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ZAM's Lord of the Rings ContestFollow

#127 Jul 16 2009 at 2:17 PM Rating: Decent
Today is my one year anniversary of playing LotRO and I have to say I really love this game. Two aspects of the game really stand out for me. One is the care the game developers have put into understanding the lore, using it as the basis for the game, and using it as a guide for everything they put in the game. The second is the great community of players. The vast majority of players are mature, polite, generous, and good players as well. I've met dozens of great people playing and have made some very good friends.

My only real beef right now is that the two toughest high-level raids are gear gated. Getting 12 people together for a raid is easy. Getting 12 people together on a regular basis that all have the right set of armour is not, given the nature of the player base.

#128 Jul 16 2009 at 2:19 PM Rating: Decent
I have played a lot MMO's. Seriously , like, a butt load of them. But I havent had as much fun in any other MMO than Lord of the Rings online. Everything from the Quests to Crafting is so much more immersive that that of other MMO's. I am not level 60 yet, but I am defenitely going to get my Lore-Master there and have loads of fun in the process (Something that lacks in other MMO's).
#129 Jul 16 2009 at 2:22 PM Rating: Decent
This game is fun. I have played intensely for a over a year and enjoy it for many reasons. I love the community in general. The majority of the players are mature, friendly, and helpful. I like that we often see each other paying it forward. I have topped out all crafting vocations and enjoy this aspect of the game. The game is fun for multiple ages. I play with my kid who is 8 at times and thats fun.
I have 4 level 60s and many more alts of all the classes. I have enjoyed most of the classes of player but some just weren't my cup of tea. The story line is a big draw unlike my experience with WOW. I couln't get into that game but enjoyed its pvp. LOTRO has some fun moments in pvp but hopefully they will improve it to make the gear and items rewards more apppropriate for the level of players that participate in that gameplay. Right now its all geared to the old max of 50.
Crafting needs to fixed again. We just had a fix that made it more difficult to keep items and the items crafted pale often in comparison to the the instance gear. I cant make money anymore:(.
Really though those are things turbine will make right in time so come enjoy the game. See ya in Vilya or Brandywine.
#130 Jul 16 2009 at 2:24 PM Rating: Decent
In response to your example post:

you can swim! Evindim, the first huge FREE update and most beautiful zone in an mmo is just a huge lake that you swim around in, if your talking about swimming underwater, I think that was a smart move on the developer's part as there is never a lot to do underwater in other mmos, they did finally add fishing though!

As for exploration, you can go anywhere that you can see just about, granted there are no flying mounts, yet, and so you can't go over mountains and such, yet, but you obviously haven't played mines of moria, which is nothing short of an explorers wet dream, you can get lost a dozen times over and just when you think your out, whats that? oh your even more lost :)

give it another shot, those who left before the first updates arrived will be amazed by what is there and disappointed that they left so early


as for my post:

I love lotro, it is the perfect MMO for me, I am not on all the time, they do their free updates slower than I would like sometimes but I love it when there is something new for me to go check out. I have been playing since open beta, I have a 60 minstrel on Silverlode... and I think more people should plat this awesome game

Edited, Jul 16th 2009 6:44pm by robstalobsta
#131 Jul 16 2009 at 2:25 PM Rating: Decent
I have played Lord of the Rings Online since it's release. As the game continues to improve in many areas of game play, I feel the game needs to create a better feel of depth as far a character customization and a uniqueness to each class and their rolls. In other words, I would also like to feel a little more immersed into the lore or Lord of the Rings. A need to allow the monster play aspect to become playable outside of the Moors would be a huge step forward as far as game depth and longevity.

Overall, it is still and probably will continue to be on of my favorite MMOs on the market today.
#132 Jul 16 2009 at 2:26 PM Rating: Decent
I've been playing Lotro for a year or two on and off. Its a great game, I can't currently find a game to take its place. Tried AoC, Warhammer, CoH/CoV and others. I keep comming back to Lotro.
I've never seen a community so friendly, helpful and not childish. I think thats one of Lotro's best features. The gameplay is great, graphics are amazing.

