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#27 Aug 29 2009 at 11:11 PM Rating: Decent
5,644 posts
This game is so awesome, but some of those really strong encounters are just cheap as hell, i mean getting enough bravery in 1 attack to 1 shot me is just not fair =(
#28 Aug 30 2009 at 5:11 AM Rating: Good
Yeah, some of these fights make you wanna toss your PSP across the room. They should include a wrist strap like they have for the Wii-motes Smiley: laugh
#29 Aug 30 2009 at 5:32 AM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
MasterOfWar wrote:
This game is so awesome, but some of those really strong encounters are just cheap as hell, i mean getting enough bravery in 1 attack to 1 shot me is just not fair =(

I go level up and then come back and wipe the floor with it. I was trying to beat a level 19 or so Cloud of Darkness with my level 10 Warrior of Light. I tried about 10 times to beat her. Twice I got her down to 1 Hit Point but couldn't land the killing blow.

I moved on with the level (She was just guarding a treasure chest). Came back later when I was level 45, and mopped the floor with her as revenge.

Now my Warrior of Light is level 75. My next highest fighter is Firion... and he's only level 12 :)

Edited, Aug 30th 2009 9:32am by TirithRR
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#30 Aug 30 2009 at 6:06 AM Rating: Decent
I want this game so bad. I won big at the casino a few nights ago, so I'll be back to post about it after I pick it up! Smiley: grin
#31 Aug 30 2009 at 8:57 AM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
I hate you, Square-Enix. I really do. Why are you making me buy a PSP? I'm broke right now..

I already have to get a PS3 for your FF13 and so on, why this?!
#32 Aug 30 2009 at 10:31 AM Rating: Good
Ehcks wrote:
I hate you, Square-Enix. I really do. Why are you making me buy a PSP? I'm broke right now..

I already have to get a PS3 for your FF13 and so on, why this?!

Should wait until the Go comes out then snag a cheap older one. I have 2 PSP's, one with official firmware for UMD's and downloads from PSN, one with hacked firmware for Homebrew Smiley: nod
#33 Aug 31 2009 at 6:06 AM Rating: Good
I'm finding the game really difficult to put down. There are so many elements that I enjoy; character nostalgia mostly, but there's so much more.

The battle mechanics are completely new to me. Floating around the stages akin to the series further invokes more nostalgia, while firing off the same but different attacks gives a really nice refreshing spin on the series.

The story line implicitly ties to the normal story lines of all characters and their respective series'. Main bad guy fights main character with subtle, and not so subtle, hints of the heroes/enemies objectives from their titles. But all of this is basically described if you view the character profiles.

The underlining story line, getting past all the rivalry, is pretty hollow and at times a little difficult to understand because you basically have to piece it together if you're doing all of the character stories first. The final chapters tie it all together, but even still it seems a little convoluted, but who really cares? The fun part isn't supposed to be the story.

The characters each sport the techniques they most excelled at in their games, with the exception of Warrior of Light (FFI) and Firion (FFII). All of the close fighters are people you would expect: Squall, Zidane, Cloud. But then you have the characters that are all really versatile, using a combination of long range and close range attacks. I think the most being Bartz, because of his amalgamation of abilities from other characters.

I think my personal favorites are Terra and Zidane, Terra for her long range abilities (that sometimes makes battles frustratingly long grrr) and Zidane for his fast HP attacks.

Anyway, I didn't really want to turn this post into a review, but it kinda turned out that way. What I really wanted to get across is that if you're not into the FF franchise this may still be a worthy buy. Speaking from personal experience I have never encountered a game like this and the biggest problem for me was battling the learning curve on a lot of the mechanics. In battle and out (the chocobo thing). There is a lot of content to unlock and it will keep you entertained for quite awhile. Afterall, you have around 10+ character's levels you have to max.

My suggestion to you though if you do pick up the game, is that play through the story lines but don't try and meet the objectives of the battles when you're first playing through a characters story. You'll only frustrate yourself and many of the objectives aren't even possible at your current level. So just come back and try for it again.

Edited, Aug 31st 2009 12:58pm by AngryBystander
#34 Aug 31 2009 at 6:50 AM Rating: Decent
5,644 posts
AngryBystander wrote:

Afterall, you have around 10+ characters level's you have to max.

actually in the one mode i belive you can level up the villains too, but i think its pretty much an arcade mode only you get to use your items/summons and stats from story mode.
#35 Aug 31 2009 at 9:00 AM Rating: Good
Oh you're right. I forgot about all the villain stuff. I can't wait to unlock Kefka. >:D
#36 Aug 31 2009 at 1:53 PM Rating: Decent
Got this game the other night and I love it. I also pickd up the strat guide for kicks, knowing that I will indefinatly want to go back and get the ebst items and such for my guys.

