, THEN was completely dumbfounded when people kept treating it like the best thing ever and blowing tons of money on DLC and expansions and the like.

I'd probably give the game a rating of like 8 stars.
I'd give ME a 7.5/10 as it was generally playable and fairly novel for it's time despite having a somewhat generic plot, clunky controls, and the same mountains of text Bioiware loves. On the other hand, I'd give DA:O 4/10 for being one of the few games I honestly regret wasting the time on.

other games I've played in the past year or so to give you a point of reference:

Crysis: 9.5/10
Bioshock 2: 9.0/10
CoD:MW2: 8.5/10 (9.5 if you love multiplayer)
Borderlands: 9.0/10 (10/10 if you count DLC)
Bayonetta: 8.5/10
Dante's Inferno: 7.0/10
Darksiders: 6.5/10
New Super Mario Bros: 8.0/10 (+.5 for 2 people, -.5 for 3 people, -1.0 for 4 people)
RE:5: 7.5/10
FFXIII: 8.5/10
Gears of War II: 9.0/10
SMT:DDS 1+2: 7.0/10
Lost Planet 2: 6.0/10
FEAR 2: 9.0/10
WH40k:DoW2: 7.5/10
Fable 2: 8.5/10
Torchlight: 8.0/10
Fallout 3: 7.0/10
Stalker: 1.0/10

Edited, Jul 27th 2010 7:01pm by shintasama
#65 Jul 27 2010 at 5:02 PM Rating: Good
5,684 posts
Professor shintasama wrote:
you are super determined to hate the game.
You have the order wrong. I played the game, thought it was horrible, THEN was completely dumbfounded when people kept treating it like the best thing ever and blowing tons of money on DLC and expansions and the like.

I'd probably give the game a rating of like 8 stars.
I'd give ME a 7.5/10 as it was generally playable and fairly novel for it's time despite having a somewhat generic plot, clunky controls, and the same mountains of text Bioiware loves. On the other hand, I'd give DA:O 4/10 for being one of the few games I honestly regret wasting the time on.

other games I've played in the past year or so to give you a point of reference:

Crysis: 9.5/10
Bioshock 2: 9.0/10
CoD:MW2: 8.5/10 (9.5 if you love multiplayer)
Borderlands: 9.0/10 (10/10 if you count DLC)
Bayonetta: 8.5/10
Dante's Inferno: 7.0/10
Darksiders: 6.5/10
New Super Mario Bros: 8.0/10 (+.5 for 2 people, -.5 for 3 people, -1.0 for 4 people)
RE:5: 7.5/10
FFXIII: 8.5/10
Gears of War II: 9.0/10
SMT:DDS 1+2: 7.0/10
Lost Planet 2: 6.0/10
FEAR 2: 9.0/10
WH40k:DoW2: 7.5/10
Fable 2: 8.5/10
Torchlight: 8.0/10
Fallout 3: 7.0/10
Stalker: 1.0/10

Edited, Jul 27th 2010 7:01pm by shintasama
I lolwut at the bolded.
#66 Jul 27 2010 at 5:35 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
TirithRR the Eccentric wrote:
Mazra wrote:
Allegory wrote:
Shintasama I also think Bioware games are pretty terrible, but there are a lot of people here who are into them and they're not very interested in hearing anyone say otherwise. It's best to leave it be.

Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 were pretty good.

If you read Allegory's other topics about those games, he hates them. Because he wants to plan everything out and make the perfect character, and the choices were too difficult to realize what effect it would have on your characters Good/Evil value, and it made him mad. (Summing up a fairly large topic on the subject).

I'd imagine his dislike for other Bioware games stem from the same basic issues. Not being able to play and enjoy the game because he is too focused on what his character is going to end up like rather than just playing the game.

I do that a lot, too. For the first couple of missions, I spent many minutes sifting through online walkthroughs to find out what the Good/Evil reply was. Then I realized that being rude = evil, overly nice = good and normal = neutral.

After that it got easy. Smiley: rolleyes

As for Mass Effect and its sequel, usually top reply = good, bottom reply = evil, middle reply = neutral. Blue = good, red = evil, gray = neutral, of course.

But yes, there was never a clear definition of what was good or bad. Sometimes you could tell a person to jump off a cliff, then toss them off said cliff when they refused, and your alignment score didn't move. Other times you backhanded some chick and you turned into evil incarnate. Exaggerated for effect.

What irked me the most about Mass Effect and the sequel was that your replies in a conversation did not match those you had to choose from in the window. Sometimes the window would offer you something like "Maybe later" and when you selected it, your character would instead say "Go to hell, you miscreant, and stay there!" and proceed to beat the person to death.