On the flipside, I wish the avatars were a bit more customizable. I don't like that there is little that makes my toon stand out. The housing would also stand to have some work done to it. Would be nice to have a house how I'd like it, instead of looking like everyone elses.

All and all great game, few things that could stand to be better, which I they adress in time. Try it out. :D

Laylil- Silverlode.

#133 Jul 16 2009 at 2:36 PM Rating: Decent
Prior to LotRO, I played to MMOs regularly (Star Wars Galaxies and City of Heroes/Villains). I tired of both after about a year.

I have been playing LotRO since open beta, and am still experiencing new content. The seven classes I play are different enough that I find most everything replayable.

What really keeps me in Middle-earth is the story. Even the grinding quests have engaging reasons, and I love doing the epic quests, knowing that I am aiding the Fellowship. I am also glad that the game is based on the books and not the movies, as that has allowed Turbine's artists to visualize JRRT's world in their own way.

It probably helps that I have never been a PvPer. This game is not really designed for PvP, and if that's your preferred playstyle, you should look elsewhere.

For us story-driven, questing, PvEing Tolkien geeks, it doesn't get better than LotRO!
#134 Jul 16 2009 at 2:38 PM Rating: Decent
I've been playing for about six months, and have really enjoyed this game above other MMOs. I've tried WoW, Asheron's Call 2 and DDO, and none of them offer a way to experience the game through story-driven quests quite like this. The epic quest is a great way to introduce major characters from Lord of the Rings into your character's story, as well as guiding you to new level-appropriate zones. The crafting system is enjoyably deep without being overcomplicated, and the community is usually very friendly. I'm an instance junkie, and I've found plenty to keep me occupied--there's always at least one dungeon appropriate for any given character level.

However, some of the recent content has been released in a virtually unplayable state, and even some old content has been accidentally broken. The in-game customer support for the issues I've encountered has been friendly, but largely unhelpful. Also, LOTRO has been following the example of other games by introducing gear gating in various tiers--I really liked the idea of radiance armor when there was only one set, and it was only required for one fight. Now that the second tier has been released and a majority of the first tier is required for the new 12-man raid, it seems the gear-treadmill will continue in the future.

Nonetheless, this game is still a ton of fun and I would easily suggest it to anybody looking for a new experience.
#135 Jul 16 2009 at 2:39 PM Rating: Decent
Hello everyone,

I started playing lotro about a week after its first launch. Mmo's were new to me so it was a little ruff starting out. After making a few friends and joining a guild I quickly got the hang of everything. Then, in no time at all I advanced to level 50. I tried to raid when ever I got the chance but found it too difficult and time consuming. With nothing left to do on my main character I started making new ones; but found it too boring. So I moved on to monster play and soon found the thrill and excitement I had when I first joined the game. It was amazing, no leveling, just pure pvp action. Turbine was really good about updating the moors and always had something new to add. I loved the way they engineered the moors so that there was always going to be some action going on. But sadly Turbine lost it. They started nerfing alot of the creep classes and the game soon lost its glory. Many creep players left the game and we soon found ourselves out numbered and beaten. I switched back to my freep character only to see everything I knew had changed. There were entirely new players in my kinship, none of my old in game friends were playing anymore, and the environment seemed more secluded. Before I remembered wonderful, friendly conversations in all chats and now nothing but gold spammers and wineing babies. I had enough of lotro. I watched the most wonderful game I had ever played deteriorate into mud. I left and never looked back. I got an email from an old friend telling me that lotro was having a grace period and leting all ex-players come back for 5 days. So I thought...what the heck, its been a year so why not give lotro another shot. After the grulling 8 hour download I found myself back into the lands of Middle Earth once again. What I saw made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. No gold spammers, the creeps were actually winning, and I saw some players lending a hand to the new players. I could not believe it! It was as though lotro did a complete 180 since I was gone. I quickly meet up with some pvp buddies to go test out moria. Turns out you have to buy the moria expansion to see them. This kinda pissed me off. So I spent my time in the moors killing some freeps...not a complete loss. In conclusion, I would definatly like a shot at getting back into lotro.
#136 Jul 16 2009 at 2:39 PM Rating: Decent
Lord of the rings online has been great, I've tried playing World of warcraft and other similar MMO's but this remains my favorite no doubt about it.