Ive beaten Cloud, Zidane, and Squalls story already int hef irst 7 hours of play time. Im working on the final chapter thing and Tidus's story currently. This game is long and has a nice customized and advanced architecture to it. Being able to buy one set of equipment and useing between people without un equiping is great.

As far as balance goes, mage characters have the advantage by a long shot especially if the projectile attack is quick. It is really hard to get inside to mage character when they can spam AOE spells. Other then that its great. The movement controls are responsive and fighting never really falls into a "grind" unless its on a weaker character.

The avatars also throw in a nice twist to things by having lots of neat abilities like blocking out the Bravery numbers or swapping bravery. I also enjoy that most levels have destructible items in the way. So instead of just running into them you cna blow through them.

I think we should setup a tournament useing the arcade characters first, then possibly useing everyones leveled up characters at cer tain levels or something, not sure how the online sutff works just yet.
#37 Aug 31 2009 at 6:54 PM Rating: Good
Actually I've had luck getting in and waiting for them to start their spell, then quick dodging to the side with X and initiating my aerial attack. I'm not nearly as far into it as you though, so maybe I'm not seeing what you see.
#38 Sep 01 2009 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
Well I finally made it to Chaos, jesus this game is long. Gonna spoiler the rest of this.

Zidane is my main fighter (level 50ish). Ive done aout 4 levels outside of the story mode so the curve of difficulty compared to level is pretty good. I am currently stuck on Chaos though.

For those who dont know he as 3 forms basically, which you must beat while carrying over your health and such, while their is no reprep for yourself. The sad thing I have found is that you can do the entire game not using dodge of guard and are now required to use them to prevent his HP attacks.

I'm going to take zidane and level him some outside his the story sense his defense is weak, and his hp attacks are also weak which should let me practice my dodging and blocking.
#39 Sep 01 2009 at 4:14 PM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
Dodging and Guarding are a must. It's better to learn how to do them earlier, not just run in and beat **** down until it dies.

I played as Warrior of Light for ever (level 88 currently). At about level 25, I was no longer able to just run forward, attack, break, chase, and beat on them until they die. I had to catch them off guard, by dodging and counter attacking. Especially with Jecht. If I rushed him, he'd block and hit my staggering self with a bravery attack combo with a hitpoint finisher, killing me.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#40 Sep 01 2009 at 4:47 PM Rating: Decent
Never had any problem with a rush tactic with Zidane or anyone. Only time I ever ran into any kind of problem were against the stones that were 20+ levels higher and that had a SMN that would make their Bravery, but even then I only didnt beat a few of those.

#41 Sep 01 2009 at 5:25 PM Rating: Good
Zidane is ******* fast though, I don't doubt you didn't have problems. He's fun.

Cloud is more challenging IMO, and surprisingly Tidus is a lot of fun.
#42 Sep 01 2009 at 5:38 PM Rating: Decent
Ive seen Vids of coud beating Chaos with zero equipment, Smns, or anything and enver getting hit. Cloud is very strong and easy to chain with.

The only problem with Zidane is, its an air game with him and most of his attacks send the opponent into a chase which is almost useless. He has projectile attacks but they are either stupidly slow, or insanely inaccurate. He does combo well and his best HP attack is the one he starts out with, its quick, multi directional, and low cool off.

I think a few more levels will do the trick until I can get ebtter and dodging and blocking.
#43 Sep 01 2009 at 6:54 PM Rating: Excellent
In case some of you aren't a member of

In DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY you can enter special codes to unlock Friend Cards and recipes to craft rare items.
How to Enter Passwords

By entering passwords you can get a hold of recipes to craft powerful equipment or Friend Cards which contain Ghost Battle opponents. Complete Ghost Battles to receive rare components!