Made it somewhat difficult to guesstimate the outcome of a conversation, especially ones that were crucial to the ending.

Edited, Jul 28th 2010 1:37am by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#67 Jul 27 2010 at 7:08 PM Rating: Good
5,159 posts
Going into detail on why I think Bioware sucks is really working out for me, eh? "NO U SUX" is such productive, interesting conversation! @#%^ing fanboys

I hated DA:O and I thought Mass Effect was overhyped. I've also rated down most of your posts in this thread, not because I disagree with you - though on some points I do - but because from the start you've been acting like a ****. So take that for what it's worth.
#68 Jul 27 2010 at 7:17 PM Rating: Decent
4,297 posts
you guys should quit ******** and play the witcher
#69 Jul 27 2010 at 7:18 PM Rating: Good
5,684 posts
I got that during the epic steam sale, but haven't gotten to it yet.
#70 Jul 27 2010 at 10:10 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
Crysis: 9.5/10
Bioshock 2: 9.0/10
CoD:MW2: 8.5/10 (9.5 if you love multiplayer)
Borderlands: 9.0/10 (10/10 if you count DLC)
Bayonetta: 8.5/10
Dante's Inferno: 7.0/10
Darksiders: 6.5/10
New Super Mario Bros: 8.0/10 (+.5 for 2 people, -.5 for 3 people, -1.0 for 4 people)
RE:5: 7.5/10
FFXIII: 8.5/10
Gears of War II: 9.0/10
SMT:DDS 1+2: 7.0/10
Lost Planet 2: 6.0/10
FEAR 2: 9.0/10
WH40k:DoW2: 7.5/10
Fable 2: 8.5/10
Torchlight: 8.0/10
Fallout 3: 7.0/10
Stalker: 1.0/10

I haven't played BS2, and I'm only a little into BS1, but I think I'd give the first an 8.5. I love the ambience of the whole game. I thought the beginning where you see the splicer kill that guy was the perfect start. But I'm not sure it feels different enough from other FPS games I've played. The genetic mutations do give it decent variety of course, else it would be much lower. Oh, and once you see it...

I'd give MW2 a 9 with a 9.5 if you are a multiplayer fan. I'm not an FPS fan, but I thought they did a kickass job with the game. Multiplayer would get a 10 if they didn't start high KS players in the middle of combat to help the other team.

I hated the bayonetta demo.

I thought FXIII was a good 9-9.5. I think they managed to fuse the ATB and turn-based system into something that feels distinctly modern. And the game is, of course, gorgeous. My only gripe is that you don't get to play through the events preceding the Purge.

I thought Lost Planet 2 had terrible controls--they were sluggish, awkward and the camera really sucked.

I haven't played any of the others (and I only gave ratings to the games I have actually finished or nearly finished).

Of those you listed, the only I plan on even getting are Dante's Inferno and MW2. If I ever get a better PC, I'll get at least Mass Effect and MAYBE Crysis. But that's a while off--I have a laptop now, so it isn't like I can reliably upgrade to handle better games.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#71 Jul 28 2010 at 12:13 AM Rating: Decent
5,159 posts
I'd give MW2 a 9 with a 9.5 if you are a multiplayer fan. I'm not an FPS fan, but I thought they did a kickass job with the game. Multiplayer would get a 10 if they didn't start high KS players in the middle of combat to help the other team.

Maybe I wasn't familiar enough with the mechanics behind the system, but what do you mean?
#72 Jul 28 2010 at 9:19 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
idiggory, before you buy Bioshock 2.

axhed wrote:
you guys should quit ******** and play the witcher

Tried it, but it didn't catch me. I remember the fighting being somewhat awkward.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#73 Jul 28 2010 at 9:30 AM Rating: Good
12,905 posts
Since we've kinda derailed a little, ill take this opportunity to say im playing Demons Souls and it is kicking my ***. hahahaaa.... but its a really great game and i love it.
#74 Jul 28 2010 at 12:12 PM Rating: Decent
1,162 posts
Yea Demon's soul is a game that will literally kick your *** in a thousand different and awesome ways.
#75 Jul 28 2010 at 1:11 PM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
feelz wrote:
Yea Demon's soul is a game that will literally kick your *** in a thousand different and awesome ways.
If you've only reached a thousand, you haven't been playing it enough. Smiley: laugh
#76 Jul 28 2010 at 1:14 PM Rating: Good
12,905 posts
Yeah im only just past the Knight boss :( it's been a frustrating road. I knew this going into it though and have prepared myself for the punishment.
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