The way you are able to build your characters from nothing and make them great or just hang out in the bree auction hall and do nothing but play music apeals to me greatly.

Also the great story line within the book quests are not only very creative but you can tell the developers put a lot of work into making it perfect and I believe they did a great job.

And lastly I think the type of people who play this game are generally more pleasant than other MMO's because this one can be complex enough for the immaculately intelligent or simple enough for a child to play... its just that great, anyways get in the game and play ^_^ I know I am.
#137 Jul 16 2009 at 2:39 PM Rating: Decent
Like many of you, I've played just about every mainstream MMO that this genre has to offer. In my well-seasoned opinion, Lord of the Rings has - by far - created the most current, challenging game on the market.

LOTRO is content-driven, where every quest and epic story line is a fascinating read - and true to the lore of Tolkien's visionary work.

Turbine has created a beautiful world where new adventures await around every corner - the graphics are striking and the musical score blends with the adventure. Even the characters you meet, and interact with, are straight out of J.R.R. Tolkien.

I can't say enough about this game - if you haven't tried it, what in Mordred's name is keeping you? At $9.99, it's the best value in the business. Bar none.
#138 Jul 16 2009 at 2:39 PM Rating: Decent
I'll start of with yes I play.

I've been converted from fps by my son who showed me lsat year this free game trial that he wanted me to set up.

Over a year later im still enjoying the game, It's got a great social aspect and Ive made many "e-friends". I've leveled 4 toons to 60, and i find making a new toon and learning how the skills work is almost the most fun.

Although Mines of Moria is an awesome axperience the end game leaves a lot to be desired. Making it neccassary to have certain gear limits the game to the hard core raiding kin, who end up farming the instacne to get not only the best gear but able to get rich with items no one else has a chance of getting.

Other factors have degraded the game experince too, crafting is almost dead at high levels, gear rated instances set very hard almost impossible goals to be successfull for the casual players(is the goal to only have eliteist players?). LI legacies are random and uncontrolable, and to make them usefull its another grind. I've lost track of the hundreds if not thousands of "rare" legenday weapons i've deconed in order to get half decent relics.

PvsP is a nice change and on some occasions can be hours of insane combat, but more and more its pretty one sided.
I dread every new update as i fear another nerf to one of toons or a drastic change to an instance that makes my skills next to useless in it.

And why are trophies BOA ????????everytime i go to decorrate i have to send a trophy to an alt who has to store it in his vault as the house storage(too small) wont hold it efven though its my friggin house. And whats up with hooks I have a huge house and the whole main room is almost empty becasue i cant put anything there!!!!!!!!!!! it's all on the walls.

But im still playing and mostly enjoying it albeit a little less than pre moria
#139 Jul 16 2009 at 2:41 PM Rating: Decent
I started playing LOTRO during the beta phase before the official release. I have played it at random times since then with my most recent urge to play during the start of Free Week. I have the main game and expansion(I love the Warden class)
My friends are heavily into LOTR and its world, and I have been a fan since I was younger. The gmae is a great representation of the world, and a very fun game to play as well.

This past week I finally started using the Lore Book. That is the single best feature I have every seen in a MMO, and I have been playing MMOs for something like 10 years. Its so helpful to have right there for me ingame.

I hope to see more from this game in the future and even when not playing I get newsletters in my email as well as check the main site for upcoming updates to inspire me to pay for another month.
#140 Jul 16 2009 at 2:42 PM Rating: Decent
Hello everyone,