Friend Card Passwords
Below is a list of passwords to receive special Friend Cards.
Friend Card Name 	Password 	Ghost Character 	   Rare Equipment/Accessory 
Behemoth 	        827669534 	The Emperor (Lv. 74) 	   Wyvern Egg, Blade of the Damned  
Yuffie 	                8672142937 	Cloud (Lv. 45) 	           Snowboard 
Shantotto 	        4797837576 	Shantotto (Lv. 31) 	   Automaton Parts 
Ahriman 	        1191170358 	Cloud of Darkness (Lv. 52) Gnomish Bread 
Item Recipe Passwords 
Below is a list of passwords to receive recipes to craft rare items. 
Recipe Name 	Password 	Item/Accessory You Can Create 
Aries Recipe 	6798067239 	Miracle Shoes 
Taurus Recipe 	897651643 	Ensanguined Shield 
Gemini Recipe 	1137250106 	Dangerously Lucky 
Player Icon Passwords 
Below is a list of passwords to receive special icon images. 
Player Icon Name 	        Password 
FINAL FANTASY Agito XIII 	3881459361 
FINAL FANTASY Agito XIII 	4460725253
#44 Sep 02 2009 at 10:53 AM Rating: Good
I borrowed this game from a friend who buys most games that come out for SE.
I've been toying with it for the last week or so, but what is the best way to Level up?
I just took his UMD and not the case (and booklet) cuz I am a lazy friend lol

Do I just restart the character's story mode over to help gain some easy levels?
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#45 Sep 02 2009 at 12:54 PM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
Quick battles are the easiest way to level up, you can get an enemy that is your level (or higher if you want) and get killer exp. Even more if you are on a EXPx5 bonus or something similar.

Nothing nicer than getting 12,000exp per hit during a battle, and ending up leveling up from 85 to 88 in one battle.

Oh, and I used the password to get the Shantotto friend card. She doesn't hurt very much, but that little level 31 runt sure can dodge. Took me forever to land the killing blow on her with my level 90 Warrior of Light.

Almost as bad as finishing off the Emperor during Firion's storyline. I'm not very good with him, and his stupid arrow attack is slower than molasses. The Emperor would just dodge every attack, took me over 5 minutes to kill him when he had 1 hit point. And he'd use that special move that made any hit point damage received be converted into bravery points. So once I did finally land a hit, it didn't do any damage.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#46 Sep 02 2009 at 2:51 PM Rating: Decent
The trick to leveling the fastest is this.

1: Unlock Exdeath
2: Unlock the level caps in the pp store, the higher the better
3: Go into quick battle and set ex death to the highest level and make his mood survival, i think.
4: Set your PSP clock to your special day and try to get your chocobo story on an EXP boost.
5: Equip any XP boost accessories and start the fight.

With this setup EX death should only do his bravery attack and his teleport attack. He doesnt come after you or do much of anything. Just wait for him to do a move and then HP attack. If you want the win, set the Magic Pot to manual and steal his bravery once it reaches max and then hp attack. Rinse and repeat and you can do 1-100 within in 10 fights or less. Ive seen 1-50 in one fight.

Only problem with this method is the AP wont level up correctly so you will spend time leveling that up.
#47 Sep 02 2009 at 7:04 PM Rating: Default
1,094 posts
NixNot wrote:
Meh... pass.

Agreed. I don't want SSB with Sony characters.
#48 Sep 02 2009 at 7:06 PM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
Monsieur CestinShaman wrote:
NixNot wrote:
Meh... pass.

Agreed. I don't want SSB with Sony characters.

Sony Characters? Square(soft) Enix... dumbass Smiley: tongue

Also, SSB wishes it could be as good as this game.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#49 Sep 03 2009 at 12:01 PM Rating: Decent
5,644 posts
TirithRR wrote:
Monsieur CestinShaman wrote:
NixNot wrote:
Meh... pass.

Agreed. I don't want SSB with Sony characters.

Sony Characters? Square(soft) Enix... dumbass Smiley: tongue

Also, SSB wishes it could be as good as this game.

Wow that post is epic fail, not only is it not sony its not even ANYWHERE near SSB, like, theres nothing similar about them except that there both centered around a bunch of characters.

Edited, Sep 3rd 2009 4:02pm by MasterOfWar
#50 Sep 03 2009 at 12:39 PM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
MasterOfWar wrote:
TirithRR wrote:
Monsieur CestinShaman wrote:
NixNot wrote:
Meh... pass.

Agreed. I don't want SSB with Sony characters.

Sony Characters? Square(soft) Enix... dumbass Smiley: tongue

Also, SSB wishes it could be as good as this game.

Wow that post is epic fail, not only is it not sony its not even ANYWHERE near SSB, like, theres nothing similar about them except that there both centered around a bunch of characters.

Edited, Sep 3rd 2009 4:02pm by MasterOfWar

Clearly CestinShaman never even played the demo.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#51 Sep 03 2009 at 3:16 PM Rating: Decent
Ken Burton's Reject
12,834 posts
One other neat feature is being able to save fights and convert them into AVI files you can share with your friends.

Here's me as Cecil VS. Exdeath
Olorinus the Ludicrous wrote:
The idea of old school is way more interesting than the reality
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