I started playing lotro about a week after its first launch. Mmo's were new to me so it was a little ruff starting out. After making a few friends and joining a guild I quickly got the hang of everything. Then, in no time at all I advanced to level 50. I tried to raid when ever I got the chance but found it too difficult and time consuming. With nothing left to do on my main character I started making new ones; but found it too boring. So I moved on to monster play and soon found the thrill and excitement I had when I first joined the game. It was amazing, no leveling, just pure pvp action. Turbine was really good about updating the moors and always had something new to add. I loved the way they engineered the moors so that there was always going to be some action going on. But sadly Turbine lost it. They started nerfing alot of the creep classes and the game soon lost its glory. Many creep players left the game and we soon found ourselves out numbered and beaten. I switched back to my freep character only to see everything I knew had changed. There were entirely new players in my kinship, none of my old in game friends were playing anymore, and the environment seemed more secluded. Before I remembered wonderful, friendly conversations in all chats and now nothing but gold spammers and wineing babies. I had enough of lotro. I watched the most wonderful game I had ever played deteriorate into mud. I left and never looked back. I got an email from an old friend telling me that lotro was having a grace period and leting all ex-players come back for 5 days. So I thought...what the heck, its been a year so why not give lotro another shot. After the grulling 8 hour download I found myself back into the lands of Middle Earth once again. What I saw made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. No gold spammers, the creeps were actually winning, and I saw some players lending a hand to the new players. I could not believe it! It was as though lotro did a complete 180 since I was gone. I quickly meet up with some pvp buddies to go test out moria. Turns out you have to buy the moria expansion to see them. This kinda pissed me off. So I spent my time in the moors killing some freeps...not a complete loss. In conclusion, I would definatly like a shot at getting back into lotro.
#141 Jul 16 2009 at 2:50 PM Rating: Decent
I have been playing since open beta and have loved every minute of it. I have gotten several of my friends over from World of Warcraft converted and loving it more than any other MMORPG. Every free content update seems to take leaps and bounds in the best direction possible. Mines of Moria was perfect for my play style as well. I love what turbine has done with this game and can't wait for more.
#142 Jul 16 2009 at 2:56 PM Rating: Decent
I am a recent new player to LOTRO, I've played just about every mmo out there and so far this one is pretty good, I've even played their other game DDO (Dungeons & Dragons online). I've made some new friends already, and am in a guild already within LOTRO they are called kinships. Although I've always been into RPG's and MMO's and whatnot, I never really got into the LOTR thing, I mean the movies were okay, I don't have a whole lot of backround on the lore, but playing the MMO is making me want to find out more. All in all I'd definatelly recommend anyone looking for an MMO weither a new player or old player to try this one out. One thing I almost forgot about, and I just got into it myself, so I dunno how big it is, but LOTRO has it's own little music system, you can actually download files off the net that are songs converted into something that will play in LOTRO, I dunno what the policy is about posting websites on the forum, so I would just say do a google search for LOTRO music and you will find several sites about it , and files to download to play...

Hope to see everyone in game.

#143 Jul 16 2009 at 2:58 PM Rating: Decent
OK Now for some news. Turbine Mines of Moria is the ultimate fail.

I have been playing since Beta A2. It was a great game back in the day of SOA Shadows of agmar. Crafing was great, you wanted the crafted items, weapons and what not.

Then we got mines of moria the ultimate fail. Why do I call it the ultimate fail
(1) The use of the nerf bat has been very liberal, we never had nerfs in SOA, now we have more nerfs than SOE has handed out.
(2) Customer service has went to the dogs.
(3) The game is a grind once you get to lothloren all there is is repeatable quests. I need more content.
(4) the game has become gear gated, so now your crafted gear is worthless
(5) the economy stinks
(6) GLFF is full of trolls from wow, as Lotro is trying to turn itself into wow.
(7) The mines of moria is just so dark I want more new content outside
(8) Bugs more stuff broken than works.

Long story short I have a lifetime account, its the only reason why I still play. I hope that Turbine reads this.

Edited, Jul 16th 2009 7:06pm by erictlewis
#144 Jul 16 2009 at 3:02 PM Rating: Decent
I have to give Turbine a mixed review.

Some will state this is the best mmo they've played. I would agree, it is the best I've played, but that doesn't mean its the best around.

Some will say the "free" content makes it better than other mmo's. Well, Turbine depends upon keeping existing players and enticing new ones to LOTRO, so I expect them to keep things fresh. Recent content has been lack luster and buggy in my view. It was worth what I paid for it, however (free, remember).

You also have to consider the numerous servers involved. The play environment will change, not necessarily the play, in each world. The server I use is fine for me, no complaints there. But there will be differences in player experiences.

Turbine's recently released content relies heavily upon large, repetitive raids at higher levels. Much time is expended waiting to find members and doing the same raid according to a formula, over and over to get some widget or token. Not fun in my opinion. I cannot imagine having to "grind" yet another character through the process. Nothing in the most recent updates has convinced me to play any of the 4 characters I have on the PvE side.

Looking for the fun Turbine has promised, I moved over to the monster (PvP) side of LOTRO a couple of months ago. It is more interesting and a lot different from the PvE side. I like being able to participate without having to beg for a slot in a raid/group. And, fighting a real person is a lot more interesting. If you like sparring on the PvE side you will like the PvP side - just remember the balance is skewed towards the character/freep player - so you will lose 1-to-1 fights for a VERY long time. I tried it using my PvE character, but really prefer being a monster player.

But here too I find major annoyances. The play "world" is very limited in scope. Quests are repetitive - more killing/collecting. One gets the impression monster players were designed to fight maximum level 50 free people players. This means only the highest ranked monster players can compete with level 60 "freep" players one-to-one. And, getting rank as a monster player takes a VERY long time.

My particular server is dominated by an exclusive "tribe" which locks their raids, won't communicate with the rest of the world, and hogs resources - freeps, keeps etc. Because of their size they can power rank other tribe members and characters, making them even more dominating. While this works well for those selected for their tribe, all new non-affiliated players are stuck trying to rank - mostly solo. One can only imagine the number of new and experienced monster players who have left PVP as a result. There are other tribes around, fortunately.

Turbine has promised to make the game "fun" and it is for new players. But for 2nd character players, and higher leveled players it becomes a chore... a "grind".

My level 60's sit around wondering why they exist. And my poor monster players wonder why they spend so much time in the rez circle. I don't have the heart to tell them its because Turbine doesn't love him, or that I'm too lame to play them effectively.

Bottom-line for me is - this is a fine game that has kept me coming back for about a year. The graphics are wonderful and my first character enjoyed exploration more than actual participation in quests. It has its problems, however.

I would recommend folks give the game a try. It is worth the monthly subscription, for a few months anyway.

#145 Jul 16 2009 at 3:10 PM Rating: Decent
I've been playing the game over the last 2 years and is also my first MMO. I really enjoy the landscapes of Middle Earth. I think turbine really hit the nail on this one. The storyline that your character follows for the most part is extremely enjoyable. I do wish some of them we more soloable but after finding a good kinship, getting a group together has been alot easier.

Things I'd like to see changed are the crafting for one and the other would be more higher end soloable quests. The crafting seems to lack really nice high end gear so you either get stuck with decent reward items or try and pug out a group to go after the really good stuff if you don't have a kinship to help.
#146 Jul 16 2009 at 3:12 PM Rating: Decent
I am currently playing LOTRO. I like most aspects of the game. What has won me over is interacting with characters I read about when I was in grade school. I love visiting a place that up ubtil two years ago, only existed in my mind. Most MMOs look the same to me, LOTRO included. LOTRO is the first one to take me to a place that a cherished as a child and put me in the stories I wished so desperately to be part of.
That is why I like to play LOTRO over all others.
#147 Jul 16 2009 at 3:12 PM Rating: Decent
this game is very good I have played WoW for about 3 years and I quit I for this game this game is way better than that old game. Iv been playing this game now for year. I have a lv 46 Captian, 21 hunter, 16 warden, and a lv 15 Champion.The crafting system is way better than all the other games that i have played in the past. This game even outdoes some of the PS3 games that I own. the only draw back is that the lving is slow. I just want to skip all the quests and go strait to moria. Theres alot of free content that you dont get on other games thats for sure. I cant wait till the next expansion come out.
#148 Jul 16 2009 at 3:13 PM Rating: Decent
A friend of mine was on me from the getgo to play LOTRO and I was very resistant to the MMORPG genera in general. I then picked up a WoW trial and played my two weeks. I can safely say that WoW is EW! in comparrison. The general game-play got me curious though. Caught up with him a few times and he showed me LOTRO and several of his toons. Even allowed me to roll a toon to play for a little while. Comming from a background where I had read Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit more then a decade prior to the movies and playing (A)D&D on numerous occasions as well. I must say, I was very curious. Enough to set aside a small budget for the game. I watched my local Target to see when the game when on sale. When it did (for $30, from $65) I picked it up and signed up. I've been playing now for about 4 months on my own, rolled a few different toons from different locations to get a feel. I must say, I'm hooked. I enjoy the game quite thoroughly. It's a nice escape from the woes of real life for a few hours a few times a week. I really enjoy the game and espect that by the time I get to Volume II, some of the negative comments I read would be worked out (these people have no life).
#149 Jul 16 2009 at 3:13 PM Rating: Decent
I've been playing LOTRO since the beta, and I have to say, it's held my interest more consistently than a large majority of the MMOs that I've played. To be honest, when I first signed up, I expected a roughshod knockoff of LOTR like so many other related products. Although it's not 100% canon, it does an excellent job of adhering to Tolkien's Legendarium. Although the storyline/quest formatting doesn't add anything particularly innovative to MMORPG genre, the writing shows that the developers had put more thought into it than in a great deal of MMOs.

The gameplay is quite easy to get used to, and is on par with the quintessential MMO of today. There is some grinding involved, but not nearly to the degree of the typical MMO. Furthermore, character progression, whilst requiring some effort, isn't constrained by a rigid, overly complex skill/trait/stat/etc. progression/leveling system, and one's character can be customised/redesigned at any time, providing that the appropriate amount of work has been done. The combat system requires a degree of strategy, but it is not too complex for the average gamer to succeed, and party combat is generally quite cohesive. I must say that whilst the game did have some difficulties at the beginning, the gameplay has improved dramatically over the last two years, especially in the monster play feature.

I will say that the best aspect of LOTRO is probably the fact that, compared to essentially all of the MMOs that I've played, the playerbase appears to be more mature overall. Compared to the MMOs I've played (and I've played a lot, ranging from the now-defunct and primitive Telnet MUDs to the large international MMORPGS of today), I've basically had a negligible number of encounters with obnoxious/hostile/etc. players. Indeed, this game has actually made it so that I don't avoid nearly everyone I'd otherwise be interacting with.
#150 Jul 16 2009 at 3:18 PM Rating: Decent
Do you play?


Have you tried the game?

Been playing it for almost a year. It was recommended by a friend and I was skeptical because I'd played WoW before (for like 2 days) and just was really confused on the gameplay. But I tried LOTRO on the trial and loved it! Thankfully, they had a special going on where I could get the lifetime membership for $200. So I bought it and have been playing almost daily since.

What do you like about it?

The thing I like the most about the game is the HUGE range of things to do. You can craft (of which there are several choices to choose from), work through every quest for maximum adventure, play many of the end-game instances, and so much more. I've created 5 characters, each with different crafting vocations, and I enjoy very much being able to switch between them whenever I want and play something different.

What don't you like about it?

There's not a whole lot that I don't like about it. However, I hate the fact that I don't have a good enough graphics card to play the game on max graphics settings, but that's nothing that anyone but myself can fix. (The graphics are still great for being on mid-level settings!)

Overall, this is probably the game that I could play till I die and not get bored of it! LOTRO ROCKS!!!
#151 Jul 16 2009 at 3:19 PM Rating: Decent
I have played alot of MMO's looking for the feeling I had when I played my first MMO and havnt found it until I started playing LOTRO. It has outstanding content and story. The graphics are incredible. I will say that when I first played beta I didnt like it and it wasnt until almost a year later that a friend had talked me into trying it again. For 3 months I played and had a blast. Unfortunatly my time became less and less and I started playing games like CoD and Aces high 2 because I could play in short bursts. Almost a year later I had a bit more time on my hands and wanted to get back to RPGMMO's. I reopened my SWG account and had fun for a short bit and then when back to Eve but that took more time than I had and finally I came accross my LOTRO disks aswell as my Age of connan disks. So there I sat pondering which game I would load up and it accured to me how unhappy I was with AoC so I loaded up LOTRO and havent looked back. Everything in the game is first rate. The player community is awesome and seems to be a bit older if not in age then in maturity. I have since came to the realization that I can play for 15 minutes or 4 hours and still have the gaming contentment in which I searched for for so long while still advancing. I say good on Turbine for a great game and tons of fun! Cheers!
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